Written in front: Tomorrow drive to Jiangsu, today to pack up things, these two days there is only one chapter

of the Red Snake Demon Emperor quickly shook his head, righteous and solemn: "How is it possible, seniors are invincible existence in my heart, since the first time I saw seniors, your majestic figure has caused a huge impact on my young heart, and there is no hope of forgetting forever." The

slime, who flew back from work, rolled his eyes.

Yes, this little snake that appeared out of nowhere was actually better than it.

Ye Xiaofan rolled his eyes: "Less nonsense, hurry up and burn a fire for me."

"Well, my lord. The

Red Snake Demon Emperor agreed, and immediately flew towards Dading, and then opened his giant mouth and spit out a hot flame, skillfully playing the role of a tool snake.

When Zi Ling saw this scene, she muttered with some regret: "It's a pity, I can't eat snake soup now." The

body of the Red Snake Demon Emperor who was burning the fire trembled slightly, and secretly glanced at the purple-haired girl next to him.

The other party looks so cute, how can he talk so cruelly.

Besides, what is delicious about the snake meat, and isn't the beef next to it fragrant?

After the slime finished his work, he turned into hair again and put it on Ye Xiaofan's smooth head.

The Red Snake Demon Emperor was amazed.

It just saw clearly, and the other party solved the group of people by dividing it by two.

It can be imagined that the strength of the other party must be very terrifying.

And it was just Ye Xiaofan's hair.

The Red Snake Demon Emperor was very curious in his heart, how strong is Ye Xiaofan now?

Each time, the other party seems to make only a slight shot, and the enemy is easily solved.

Just as it was thinking, a question suddenly sounded.

"By the way, how did you become like this?" the

Red Snake Demon Emperor opened his mouth and spat out a blazing fireball, and then turned his head to explain his recent encounter in detail.

Here's the thing.

Originally, after the Red Snake Demon Emperor left the East Sea Dragon Palace, he returned to Shushan.

Because of several encounters with Ye Xiaofan, its strength has increased a lot, and after it went back, it directly commanded the demons of Shushan Mountain, and Meizhi became the king of the mountain.

I thought that the good days would last forever, but after a few days, I encountered the Lost Land and returned to Blue Star.

During this period, the topography of Shushan underwent tremendous changes.

When everything calmed down, those subordinates of the Red Snake Demon Emperor had long ago not known where they had been dispersed.

Once again, it is alone.

Like everyone else, it wants to find its former hometown.

As a result, nothing was gained, but countless dangers were encountered along the way.

Several times I almost lost my snake's life.

In the end, the Red Snake Demon Emperor became honest and did not dare to move around at will.

So I was ready to find a remote place and retreat for retreat.

As a result, halfway through, he overheard a group of forces going to a forbidden place to look for opportunities.

It also wants to try its luck.

Follow the other party all the way to the forbidden place, only enter a short distance, and encounter several waves of crisis, frightening it to flee.

As a result, in the middle of the way, a group of people snatched a colorful fruit.

During this period, the colorful fruit was snatched by one of them, but that person was besieged by the rest.

Before dying, the man cast a spatial magic and threw out the colorful fruit.

The Red Snake Demon Emperor, who was fleeing, was hit by colorful fruits that fell from the sky.

Although he didn't know what the colorful fruit was, the Red Snake Demon Emperor could feel that it was very extraordinary, and without any hesitation, he directly ate it.

Not only did his strength leap, but he was directly promoted from the early Yang God stage to the great consummation.

The blood veins in the body have undergone a qualitative improvement.

It became what it looks like at this moment.

But before it could be happy, the group of people from earlier chased after him.

If it hadn't evolved its bloodline and awakened its talent in terms of speed, it would have been a snake corpse at this time.

Despite this, the strength of the two sides was too bad after all, and it was quickly caught up by the other side.

And there was the scene just now.

It can be said that if it weren't for the good luck of touching Ye Xiaofan, it would probably have braided it at this time.

Drive to Jiangsu tomorrow, pack your things today, there is only one chapter in these two days.


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