The old man is so arrogant, not to mention Ye Xiaofan, even others are a little unable to look past it.

Ye Xiaoman waved his small fist and said, "Brother, kill this old turtle."

Ye Xiaofan turned his head and smiled at the girl: "Don't worry, to deal with this scum, your brother and I only need one punch."

After that, he turned his head to look at the old man again and grinned: "Old man, eat me a stick." The

Sea-Fixing God Needle in Ye Xiaofan's hand suddenly became larger, and then smashed down towards the old man with a stick.

The old man, who was originally light and cloudy, changed his face in an instant.

He felt a deadly crisis struck.

Not daring to be careless, his body quickly moved sideways and dodged out.


The thousand-meter-long Dinghai God needle suddenly smashed on the ground below.

The earth suddenly let out a roar, and then cracked.

Suddenly, smoke filled the air.

When everything calmed down, everyone fixed their eyes on it, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw that on the ground below, a huge crack appeared that was bottomless and hundreds of thousands of zhang long.

It's like a natural rift valley.

It can be seen how terrifying Ye Xiaofan's previous stick was.

"Hey, this guy really is a freak. The

killer whale scolded her in her heart, and her body involuntarily retreated for a distance, for fear of being affected.

The rest of the people were also shocked, Ye Xiaofan's strength was simply terrifying.

The old man's pupils shrank, and his face became solemn.

Although he had long known that Ye Xiaofan was very strong, everything at the moment was beyond his expectations.

Although he was a little unexpected, he was not afraid.

"Hehe, not bad, not bad, your kid is really strong, did not disappoint the old man." Saying

that, his body surface bloomed, and then he transformed into a huge old turtle.

The old turtle is hundreds of zhang tall and nearly 10,000 zhang long, its limbs are like four divine pillars supporting the sky, and the tortoise shell on its body is like a sacred mountain.

The terrifying demon qi swept through like a hurricane, blowing everyone back one after another.

Qin Feng was surprised: "It's really an old turtle. Others

were surprised.

Only Ye Xiaoman licked the corner of his mouth: "Such a big turtle, it must be very fragrant to boil Wang Ba Soup."

When everyone heard this, they were speechless for a while.

I'm afraid that only the little girl dares to think so.

Xuan Qingzi frowned, his eyes carefully stared at the old turtle in front of him, and finally determined after a long time.

The old turtle in front of him is the ancient demon that escaped from the Demon Town Tower, the Xuan Tortoise.

He roared loudly: "Senior be careful, this old guy is an ancient Great Demon Xuan Tortoise who escaped from the Demon Town Tower, and his defense power is very amazing. When

the surrounding forces heard this, they were immediately shocked.

Xuangui is rumored to be a descendant of the ancient holy beast Xuanwu.

The strength is much stronger than ordinary demon beasts.

In the same realm, few people are its opponents.

Ye Xiaofan did not have the slightest fear, his eyes were shining as he stared at the Xuangui, and muttered in a low voice: "I heard that Wang Ba soup is more nourishing than Lao Turtle Soup, so I must try it today." Hearing

this, everyone was speechless for a while.

Qin Feng and the others were even more emotional.

It is worthy of being a brother and sister, and even the ideas are the same.

"Dead bald head, dare to hit the old man's idea, today let you die without a place to be buried." The

old man roared angrily at Ye Xiaofan, and his dark pupils were filled with cold killing intent.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will prepare a place for you to be buried."

He took out the dragon pattern black gold ding, and the small ding rose in the face of the storm, turned into a huge one, and fell on the ground with a bang.

"Old turtle, stop struggling, hurry up and come to Dingli.

Ye Xiaofan hooked his finger at the Xuan Tortoise.

With such a provocative action, the Qi Xuangui Seven Tips smoked.

"Dead bald head, take your life. It

opened its mouth and spat out a cold wind.

Where the cold wind passed, it was instantly frozen.

Seeing this, all the forces quickly dodged for fear of being affected.

The speed of the cold wind was very fast, and it soon spread to Ye Xiaofan.

He immediately fought a cold war and said, "Depend, what is this thing, it's so cold." Enduring

the chill around him, he raised the Dinghai God Iron in his hand and smashed it towards the Xuan Tortoise in front of him.

The corner of the Xuan turtle's mouth evoked a hint of ridicule, and the next moment, its limbs and head were instantly incorporated into the turtle shell.

The originally pitch-black turtle shell suddenly bloomed with a hazy black light.

There were mysterious runes flowing in the dark light.


the divine iron smashed on the turtle shell, it emitted a piercing trill.

"Hey, it's pretty hard.

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised, he still used a little strength before, and he actually failed to smash the turtle shell.

This shows how amazing its defense is.

Everyone around was also surprised, how terrifying Ye Xiaofan's stick was, they had already seen it.

As a result, I didn't expect to be able to break through the defense of the turtle shell.

Xuan Qingzi exclaimed: "It is worthy of the legendary Xuan Tortoise, and its defense is amazing.

Xuangui poked out his head again and said arrogantly: "Hehe, dead bald head, with your little strength, it is simply a fool's dream to want to break through the old man's defense." "

The reason why the old man dares to be so arrogant is his strong defense.

His own defense is very strong, and not long ago, he was also inherited by the No. 2 figure of the Dragon Palace, Turtle Chengxiang.

Its defenses were further strengthened.

Now I am afraid that even the land immortal will find it difficult to break through its defenses.

This is also the reason why it dares to provoke Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan's face immediately darkened: "Old fellow, wait for you to carry the next stick and be arrogant." "

The previous stick, Ye Xiaofan was afraid that a stick would smash the old turtle into slag, so he didn't use much force.

After all, in that case, the soup will not be fragrant.

Seeing that Ye Xiaofan was about to attack again, Xuangui suddenly shrunk his head in, and at the same time did not forget to provoke.

"Dead bald head, come and come, if the old man screams, it is your grandson." The

corner of Ye Xiaofan's mouth couldn't help but twitch twice, this old turtle's mouth is quite cheap.

He flew high in the air, raised the iron rod in his hand high, and then slammed it down.

This time, he didn't keep his hand anymore, and he used about one ten-thousandth of his strength.


The turtle shell that emitted a hazy black light was smashed on the spot, and the power on the iron rod was not reduced.

The body of the Xuan Tortoise was split in two and deeply embedded in the earth, and a huge crack appeared in the earth again.

"Ah..." A

miserable howl resounded throughout the audience, and Xuangui finally paid the price for his arrogance.

It stared at Ye Xiaofan with big black eyes: "How... How could it be, you... Who the hell are you?" Ye

Xiaofan ignored it, looking at the Xuan Tortoise below that split in two, his face regretful.

"Hey, I already knew that I should have made less effort, and now that I do this, I'm afraid that the soup won't be fragrant." Hearing

this, the Xuangui who had not yet stopped his breath suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then his head fainted and died.

Subsequently, an illusory little turtle flew out from the corpse of the Xuan Tortoise, which was none other than the Yang God of the Xuan Tortoise.

"Death bald head, you wait for the old man, today's enemy, in the coming day will be returned a hundredfold." After

dropping a sentence, it turned around and prepared to flee.

"Want to leave, have you asked me?" Ye

Xiaofan smiled coldly, and a red gold divine dragon appeared behind him, roaring at the fleeing Xuan Tortoise.

The latter's body trembled, and the roar dissipated on the spot.

The surrounding forces only felt a roar in their minds, and blood flowed in the seven tips.

If they are not far enough away, they will not be able to escape bad luck.

Ignoring everyone's shocked gazes, Ye Xiaofan flew down and picked up half of the turtle corpse and put it into the big ding.

And then the other half.

Then he took out a large pile of treasure medicines from the storage ring and put one of them into the big ding.

Then take out another purple-gold gourd and pour water into it.

After doing everything, he clapped his hands and said to Qin Feng and the others: "What are you doing stunned, don't hurry up and find some dry firewood to make a fire." A

group of people reacted and immediately scattered to find dry firewood.

When the other forces saw this scene, they were immediately dumbfounded.

I never expected that Ye Xiaofan would really want to boil Wang Ba Tang.

The big demon of the golden body realm is used to make soup, which is also too luxurious.

Ye Xiaofan waited for a long time, seeing that Qin Feng had not come back, he couldn't help but miss the original Red Snake Demon King.

If the other party is there, there is no need to look for firewood.

Just as he was thinking like this, another group of figures flew over in the distance.

One of the crimson figures is particularly conspicuous.

Who is not the Red Snake Demon King.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up, and he immediately beckoned to the former: "Little red snake, come and burn a fire for me." Seeing

that familiar bald head, the Red Snake Demon King was so frightened that he almost turned around and fled.

How bad is its luck, how can it meet this evil god everywhere.

Just when it was depressed in his heart, a middle-aged man next to him said in a deep voice: "Third man, that person dares to insult you, but he didn't put my demon palace in his eyes, wait, big brother will help you teach him a lesson." "


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