Ye Xiaofan's face was surprised: "And something so magical??" The

other two were also curious.

The girl Zilin couldn't wait to ask: "Brother Crow, what kind of treasure is it, you can tell me quickly." "

This name was given by Ye Xiaofan to the three-legged crow.

Inspired by an arrogant character in a movie.

The arrogance of the three-legged crow at the beginning is very similar to that character.

The three-legged crow nodded: "It is indeed very strange, it is said that the creation realm is an innate magic weapon, which itself contains the avenue of heaven and earth, the magic of creation, and has all kinds of incredible functions."

Ye Xiaofan was interested and asked, "What is an innate magic weapon?" The

three-legged crow explained: "The innate magic weapon is the magic weapon naturally formed by heaven and earth, not artificially refining.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed abruptness: "So that's the case, where is that Immortal Demon Cave, you quickly take me over." The

three-legged crow did not act immediately, but solemnly reminded: "Master, it is rumored that the Immortal Demon Cave is extremely dangerous, and it is one of several forbidden places in the Immortal Fall Forbidden Land, I wonder if you can be sure here?" Unlike

slimes and colorful spiders, it did not think of betraying Ye Xiaofan.

The three-legged crow's insight and vision were more than a star and a half stronger than the previous two, and it felt that Ye Xiaofan was extraordinary.

If you honestly follow each other, your future future may be limitless.

Of course, this is not the main reason.

More importantly, the three-legged crow saw the hope of revenge in Ye Xiaofan.

It originally came from the powerful Golden Crow clan in the Celestial Realm, but because of its mutation, it was abandoned by the clan shortly after birth.

At the beginning of cultivation, it suffered a lot.

Because he looks like the golden crow, he did not use the name of the golden crow tribe to deceive.

Survived several crises.

Just as it was accomplished, the Jinwu tribe came to the door and informed it of its identity.

When he first learned the news, the three-legged crow was very happy.

Because its previous goal of cultivation was to one day evolve into a real Golden Crow and become a member of the Golden Crow clan.

But what it never expected was that the Jinwu tribe did not want to invite him back, but to erase it.

The reason is that the other party thinks that it looks too ugly, which will discredit the sacred and radiant image of the Jinwu tribe.

In this regard, the three-legged crow was extremely angry.

Abandon it, forget it, and finally erase it.

It still remembers how angry it was at the time.

Later, after escaping by luck, it hated the Jinwu tribe fiercely, thinking that when its strength was strong in the future, it must kill the door and get back a justice.

But the strength of the Jinwu tribe is very strong, even if it tries very hard, it still does not see the hope of revenge.

Later, he was affected by the terrifying war in ancient times, and finally he could only hide in the Immortal Fall Forbidden Land to survive.

It wasn't until now that it met Ye Xiaofan that it finally saw a glimmer of hope.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand and said confidently: "Don't worry, no matter what old monster he is, I have no fear, if I can't solve it with one punch, then two punches." Seeing

this, the three-legged golden crow didn't say more.

It was just a reminder, not that he didn't believe in Ye Xiaofan's strength.

Then, under its leadership, the group headed deeper into the Immortal Fall Forbidden Land.

I don't know how long it took before I arrived outside the fairy demon cave that the three-legged crow said.

I saw that under the steep cliff ahead, there was a huge stone cave.

Its diameter is several thousand meters.

The mouth of the cave was pitch black, without any light, like the giant mouth of a demon, making people feel frightened and afraid.

The three-legged crow pointed ahead with his wings and said: "Master, that is the Immortal Demon Cave, it is said that there are all kinds of strange and dangerous things in it, and there are some old monsters lurking inside, which is very terrifying."

Ye Xiaofan nodded, and a look of interest appeared in his eyes: "Let's go, I want to see, how dangerous is it?" Under

his leadership, a group of people quickly came to the outside of the Immortal Demon Cave.

Before and after, several people were able to feel the horror and danger of the fairy demon cave.

Just standing outside the entrance of the cave, they had a feeling of trembling in their hearts.

It seems that the hole in front of you will choose someone to eat at any time.

The surrounding light could not shine into the cave entrance, as if it was swallowed by some inexplicable force as soon as it entered.

Of course, Ye Xiaofan did not feel this way, his eyes curiously looked at the dark cave entrance, and then ordered the Red Snake Demon Emperor on the side.

"Take a look at the whole fireball illumination."

The Red Snake Demon Emperor immediately agitated his cheeks, and then spit out a blazing fireball.

The fire illuminates the entrance of the cave, but only the outermost part can be seen, and the inside is still dark, and nothing can be seen.

Ye Xiaofan frowned slightly, and then said, "Throw it in directly." "

The Red Snake Demon Emperor immediately threw a huge fireball into the Immortal Demon Cave.

The fireball went all the way down, illuminating the surrounding rock walls, and then quickly disappeared into the hole.

The crowd saw nothing.

Ye Xiaofan's brows furrowed deeper, and said lightly: "It seems that you can only go in and take a look."

Just as he was about to act, a majestic voice suddenly came from the Immortal Demon Cave.

"Where did the ants come from, dare to come to the Immortal Demon Cave to make trouble?"


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