Spirit Walker

Chapter 281: Points: All-time high

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Zhang Yuanqing's thoughts were chaotic all of a sudden, not a single thought was normal, and the emotions of killing, violence, and belligerence filled his mind.

Scarlet distorted runes lit up in his eyes, his eye sockets were pitch black, and the skin around his eyes showed lightning-like black fine lines.

He is clearly a night wandering god, but he has the tendency to transform into a bewitching demon.

He opened his mouth wide in pain, wanted to scream, wanted to ask for help, and suffered the pain of tearing his soul. 1

Just when Zhang Yuanqing felt that he had reached his limit and his body and soul were about to "explode", he heard the slightly rough breathing of the old clapper coming from his mind, as if he had just broken free from some terrible state.

In the next second, the sun mark on his forehead emitted scalding heat, a clear golden light penetrated the sea of ​​consciousness, the chaotic and violent consciousness was calmed down, and some kind of terrifying pollution was purified.

Was the old bangzi also shocked? If she was one step later, I would be dead. Zhang Yuanqing thought about what happened to those eyes just now.

What level of existence is that?

The body of the Blood Pond Demon God?

A very high-level BOSS in the spiritual realm? No, according to Lao Bangzi's reaction, it should be described as "the highest level". Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

With the help of the devil's remnant just now, the old bangzi spy on the devil's body in the opposite direction. As a result, the other party was just a look, so the old bangzi paid a certain price and made me almost die on the spot. Damn, she did it on purpose, using my flesh to do it such a risky move

Zhang Yuanqing felt deep "maliciousness" from this action of Lao Bangzi.

But what he said in his mouth was: "Niangniang is well? Niangniang, are you alright? As expected of the niangniang, you can actually find out the body of this monster in reverse. Exist, thank you madam~"

The old clapper fell silent, as if he didn't know how to answer, and after a while, with a "hmm" on the shelf, he reminded:

"What I saw just now is not allowed to be rumored. Don't recall it on weekdays, especially in the spiritual realm." "Junior understands."

"Next time we meet, this deity hopes to see your words and deeds unite."

Attitude was obviously better.

In the lingering voice, the primordial spirit of the Three Dao Mountain Empress quickly dissipated, and the prying eyes just now seemed to have exhausted her strength.

gone? Huh, I finally left. Dealing with such a big boss made me feel uneasy. Zhang Yuanqing found that he had regained control of his body and confirmed that Lao Bangzi had left.

Although Old Bangzi was gone, the power from the sacrifice did not disappear immediately, and declined at a constant rate.

Without Lao Bangzi, he has become the heir of the powerful Sun Divine Power in his body. This power originates from the imprint of the blazing sun on his forehead, which connects to his sea of ​​consciousness, and is under his control. {

He tried to communicate the mark on his forehead with his spiritual body, compressing the divine power of the sun at his fingertips, and with a "chi" sound, three-foot-long golden flames spewed out.

As soon as his thoughts changed, the divine power of the sun turned into swords, spears, swords and bows according to his thoughts, changing his form at will.

It is strange that this power is not unfamiliar to him, but has an indescribable familiarity.

27. Probably because you often use the magic pestle, your body is used to the divine power of the sun?

Zhang Yuanqing did not continue the experience. With the fierce sun printed on his eyebrows, he immediately looked at the exit of the park.

He still has a lot to do before he loses his power completely.

At this time, the plants in the park were eroded by the power of the blazing sun and burned to ashes, and several carbonized trees stood bare and smoked.

At the exit of the park, Zhao Chenghuang, Jiang Jingwei and Kou Beiyue were confronting Baiwuyou and others.

Guan Ya guards Ryo Asano, who has lost too much blood and is unconscious.

Zhang Yuanqing rode a scorching wind, whistling across the devastated park, and came to the sky above the crowd, overlooking the mountain ghost camp.

In the raging scorching wind, the six people from the mountain ghost camp retreated one after another, like mice cornered in a corner, their faces were bloodless, and their eyes were like people at the end of the road, only despair.

Zhang Yuanqing stretched his right arm forward, spraying golden light on his palm, forming a big bow.

Pulling open the bowstring, aiming at the hundred no taboos, he said, "What are your last words?"

Bai Wu Taboo took a "bah" and said viciously: "You are so open, I refuse to accept it!"

He has hard bones, he doesn't beg for mercy, and some are only unwilling.

This time, the killing dungeon was clearly won by the mountain ghost camp. The moment the Demon God of Blood Pond was summoned, the "development" of the dungeon had reached its limit, and they were the ones who won.

"This is also the power that I exchanged for my life. If the use of power other than the copy belongs to the open hanging, then it is open hanging."

I was ready to say that it was Zhang Yuanqing, who had paid his respects at Natou, and added in his heart.

He pulled the bowstring, and the dazzling golden light spewed from his fingertips, condensing into a brilliant arrow.

Hundreds of no taboos, no more nonsense, hold your head up, and die calmly.

In the years since he became a Spirit Realm Walker, he has killed many people, and was almost killed many times.

If you lose, you lose, and it has been the case since ancient times.

"call out!"

The arrow turned into a beam of light, instantly piercing through the unrestricted chest.

In the next second, golden flames erupted from his body, his flesh melted and burned into a pile of white bones.

Ah Yi had a fierce expression on his face. He was different from Bai Wu Taboo, who was extremely weak, and he still had the strength to resist.

The elytra spread out and soared into the sky, trying to slay the Yuanshi Tianzun and fight the trapped beasts.

But as soon as his body took off, a scorching gust of wind rushed towards his face, and Ah Yi felt his cheeks get hot, and then he lost consciousness and all thoughts disappeared.

A scalding skeleton fell and fell to pieces on the ground.

The top of the most wanted list has returned to the spiritual realm.

Seeing that Zhang Yuanqing solved Baiwu Taboo and Ah Yi quickly, only I was the only one who sacrificed the Water God Seal under the trend of survival instinct.


The sound of water rushing and the white waves rolling, he rode the surging water and fled towards the blood pool.

Zhang Yuanqing pulled the bow and arrow, and immediately released his fingers, and the arrow chased the target and penetrated into the water.

The golden light bloomed in the river water, with a thunderous sound, dozens of tons of river water evaporated in an instant, and the dense steam curled up Nana and floated to the sky.

After killing three people in a row, Zhang Yuanqing stopped drawing his bow, and a faint golden light popped out from his fingers, igniting the nine-leaf fish and burning him to dying coke. "Sister Guan Ya!"

He looked at Guan Ya, who had the lowest score present.

Lao Siji nodded slightly, grabbed the pistol from the inventory, aimed at the nine leak fish, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang" twice, the scorched black humanoid burst into blood, and then stopped struggling.

"Yuan, Yuanshi Tianzun" Hongwei's pretty face turned pale, took a deep breath, and said:

"You said that as long as you are willing to rely on the government, your promise will be useful until the last moment, but it still counts?"

She doesn't want to die.

Bai Wu Tabu is the leader of the team and an evil profession with a lot of criminal records. He knows that he can't survive, but Hong Wei believes that she is not a person who kills indiscriminately. She wants to try, in order to survive, give it a try. Zhang Yuanqing asked:

"Will you give up if I beg for mercy when you throw in the blood jade?"

Hongwei was stunned for a moment, knowing the determination of Yuanshi Tianzun, and said with a miserable smile:

"I understand"

She won't, so Yuanshi Tianzun won't either.

The golden light flashed away, and the red face turned into bones.

If you spared you, it would be disrespecting Zhang Yuanqing, his teammates who were born and dying, and glanced at Hongwei's bones, and then pulled the bowstring at the little fat man.

"Yuanshi Tianzun!"

Kou Beiyue hurried out and shouted. Zhang Yuanqing looked back at him

Kou Beiyue murmured for a while, "Yes, can you let him go?"

Zhang Yuanqing said in his heart, are you kidding me? I just said that forgiveness is disrespect to teammates

Kou Beiyue is not good at begging for help, so he pleaded with an unnatural expression: "I have helped you so much. For my sake, how about letting him go." Zhang Yuanqing frowned and said:

"Because he's your first little brother?"

How do you know that Kou Beiyue almost blurted out, his thin-skinned chin raised his chin instinctively, "I just don't think he's a bad person, no, he's not completely bad."

Zhang Yuanqing thought for a while and said, "Yes, but when you divide the spoils later, you will lose your share."

Kou Beiyue deserves credit, and it is Zhang Yuanqing's respect for this teammate by exchanging the credit for the little fat man's life.

Kou Beiyue breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "No problem, I'm not interested in these props anyway."

The little fat man stared at Kou Beiyue blankly, his lips moved slightly: "Boss"

Just as he was about to say something, he saw Yuanshi Tianzun in mid-air pop out a faint golden light, hitting his chest.

The little fat man immediately burst into golden flames, he fell to the ground and rolled, screaming, until the breath was dying, the surface was charred black, and the flames went out.

"You guard him." Zhang Yuanqing looked at Kou Beiyue.

This little fat man is very strong, he can't let the other party's activities intact in the dungeon, and there is still about a day before the end of the dungeon.

Kou Beiyue hurriedly rushed to the little fat man to confirm that he was not seriously injured before he let out a sigh of relief.

He interceded for the little fat man. It was indeed the first time he was the boss. It was inevitable that he had some kind of loyalty. Along the way, the little fat man had repeatedly stood up for him and was diligent and diligent as his younger brother.

And through the two days of contact, he felt that Little Fatty was not a sinister and evil person with a distorted personality.

So I can't bear to let him die here.

After solving all the enemies, Zhang Yuanqing rolled up the blood-colored longbow with no taboos; the bronze mirror of Hongwei; the seal of the **** of water, which is unique to me; the double knives of the nine leak fish.

He left behind the blood-colored longbow, threw the three props behind him, and said, "Zhao Chenghuang, Sister Guan Ya, and Jingwei, you can choose one."

Guan Ya took the double sword without hesitation, while Zhao Chenghuang picked out the most valuable Water God Seal, Jiang Jingwei had no choice, the bronze mirror belonged to her.

After distributing the spoils, Zhang Yuanqing drew his bow again into a full moon, and shot a brilliant golden light towards the exit of the park.


The entire park vibrated violently, the invisible prohibition was broken, and a gust of wind blew up on the ground.

Shooting this arrow, the divine power of the sun contained in Zhang Yuanqing's body was finally exhausted.

He fell from the air, his limbs were sore, his spirit was lethargic, and a strong exhaustion gushed out of his body.

As a container for inheriting the divine power of the sun, just accommodating this power will overwhelm the body of the Transcendent Realm, causing negative effects such as overdraft, weakness, and burning pain.

At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps came from outside the park.

A group of people rushed into the park, the night wandering gods of Taiyimen, the colleagues of the Five Elements Alliance, and the loose cultivators led by Guan Zhongjianbao and the undead knight, a total of thirty people from the mountain **** camp swarmed.

Having witnessed the great battle with their own eyes, they have passed through the initial excitement and ecstasy, but they can still see the joy of surviving in a desperate situation on their faces.

Everyone stared at Yuanshi Tianzun, and the man's eyes flashed with admiration and gratitude.

The admiration and adoration in the eyes of women are more obvious and more undisguised.

They all saw the scene of Yuanshi Tianzun incarnating into the scorching sun and beheading the Blood Pond Demon God. Although they don't know how this young man did it, there is no doubt that he reversed the situation in a desperate situation, and everyone survived because of him. .

This slaughter instance is a rare instance of slaughter that was killed by evil occupations since the spiritual realm was recorded.

Mom, I'm exhausted. I really want to sleep. Zhang Yuanqing looked at everyone and spoke first:

"There are still nine fish that slipped through the net in the mountain ghost camp. They have already absconded. You can hunt them yourself to get points, but I have two requirements. One, you must form a team of five, and the distance between each team cannot be too far. To ensure timely support. Second, not because of strife.

"How to distribute the benefits, you discuss it yourself, do you understand!"

"Understood!" The crowd responded in unison.

Excitement climbed on their faces again, and the Law Walkers who did not have enough points to make it into the top twenty-four places were already impatient.

The Killing Mountain Ghost camp can not only get points, but also divide up the places vacated after their death.

The quota of twenty-four saints in this slaughter instance will all belong to the lawful faction. Based on this alone, the achievements of Yuanshi Tianzun are enough to shock the entire official.

"Sister Guan Ya, you stay here." After Zhang Yuanqing instructed the long-legged royal sister, he said to Zhao Chenghuang:

"Please lead them and control the scene."

Zhao Chenghuang saw that his expression was wrong, and nodded slightly.

After everyone left, Zhang Yuanqing lay back, lying on the ground covered with black and gray, "I'm too tired, I want to sleep for a while, Sister Guan Ya, hehe, pillow"

Guan Ya made a "bah", but still came over, knelt on the ground, raised Zhang Yuanqing's head, and placed it on her round and soft thigh.

"Your points have broken the record!" Guan Ya said softly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"How much?" Zhang Yuanqing murmured.

Guan Ya was about to speak when she found that the guy enjoying her beautiful legs was already snoring like thunder.

"The overall situation is set!"

The dog elder said.

When talking, the elder's Doudou's eyes looked like the King of Fear. If it wasn't for the dog's claws and clapping, he wouldn't mind provoking the female marshal again, just like the King of Fear had stimulated.

"Not bad, the Yuanshi Tianzun group destroys the evil camp, no matter what, it must be an A-level merit, and I will give him one when I look back." The red-haired elder clapped and laughed, his arrogance, like a villain who is proud of himself. The other two elders of the Chihuo Gang laughed with their hands on their hips:

"Yuanshi Tianzun directly swept away the extraordinary wanted list, and should be rewarded with S-rank, let's just promote him as an elder."

Excellent fire masters never need to control their emotions, just as flames never restrain their light and heat, wantonly and publicity, only in line with the characteristics of fire masters.

The other elders will be more restrained, or look relieved, or smile while stroking their beards, and their faces are cloudy and clear.

The female marshal stared at the slaughter copy of the Transcendent Realm. It had been a long time since she paid attention to the battle of the saints. Since the Sandaoshan Empress Yuanshen descended to the park, her eyes have not been taken away.

—Although the ancient Japanese wandering **** had just left.

The elders knew that the marshal was in a good mood. "Fear, remember to bring the rules items." The female marshal said.

The Fear King's aching face twitched, shaking his head and sighing:

“It’s a pity it’s a pity”

The leader of the nihilistic sect was silent for a few seconds, then slowly said:

"Time is also fate."

As one of the world's highest-ranking spiritual practitioners, the sect leader calmly accepted such a result.

Behind the three leaders, the masters of the evil organization, although they are not desperate, but so many excellent seeds died in the copy, it still feels so painful that it is hard to breathe.

In particular, the elders of some members of the psionic society even had the urge to go to Songhai to hunt and kill Yuanshi Tianzun.

Ah Yi's status in the psionic society is equivalent to Yuanshi Tianzun's status in the Five Elements Alliance, which is an elite who has been cultivated to high levels.

When Zhang Yuan woke up, it was already dark.

"I'm still a little tired." He sat up, stretched his waist, and asked, "How long have I slept."

He should have slept enough, but his body was still languid and his hands and feet were sore and weak.

Guan Ya rolled his eyes and said:

"Quickly put the copy to sleep! After dawn, we can leave the copy."

I slept all day and night? No wonder his bladder was a little swollen, Zhang Yuanqing thought to himself, when he saw the devastated park space, sitting cross-legged with spiritual practitioners.

Get together in twos, or curl up to rest, or talk in a low voice, or eat barbecue.

They sat on the blackened ruins, like refugees who survived the battle.

The war is over, and a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere pervades among people.

Guan Ya whispered:

"In the future, these saints will be your natural allies and contacts. Yuanshi, you have initially accumulated your own network in the officialdom. These people are very important to you."

Let's endure first, Zhang Yuanqing calmly clamped his legs, "Sister Guan Ya is the most important to me."

Guan Ya smiled like a flower: "Really, Ning Caichen!!"

What? ! Zhang Yuanqing was taken aback.

"Can you explain, that female ghost called your husband?" Guan Ya's smile was beautiful, but there was a danger.

"Sister Guan Ya, this is the setting of a spirit servant. You can't take it seriously. Well, the moon tonight is really beautiful. Let me see the scoreboard first."

He hurriedly opened the standings.

After killing the four of them, his points reached an astounding 1528 points. broke an all-time high.

In addition, the points of the entire dungeon are limited. He has accumulated 1528 points by himself, and the points of others are generally lower than the average level.

And because most of the official walkers were protected, the number of survivors in the lawful camp was higher than in the previous killing dungeons, and fewer people died. After the points were evenly divided, everyone's points were not too high.

Thanks to the old bangzi, I will keep the demon pestle for you for a while. Zhang Yuanqing silently thanked Sandaoshan Niangniang in his heart. boom!

Zhang Yuanqing's thoughts were chaotic all of a sudden, not a single thought was normal, and the emotions of killing, violence, and belligerence filled his mind.

Scarlet distorted runes lit up in his eyes, his eye sockets were pitch black, and the skin around his eyes showed lightning-like black fine lines.

He is clearly a night wandering god, but he has the tendency to transform into a bewitching demon.

He opened his mouth wide in pain, wanted to scream, wanted to ask for help, and suffered the pain of tearing his soul. 1

Just when Zhang Yuanqing felt that he had reached his limit and his body and soul were about to "explode", he heard the slightly rough breathing of the old clapper coming from his mind, as if he had just broken free from some terrible state.

In the next second, the sun mark on his forehead emitted scalding heat, a clear golden light penetrated the sea of ​​consciousness, the chaotic and violent consciousness was calmed down, and some kind of terrifying pollution was purified.

Was the old bangzi also shocked? If she was one step later, I would be dead. Zhang Yuanqing thought about what happened to those eyes just now.

What level of existence is that?

The body of the Blood Pond Demon God?

A very high-level BOSS in the spiritual realm? No, according to Lao Bangzi's reaction, it should be described as "the highest level".

With the help of the devil's remnant just now, the old bangzi spy on the devil's body in the opposite direction. As a result, the other party was just a look, so the old bangzi paid a certain price and made me almost die on the spot. Damn, she did it on purpose, using my flesh to do it such a risky move

Zhang Yuanqing felt deep "maliciousness" from this action of Lao Bangzi.

But what he said in his mouth was: "Niangniang is well? Niangniang, are you alright? As expected of the niangniang, you can actually find out the body of this monster in reverse. Exist, thank you madam~"

The old clapper fell silent, as if he didn't know how to answer, and after a while, with a "hmm" on the shelf, he reminded:

"What I saw just now is not allowed to be rumored. Don't recall it on weekdays, especially in the spiritual realm." "Junior understands."

"Next time we meet, this deity hopes to see your words and deeds unite."

Attitude was obviously better.

In the lingering voice, the primordial spirit of the Three Dao Mountain Empress quickly dissipated, and the prying eyes just now seemed to have exhausted her strength.

gone? Huh, I finally left. Dealing with such a big boss made me feel uneasy. Zhang Yuanqing found that he had regained control of his body and confirmed that Lao Bangzi had left.

Although Old Bangzi was gone, the power from the sacrifice did not disappear immediately, and declined at a constant rate.

Without Lao Bangzi, he has become the heir of the powerful Sun Divine Power in his body. This power originates from the imprint of the blazing sun on his forehead, which connects to his sea of ​​consciousness, and is under his control. {

He tried to communicate the mark on his forehead with his spiritual body, compressing the divine power of the sun at his fingertips, and with a "chi" sound, three-foot-long golden flames spewed out.

As soon as his thoughts changed, the divine power of the sun turned into swords, spears, swords and bows according to his thoughts, changing his form at will.

It is strange that this power is not unfamiliar to him, but has an indescribable familiarity.

27. Probably because you often use the magic pestle, your body is used to the divine power of the sun?

Zhang Yuanqing did not continue the experience. With the fierce sun printed on his eyebrows, he immediately looked at the exit of the park.

He still has a lot to do before he loses his power completely.

At this time, the plants in the park were eroded by the power of the blazing sun and burned to ashes, and several carbonized trees stood bare and smoked.

At the exit of the park, Zhao Chenghuang, Jiang Jingwei and Kou Beiyue were confronting Baiwuyou and others.

Guan Ya guards Ryo Asano, who has lost too much blood and is unconscious.

Zhang Yuanqing rode a scorching wind, whistling across the devastated park, and came to the sky above the crowd, overlooking the mountain ghost camp.

In the raging scorching wind, the six people from the mountain ghost camp retreated one after another, like mice cornered in a corner, their faces were bloodless, and their eyes were like people at the end of the road, only despair.

Zhang Yuanqing stretched his right arm forward, spraying golden light on his palm, forming a big bow.

Pulling open the bowstring, aiming at the hundred no taboos, he said, "What are your last words?"

Bai Wu Taboo took a "bah" and said viciously: "You are so open, I refuse to accept it!"

He has hard bones, he doesn't beg for mercy, and some are only unwilling.

This time, the killing dungeon was clearly won by the mountain ghost camp. The moment the Demon God of Blood Pond was summoned, the "development" of the dungeon had reached its limit, and they were the ones who won.

"This is also the power that I exchanged for my life. If the use of power other than the copy belongs to the open hanging, then it is open hanging."

I was ready to say that it was Zhang Yuanqing, who had paid his respects at Natou, and added in his heart.

He pulled the bowstring, and the dazzling golden light spewed from his fingertips, condensing into a brilliant arrow.

Hundreds of no taboos, no more nonsense, hold your head up, and die calmly.

In the years since he became a Spirit Realm Walker, he has killed many people, and was almost killed many times.

If you lose, you lose, and it has been the case since ancient times.

"call out!"

The arrow turned into a beam of light, instantly piercing through the unrestricted chest.

In the next second, golden flames erupted from his body, his flesh melted and burned into a pile of white bones.

Ah Yi had a fierce expression on his face. He was different from Bai Wu Taboo, who was extremely weak, and he still had the strength to resist.

The elytra spread out and soared into the sky, trying to slay the Yuanshi Tianzun and fight the trapped beasts.

But as soon as his body took off, a scorching gust of wind rushed towards his face, and Ah Yi felt his cheeks get hot, and then he lost consciousness and all thoughts disappeared.

A scalding skeleton fell and fell to pieces on the ground.

The top of the most wanted list has returned to the spiritual realm.

Seeing that Zhang Yuanqing solved Baiwu Taboo and Ah Yi quickly, only I was the only one who sacrificed the Water God Seal under the trend of survival instinct.


The sound of water rushing and the white waves rolling, he rode the surging water and fled towards the blood pool.

Zhang Yuanqing pulled the bow and arrow, and immediately released his fingers, and the arrow chased the target and penetrated into the water.

The golden light bloomed in the river water, with a thunderous sound, dozens of tons of river water evaporated in an instant, and the dense steam curled up Nana and floated to the sky.

After killing three people in a row, Zhang Yuanqing stopped drawing his bow, and a faint golden light popped out from his fingers, igniting the nine-leaf fish and burning him to dying coke. "Sister Guan Ya!"

He looked at Guan Ya, who had the lowest score present.

Lao Siji nodded slightly, grabbed the pistol from the inventory, aimed at the nine leak fish, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang" twice, the scorched black humanoid burst into blood, and then stopped struggling.

"Yuan, Yuanshi Tianzun" Hongwei's pretty face turned pale, took a deep breath, and said:

"You said that as long as you are willing to rely on the government, your promise will be useful until the last moment, but it still counts?"

She doesn't want to die.

Bai Wu Tabu is the leader of the team and an evil profession with a lot of criminal records. He knows that he can't survive, but Hong Wei believes that she is not a person who kills indiscriminately. She wants to try, in order to survive, give it a try. Zhang Yuanqing asked:

"Will you give up if I beg for mercy when you throw in the blood jade?"

Hongwei was stunned for a moment, knowing the determination of Yuanshi Tianzun, and said with a miserable smile:

"I understand"

She won't, so Yuanshi Tianzun won't either.

The golden light flashed away, and the red face turned into bones.

If you spared you, it would be disrespecting Zhang Yuanqing, his teammates who were born and dying, and glanced at Hongwei's bones, and then pulled the bowstring at the little fat man.

"Yuanshi Tianzun!"

Kou Beiyue hurried out and shouted. Zhang Yuanqing looked back at him

Kou Beiyue murmured for a while, "Yes, can you let him go?"

Zhang Yuanqing said in his heart, are you kidding me? I just said that forgiveness is disrespect to teammates

Kou Beiyue is not good at begging for help, so he pleaded with an unnatural expression: "I have helped you so much. For my sake, how about letting him go." Zhang Yuanqing frowned and said:

"Because he's your first little brother?"

How do you know that Kou Beiyue almost blurted out, his thin-skinned chin raised his chin instinctively, "I just don't think he's a bad person, no, he's not completely bad."

Zhang Yuanqing thought for a while and said, "Yes, but when you divide the spoils later, you will lose your share."

Kou Beiyue deserves credit, and it is Zhang Yuanqing's respect for this teammate by exchanging the credit for the little fat man's life.

Kou Beiyue breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "No problem, I'm not interested in these props anyway."

The little fat man stared at Kou Beiyue blankly, his lips moved slightly: "Boss"

Just as he was about to say something, he saw Yuanshi Tianzun in mid-air pop out a faint golden light, hitting his chest.

The little fat man immediately burst into golden flames, he fell to the ground and rolled, screaming, until the breath was dying, the surface was charred black, and the flames went out.

"You guard him." Zhang Yuanqing looked at Kou Beiyue.

This little fat man is very strong, he can't let the other party's activities intact in the dungeon, and there is still about a day before the end of the dungeon.

Kou Beiyue hurriedly rushed to the little fat man to confirm that he was not seriously injured before he let out a sigh of relief.

He interceded for the little fat man. It was indeed the first time he was the boss. It was inevitable that he had some kind of loyalty. Along the way, the little fat man had repeatedly stood up for him and was diligent and diligent as his younger brother.

And through the two days of contact, he felt that Little Fatty was not a sinister and evil person with a distorted personality.

So I can't bear to let him die here.

After solving all the enemies, Zhang Yuanqing rolled up the blood-colored longbow with no taboos; the bronze mirror of Hongwei; the seal of the **** of water, which is unique to me; the double knives of the nine leak fish.

He left behind the blood-colored longbow, threw the three props behind him, and said, "Zhao Chenghuang, Sister Guan Ya, and Jingwei, you can choose one."

Guan Ya took the double sword without hesitation, while Zhao Chenghuang picked out the most valuable Water God Seal, Jiang Jingwei had no choice, the bronze mirror belonged to her.

After distributing the spoils, Zhang Yuanqing drew his bow again into a full moon, and shot a brilliant golden light towards the exit of the park.


The entire park vibrated violently, the invisible prohibition was broken, and a gust of wind blew up on the ground.

Shooting this arrow, the divine power of the sun contained in Zhang Yuanqing's body was finally exhausted.

He fell from the air, his limbs were sore, his spirit was lethargic, and a strong exhaustion gushed out of his body.

As a container for inheriting the divine power of the sun, just accommodating this power will overwhelm the body of the Transcendent Realm, causing negative effects such as overdraft, weakness, and burning pain.

At this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps came from outside the park.

A group of people rushed into the park, the night wandering gods of Taiyimen, the colleagues of the Five Elements Alliance, and the loose cultivators led by Guan Zhongjianbao and the undead knight, a total of thirty people from the mountain **** camp swarmed.

Having witnessed the great battle with their own eyes, they have passed through the initial excitement and ecstasy, but they can still see the joy of surviving in a desperate situation on their faces.

Everyone stared at Yuanshi Tianzun, and the man's eyes flashed with admiration and gratitude.

The admiration and adoration in the eyes of women are more obvious and more undisguised.

They all saw the scene of Yuanshi Tianzun incarnating into the scorching sun and beheading the Blood Pond Demon God. Although they don't know how this young man did it, there is no doubt that he reversed the situation in a desperate situation, and everyone survived because of him. .

This slaughter instance is a rare instance of slaughter that was killed by evil occupations since the spiritual realm was recorded.

Mom, I'm exhausted. I really want to sleep. Zhang Yuanqing looked at everyone and spoke first:

"There are still nine fish that slipped through the net in the mountain ghost camp. They have already absconded. You can hunt them yourself to get points, but I have two requirements. One, you must form a team of five, and the distance between each team cannot be too far. To ensure timely support. Second, not because of strife.

"How to distribute the benefits, you discuss it yourself, do you understand!"

"Understood!" The crowd responded in unison.

Excitement climbed on their faces again, and the Law Walkers who did not have enough points to make it into the top twenty-four places were already impatient.

The Killing Mountain Ghost camp can not only get points, but also divide up the places vacated after their death.

The quota of twenty-four saints in this slaughter instance will all belong to the lawful faction. Based on this alone, the achievements of Yuanshi Tianzun are enough to shock the entire official.

"Sister Guan Ya, you stay here." After Zhang Yuanqing instructed the long-legged royal sister, he said to Zhao Chenghuang:

"Please lead them and control the scene."

Zhao Chenghuang saw that his expression was wrong, and nodded slightly.

After everyone left, Zhang Yuanqing lay back, lying on the ground covered with black and gray, "I'm too tired, I want to sleep for a while, Sister Guan Ya, hehe, pillow"

Guan Ya made a "bah", but still came over, knelt on the ground, raised Zhang Yuanqing's head, and placed it on her round and soft thigh.

"Your points have broken the record!" Guan Ya said softly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"How much?" Zhang Yuanqing murmured.

Guan Ya was about to speak when she found that the guy enjoying her beautiful legs was already snoring like thunder.

"The overall situation is set!"

The dog elder said.

When talking, the elder's Doudou's eyes looked like the King of Fear. If it wasn't for the dog's claws and clapping, he wouldn't mind provoking the female marshal again, just like the King of Fear had stimulated.

"Not bad, the Yuanshi Tianzun group destroys the evil camp, no matter what, it must be an A-level merit, and I will give him one when I look back." The red-haired elder clapped and laughed, his arrogance, like a villain who is proud of himself. The other two elders of the Chihuo Gang laughed with their hands on their hips:

"Yuanshi Tianzun directly swept away the extraordinary wanted list, and should be rewarded with S-rank, let's just promote him as an elder."

Excellent fire masters never need to control their emotions, just as flames never restrain their light and heat, wantonly and publicity, only in line with the characteristics of fire masters.

The other elders will be more restrained, or look relieved, or smile while stroking their beards, and their faces are cloudy and clear.

The female marshal stared at the slaughter copy of the Transcendent Realm. It had been a long time since she paid attention to the battle of the saints. Since the Sandaoshan Empress Yuanshen descended to the park, her eyes have not been taken away.

—Although the ancient Japanese wandering **** had just left.

The elders knew that the marshal was in a good mood. "Fear, remember to bring the rules items." The female marshal said.

The Fear King's aching face twitched, shaking his head and sighing:

“It’s a pity it’s a pity”

The leader of the nihilistic sect was silent for a few seconds, then slowly said:

"Time is also fate."

As one of the world's highest-ranking spiritual practitioners, the sect leader calmly accepted such a result.

Behind the three leaders, the masters of the evil organization, although they are not desperate, but so many excellent seeds died in the copy, it still feels so painful that it is hard to breathe.

In particular, the elders of some members of the psionic society even had the urge to go to Songhai to hunt and kill Yuanshi Tianzun.

Ah Yi's status in the psionic society is equivalent to Yuanshi Tianzun's status in the Five Elements Alliance, which is an elite who has been cultivated to high levels.

When Zhang Yuan woke up, it was already dark.

"I'm still a little tired." He sat up, stretched his waist, and asked, "How long have I slept."

He should have slept enough, but his body was still languid and his hands and feet were sore and weak.

Guan Ya rolled his eyes and said:

"Quickly put the copy to sleep! After dawn, we can leave the copy."

I slept all day and night? No wonder his bladder was a little swollen, Zhang Yuanqing thought to himself, when he saw the devastated park space, sitting cross-legged with spiritual practitioners.

Get together in twos, or curl up to rest, or talk in a low voice, or eat barbecue.

They sat on the blackened ruins, like refugees who survived the battle.

The war is over, and a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere pervades among people.

Guan Ya whispered:

"In the future, these saints will be your natural allies and contacts. Yuanshi, you have initially accumulated your own network in the officialdom. These people are very important to you."

Let's endure first, Zhang Yuanqing calmly clamped his legs, "Sister Guan Ya is the most important to me."

Guan Ya smiled like a flower: "Really, Ning Caichen!!"

What? ! Zhang Yuanqing was taken aback.

"Can you explain, that female ghost called your husband?" Guan Ya's smile was beautiful, but there was a danger.

"Sister Guan Ya, this is the setting of a spirit servant. You can't take it seriously. Well, the moon tonight is really beautiful. Let me see the scoreboard first."

He hurriedly opened the standings.

After killing the four of them, his points reached an astounding 1528 points. broke an all-time high.

In addition, the points of the entire dungeon are limited. He has accumulated 1528 points by himself, and the points of others are generally lower than the average level.

And because most of the official walkers were protected, the number of survivors in the lawful camp was higher than in the previous killing dungeons, and fewer people died. After the points were evenly divided, everyone's points were not too high.

Thanks to the old bangzi, I will keep the demon pestle for you for a while. Zhang Yuanqing silently thanked Sandaoshan Niangniang in his heart.

This situation is an isolated case, and it is difficult to replicate that.

After all, like the marshal and the devil, the arrogant sons of the sky, in the supernatural realm, it is impossible to enter the enemy camp seven times and kill them indiscriminately.

After reading the standings, he was quite satisfied with the rankings, and all the companions he cared about were on the list.

Of the twenty-four Saint Realm places, twenty-two were lawful occupations, and the remaining two were occupied by Kou Beiyue and Little Fatty.

The lawful professions who killed the red-eyed hunted down the people from the nine mountain ghost camps. They planned to kill Kou Beiyue and Little Fatty and plunder their points, but Zhao Chenghuang stopped them.

Only when I asked, did I know that these two were left by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Although disappointed and even a little reluctant, no one dared to "disobey" the famous Yuanshi Tianzun now.

Kou Beiyue and Little Fatty were guarded in the corner by Jiang Jingwei, Zhao Chenghuang, and Sun Miaomiao.

Ryo Asano, who lost too much blood, was treated effectively with the help of the wood demon. Except for the broken legs, there was nothing serious.

At this time, she was surrounded by Peony Fairy and others, and the little girl who was born and died for everyone was greatly praised.

Although Asano's cool leg was broken, the person was floating. She never dreamed that she would one day detonate the audience in the killing dungeon.

There is no need to say goodbye to "Odusang" and "Ogasang", and the promotion of saints has become a certainty.

1 Holy one, how many saints are there in the island? As young as she is, she can count on one hand.

Time passed quickly, dawn came, the dawn broke through the night, and the sun shyly revealed a corner in the east.

The spirit world walkers who were full of anticipation finally received the quest prompt:

【Ding! The main quest has been completed, and the reward points are 100 points. 】

【Ding! Points settlement in progress]

[1: Yuanshi Tianzun, Yeyoushen, level 3, 1638 points]

[2: Zhao Chenghuang, Yeyoushen, Level 3, 580 points]

[3: Kou Beiyue, water ghost, level 3, 420 points]

[4: Asano Ryo, water ghost, level 3, 400 points]


[5: Sun Miaomiao, Yeyoushen, Level 3, 363 points]

[6: Jiang Jingwei, Fire Master, Level 3, 350 points]

[7: The World Returns to Fire, Fire Master, Level 3, 340]

[8: Undead Knight, Night God, Level 3, 320]

[9: River crossing pawn, scout, level 3, 270]

[10: Peeking at Bao, Earth Monster, Level 3, 220]

Among the last fourteen, there are Yuan Ting, Niulan Mountain Fairy, Peony Fairy, White Tiger Soldiers, Rain Girl Wugua, etc. Most of them are occupied by members of Taiyimen and Five Elements Alliance, and there is only one loose cultivator.

Of course, the number of scattered cultivators is not large. [Ding, the points settlement is complete. 】

[Ding, congratulations on completing the Killing Dungeon - Lost City, ID: 0000, difficulty level "unknown", the reward is being settled]

Huh, the killing dungeon is finally over, I look forward to the skills of the star officer! Zhang Yuanqing sat beside Guan Ya and listened to the sound of the spirit realm, full of joy.

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his expression changed, and he thought of a detail that he had forgotten—the imprint of the full moon!

No, my mark of the night wandering **** is a black full moon, not a crescent moon. "

"Didn't you just go on?" Guan Ya shouted.

"Frequent urination!"

After all, he hurried to the park exit.

At this time, outside the slaughter instance, the bigwigs of the lawful and evil organizations once again turned their attention to the park.

The little guys in Transcendent Realm are going to settle the rewards.

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