Seeing that Our Lady of Yaochi was so confident, Ye Xiaofan didn't say anything anymore.

He looked around, found a direction that didn't get in the way, took a deep breath, put on a stance, clenched his right hand into a fist, slowly pulled behind him, and then suddenly blasted out.

This time, he used more force than ever.

That's almost fifty percent of the force.

Although Our Lady of Yaochi asked him to go all out, Ye Xiaofan still left some leeway for the sake of safety.

The next moment, the terrifying fist exploded, a huge ravine appeared on the ground, and the sky curtain in front of it was instantly torn apart, and the space wind blew out, but it was quickly shattered by the fist.

The spatial rift has been permeating into the distance.

It was as if a rag was constantly torn by someone, and finally I don't know where it was cracked?

It was as if the entire firmament had been torn apart by someone.

It looks terrifying.

Outside the Yaochi Immortal Palace, those forces that had not yet gone far had also seen this terrifying scene.

"This... What's going on here?" someone

looked at the huge crack above the sky curtain with a puzzled face.

In Shushan's team, Xuan Qingzi swallowed his saliva and said in disbelief: "Senior... Did the senior make a move against the Immortal Palace??" Dan

Chenzi was also stunned, and then seemed to think of something, and his face changed slightly.

"Isn't the senior too anxious, don't you know that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry?" On

the top of a certain mountain, Centipede Zhixing looked suspicious: "What is the master doing again, is it with the group of guys in the Immortal Palace?"

Jin Wanjin speculated: "It should be impossible, the master has worshiped that woman as a teacher, there is no reason to make a move."

Calvary Heavenly Master stared at the crack in the sky curtain in the distance and whispered: "How strong is that kid?" Dragon

Tiger Mountain, Zhang Zhidong looked at the cracked sky curtain in the distance, and said in horror: "What's going on?

Saying that, he sat cross-kneeled in the void and said in a deep voice: "I feel that I am about to break through, and you protect the Dharma for me." A

group of people immediately dispersed and surrounded the old man.

Somewhere in Kunlun Mountain, the masters of the Dragon Clan were also attracted by the cracks in the sky screen.

The hunchbacked old man exclaimed: "It actually tore the void, could it be

that a land immortal made a move?" Ao Run's voice was solemn: "I'm afraid it's not an ordinary land immortal, it's very likely that it has reached the great consummation of heaven and man, or even stronger." When

everyone in the Dragon Clan heard this, their expressions became extremely solemn.

Someone exclaimed: "It is worthy of the Yaochi Immortal Palace, and the foundation is indeed deep." They

would never have dreamed that the terrifying blow in front of them was delivered by Ye Xiaofan.

In the Yaochi Immortal Palace, everyone was stunned, and their eyes were full of incredulity.

He looked at the slowly healing cracks on the sky screen, and then looked at Ye Xiaofan, who was standing with his fists closed.

The expression on the face should be how wonderful and wonderful.

They never thought that Ye Xiaofan was so powerful.

This kind of attack, I am afraid that only the legendary land immortals can fight.

In other words, the young man who looks a little natural in front of him is likely to be comparable in strength to the land immortals.

When they thought of this, they were shocked.

This time, Immortal Palace actually recruited such a freak.

Our Lady of Yaochi's red lips opened slightly, and she was obviously shocked.

After a moment, she suppressed the shock in her heart, and then looked at Ye Xiaofan, with a hint of strangeness in her eyes.

She seems to have received an amazing guy as an apprentice.

Ye Xiaofan touched the back of his head and said with a smile: "Master, the disciple is ugly." The

corner of Our Lady of Yaochi twitched slightly, and then nodded indifferently: "It's not bad, there is a bit of the style of the master."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Immortal Palace suddenly looked over, and their eyes were strange.

The purple-clothed girl muttered in her heart: "It turns out that you are such a master." Our

Lady of Yaochi was a little embarrassed to see it, and with a wave of her jade hand, she ordered, "You take the other disciples down first, I have something to talk to Xiao Fan alone." Everyone

in the Immortal Palace did not dare to hesitate, and immediately left with the other Tianjiao first.

In the end, only Ye Xiaofan and Our Lady of Yaochi and Bai Ze were left in the field.

Our Lady of Yaochi said to Bai Ze behind her: "You also go down first."

Bai Ze ran away with a cigarette, looking at its anxious appearance, it seemed that he had wanted to leave for a long time.

Our Lady of Yaochi then looked at Ye Xiaofan and asked curiously: "Your strength is not bad, I am very curious about the teacher, how have you cultivated all these years?"

Our Lady of Yaochi continued to ask, "How to exercise?" "

Running and running, doing push-ups or something, just some ordinary exercises."

Ye Xiaofan answered truthfully: "There is also eating some nourishing things, such as the blood and flesh of the demon king, top treasure medicine and the like." Our

Lady of Yaochi was a little stunned, and she couldn't believe that Ye Xiaofan had become stronger so easily.

And it's also excessive.

Other people's cultivation is extremely difficult, how to get to the other party's place is like playing.

She took a slight breath and said deliberately: "It is worthy of the rumored Pangu Holy Body, it is really extraordinary.

Ye Xiaofan touched the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed, and then said rather distressed: "Although it is indeed easy to cultivate, it is also a little bad, and he is bald at a young age."

At the end, he sighed softly, and the expression on his face was quite frustrated.

Our Lady of Yaochi was speechless for a while, and her heart said that this was also a matter.

Compared with such a powerful force, baldness is nothing at all.

Then, a hint of joy appeared deep under her eyes.

Because he saw a glimmer of hope for revenge in Ye Xiaofan.

As long as Haosheng cultivates the other party, one day she will definitely be able to kill back to the Celestial Realm and avenge her revenge.

No one knew that Our Lady of Yaochi was actually a reincarnation.

In her last life, she was the founder of the Yaochi Immortal Palace, the "Queen Mother of the West", who was canonized by the Heavenly Court and ranked in the Immortal Class, but later broke with the Heavenly Court because of some gaps, and had a big war with the other party, and then fell to the enemy.

Before dying, he used his means, and his true soul escaped into reincarnation and was reincarnated into the current Holy Mother of Yaochi.

For the hatred of the past, Our Lady of Yaochi has never forgotten, and has been thinking of revenge all these years.

But she knew that her strength was limited, and it was undoubtedly very difficult to fight against the Heavenly Court.

But now, she saw hope in Ye Xiaofan.

The other party just exercised casually by himself, and he had such a terrifying strength.

If carefully cultivated, future achievements are incalculable.

Our Lady of Yaochi suppressed the thoughts in her heart and spoke: "For the master, your control of power just now is somewhat weak, and in the next period, the teacher will teach you how to control the power."

Ye Xiaofan was overjoyed when he heard this: "Thank you Master." At

the same time, in an extraterrestrial sky, the pitch-black starry river was torn apart, and the terrifying power was vented, and the surrounding stars were suddenly shattered by this force.

Bang bang bang....

In a moment, all the stars in this river of stars were shattered.

Fortunately, this is the Barren Star Domain, otherwise countless creatures will die.

After a long time, this terrifying force gradually subsided.

After a long time, several terrifying figures appeared.

One of the mighty figures spoke, emitting a grand and majestic voice.

Could it be that some old monster has broken through??" As

he spoke, he pinched his hands and used his means to sense the source of this power.

But nothing was gained.

"Strange, this power seems to come from another space, then you are blocked by a mysterious force, I can't sense it??"

he said with a hint of surprise in his voice.

Several others also shot one after another, but the result was also nothing.

One of the women with a graceful figure spoke: "Such a terrifying method, either the hidden old monster shot, or those guys

in the Celestial Realm?" Another interrupted: "The latter should be impossible, the Celestial Realm has long been cut off from this world, and in the entire universe, I am afraid that only the Terran Ancestral Land has a passage to the Celestial Realm."

The tall figure who spoke first frowned and said, "Not necessarily, counting the time, the Terran ancestral land may have been restored, maybe there is really an immortal nether realm." The

other people's eyes froze slightly when they heard this, and their eyes showed a pensive look.


On the other side, Calvary Heavenly Master was about to leave Kunlun with the two demons, but suddenly saw a terrifying thundercloud appear in the distance.

The two demons were terrified, and Centipede Zhixing asked: "Brother, what a terrifying thunder, what happened over there?"


In the furious sea of thunder, a white-haired old Taoist priest crisscrossed the thunder, and spells came out in unison, fighting against the endless thunder.

Not far away, everyone in Dragon Tiger Mountain watched nervously.

After a long time, the furious thunder sea slowly dissipated.

The gray-haired old way has been reborn, the original snow-white hair has become black, and the skin has become tender and smooth.

A terrifying aura was released from him.

"Hahaha, the old man has finally broken through to the land immortal.

He laughed loudly, then his eyes moved, and he looked ahead.

After seeing the three figures not far away, his eyes became playful.

"Hehe, I actually dared to take the initiative to send it to the door, just to take you guys." "


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