Xiong Bold couldn't wait to say, "What's wrong?" What's wrong? "

There was nervousness and anticipation in its eyes.

Xiong Xinzhu is its apprentice, if it has any special physique, it can also be stained as a master.

The others and demons also looked curious.

Xuan Qingzi took a deep breath and said with suppressed excitement: "I don't know if I am mistaken, this girl's physique is very similar to some kind of immortal body in legend.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present and the demons all looked perked up.

They don't need to think about it, they also know that the immortal body is an incredible physique.

"Surely I am not mistaken, my precious apprentice's heavenly posture must be what kind of immortal body you are talking about."

Xiong boldly said with excitement on his face: "Tell me quickly, what kind of immortal is my baby apprentice?"

Xuan Qingzi said slowly: "It should be the legendary purple bamboo immortal body, I once saw a record of this constitution in an ancient book."

"It is said that the person who possesses the purple bamboo immortal body is the reincarnation of the purple bamboo of the heavenly realm, cultivated to a great extent, and can be feathered and ascended to the immortal realm and return to the celestial realm again."

Everyone and the demon were stunned again, and their faces showed shock.

I was shocked by Xiong Xinzhu's physique.

The bear blinked boldly, and there was a hint of abruptness in his eyes.

Since the first time he saw Xiong Xinzhu, he liked this little girl very much, and always felt that there was a breath on the other party that attracted it.

It used to wonder.

Now I finally understand what's going on.

The girl is the reincarnation of the purple bamboo of the celestial realm, and its favorite is bamboo.

This can also explain why the other party has an aura that can attract it.

Thinking of this, its furry face showed excitement: "Hahaha, it is worthy of being the apprentice of the old bear, and it is indeed the dragon and phoenix among people." There

was a lot of pride in his voice.

This can make the demon emperors sour, and they are somewhat jealous in their hearts.

Thinking indignantly, how could such a good seedling be scourged by this timid stupid bear?

"Hmph, a stupid bear, also want to rob the apprentice with the main seat, do not measure up."

In Xiong Xinzhu's body, the Blood Bamboo King snorted coldly, and his voice was filled with deep dissatisfaction.

Xiong Xinzhu was embarrassed for a while, he wanted to say something, but he was afraid of making the other party angry, so he didn't speak.

In fact, in her heart, she likes bear boldness.

The other party is not only cute, but also very good to her.

The first time they met, they also rescued her and helped her avenge her, these kindnesses, the girl has never forgotten.

Ye Xiaofan was also a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the people who followed him were all extraordinary.

"Am I the legendary child of destiny?"

He thought silently in his heart.

No wonder he thought too much, because similar things have happened in history.

The founding emperor of a powerful imperial dynasty in ancient times, born in a small rural area, childhood playmates, but when he grew up, he all became famous generals.

In a small village, not only an emperor, but also several founding generals.

When this is said, no one believes it.

But this may be the standard for the children of destiny, and the people around him are all extraordinary.

When he thought of his specialness, he felt this way more and more.

"Is this God hinting to me that I will do something big in the future?"

This thought popped up in his mind, and then it got out of control.

"In other words, was I too lazy before, should I cheer up and do something amazing in the future?"

He whispered in his heart, but then he felt wrong, and his gaze subconsciously swept over the group of demon emperors.

After all, none of these guys are special.

If he is really a child of destiny, then is this vision too bad?

The demon pet chosen, there is actually no special one.

Thinking of this, he inevitably had some doubts in his heart, did he think too much?

"Perhaps, I can experiment."

Ye Xiaofan's mind flashed and he thought of a good idea.

Xuan Qingzi invited Xiong Xinzhu again, wanting the other party to also worship the Shushan Sword Sect.

A genius of this level, even if it is placed in the cultivation world, it is difficult to see.

Now that he encountered, he naturally didn't want to miss it.

It's just a pity that it was rejected by Xiong Xinzhu.

The girl not only has the master Xiong Dao, but also the terrifying existence of the Blood Bamboo King in her body, so naturally she does not need to worship other sects.

Although Xuan Qingzi was a little disappointed, he did not force it.

Ye Xiaoman stepped forward and said, "Uncle, you haven't checked my brother yet?"

Xuan Qingzi was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, his eyes couldn't help but look at Ye Xiaofan, and the corners of his mouth twitched secretly.

In terms of the other party's terrifying strength, does this still need to be checked?

You don't need to think about it, you can also know that its physique is definitely not ordinary.

He didn't dare to check it indiscriminately, and said with a smile: "Senior Ye's heavenly capital, he will definitely become an immortal and an ancestor in the future, and there is no need to check."

Calvary Heavenly Master secretly pouted, muttering in his heart: "Chengxian is the ancestor, you also underestimate this kid." Seeing

that Xuan Qingzi was unwilling, Ye Xiaoman did not force it.

The others and demons present were somewhat disappointed.

What they were most curious about was Ye Xiaofan's physique, but now it seemed that this wish was going to be frustrated.

At this moment, he heard Ye Xiaofan say: "It's okay, you come and check it for me."

He was also a little curious about his physique, and naturally he would not miss this opportunity.

After hesitating for a while, Xuan Qingzi did not dare to refuse, and stepped forward to check Ye Xiaofan.

A moment later, his face showed unprecedented shock, and he lost his voice: "This, this... How is this possible!? "

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