Not far from the Immortal Fall Forbidden Land, there was a sect.

Known as the Shushan Sword School.

That's right, it is the branch of the Emei Shushan Sword Sect.

The Shushan Sword Sect, like Dragon Tiger Mountain, was also a first-class sect in ancient times.

The Shushan Sword Sect in front of him left the ancestral land with the lost place of the year, and gradually declined for some reasons.

The scenery of antiquity has long been gone.

Even small sects like the Demon Moon Sect could bully them.

At this moment, in the central hall of the Shushan Sword Sect.

After the beautiful woman in white returned with Lin Dong, she came here for the first time.

In the dimly lit hall, there was a white-haired old woman sitting cross-legged.

His face was wrinkled, his snow-white hair was draped over his shoulders, and he looked extremely old.

There was even a trace of death on his body.

Apparently time is running out.

Seeing the arrival of the two, she raised her eyes slightly, with a hint of hope in her eyes, and asked, "Nan Yan, how is the situation?"

Mu Nanyan's voice was gloomy: "Old ancestor, let you down."

She then gave a general account of what happened to the trip.

When the old woman heard this, the hope in her eyes disappeared, and after a long silence, she raised her eyes and looked outside the hall.

"It seems that the heavens are going to kill me in Shushan. There

was despair and pathos in her voice.

Mu Nanyan and Lin Dong also looked gloomy.

After a long time, the old woman's gaze became firm, and her voice was low: "My Shushan Sword Sect is a famous and authentic sect, and I would rather die standing than kneel to live." "

Nan Yan, you arranged for some genius disciples to leave first, which can be regarded as leaving a trace of fire for my Shu Mountain, and then summoned the rest of the disciple elders to prepare for war with the Demon Yue Sect, and by the way, hunt a few demon beasts, pay homage to the ancestor heroic spirit, and let the ancestors and the ancestors bless our Shu Mountain with immortality."

Mu Nanyan nodded with a heavy face, and then seemed to remember something, and said: "Old ancestor, I have some demon beast blood and flesh here, so I don't need to hunt anymore."

She remembered the space ring that Ye Xiaofan gave her, and the other party clearly said that some demon beast blood and flesh and treasure medicine were placed in it.

Although the grade may not be high, it should be enough to pay homage to the ancestors.

The old woman nodded, got up and said, "Then you immediately go and gather the disciple elders of the entire sect and follow me to the central square to pay homage to the ancestors."

Mu Nanyan nodded in agreement, and then turned around and left the hall with Lin Dong.

Soon after, she summoned all the disciples and elders of the sect to the central square.

In the center of the square, a huge stone sword was inserted.

Above the blade, names are engraved.

The owners of these names used to be the existence of the right party.

It represents the glorious past of Shushan.

Under the giant sword, stood a white-haired old woman.

After the arrival of the disciple elders of the whole sect, the old woman spoke loudly: "I won't say much about things, that Demon Moon Sect deceives people too much, my Shushan is an ancient famous and decent sect, with a long heritage, even if I die in battle, I must not be a slave to others."

After hearing this, the disciples' eyes all showed sorrow and indignation.

Imagine what a scenery the Shushan Sword Sect was back then.

There have been several sword fairies, Megatron Starry Sky.

But now, it is not decaying.

Even the emerging small sects such as the Demon Moon Sect dared to deceive them.

The Demon Moon Sect is also a small sect in this region, and in the past, its strength was comparable to that of the Shushan Sword Sect.

The two had been fighting for hundreds of years, but not long ago, the Demon Moon Sect Master broke through and became a half-step land immortal.

The half-step land immortal is the one who failed to break through the land immortal.

If you want to break through to the land immortal, you must survive the Nine Nine Heavenly Tribulation.

The flesh and the Yang God have experienced the baptism of heavenly calamity, and hooked the avenue of heaven and earth, fused with themselves, and from then on, they can be called land immortals when they think of escaping heaven and earth.

But there are some people who have survived the Heavenly Tribulation in the flesh, but the Yang God has not been able to survive.

Such a person can be regarded as a breakthrough failure, but because his physical body has experienced the baptism of the Nine Heavenly Tribulation, he is much stronger than the ordinary Golden Body Realm Great Consummation.

Such a person is called a half-step land immortal.

It means that half a foot has stepped into the realm of land immortals.

The Demon Moon Sect originally had an old ancestor who had landed immortals half-step to sit there, otherwise it would not have been possible to fight with the Shushan Sword Sect for so many years.

Now there is another one, and his strength has suddenly surpassed the Shushan Sword Sect.

Therefore, he directly became arrogant and went to the door to ask the Shushan Sword Sect to submit.

They were given a month to think about it and either surrender or perish.

In this regard, the Shushan Sword Sect naturally would not agree.

They are an ancient sect, how can they submit to such an emerging small sect as the Demon Moon Sect?

But the ancestor of the Shushan Sword Sect, that is, the white-haired old woman, has little life, and is full of blood and qi, so he can't fight for a long time.

In the past, relying on the various exercises and inheritances left by Shu Mountain, she could still fight with the ancestor of the Demon Moon Sect

, but now that there was another half-step land immortal on the other side, she could never be an opponent anymore.

In order to seek an opportunity to break through, he sent Mu Nanyan to lead people to enter the Immortal Fall Forbidden Land at the risk of death to see if he could get any useful opportunities.

The result is unfortunate.

Not only did they not get the opportunity, but they also suffered heavy losses.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Mu Nanyan took the lead in speaking: "Old ancestor is right, I would rather die in battle than surrender, my sons and daughters of Shushan have not been greedy for life and afraid of death since ancient times."

After she said this, the blood in the hearts of the others was also ignited, and they immediately spoke in unison: "I would rather die in battle than surrender." The

loud voice shook the sky.

The old lady at the top nodded in satisfaction, then turned to bow to the giant sword, and said with a respectful expression: "I hope that the ancestors of the past generations will bless that I can win this battle in Shushan."

Then she took out three incense candles made of unknown materials and inserted them in the incense burner in front of the giant sword.

Mu Nanyan, who was a few meters away, immediately stepped forward, took out the space ring given by Ye Xiaofan, and the divine mind probed inside, ready to take some demon beast blood and flesh out.

But when she saw the contents of the space ring, her beautiful eyes widened, and the whole person stood in place.

The eyes are filled with ultimate disbelief.

After she took the space ring given by Ye Xiaofan, she didn't take it seriously, put it away casually, and didn't check the things inside.

I didn't see what was inside until inside.

Seeing that she didn't move for a long time, the old woman's eyes looked: "Nan Yan, what's wrong with you?" Mu

Nanyan came back to her senses, immediately stepped forward, and said in an excited voice: "Old... Old ancestor, we may not have to pay homage to the ancestors. The

old woman's face sank: "What nonsense are you talking about?" Mu

Nanyan quickly handed the space ring in her hand to the old woman: "Old ancestor, you can know it by looking at the things inside." The

old woman took the space ring suspiciously, and the divine mind leaned inside, and when he saw what was inside, the old man's eyes suddenly widened.

There was disbelief in his eyes.

After a few seconds, she came to her senses, grabbed Mu Nanyan's wrist, and asked in an excited voice: "What is going on?

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