Ye Xiaofan blinked, he turned into this look, and the other party actually said that he had a relationship with the Buddha Gate.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, this lay man said and smiled, poor Dao is a Taoist person, in this life only respects Sanqing, do not believe in others."

He flicked the dust and said with a stern face.

Xiong Bold also followed: "The master believes whatever he believes, you monk don't have to talk nonsense, so we can't have a relationship with the Buddha Sect."

The middle-aged monk smiled: "Two benefactors, only those who are related to my Buddha can come here, and the poor monk will not be mistaken." "

One person and one bear are full of doubts, and their hearts say is this really the case?

At this moment, Long Aotian's voice suddenly sounded in Ye Xiaofan's mind.

"Master, don't listen to his blindness, except for the temple in front, everything here is false, including this bald donkey in front of you."

Ye Xiaofan was shocked when he heard this, and asked in his heart, "What's going on?"

Long Aotian speculated: "This should be the great power of the Buddha Gate—Mirror Flower Water Moon."

"This magical ability can drag living beings into the mirror world, so that everything they see is an illusion."

"It's amazing!!"

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised, and immediately looked at the monk in front of him and deliberately asked, "Monk, do you take this seriously?"

The middle-aged monk clasped his hands together: "The monks don't speak."

Ye Xiaofan nodded: "It's not impossible for poor people to convert to your Buddhist sect, but there must be some benefits, right?"

"Benefactor, monks should have no desire or desire, and the six roots should be pure."

The middle-aged monk clasped his hands together and said in a gentle voice.

Ye Xiaofan pouted: "If people don't have desire, isn't it rotten?" What is the meaning of a rotten life?

"Monk, it's not that the poor Dao said you, these rules and regulations of your Buddhist sect are really not interesting, I think you might as well join our Taoism."

"Amitabha, the benefactor said and smiled."

The middle-aged monk chanted the Buddha's trumpet, and his voice was still gentle: "Donor, wait for the poor monk to ask the abbot, please here."

One person and one bear immediately followed the middle-aged monk towards the temple not far away.

Before and after arriving near, Ye Xiaofan deeply felt the magnificence of the temple.

Follow the middle-aged monk into the temple.

Along the way, I met many monks and believers who prayed sincerely in the temple.

Soon after, they came to the very central hall.

In the resplendent hall, a golden Buddha is enshrined.

Below lay three futons, and on the middle futon sat an old monk with a snow-white beard sitting cross-knee.

The middle-aged monk bent down and saluted: "Abbot, the man has brought." The

old monk stood up and turned to look at Ye Xiaofan and Xiong Bold, with a smile in his eyes.

"Amitabha Buddha, the two benefactors are worthy of being destined for, and the Buddha light emanating from their bodies is only seen in Lao Gu's life."

One person and one bear's eyes widened slightly, and there were even doubts in their hearts.

Could it be that they really have a relationship with Buddhism?

At this moment, Long Aotian's voice sounded again.

"There is a hammer, don't listen to this old guy, I think he has bad intentions."

Ye Xiaofan hurriedly asked, "What the hell is going on?" Do you see something?

Long Aotian shook his head: "Not yet, it's just that Ben Xian feels a strong malice from this old fellow."

Ye Xiaofan nodded secretly and comforted in his heart: "Don't be afraid, I want to see, what is the purpose of this old fellow?"

He looked at the old monk with a smile on his face, and said solemnly: "Abbot, poor Dao is a pure Taoist believer, you are not allowed to talk nonsense."

The old monk smiled and said, "Donor, Lao Gu knows that you don't believe, so let's take you to a place, and you will know."

With that, he headed towards the back of the hall.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaofan quickly took the bear to boldly follow.

At the back of the main hall, there is a lotus pond with a golden lotus growing in it.

As soon as the two of them approached, the golden lotus in the pool burst into brilliant golden light.

It seems to have given birth to induction.

The old monk smiled and said, "Benefactor, this is a pure Buddha lotus, as long as someone with Buddha-like nature approaches, it will react."

Ye Xiaofan stared at the golden lotus for a while, leaned forward a little, and sure enough found that the light on the golden lotus was even more brilliant.

If Long Aotian hadn't told him in advance, what he saw in front of him would be an illusion.

He really wondered if he really understood Buddha-nature.

He bowed his head slightly: "It seems that what you said is indeed correct, the poor road is really related to the Buddha Sect, so I don't know how the poor Dao can join your Buddha Sect?" The

old monk said in a gentle voice: "Just enter the Buddha pool and wash off your filth, and then shave off the troubles on the top of your head."

The bear boldly asked, "What about me, do I want to shave all the hair on my body?" Just

now, Long Aotian also told it about the situation and asked it to cooperate with Ye Xiaofan in acting.

Let's see what purpose the old guy in front of you has?

The old monk shook his head: "No, donor, you just need to wash off the filth all over your body."

The bear nodded boldly, then plopped into the pool.

Ye Xiaofan also followed in.

The old monk clasped his hands together: "The two benefactors first bathe, and the old man goes to prepare the razor."

After he left, Xiong Bold immediately asked, "Master, what purpose do you say this old guy has?" Do you really want us to join the Buddha Sect?

Ye Xiaofan rolled his eyes: "How do I know, quickly wash it."

The bear snorted boldly, and then concentrated on taking a bath.

After a while, the clear water began to slowly become turbid.

Ye Xiaofan's face immediately darkened: "You are a deflated thing, you haven't bathed for a long time, and your body is actually so dirty."

Xiong Bold was a little embarrassed, touched the back of his head and said: "It should have been more than half a year, master, you also know, our family belongs to the special case of the bear clan, does not like water, and

is a little lazy, so it..." "You are a lazy bear, you haven't bathed for so long, no wonder your body is so dirty."

Ye Xiaofan cursed a few words with a black face and quickly left the pool.

After getting dressed, he began to look at the golden lotus in the pool.

The more I looked, the more curious I became, so I reached out and prepared to grab it.

As a result, he accidentally increased his strength and directly broke the golden lotus.

"Oh yes!"

Ye Xiaofan blinked his eyes, feeling as if he had caused trouble.

At this moment, the old monk walked in with a wooden plate.

When he saw the turbid pool water and the golden lotus in Ye Xiaofan's hand, his face suddenly changed.

"You, you, you..."

He pointed at Ye Xiaofan, and did not say anything for a long time.

Seeing him so excited, Ye Xiaofan was a little embarrassed: "Don't be excited, I didn't mean it, it's a big deal to accompany you."

When the old monk heard this, he was furious: "Pay me, what do you take to compensate me, do you know what this Buddha lotus represents?"

His face was hideous, his eyes were fierce, and he no longer had the gentleness he had before.

Ye Xiaofan was a little unhappy: "Isn't it just a broken lotus flower, worth so much as you said?"

When the old monk heard this, he became even more angry: "Iniquity, I want you to die."

As these words fell, the surrounding environment changed dramatically.

Everything in front of you is shattered like a mirror.

The golden temple disappeared, and a dilapidated temple appeared.

The pool also changed, and the turbid water turned into a blood-red patch.

Of course, still muddy.

The lotus flower in Ye Xiaofan's hand also turned black, exuding a strange aura.

The old monk in front of him also changed his appearance, from his original gentle and kind appearance to a demon monk with blood-red eyes and a hideous face.

Ye Xiaofan was stunned, and couldn't help but burst into a foul sentence: "Depend, this divine horse situation?" "

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