When the hunchbacked old man said this, everyone else also smelled a fragrance.

The young man Ao Tianhu said suspiciously: "How does it smell like barbecue?" Hearing

this, the dragon clan masters looked surprised.

This place is the Yaochi Immortal Palace.

It is an authentic immortal gate, how can there be the aroma of roasted meat?

After all, that kind of thing, only mortals will like it.

Cultivators only eat treasure elixirs.

Suddenly, the hunchbacked old man's expression moved, and he speculated: "Yiyi, that girl is very greedy, should it be..."

Hearing this, everyone nodded subconsciously.

It's really possible.

Ao Tian immediately said: "Yes or no, let's go over and take a look." The

hunchbacked old man nodded, let the others wait here, and walked with Ao Tian towards the place where the fragrance came from.

Soon after, they came to the courtyard where Ye Xiaofan was.

I just saw Ye Xiaofan cutting the dragon corpse.

Seeing this scene, Ao Tian's eyes widened, and he angrily reprimanded: "Messing with things, you actually dare to feed on my dragon clan." In

the blink of an eye, I saw a little girl in white next to me eating happily.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch twice, and the hunchbacked old man also saw all this, and the corners of his mouth also twitched twice.

The two stepped forward quickly, and Ao Tian roared loudly: "One by one." The

little loli in white looked back when she heard this, and after seeing the two, her big smart eyes showed surprise, and then beckoned: "Brother Tian, Grandpa Turtle, come quickly, this barbecue is delicious."

After that, he ignored the two and continued to deal with the barbecue in his hand.

The faces of the two immediately darkened, and the pace under their feet accelerated.

Seeing that the two knew the little loli in white, everyone in Shushan did not care, and continued to eat the barbecue in their hands.

"You stop for me. Near

the end, Ao Tian grabbed the roast meat in Little Lori's hand, and said in a stern voice: "Who let you run around? The

little loli ao in white spat out his fragrant tongue one by one, and said playfully: "Brother Tian, don't be angry, people just smell the aroma of barbecued meat, some can't help it, and it's not intentional."

Ao Tian became even more angry after hearing this: "Eat and eat, you know to eat in a day, you see what is behind you."

Ao Yiyi turned back curiously and saw Ye Xiaofan cutting dragon meat.

Suddenly, his little face changed, and he exclaimed: "Big brother, you... Where did you get the dragon meat?"

Ye Xiaofan said without thinking, "Last time I went to the East Sea Dragon Palace, I got a few by the way.

Hearing this, Ao Yiyi's small face immediately changed, and he stammered: "Then what I just ate should be...

"Oh, don't worry, I just ate crab and lobster meat, not dragon meat."

Ye Xiaofan explained casually, and pointed to the lobster shell and crab shell on the side.

Ao Yi glanced at it one by one, and only then let go of his heart.

Then muttered in a low voice: "I really didn't expect that the meat of the big lobster and the big crab was so delicious, and I had to grab a few roasts and taste them when I returned to the Dragon Palace." Hearing

the muttering of the little girl, the corners of Ao Tian and the hunchbacked old man all twitched.

The two didn't bother to say more to her, Ao Tian looked at Ye Xiaofan, and said in an icy voice: "Boy, you actually dare to harm my dragon clan, you are not small."

Ye Xiaofan raised his eyes and said a little angrily: "Are you too broad, I killed the dragon clan, and I didn't kill you."

Ao Tian's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "As the third prince of the East Sea Dragon Palace, someone has mutilated the dragon clan, so naturally I have to take care of it."

Ye Xiaofan was surprised, and then looked at the little loli in white.

I didn't expect the other party to be a princess.

He retracted his gaze and said lightly: "I'm in a good mood today, I don't want to beat the dragon, where do you hit and go back and forth, otherwise don't blame me for being unpolite." Ao

Tian's eyebrows stood upside down, and Sen Han's killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Just as he was about to make a move, Dan Chenzi came over and said lightly: "This little brother of the dragon clan, the old man advises you not to be presumptuous here, otherwise it will be too late to regret it."

Ao Tian's face changed, and he only felt a terrifying pressure sweeping over.

Just when he couldn't bear it a little, the hunchbacked old man beside him blocked in front of him.

"This Daoist, isn't it too much to bully the small?"

the hunchbacked old man spoke in a deep voice, his eyes staring at Danchenzi tightly.

Dan Chenzi gathered the momentum on his body and said lightly: "This Taoist friend, the old man is also for the good of this little brother, lest he lose his life because of impulse, after all, there are some people who he can not offend." The

hunchbacked old man's face sank: "Daoist friends are inevitably too arrogant, my East Sea Dragon Clan can't afford to offend, I am afraid that there are few people in this world."

The corner of Danchenzi's mouth hooked a hint of ridicule, and said lightly: "Since Daoist friends don't believe it, forget it, if you don't want to leave, you can try it." Seeing

that he was so confident, the hunchbacked old man frowned slightly, then took a deep breath and said lightly: "Daoyou, today is me, the East Sea Dragon Clan has written it down."

After he said that, he turned to Ao Tian and said, "Let's go, let's leave here first." "

In any case, this place is the Yaochi Immortal Palace, and it is not suitable for hands.

Even if you want to get back the field, it's not here.

Ao Tian also understood the meaning of the hunchbacked old man, glanced at Ye Xiaofan with cold eyes, and then pulled Ao Yiyi one by one and walked out.

The little girl was still a little reluctant because she hadn't eaten enough.

But Ao Tian didn't give her a chance and forcibly dragged her away.

After a few people left, Dan Chenzi retracted his gaze, turned to Ye Xiaofan and said, "Senior, I'm afraid I will offend the East Sea Dragon Clan now."

Ye Xiaofan didn't care: "If you offend, you will offend, they better not come to mess with me, otherwise it is not recommended to roast them." The

corners of Danchenzi's mouth twitched secretly, and only Ye Xiaofan dared to say this.

On the other side, Ao Tian and the others returned to the courtyard where the dragon clan lived.

Ao Yiyi said a little sullenly: "Brother Tian, why are you so fierce, that big brother is very good."

"You shut up for me. Ao Tian scolded: "I know to eat and eat all day, and I won't take you with me next time I come out."

"Hmph, if you don't bring it, don't bring it, I'll come out by myself."

Ao Yiyi pouted and ran into the room in a huff.

"This girl. The

hunchbacked old man shook his head helplessly, and then looked at Ao Tian: "Xiaotian, looking at the clothes of those guys, they should be from Shushan."

Speaking of this, his brows furrowed slightly, and he wondered: "Strange, when did the people of Shushan become so arrogant that they actually dared to offend my East Sea Dragon Clan?"

Ao Tian's face was cold, and then he rolled his eyes and said coldly: "Since you can't clean them up for the time being, let's find some trouble for them first."

"Grandpa Turtle, you are optimistic about that girl, I'll leave."

Ao Tian said a word, and then left the courtyard.


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