Just as the long sword fell, Ye Xiaofan raised his hand to grab it, and his palm was slightly forced, suddenly making it unable to move.

Slime was shocked: "You... How do you..."

Ye Xiaofan said angrily, "Because you have followed me for so long, do you really think that a single crow can help me?"

It still seemed to underestimate Ye Xiaofan.

"Useless waste. Seeing

this, the three-legged crow in the distance spat out a sound with disdain.

"It seems that it is still necessary for the main seat to take action personally.

As soon as its wings fluttered, a large area of pitch-black flames suddenly swept towards Ye Xiaofan.

"Insect tricks.

Ye Xiaofan showed disdain, opened his mouth and sucked hard.

The pitch-black flames that swept away were immediately sucked into his mouth.

Seeing this, the three-legged crow showed a sneer in his eyes.

These are not ordinary flames, they are its true fire.

But instantly burn the land immortal, let alone the brat in front of him.

But the next scene made his face change slightly.

I saw that after Ye Xiaofan swallowed a large area of pitch-black flame, he only burped slightly, but nothing happened.

Seeing this scene, the two people and snakes in the distance all showed excitement.

Seeing Ye Xiaofan without moving for a long time before, they thought that the other party was also pressed and could not move.

It took half a day to install everything.

"How is this possible?" the

three-legged crow's voice was filled with disbelief.

Ye Xiaofan held the long sword that slime turned into in one hand, carried it behind him with the other, strode forward, and looked at the three-legged crow with calm eyes.

"Little crow, I plan to build a house not far away, there are just some poultry missing, come back with me, and make sure you eat fragrant and spicy food in the future." Hearing

this, the three-legged crow became furious.

It is a pure golden crow bloodline, and the current Terran kid actually wants to make it a fowl, which is simply a naked humiliation to it.

The next moment, the flames surrounding it suddenly became blazing, and its body quickly became larger.

A mighty ferocity spread out from all around it.

"Ants, this seat will let you know today what life is better than death. It

said it was just about to start, but suddenly found that its body could not move.

A behemoth appeared in his eyes.

I saw that behind Ye Xiaofan, a four-clawed red gold divine dragon appeared.

The terrifying dragon power pervaded, and the surrounding void became distorted.

It was precisely because of this dragon coercion that it could not move.

"Four... The four-clawed Heavenly Dragon !!"

Its eyes widened, and a strong panic and disbelief appeared in its eyes.

At this moment, a voice came from the opposite side again.

"I'll give you another chance, do you want to make poultry or go to the barbecue?" The

three-legged golden black body trembled, and then without any hesitation, he directly surrendered: "Sir, I am willing to be your poultry."

Ye Xiaofan nodded in satisfaction, put away the qi and blood divine dragon behind him, and then looked at the long sword in his hand, and said with a smile: "Dog thing, tell me how I should clean you up?" The

long sword trembled slightly, and then changed back to the appearance of a slime.

I saw it snot and tears and said: "Master, the villain is wrong, it was the villain who was obsessed with ghosts for a while before, and he will say those big contrarian words, and I hope that the master has a lot of people and spare the villain this time." While

speaking, it kept kowtowing.

That's kind of funny.

The corner of Ye Xiaofan's mouth hooked a sneer: "What do you think?" After

hearing this, Slime was even more afraid in his heart, and quickly said again: "Master, as long as you can spare the villain this time, the villain will definitely serve you with all his heart in the future, and if you have any orders, the villain will never shirk."

Ye Xiaofan snorted and said lightly: "In the future, you will obediently make my wig, without my permission, you are not allowed to leave my head, otherwise..."

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was obvious.

Slime nodded hurriedly, and he regretted it in his heart for a while.

I knew it was time to observe again.

"Damn, the intention was exposed too early, you must pay attention next time.

While rejoicing in its heart that it had escaped a catastrophe, it secretly thought that if it had another chance next time, it must be steady.

Don't reveal your intentions in advance.

It didn't dare to guarantee that it would be let go by Ye Xiaofan next time.

Subsequently, Ye Xiaofan was about to cut some more fire mulberry wood, and the three-legged crow took the initiative to step forward and say when he saw this.

"Master, do you want me to move this fire mulberry forest to where you live?" Ye

Xiaofan glanced at the dark fire mulberry forest and shook his head: "Forget it, the black is not a mouthful, it looks quite penetrating." "

The three-legged crow did not force it.

After cutting down a few more fire mulberry trees, they were ready to leave here.

It turned out that the colorful spider had long disappeared.

Zi Ling reacted fiercely: "Hmph, it seems that the stinky spider brought us here on purpose."

When she said this, everyone else reacted.

Wang Tiezhu blew his beard angrily and glared: "Hmph, the demon beast really doesn't have a good thing, and I already knew that the old man should have killed it with a crutch."

He stomped on the dragon head crutch in his hand, his eyes full of indignation.

Ye Xiaofan was obviously so good to that little spider, and the other party actually secretly thought carefully.

This made the old man very unhappy.

The Red Snake Demon Emperor next to him was a little embarrassed, and stepped forward to comfort: "Old man, you can not say so, there are also some pure people among the demon beasts, such as me."

Wang Tiezhu nodded: "Well, you snake demon is not bad, remember, don't learn that spider spirit."

The Red Snake Demon Emperor assured loudly: "Don't worry, old man, I will never do anything to be sorry for my predecessors." Then

the group left the place.

Back in the valley, under the guidance of Ye Xiaofan, several people and two demons began to build houses.


The flowers bloom in two, one on each side.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

On the 4th day, everyone from the Shushan Sword Sect was ready to go, and under the leadership of Mu Fanxue, they went straight to the Demon Moon Sect.

The morale of the army is like a rainbow.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding small forces all showed shock.

I don't understand what the Shushan Sword Sect is going to do?


Demon Moon Sect.

In the central main hall, two majestic figures were talking.

It was a middle-aged man in purple robes and an old man in black.

It was the sect master and ancestor of the Demon Moon Sect.

The purple-robed middle-aged man spoke: "Old Ancestor, the time of January is coming soon, and there is not the slightest movement from the Shushan Sword Sect, it seems that it will not take the initiative to submit." The

black-robed old man sneered: "If you don't submit, wait to be destroyed, from now on, there will be no Shushan Sword Sect in the Southern Region."

Just after he finished saying this, a majestic drink suddenly came from outside the gate of the Demon Moon Sect.

"Old Demon Chen, quickly get out and die. Hearing

this, both of their faces changed, their figures flew out, and their eyes looked towards the mountain gate.


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