In the villa of the Li family, Li Yunzhi's face was gloomy and terrifying after hearing his subordinates report that several Cobras were missing.

"A bunch of waste, a mortal kid can't solve it."

The subordinate said in a deep voice: "Miss, could it be that the cobra kid ran away after collecting the money?"

Li Yunzhi shook his head: "It shouldn't be possible, it's just to deal with a mortal kid, he doesn't need to offend my Li family because of this?"

The subordinate asked again: "Miss, do you want me to take a trip?"

"Forget it, I'll go there in person, if that kid doesn't know each other again, you'll blame me for being unkind."

Li Yunzhi spoke coldly, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.


Soon after, she came to the courtyard outside Ye Xiaofan's house again.

I didn't knock on the door and walked straight in.

She scanned the circle, but found that Ye Xiaofan was not there.

Just about to leave, he heard the door of the courtyard behind him slam and automatically closed.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, the light in the small courtyard suddenly dimmed.

Li Yunzhi suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and turned around to open the courtyard door and leave here, but found that he didn't move.

"Hehe, what the master said is really right, you really dare to come."

Just when she was slightly flustered in her heart, a sneer suddenly came from behind her.

Li Yunzhi suddenly turned around and shouted, "Who, who is talking?" With

a hint of trilling in her voice, her eyes searched around.

But apart from a big black dog and an old hen, and a toad, there was nothing.

Oh no, there is also a palm-long carp in the fish tank next to it.


Li Yunzhi suddenly thought of a certain possibility in his heart, and his legs and stomach couldn't help but tremble.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

She hurriedly shook her head and shook the unrealistic thought out of her mind.

But just then, the voice sounded again.

"A scum of the Purple Mansion Realm, I really don't know who gave you the courage? Dare to come to the door three times or twice to provoke?

This time, Li Yunzhi saw it particularly clearly, and it was the old hen who spoke.

Her heart was horrified, her pupils widened, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Demon... Demon King!!

She was shocked, her eyes showing disbelief and deep fear.

She couldn't understand, how could there be a demon king in the base city?

At this moment, she finally understood why the Cobra disappeared for no reason.

It was not missing at all, it was 100% erased by the demon king in front of him.

The old hen looked down at Li Yunzhi, and her voice did not contain a trace of emotion: "Say, how do you want to die?"

Li Yunzhi's legs were so frightened that his legs went limp, but he still held on and said, "You... You can't kill me, I'm from the Li family.

The Golden Toad Demon King sneered, "Hehe, is the Li family amazing? If the king is willing, he can be destroyed.

Li Yunzhi was horrified again in her heart, she didn't expect that in this small courtyard in front of her, there were actually two demon kings hidden.

But what frightened her even more was still to come.

Following the Golden Toad Demon King, the carp in the fish tank also spoke: "The old toad is right, the Li family, I want to destroy it, but it's just a casual matter, and there is no need for the master to make a move."

"I really don't know where you, an ant of the Purple Mansion Realm, have the courage to be arrogant in front of the master?"

The big black dog lazily spoke: "Okay, don't talk so much to an ant, which of you will solve it quickly, otherwise Xiao Man will come back in a while."

"Four... Four Demon Kings!! The

horror in Li Yunzhi's heart was unprecedented, and she never dreamed that Ye Xiaoman, who seemed to have no background, actually hid four demon kings behind him.

What's even more frightening is that the other party also has an older brother.

Being able to raise four demon kings at the same time, she really didn't dare to imagine what kind of strength Ye Xiaofan had?

The old hen looked at the golden toad: "Color toad, don't you like women, I am in charge of the master and reward this woman to you." The

Golden Toad Demon King broke his mouth and cursed: "Old chicken mother, what do you mean?" Isn't King Ben such a tasteless person? This kind of smelly mother-in-law with poor moral character is given to the king, and the king does not want it.

Li Yunzhi was both frightened and angry, and hurriedly jumped into the air, wanting to escape from here.

But it was stopped by a transparent barrier.

The Golden Toad Demon King sneered: "Hehe, if you let a small purple mansion realm run away, what will be the face of this king?"

"Could this be... Field!!?!

Li Yunzhi was completely shocked, and the horror in his eyes was unprecedented.

Realm, that is an anti-heavenly power that only the top demon king can perform.

In other words, the golden toad in front of him is a top demon king.

Damn, what kind of terrifying existence did she provoke this time?

"Go and die, don't look down on people in the next life."

The Golden Toad Demon King's body quickly grew larger, and his tongue rolled up, swallowing the terrified Li Yunzhi into his belly.

"Hiccup~ The flesh and blood of the humans in the Purple Mansion Realm is not bad."

As soon as it finished speaking, it felt an unkind gaze coming over.

"Stinky toad, you make it clear to me, what is it that a dog's eyes look down on people?"

The Golden Toad Demon King was suddenly stunned, and said with a smile on his face: "Brother dog, it's me who misused the word, sorry sorry." "

Not next."

The big black dog snorted, and then stopped.

The Golden Toad Demon King shrunk his body, and at the same time couldn't help but slander in his heart: "Drag what, isn't it a few years earlier with the master." "


After a while, Ye Xiaofan and Ye Xiaoman returned home one after another.

The two did not know what happened before, and the several demon kings did not say it.

Anyway, in their opinion, it is just a trifle, there is no need to say it.

The next few days were quiet, and basically nothing major happened.

In the blink of an eye, it was Sunday.

Early in the morning, Ye Xiaoman got up to dress up and prepare to attend Su Qingxue's birthday banquet.

Ye Xiaofan is still the same, with a short-sleeved T-shirt on the upper body, two big justices printed on the back, and big pants and flip-flops on the lower body.

The whole person looked lazy, not at all like a young man.

"Brother, I said you can't change your outfit? How humiliating is it to go out like this? Ye Xiaoman said with a dark face.

Ye Xiaofan was unimpressed: "Don't care so much about other people's eyes, just feel comfortable yourself."

"Hmph, if the mother is here, she will definitely beat your ass with a feather duster."

Ye Xiaoman snorted lightly and didn't say anything more.

Ye Xiaofan sighed: "It's a pity that my mother is gone." Just

then, there was a knock on the door.

"It should be Sister Qingxue coming over, she said yesterday that she would come to pick us up."

Ye Xiaoman rushed forward to open the door, but found that the person who came was not Su Qingxue, but a middle-aged man with a defiant face.

Behind him, he was followed by two bodyguards in black suits.

Ye Xiaoman was surprised, "You are?" The

middle-aged man walked into the courtyard and introduced himself: "My name is Li Yundi, I am Li Yunzhi's second brother, and I am here to investigate the disappearance of my sister." "


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