The Dragon Palace was very large, and after the forces entered it, they quickly dispersed.

After all the forces entered the Dragon Palace for a long time, the fish dragon was late.

Seeing the traces of the scene, the face of the fish dragon changed, knowing that he was late, and quickly accelerated his speed into the Dragon Palace.

And after it left, some more forces came.


There are two sides to the story.

The Dragon Palace was really too big, and Ye Xiaofan and the others lost their way shortly after entering it.

Looking at the fork in the road that appeared ahead, Ye Xiaofan looked at several people and asked, "Which way do you think you should go?"

Qin Feng stood up and said, "Go to the right."

Ye Xiaofan nodded: "Okay, I'll listen to you." "

Everyone else has no opinion.

A group of people entered the fork on the right, crossed a long corridor, and soon came outside a bright palace.

Outside the palace, there is a thin layer of enchantment.

Looking through the enchantment, you can see that there are many weapons and magic weapons piled up inside.

There are swords, guns, halberds, gold whips and copper hammers....

At a glance, it is dazzling.

Even across the enchantment, everyone could feel the extraordinary nature of those weapons inside.

"Hahaha, this is out."

The big black dog's mouth is about to crack to the root of the ear, that is called a happy.

It couldn't wait to rush towards the palace, and when it came to attacking and bombarding the enchantment.

But after a long day, there was no reaction.

Obviously, the enchantment is very powerful.

Even after all these years, it is still very strong.

Xuan Qingzi was surprised: "Could this be the arsenal of the Dragon Palace?" There are too many of these weapons!!

At the same time, he sighed in his heart, isn't this luck too good?

I chose a fork in the road and actually came to the arsenal of the Dragon Palace.

He couldn't help but look at Qin Feng, it was obvious that the former was a person with atmospheric luck.

Then he stepped forward and tried to break the enchantment, but tried several times without breaking it.

"I'll do it."

Ye Xiaofan's voice was indifferent, and then he stepped forward, poked out with a light finger, and easily broke the enchantment.

Although he knew that Ye Xiaofan's strength was very strong, Xuan Qingzi was still shocked.

The enchantment that he couldn't break with all his strength, the other party only needed one finger.

The big black dog rushed into the palace with a roar, and then greedily collected all kinds of weapons and magic weapons inside.

Ye Xiaofan said angrily: "Dead dog, slow down, and no one robs you, look at your little appearance." The

big black dog turned his head and glanced at Ye Xiaofan, and saw the former standing there with his hands on his back, without the slightest performance of stepping forward to fight, and couldn't help but whisper in his heart: "What's going on with this guy today, he is actually so indifferent???

It shook its head, didn't think much about it, and continued to pick out the treasures inside.

Ye Xiaofan looked at Xuan Qingzi and said lightly: "These treasures are not bad, you can pick them at will, I won't rob them with you." He

carried his hands behind his back, his face was calm, and he looked like a master.

Qin Feng and Xiong Xinzhu were stunned, their eyes showed doubt, and they said in their hearts that Ye Xiaofan was modified?

The former's performance today is too different from the last few times.

How did they know that Ye Xiaofan did this in order to maintain his superior image.

After all, there was also Xuan Qingzi, an outsider, and this time he came in real body, if he had some bad reputation, it would be bad.

And here are all their own people, and there is no need to fight.

And after searching for so many treasures a few times ago, Ye Xiaofan found a problem after sorting it out.

Most of the treasures, he could not use because he needed to inject spiritual power into them.

Unless it is a magic weapon with an instrument spirit like the dragon pattern black gold ding, or a talisman that will absorb spiritual power on its own and only need a little to use.

He is currently only in the Qi and Blood Realm, and he has almost no spiritual power in his body, and some magic weapons that consume very spiritual power cannot be used at all.

Rob so much and sort it out afterwards, the trouble is dead.

Therefore, Ye Xiaofan did not avoid the trouble in the future like in the past this time, and maintained a superior demeanor, so why not.

"Thank you, senior."

Xuan Qingzi, who did not know, quickly hugged his fist to thank him, his eyes were full of gratitude and admiration, and he said in his heart that he was worthy of being a senior master, and this pattern was completely incomparable to ordinary people.

I just don't know, how would he feel if he saw Ye Xiaofan's red face fighting with the cashier for a few cents?


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