Spirit Walker

Chapter 265: Xiahou Aotian's Expansion

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Elder Sun on the rocking chair was furious: "Damn girl, the wings have grown hard."

Seeing that Grandpa seemed to be really angry instead of laughing and cursing, Sun Miaomiao immediately changed his words and said with a smile:

"I know, I know, but Grandpa, it's very profitable to hang out with Yuanshi Tianzun, and it's better than being taken advantage of.

You see, I just cleared the S-level dungeon, and you just said that those tokens can let me leapfrog the battle, but they are all cards to save my life. "

Elder Sun looked at his granddaughter beside her. She had a round and lovely face with a little baby fat. She smiled and showed a mouthful of small white teeth. Her eyes were round and bright. Before she knew it, she had grown into a big girl.

"Oh!" Old Sun sighed, "Sen Sen, you seem to be 24 this year?"

"Yeah." Sun Miaomiao pinched the face of the girl in her arms. This is the child on the locust tree, her childhood playmate.

"It's already the age of Sichun," Elder Sun said, "What do you think of Yuanshi Tianzun? He is young, talented, and looks good, so he is very suitable for dating."

Sun Miaomiao straightened her body abruptly, and shook her head vigorously: "Of course not, this kid is wretched, greasy, and playful. Any girl who takes a fancy to him is blind."

"When I acted like a fool in front of your grandma, your father wasn't born yet."

"Well, it's just a little bit." Sun Miaosen compared his little fingers with a resentful expression.

She thought she would be teased by the old and unscrupulous grandfather, but Elder Sun just looked at the gradually darkening night and said nothing for a long time.

"Grandpa?" Sun Miaomiao asked tentatively.

Elder Sun sighed: "If the entanglement is too deep, the pieces outside the chessboard will be pulled in sooner or later. I really don't know if it is a bad fate." "I don't understand at all." Sun Miaomiao puffed her cheeks. "You've been stupid since you were a child, of course you don't understand." "Stinky old man."

I will **** you tonight.

Island country, Ginza.

Chizuru Group Headquarters Building, Oyama House.

The Dashan House is the place where the cadres of the Chizuru Group entertain guests. As the official organization of the island country, when the Chizuru Group entertains distinguished guests, of course they cannot take people out for dinner.

Dashanya has the best aging wine in the island country, the most beautiful waiter, a phone call, and the freshest ingredients in the island country will be delivered to the chef's cutting board in Dashanya within an hour.

In the private room of "Nankaido" in Dashanya, the cadres of the Chizuru group gathered together. Asano Ryo just took his seat, and the serious and majestic group leader Kobe Ichiro showed a gentle smile:

"Congratulations to the S-level dungeon of the Pearl of our Ganyun group, Liangjiang, you are already the most experienced cadre among us." Fujin, the ancient capital of the fire demon, asked casually: "Liangjiang must have harvested a lot of treasures Right." "I got consumables for leapfrog battles and high-quality saint props." Ryo Asano replied truthfully.

The cadres of Qian's team showed envious eyes, and they caught up with the legendary figure Yuanshi Tianzun, and Liangjiang's future achievements will definitely surpass them. Ryo Asano enjoyed this gaze very much, took out the Yata mirror, and put it on the wine table, "Leader, Motoshi-kun returned the Yata mirror." Kobe Ichiro's eyes brightened slightly, and he beckoned, and the Yata mirror flew up and down by itself into his hands.

The cadres also let out a sigh of relief and smiled relaxedly.

Today's Yuanshi Tianzun is different from before. After two consecutive promotions, Yuanshi Tianzun is already someone they can't afford to mess with.

Therefore, the cadres of the Qianyun group are worried about gains and losses, for fear that Yuanshi Tianzun will turn his face ruthlessly and occupy the Yata mirror.

Ryo Asano's next words made the smiles on everyone's faces disappear slowly, "The second item that Mr. Yuanshi wants is Tian Congyun." Long Qiao was silent for a few seconds, and said, "Liangjiang, you know very well what was found in Gao Tianyuan. The meaning of the three props to the Qianyun group is that Yuanshi Tianzun is not what it used to be. Even if he borrowed it but never repaid it, the Qianhe group has nothing to do.

"We want you to intercede and cancel the original agreement."

All the cadres looked at Ryo Asano expectantly.

"No!" Asano Ryo shook his head slightly.

"Why not?" Huomogu County Fujin said angrily, "You have a good relationship with Yuan Shijun, don't you? Otherwise, why would you join his gang, but don't forget that you are the cadre of Qianhe Group, and the island country is you the motherland, your elbow cannot be turned outward

. "

"Gu Jun-kun, please be safe and don't be impatient." Kobe Ichiro looked at Asano Ryo, "Ryo-chan, tell me what you think."

Ryo Asano pursed her lips and straightened her back, "Team leader, my intercession may not be effective, and Mr. Yuanshi is a man of faith, and he will never occupy the props of the Qianhe team, nor will we allow us to break the contract. In addition, Your lords underestimate Yuan Shijun’s wealth too much.”

"Underestimate his wealth?" Kobe Ichiro was stunned.

Ryo Asano said sternly: "Mr. Yuan Shi has more treasures than we imagined. The three master props of the Qianhe Group may be just a useful weapon for Mr. Yuan Shi... Don't be angry, Mr. Gu Jun, I will slow down Slowly tell you..."

Immediately told the cadres of the Qianhe team in detail about what he had seen and heard about Mozong's organ city.

From the Holy Infant to the Zijin Hammer, to the Heaven Worship Set and the Yin-Yang Turntable, every prop is top-notch, and they are all artifacts that can be heirlooms of the Qianhe Group.

Even though the personality is not comparable to the three props in Takamahara, as Ryo Asano said, Yuanshi Tianzun is not

Lack of extreme props.

"As far as I know, Mr. Yuan Shi still has master-level props, but he didn't bring them into the copy." Ryo Asano added.

The cadres communicated silently with their eyes, both shocked and apprehensive.

"As expected of an official legendary genius," Kobe Ichiro said with emotion, without hesitation, he took out Amacongyun.

Tian Congyun is a two-foot-long bronze sword. The copper rust on the blade has been wiped clean and oiled.

The bronze patterns on the ridges are bright and beautiful.

Kobe Ichiro reluctantly threw it to Asano Ryo: "Take it."

Asano Ryo took the Excalibur and uploaded it to the Return of the Dead gang warehouse.

It's finally done... she thought happily.

"Liangjiang!" Kobe Ichiro said, "In a few days, the first-level executive officer of Heaven's Punishment will lead a team to the island country. At that time, the cadres of the Chizuru team will come to interview them. They won't be entering the dungeon for a few days."

"Ah, I have to enter the gang dungeon tomorrow." Ryo Asano frowned in embarrassment, "What does the first-level executive want our island country to do?"

Kobe Ichiro said in a deep voice: "We can't say it yet, but it has nothing to do with us. They are going to the mainland. You will know when the time comes. Postpone the gang dungeon."

"Yes!" Asano said coolly.

Jiangnan Leather City.

Xia Hou proudly kicked the patriarch's study away.

"Uncle, here I come again!" Xiahou Aotian said loudly.

"Grandpa, this guy broke in again." The grandson of the old Patriarch said loudly.

"screw you."

Xiahou Aotian kicked him away.

The old Patriarch who was sitting at the desk writing the "Materials Science" manual sighed, looked up, and squeezed out a smile:

"Going to the treasure house again this time?"

"No, I'm here to discuss a business with Uncle." Xiahou Aotian said, "But before discussing business, I think Uncle should first ask about my rank.

The old Patriarch was startled, and blurted out, "Are you level six?"

Xiahou Aotian raised his chin.

The old Patriarch was surprised, happy and sad. Among the younger generation of Xiahou's family, there were only a handful of sixth-level saints.

Seeing that Xiahou Aotian kept looking at people with his nostrils, the old patriarch tentatively said: "So, what is your business?" Xiahou Aotian took out a few blueprints from his pocket, "Look at it, uncle."

With a suspicious expression, the old Patriarch took over the drawing and took a closer look, his cloudy eyes suddenly lit up, and the hand holding the paper trembled slightly. "Wonderful, wonderful..." The old Patriarch trembled excitedly, "Such an exquisite puppet design, this, which master did this come from?" Mechanized puppets are nothing to master-level bachelors, and the old Patriarch was excited. It is something more technical like the design ideas of the drawings and the internal structure.

"Uncle, you look like you have never seen the world." Xiahou Aotian looked at the elder with his nostrils, "I have a copy of drawings like this." Hearing the word "a copy", the old Patriarch's gaze Suddenly it became sharp, so sharp that Xiahou Aotian was a little scared. "

One? Is it the complete mechanism cheats? Where did you get it? Come on, take it out and show it to your uncle. "

The old Patriarch Xiahou grabbed Xiahou Aotian's arm, and a powerful force erupted from his skinny palm. This old man, who has always been gentle and calm, is known as a man with a big heart—because he is one of the few in the family who can bear Xiahou Aotian's hand. elder.

At this moment, he was as excited as a young man whose wife had just given birth to her first child.

The so-called One Leaf Knows the Autumn, an exquisite blueprint of a mechanism puppet, foretells the quality and grade of the entire cheat book.

Mechanism is a good thing. The props cannot be popularized and the quantity is limited, but mechanism can be mass-produced, similar to the equipment of the army.

It can completely change the structure of the middle and lower levels of a power, allowing the Xiahou family's grassroots power to surpass other spiritual family families, and even reach a level that makes the officials afraid.

It's just that mechanism art is the accumulation of technology from generation to generation, and it cannot be created and developed by people with money and strength.

Ancient cultivators have used the technology accumulated for thousands of years, but contemporary spiritual practitioners want to catch up in a hundred years, how is it possible?

Therefore, a secret book that records the creation of various mechanisms is self-evident.

Xiahou Aotian gasped, "Uncle, you look like a villain now, I'm angry."

The old Patriarch was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized his gaffe, let go of his hand quickly, and stared, "Say!"

Xiahou Aotian thought for a moment, and answered fluently:

"I entered Yuanshi Tianzun's gang dungeon this morning."

"You entered the dungeon? You also joined Yuanshi Tianzun's gang?" The old patriarch said blankly: "Why don't I know

Dao Well, it's not important, you continue. "

"The dungeon is called Mo Zong's Organ City, S-level, and the secret book of the mechanism is one of the trophies. It is currently kept by Yuanshi Tianzun, but people in the gang have the right to read it at any time." Xiahou Aotian said.

S-level dungeon, Mo Zong's organ city... The old Patriarch frowned, and quickly went through the database in his mind. The bachelor's ability to remember quickly allowed him to quickly capture related words.

"There was such a fairy gate in the Song Dynasty. We have it in our database, but the difficulty level is only C level, and there is only such a dungeon, called Mo Zong's Trial." The old patriarch said: "The rewards for low-level dungeons are also very sparse. usually."

"That's because the organ city perished during the Southern Song Dynasty, and its history is short, so there are not many corresponding copies.

Our main task this time is to find out the reason for its downfall. "Xiahou Aotian said.

Xiahou's old Patriarch nodded. For an S-level dungeon, this kind of reward is understandable.

"Aotian, you said just now that members of the gang can share mechanism secrets, right?" The old patriarch's eyes concealed hope: "The family is willing to buy it, as long as there is a price."

"That depends on the performance of the family." Xiahou Aotian said.

..." The old Patriarch probably looked at the drawings for the sake of it, or was familiar with the kid's virtues, so he took a deep breath and endured it, and said kindly:

"Then how much are you going to sell for this blueprint?"

Xiahou Aotian said: "The debts I owe to my family are all written off. By the way, I used up another energy pack, and it is also written off."

"Okay!" the old Patriarch agreed.

Xiahou Aotian asked suspiciously: "Uncle, did I sell it cheap?"

"This drawing is not worth 150 million, but the family is willing to pay a premium for outstanding juniors."

"Uncle is wise, the outstanding juniors think that the family should not pay a premium of 150 million?"

"My God

"Uncle, tell me."


Xiahou Aotian was expelled from the villa, and before he left, he was unwilling and kicked the old patriarch's grandson several times.

On the way back to the villa, Xia Hou Aotian was as light as a swallow, only feeling that he was debt-free. But he still has one

If you want to do something but don't do it, it's like a fish stick in your throat, making it difficult to fall asleep.

Return to your own villa, take out the drone, and hang up the prepared banners and horns.

"I've been promoted to level six, and I want to be the one with the most votes." Xia

Hou Aotian said.

A response came from the ring: "Are you planning to report to the whole family again?"

The drone took off, and two banners hung vertically, saying:

"Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor."

"Yesterday's me you love to answer, today's me you can't stand up to, and the day after tomorrow I will crush you to death with one finger."

Holding the remote control, Xiahou Aotian manipulated the drone into the air, and said disdainfully: "The strong never show off to the ants, they only provoke the stronger." Under the surprised eyes of Grandpa Ring, the drone flew to In the depths of the villa area, he flew towards an ancient house.

"What do you want to do?" Alchemist Qin Chao's heart sank.

"Go to the place where our ancestors retreated. He bullied and humiliated me back then, so that he will know today. Those who bully me will be abandoned by heaven." Xiahou Aotian said with a smile on his face that he was hungry for Hulu meat and thirsty for the blood of Huns. Waiting to start again, he slapped his ancestors in the face angrily, and turned to the sky.

"What is the personality of the ancestor of the Xiahou family?" The alchemist of the Qin Dynasty asked tentatively.

"It's not that different from me."


"Demi god!"

The alchemist of the Thai Dynasty was shocked: "Your mother's call for death?"

International Building.

Anne, wearing an exquisite L suit, sat in front of the computer and quickly wrote emails.

Today is the day to regularly report information to the headquarters of the Beauty God Association. She wrote the recently collected information into

in the mail.

"In the multi-person spirit realm in August, Yuanshi Tianzun was promoted to two levels in a row, setting a record that no one has ever seen before, but he was also held accountable for killing the grandson of Elder Cai, the headquarters of the Five Elements League, in the dungeon.

"The matter was finally subsided due to the intervention of the leader of the Chihuo Gang, but Yuanshi Tianzun and the headquarters of the Five Elements League became more and more estranged, and they seemed to be at odds with each other. I think the association should seize the opportunity to further win over Yuanshi Tianzun into a senior member. Annie is ready to dedicate herself preparation.

"According to reliable sources, the Demon Eye Heavenly King escaped from Songhai. During the incident, Dark Night Rose was suspected to be deeply involved with the high-level Taiyi Sect. The details are unknown. I wanted to inquire about information from Yuanshi Tianzun, but he turned a blind eye to my beauty. The peripheral members of the association never took the initiative to contact me.

"Of course, it's not that Anne is not good enough, but that this person is different from the devil. She can't be seduced by beauty, but she needs to be moved with emotion and figured out slowly." When she wrote this, Annie sighed, her eyes as blue as the sea flickered Disadvantage~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She prides herself on her beauty, looks down on the same sex, and with her professional charm, she can always be invincible. Very few men can ignore her charm.

But I have to admit that beauty is not everything.

Yuanshi Tianzun's behavior of pulling her into the cold palace severely frustrated the self-confidence of this proud and beautiful diplomat.

After writing the email, she double-checked it carefully and sent it to the mailbox of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Annie picked up the water glass and got up, went to the water dispenser to get a glass of warm water. When she returned to the table, she found an email from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Put down the water glass and click on the email.

"External member reward task:

"A-level wanted criminal Pluto sneaked into China, please find a way to arrest him secretly.

"Reward reward: 6 million Federal currency, 160 points.

"Suggestion: Entrust to the peripheral member Yuanshi Tianzun."

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