Spirit Walker

Chapter 278: Star Dou 5 lottery

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The dazzling star map lit up from the feet of the five members of the mountain ghost camp, and immediately shrank, the star map was divided into five streamers, and merged into five bamboo sticks.

Bai Wu Taboo erected the bamboo stick and stared at the sign surface, only to see the streamer introverted, a line of small words quickly appeared on the sign surface, flashed like a slideshow, and imprinted on the minds of the five people holding the bamboo stick:

"Star Dou One Sign: Good luck!"

"Yuanshi Tianzun threw the heart of the forest, once the gem returned, all four formations were activated, the seal was activated, and the blood pool was completely isolated.

"Baiwu Taboo understood the crisis, opened the Gorefiend's bow to shoot at the heart of the forest, trying to prevent the gem from returning to the formation, his props have the ability to mark, and the bow must be hit, and Bai Wu Taboo is confident that he can shoot the wrong gem.

"However, Jiang Jingwei, who had seen the power of this item, threw a fireball and cast fire, ignorantly planning to intercept the Gorefiend's arrow with his flesh and blood at the critical moment, melted some ice cubes, and restored his ability to control water." I am the only one", erecting a wall of water, extinguishing Jiang Jingwei's fireball.

"The Gorefiend's arrow successfully hit the heart of the forest, preventing it from returning to the eye."

The signature flashed in his mind, Bai Wu Taboo took out the big red bow without hesitation, aimed at the heart of the forest that swept towards the palm of the stone sculpture, and drew the bow like a full moon.


The arrow whizzed away, drawing a red line in the air.

When it was, the scorching fireball smashed like a cannonball, hitting the only way to the arrow.

The fireball came from Jiang Jingwei. When Bai Wu Taboo took out the big bow, she had a super talent for fighting, and immediately realized the purpose of the opponent's behavior. Her body instinct was faster than her brain, and she threw out the fire ball.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Jingwei's body rose up with crimson flames, wrapping her.

Solitaire seemed to have anticipated this step. When Jiang Jingwei threw the fireball, he held up the Water God Seal and erected a wall of water on the trajectory of the fireball.

"Chichi" repeated, the fireball went out first before it exploded, and thick steam emerged.

The flames rose from Jiang Jingwei's body, but because he lost the medium of "fire", he burned into a loneliness and quickly dissipated. "Ding!"

The arrow condensed from the blood essence hit the green gemstone, and slanted it and flew out.

All this happened too quickly and suddenly. It seemed that there were no taboos and self-respect as if they had been rehearsed thousands of times. They didn't need to think or observe, and they blocked the return of the heart of the forest with incomparably tacit cooperation.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun, Guan Ya and others just reacted. Including Jiang Jingwei, her train of thought is still stuck in the use of fire to stop the arrows.

The enemy seemed to predict the future.

Yes, it is to predict the future.

The props used by the five people without taboos are called Star Dou Five Signs, which are rules-based props. They are props that combine the characteristics of star officials and a certain foreign occupation, and have the ability to predict the future.

To be precise, the prop can select the most beneficial route for the user from the countless changes in the future. The user can follow the instructions on the bamboo stick to make the future development perfectly meet their own expectations.

The future shown in the Star Dou Five Signs cannot be disturbed or changed.

This item comes from the dark night rose, which is an important item to kill Yuanshi Tianzun.

There are two costs for using it. One: the first four signs are for the user's upper sign, and the last sign is the lower sign.

In other words, the user must solve the enemy in the first four draws, otherwise, he will suffer a terrible backlash. Two: When using this item, the number of people present cannot exceed fifteen.

The explanation given by Dark Night Rose is that the more the number of people, the more complicated the cause and effect, and the greater the variables in the future. If there are more than 15 people, the Star Dou Five Signs will not be able to accurately calculate the future direction.

Therefore, in the ambush battle in the labyrinth forest, the mountain ghost camp did not use this prop, because the number of people at that time had exceeded the limit.

The same is true for the offensive and defensive battle of the mountain temple.

Otherwise, Hundred No Taboos will definitely use the Star Dou Five Signs decisively in the labyrinth forest to kill Yuanshi Tianzun, a confidant.

Killing him will complete half of the mission of this killing instance.

After killing him, how can the rabble of the mountain gods fight against them? However, it is not too late.

The heart of the forest tumbled and flew into the distance. Seeing this, Hongwei put up the bamboo stick and stared at the sign. The picture of the future, in the form of fonts, flashed in the minds of the five people like a slideshow:

"Xingdou Second Sign: Good luck!"

"Looking at the "Heart of the Forest" that was shot, Tianzun Yuanshi drove the spirit servants to compete. His spirit servants possessed the strength beyond the transcendent realm, which was one of his reliances. Fortunately, Hongwei's soul-snatching mirror , just able to restrain the spirit servant, she shone the mirror to the heart of the forest, and fixed the spirit servant of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Zhao Chenghuang performed Night Tour, quietly approaching the heart of the forest, trying to seize this quest item. Night Tour hides everyone's eyes, but I am the only one who rides the river, rolls up the waves, and has nowhere to hide.

"There are no taboos to aim at the opportunity, draw the bow and shoot two arrows in a row, which hit Zhao Chenghuang. The heart of the forest rolled to the ground and was snatched away by a little spirit servant who was good at hunting for treasures. Seeing this, Ah Yi fluttered his wings and chased after him, but was killed by Yuanshi Tianzun. , Guan Ya and Zhao Chenghuang's corpses were intercepted.

"The nine-leaf fish took the opportunity to chase the heart of the forest, but was blocked by Kou Beiyue, and the two sides fought to the death."

"They all fell for the trick. The little monster born by Ah Yi blocked the way of the little servant, and successfully frightened the other party and successfully won the gem." "The crisis of activation of the formation has been lifted."

The ghost bride appeared quietly and captured the heart of the forest in a state of being thrown away. She was just about to return to her husband with the mission items when a bright yellow mirror light shone on her impartially.

Hongwei seems to have predicted this step.

The ghost bride's body froze, frozen in mid-air.

The heart of the forest penetrated her body and continued to fly into the distance.

At the same time when Hongwei was shining in the mirror, I was the only one who manipulated the Water God Seal, and a wave rolled up on the ground, rolling forward overwhelmingly. With a "bang", the wave hit an invisible figure.

Almost at the same time, Bai Wu Taboo pulled the bow continuously, shooting two arrows condensed with blood essence, hitting Zhao Chenghuang in the distance.

The latter groaned, his chest stained with blood mist, his clothes and skin quickly festered, and his mouth

The corners ooze blood and seem to have suffered serious internal injuries.

Zhao Chenghuang was completely stunned. pat~

The heart of the forest landed, and immediately floated another ten centimeters, quickly drifting toward the other end of the park.

At the same time, Jiu Leuyu swept out with a knife and competed for the heart of the forest. He did not have the ability to predict the future, but it did not prevent him from making the right choice.

When Kou Beiyue saw this, he rushed out like a cheetah, kicked the nine-leaf fish back with a kick, and the two quickly started a head-to-head battle. "Buzz!"

According to the sign, Hajime fluttered his wings while manipulating the little monster to outflank the heart of the forest, chasing after the little spirit servant who was good at treasure hunting.

As expected, as soon as he took off, he was immediately besieged by Guan Ya, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the level 4 Infernal Corpse.

Hajime calmly spewed out a strong corrosive poison, and at the same time switched to a form with an earthworm-like ring on his skin. With his super vitality and self-healing power, he was entangled (beaten) with the three masters.

At this time, the three little monsters successfully flanked and surrounded the heart of the forest.

The green gems floated in the air, seemingly not knowing which way to break out.

One of the little monsters hissed and grinned, only to see the emerald stagnate for a while, and then fell to the ground. Zhang Yuanqing turned his head sharply, and saw Xiao Doubi, who was crying a lot, stroking his limbs and crawling towards him like a fly.

The heart of the forest was held by a little Gu beast.

Seeing this, Ah Yi quickly switched his form, spread out his elytra, flew high, passed Guan Ya and Yin Zhe, and joined the little Gu beast.

Zhang Yuanqing, Guan Ya and Zhao Chenghuang did not pursue, but looked at each other in amazement. Zhao Chenghuang took a deep breath:

"It's not right. They seem to have calculated all our actions. No matter what we do, we can predict in advance."

Guan Ya said in disbelief, "Predict the future?"

Zhang Yuanqing nodded solemnly: "It seems so."

They were not stupid. During the first round of confrontation, they hadn't figured out the specific situation. When the second round of confrontation was over, they saw through the secrets of the mountain ghost camp.

"What should I do?" Guan Ya asked in a low voice. Zhao Chenghuang frowned, thought for a few seconds, and said:

"This should be the ability of the star officer, but it's not entirely. As far as I know, the star officer has a certain ability to predict the future. It is said that if you cultivate to the highest level, you can see the direction of fate.

"However, this kind of prediction is vague. It predicts the general trend and is a symptom. If it is a rule-type prop, there is no way."

Zhang Yuanqing suddenly said: "It's like fortune telling?"

While speaking, he couldn't help thinking of Xia Houxin's death.

Zhao Chenghuang shook his head and nodded again: "It's a bit like, but right, when you become a star officer yourself, you will naturally understand if we can still be promoted to saints."

Brother, your words seem very pessimistic. Zhang Yuanqing's heart is heavy. After thinking about it, he said, "Get rid of the distracting thoughts in your heart and fight by instinct, can you avoid being predicted?"

Zhao Chenghuang glanced at him, "Predicting the future and reading minds are two different things." On the other side, I alone erected a bamboo stick and saw the future: "Xingdou Three Signs: Great luck!"

"After realizing that the mountain ghost camp can predict the future, Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhao Chenghuang and Guan Ya did not dare to act rashly, this is undoubtedly a good opportunity to put blood jade.

"I alone took the blood jade to the blood pool and tried to summon the monster in the pool. Seeing this, Yuanshi Tianzun used the Yin jade doll on him. This prop is a rule-type prop, which cannot be avoided or blocked. I alone failed to cast the blood jade. With the characteristics of a water ghost, it is reluctant to deal with the Yinyu doll.

"Seeing that his companions were blocked, Ah Yi flew to the blood pond, ready to throw the blood jade into it, Yuan Shi Tianzun once again released a large illusion, but fortunately, the good day was covered and the enemy's tricks were broken, and the six soul flag was used to destroy the illusion.

"The Yuanshi Tianzun, who failed to perform the old trick again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ used the yin and yang robes, used the fire line to shorten the distance, and trapped Ah Yi in the formation. At this time, the only self was controlled by the Yin jade doll, unable to put out the fire, and was Yuanshi Tianzun succeeded, but Ah Yi failed to cast the blood jade.

"There is no taboo to control the last piece of blood jade, and was brutally besieged by Guan Ya, Zhao Chenghuang, and Jiang Jingwei. In desperation, he had to throw the blood jade to the good minister to choose the master and kill him, and let him break through with the blood jade.

"The good minister chose his master and was immediately besieged by Zhao Chenghuang's corpse and Yuanshi Tianzun's spiritual servants, his life was hanging by a thread, however, the blood jade in his hand was an illusion, an illusion.

"Heavenly Venerate Yuanshi, who should have been careful, forgot to purify his companions because of his negligence, so that no one could see through the illusion. In fact, the real blood jade was thrown to Hongwei.

"At this time, there is no one in the mountain **** camp who can stop Hongwei. She successfully broke through with the blood jade and put it into the blood pool. "The supreme existence in the dark awakens! "

PS: The typo was changed first and then corrected.

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