The people of Dragon Tiger Mountain liquidated all those who had gone to the Dragon and Tiger Secret Realm.

Whether it was humans or monsters, they did not let go.

As soon as the news came out, the whole country was shocked.

But no one dared to go to the trouble of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Because the strength shown by the other party is too strong.

After this battle, both humans and monsters clearly recognized a fact.

From now on, it will no longer be their world.

It is the world of these ancient forces.

After liquidating the forces in the east, the people of Longhushan went straight to the western base city.

They found out Ye Xiaofan's whereabouts from the mouth of the Xiong family, and prepared to arrest this culprit.


In the secret realm where Mount Emei is located.

The people of the Shushan Sword Sect have also returned.

While seeing the destroyed mountain gate, and the endangered Demon Township Tower.

The people of the Shushan Sword Sect were shocked and angry.

In the central main hall, the high-level leaders of the Shushan Sword Sect were meeting.

On his head sat cross-kneeled an old man with white hair.

It is the ancestor of the Shushan Sword Sect, Danchenzi.

Danchenzi looked at everyone in his hands and asked, "What happened to the results of the investigation?" Do you know who destroyed my Shushan Mountain into this appearance?

A middle-aged man in black reported: "Lao Zu, the matter has been clearly investigated..."

He said the results of the investigation one by one.

Dan Chenzi frowned slightly after hearing this: "Strange, with those guys outside, they can also break the seal of the Demon Township Tower?" The

middle-aged man in black was also puzzled: "We also feel strange about this, according to our exploration, the strongest person outside is also the Yang God Realm." "

It stands to reason that with this bit of strength, it is impossible to break the seal of the Demon Township Tower, and even the seal we set up outside the secret cannot be opened."

Doubts flashed in Danchenzi's eyes, and after pondering for a long time, he said: "You guys go down first to repair the sect building, I'll arrange the magic array and see where the demon sword is now?"

"When you find the demon sword and activate it, you should be able to get the answer by asking the spirit inside."

The middle-aged man in black nodded, and then left the hall with the rest of the people.

After everyone left, Danchenzi immediately arranged a magic array to look for the demon sword.

Soon after, he successfully found the location of the demon sword through the magic array.

Then he summoned the middle-aged man in black and ordered: "Xuan Qingzi, I have found the location of the demon sword, you take a few disciples to check it out, I still need to repair the sect formation with other elders, and I can't leave for the time being."

He handed a jade tablet to the middle-aged man and instructed, "Be careful, don't be careless."

Xuan Qingzi nodded, took the jade card and turned to leave, selecting a few elite disciples to leave Shushan.

According to Jade's instructions, he finally came to the outside of the western base city.

Some disciples showed curiosity: "These buildings are so strange, what has happened outside in the years that we have sealed?" Just

as they were about to enter the base city, a group of people suddenly flew in the distance.

The disciples of Shushan turned their heads to look, and when they saw the service of the people who came, their faces suddenly became ugly.

A disciple whispered, "It's the smelly Taoist priest of Dragon Tiger Mountain, what are they doing here?" In

the blink of an eye, a group of people from Dragon Tiger Mountain approached.

The middle-aged Taoist priest at the head smiled and said, "Yo, isn't this Xuanqingzi Daoist, I haven't seen it for a long time."

Xuan Qingzi's voice was cold: "Zhang Wanshan, what are you Dragon Tiger Mountain doing here?"

Zhang Wanshan smiled lightly: "Hehe, I don't think there is any need to tell Daoist friends about this."

Xuan Qingzi's face sank: "Zhang Wanshan, this is Shushan, it is the territory of my Shushan Sword Sect, you just came out and ran here, don't you put my Shushan in your eyes?"

Zhang Wanshan said lightly: "Daoyou, how many years have passed, why are you still like this, now it is a new era, there is no territory, and my Dragon Tiger Mountain is the authentic Terran race, this is the ancestral land of the Terran race, and you can't go anywhere."

Xuan Qingzi sneered: "You still mean to say that the Terran race is authentic, why didn't you say it when you betrayed Dragon Tiger Mountain."

Zhang Wanshan's face was a little ugly when he heard this, and he said coldly: "Xuan Qingzi, what do you mean, you can't fight if you want to?"

Xuan Qingzi was not afraid: "Hehe, I'm afraid you won't succeed." With

that, he took out a cyan longsword and slashed it out hard.

In an instant, a cyan sword ray cut through the space and went straight to everyone in Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Zhang Wanshan snorted coldly, took out a whisk, and swung it hard, instantly shattering the sword mang.

"Xuan Qingzi, let the poor road see, have you grown in all these years?"

With that, he rushed out.

Xuan Qingzi sneered: "Then you have to look at it." "

The next moment, the two sides fought together.

The disciples who came with the two also made a move.

The weakest of them were all in the Yang God, and the fluctuations caused by the battle were very terrifying.

Not far away, the people in the western base city quickly noticed it.

The soldiers defending the city quickly reported the incident.

After Qin Zhentian learned the news, he rushed to the city gate as soon as possible.

Feeling the terrifying aura coming from afar, and then looking at the clothes worn by the warring people on both sides, his face changed.

Know that big things are not good.


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