Even Su Qingxue and Su Wan'er looked over, and the former's eyes showed nervousness and expectation.

She doesn't care about what the rest of the people give.

But only what Ye Xiaofan sent, she couldn't sit idly by.

Ye Xiaofan fumbled on his body for a while, and finally took out an egg.

"Our family is poor, you know, there is nothing good to give you, just give you an egg."


Everyone was collectively dumbfounded, how could they not expect Ye Xiaofan to actually send an egg.

Is this a monkey invited tease?

Ye Xiaoman's face was full of embarrassment, and he couldn't wait to find a seam to drill into.

It's really a shame.

Before leaving, she had asked Ye Xiaofan what gift to give, and the other party said that it was ready so that she didn't have to worry.

Ye Xiaoman never expected that Ye Xiaofan actually sent an egg.

At this moment, she had a feeling of being landless and wanted to flee the scene immediately.

After everyone was stunned, they all had strange eyes.

Zhao Hu was the first to speak: "Hehe, on such an important occasion, you actually sent an egg, I see that you didn't put Qingxue in your eyes at all."

At the end, there was a hint of questioning in his voice.

Ye Xiaoman hurriedly remedied: "Sister Qingxue, my brother is not the cause..." Before

he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Qingxue's excited voice.

"Thank you, Brother Ye, I like this gift very much."

The girl quickly took the egg in Ye Xiaofan's hand, and her eyes showed an unconcealable excitement.

Once again, everyone was collectively dumbfounded.

Some people couldn't help but rub their eyes, only to think that they were wrong.

Receiving the demon pill sent by Zhao Hu earlier, Su Qingxue was not so excited.

Receiving an egg at the moment, he was so happy.

Although this egg looks a little unusual.

But an egg is an egg, no matter how ordinary it is, how can it be compared with the demon pill of the Purple Mansion Realm demon beast.

Everyone no longer understood what Su Qingxue meant?

If you don't know the former very well, everyone will think that the other party has a brain disease.

Only Su Wan'er and Xiao Luoli were present to understand the inside story.

The latter's eyes showed a hint of envy.

This is the egg of the top demon king.

Its value is not measurable by money at all.

Because you can't buy it with money.

Ye Xiaoman's whole person was dumbfounded in place, and the situation in front of her was also not expected by her.

But she soon figured out the key.

Su Qingxue must have done this for fear of embarrassment for them, so she deliberately did this.

Thinking of this, she was even more embarrassed.

I also took out the gift I had prepared.

It was a pink pearl that shimmered faintly in the light.

"Sister Qingxue, I don't have money to buy gifts, this is a pearl I took out from a big shell that my brother bought back last time, although it is not valuable, but it is quite beautiful, I hope you don't dislike it."

The girl was a little embarrassed.

Su Qingxue's three daughters' gaze was immediately attracted by the pearl, and Su Wan'er sensed it carefully, and really felt the majestic demon power from the pearl.

She was secretly surprised in her heart, and she was sure that the pearl in front of her was a demon king demon pill.

And it's not an ordinary demon king's demon pill, it's likely to be a top demon king.

Although Su Qingxue and Xiao Luoli could not sense it, they had some understanding of Ye Xiaofan's style of doing things.

It can also be guessed that most of the pearls come from the body of the demon king.

Su Qingxue immediately took it and said in a suppressed excited voice: "Don't dislike it, don't dislike it." She

took the pearl in her hand and played with it carefully, and the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

Once again, everyone was dumbfounded.

With all the gifts they sent, Su Qingxue did not show a trace of excitement.

At the moment, an egg and an ordinary pearl actually made the other party excited into this look.

Is this the other way around?

Are eggs and pearls really extraordinary?

Everyone looked carefully, but did not see the slightest peculiarity.

In the end, everyone felt that this was Su Qingxue's intention.

The purpose is also simple.

Su Qingxue should have done this to win over Ye Xiaoman.

Su Qingxue is only an illegitimate daughter in the Su family, and if she wants to gain a foothold, she must strengthen her strength.

Wooing geniuses is undoubtedly the best choice.

After figuring out the key, everyone was relieved, but they were somewhat unhappy in their hearts.

Ye Xiaoman is okay, what the hell is Ye Xiaofan's proud attitude?

I don't know, I really thought he gave some amazing gift.

After the gift-giving, it's time to make a wish and cut the cake.

When making a wish, Su Qingxue glanced at Ye Xiaofan unconsciously.

This made Zhao Hu, who had been observing Su Qingxue's demeanor, extremely gloomy, and he glanced at Ye Xiaofan without a trace, and a killing intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

After eating the cake, today's birthday party is over.

Everyone left the scene one after another, and Su Qingxue and Su Wan'er personally sent Ye Xiaofan and the two.

When everyone saw this scene, their faces were not very good-looking.

Today I was going to have a bite for Su Qingxue, but I didn't expect this result.

For a birthday banquet, Su Qingxue's gaze has been on the two.

I didn't pay much attention to them at all.

Knowing this, they did not come.

After sending the two back to the small courtyard, Su Qingxue and the others left.

"Sister Qingxue is too polite, I am a little embarrassed." Ye Xiaoman looked moved, feeling very happy that he could make friends like Su Qingxue.

Ye Xiaofan pouted: "What's so embarrassing, friend, it's how it should be."

Ye Xiaoman's little face suddenly darkened: "Brother, you are still embarrassed to say, you actually sent an egg, how can there be such a thing?"

"Doesn't that girl like it very much."

Ye Xiaofan didn't care, pushed the door and entered the courtyard.

"Hmph, that's Sister Qingxue has a good personality, and she didn't think about you."

Ye Xiaoman hummed and followed behind.


Zhao Hu returned home with a gloomy face, called a henchman, and ordered him.

"Old Chen, go check someone for me."

After Lao Chen got Ye Xiaofan's information, he immediately left.

Zhao Hu looked out the window, and a gloomy coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, dare to offend Ben Shao, I will let you die well."


Li family, Li Wanshan, the head of the Li family, asked in a deep voice: "Yun Di, is there no news of Yunzhi yet?"

Li Yundi shook his head: "Dad, according to various clues, most of my sister's disappearance is related to the brothers and sisters of that Ye Xiaoman."

Li Wanshan shouted in a deep voice, "Just arrest those two and ask?"

Li Yundi's face was embarrassed: "The other party seems to have come together with the Su family, and it is a little difficult to do it."

Li Wanshan's face sank: "It's the Su family again."

"I don't care, give you three days, and I must find out the news of Yunzhi."

"Yes, Dad, I'll do it."

Li Yundi agreed, turned and left the hall.

When he returned to his apartment, he was a little distraught.

After a while, he calmed down, and then called a henchman and ordered: "You go to the Night Rose." "


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