In the deepest part of the crack is a vast underground world.

Its incomparably vast expanse has no end in sight.

Above the earth, stands a huge corpse.

Its body is huge and boundless, and it looks like a star falling on the earth.

From the silhouette, the corpse is a spider.

Its appearance is very similar to that of colorful spiders.

It's just countless times bigger.

It looks like an ancient demon god from the ancient flood waste.

Although he was far away, Ye Xiaofan also felt a reckless aura.

At the same time, there is a feeling of panic.

This was the first time he felt this way.

"What the hell is this?"

Just when doubts appeared in his eyes, the red gold divine dragon in his body was a little restless.


Ye Xiaofan was even more suspicious, and then flew towards the huge corpse below.

As for the colorful spider, I don't know where to run for a long time.

Not long after, Ye Xiaofan came to the front of the huge corpse.

As soon as he approached, a fierce aura rushed to his face.

Looking at it, I saw ghost-faced sleeping devil spiders rushing out from various positions of the corpse.

They are even larger than the ghost-faced sleeping devil spiders before them.

The fierce aura on his body is also more terrifying.

All of his brains rushed towards Ye Xiaofan, grinning one by one, as if to tear him apart.

A dragon groan resounded through this underground world.

A red gold divine dragon rushed out from Ye Xiaofan's body, opened its mouth and roared, shocking off a group of ghost-faced sleeping devil spiders.

You can see that their blood-red eyes flicker slightly, and they seem to be a little frightened.

But it was only for a moment, and they continued to rush towards Ye Xiaofan.

The red gold divine dragon opened its mouth and inhaled, swallowing the ghost-faced sleeping devil spider that rushed towards it continuously.

But there are too many ghost-faced sleeping devil spiders to completely devour for a while.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaofan clenched his hands into fists and was also ready to strike.

But at this moment, the ghost-faced sleeping devil spider in front of him suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a cloud of black qi.

After a while, the entire underground world was filled with a thick black qi.

Ye Xiaofan only felt a sense of sleepiness hit him, and his eyelids began to fight.

After a while, he couldn't support it and lost consciousness.

In his sleep, Ye Xiaofan's consciousness was hazy, and he vaguely came to a dead and boundless starry sky.

In the starry sky, a group of figures are engaged in a shocking battle.

Each figure is huge and boundless, and the stars around them are as small as dust compared to them.

One of the huge figures was very familiar to Ye Xiaofan.

It was the giant spider in the underworld.

At this moment, the former looked even more domineering, and his body exuded a terrifying aura.

It is like an ancient demon god from chaos.

At the moment, it is fighting a monster with a bull's head.

The power of the battle between the two is extremely terrifying.

With a random blow, the countless stars around him exploded.

It was as if the entire river of stars was about to collapse.

The battle with other figures around them was equally terrifying.

Especially in the very center, a giant holding a giant axe is the most terrifying.

Every time he fell, there would be a terrifying figure splashing blood in the starry sky, and the surrounding starry river would continue to crack.

It is like a god of war that opens the sky, and its power is terrifying.

Ye Xiaofan was stunned when he saw it, and said in his heart what kind of terrifying existence was this? It's too raw.

Quarrel with your girlfriend, don't want to write, and abandon the book if you can't accept it.


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