"Senior, there is a colorful lake in front of you."

Ma Fei pointed to the lake in front of him and said to Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan raised his eyes and looked over.

I saw that more than 10 kilometers away, there was a clear lake.

The lake is not large, at most several kilometers in diameter.

In the middle of the lake, colorful lotus flowers grow brightly colored.

From a distance, it looks very beautiful.

Zao Wou-ki spoke: "Senior, I don't know how many years have existed in this colorful lake, it is said that it has existed longer than the Immortal Fall Forbidden Land, and the specific origin has long been unverifiable.

"I only know that it is very dangerous and weird, and those lotus flowers in the lake, also known as colorful water lilies, everyone who approaches the lake will be sleepy and slowly fall into a deep sleep."

"Then die in your sleep and turn into the nutrients of colorful water lilies."

Zi Ling's red lips opened slightly: "Is it so dangerous, those lotus flowers obviously look so beautiful." The

Red Snake Demon Emperor shrunk his neck and quickly hid behind Ye Xiaofan, "Senior, want... Otherwise, it sounds dangerous. "

There was fear in its voice, and it didn't want to take risks.

Ye Xiaofan lightly knocked on his head, and said angrily: "Why are you more timid than that big stupid bear in my family?" "

It's just a few flowers, what is there to be afraid of."

Uncle Wang also followed and said: "Xiao Fan is right, manly husband, don't cower when doing things, like you, what can you do in the future?"

The Red Snake Demon Emperor muttered in a low voice, "If you want to be so productive, I can be a fire boy next to my seniors, and I am very satisfied." "

Rotten wood cannot be carved."

Uncle Wang angrily knocked his crutch on the other party's snake's head, and then followed Ye Xiaofan and them who had already left in a huff.

The Red Snake Demon Emperor hesitated and hurried to follow him.

Not long after, a group of people arrived in front of the Colorful Lake.

Up close, those lotus flowers in the lake are even more beautiful.

The lotus leaves are turquoise, like pieces of emerald, and lotus flowers emerge from the lotus leaves.

Some are still flowers and bones, while others have already bloomed and compete with each other.

It makes up a beautiful picture.

Although the scenery in front of you is beautiful, it is extremely quiet.

There is no life in or around the lake.

Under the leadership of Ye Xiaofan, a group of people strode towards the lake.

As soon as she got closer, she smelled a burst of flowers, and after just a few sniffs, Ziling felt a sense of drowsiness hit her heart.

The same is true of the Red Snake Demon Emperor and Uncle Wang.

In the field, their strength is the weakest, and they are the first to resist.

Within a few minutes, the two snakes felt their eyelids fighting, feeling very, very sleepy.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaofan quickly took a look at the three-legged crow.

The latter immediately enlarged his body and motioned for the two to snake onto his back.

Under the leadership of Uncle Wang, the two of them and a snake immediately flew onto the back of the three-legged crow.

"Brother Crow, thank you, I can't help it, sleep for a while first."

After the Red Snake Demon Emperor finished speaking, he could no longer resist the sleepiness, and his eyes closed and he fell asleep directly.

Uncle Wang and Ziling also followed closely to sleep.

Ma Fei opened his mouth and said: "Senior, this is the case, in this position, the strength of Ying I and so on, can still resist that drowsiness."

"But if we get to the center of the lake, it won't be long before we sleep."

Ye Xiaofan nodded and asked with some curiosity, "Do you know what is under this lake?"

Several people shook their heads, indicating that they did not know.

"Let's go, let's go dig a few lotus flowers first."

After Ye Xiaofan came to the lake, Ye Xiaofan took off his flip-flops and jumped directly into the lake, preparing to dig up a few lotus flowers and plant them in his yard.

Ma Fei, Zao Wou-ki and the others, seeing this, also hurriedly went up to help.

The movement here soon attracted the attention of the colorful spiders hidden in the lake.

It sneaked its head out from behind a lotus leaf and looked in the direction where the movement was coming.

Soon I saw the scene by the lake.

When he saw the familiar face in it, the colorful spider was frightened.

"That... How did that guy run here. It

was terrified for a moment, but then reacted violently.

"This is a colorful lake, what am I afraid of."

Although it said that it was not afraid, its body was very honest, and it quickly burrowed into the water and went straight to the bottom of the lake.

On the edge of the lake, Ye Xiaofan and several people moved quickly, and after a while, they dug up dozens of colorful water lilies.

Putting it into the space ring, Ye Xiaofan changed into a set of dry clothes, and then pulled down the slime on his head.

The latter's body trembled, and he immediately returned to his original state, and asked with a fawning face: "Master, what are your orders?"

A smile appeared on Ye Xiaofan's face: "You go to the bottom of this lake to see, what is the situation below?"

Slime's face immediately changed when he heard this, "Master, my strength is weak, I am afraid that I will not be able to complete the task you have explained, and I can... Can I go to another person?

A "kind" smile bloomed on Ye Xiaofan's face, "What do you think?" "

I think, I think it's okay... Slime complained in his heart, and then said with a sad face: "Master, but... But my strength is really weak, in case..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Xiaofan.

"It's okay, if you are unfortunately killed, I will erect a monument for you, record your heroic deeds, and pass them on."

One more chapter first, two later.


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