Ye Xiaofan searched around the underground world, but found nothing.

Finally, he looked at the huge corpse below.

His eyes flashed, and finally he summoned all the red gold divine dragons in his body.

In an instant, the dragon groaned.

As Ye Xiaofan's mind moved, all the red gold divine dragons rushed out, opened their huge mouths of blood, and tore towards the huge corpse below.


.... Then, there was a sound of chewing in the underworld.

I don't know how long it took, the huge and boundless body of the primeval star spider was eaten clean by dozens of red gold divine dragons.

After devouring the huge body of the primeval star spider, the body surface of several 10 red gold divine dragons erupted with brilliant divine radiance, and then began to fuse.

After a long time, the fusion was completed, and a huge red gold divine dragon appeared in the underground world.

It is not known how many times larger than those red gold divine dragons before, and more importantly, it is no longer four claws, but five claws.

An incomparably terrifying dragon power pervaded the entire underground world.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed satisfaction, and as soon as his heart moved, the huge and boundless red gold divine dragon returned to his body.

The next moment, he felt full of strength.

It was as if a punch could smash the stars and pierce the universe.

Ye Xiaofan was a little troubled, and he seemed to be stronger again.

Seeing that the colorful spider had not woken up yet, he was too lazy to wait, took out the dragon pattern black gold ding, and took it in.

Then towards the top there is but.

On the edge of the lake, seeing that Ye Xiaofan had not come up for a long time, the three-legged crow and the others had different expressions.

There was a hint of worry in the former's eyes, while the latter were secretly happy.

If they could, they naturally did not want to be slaves to others.

Just when several people were secretly happy, a sound of breaking water suddenly came from afar.

It immediately attracted the attention of several people.

When I looked at it, I saw a shiny bald head emerging from the water.

Seeing Ye Xiaofan's return intact, several people sighed secretly in their hearts.

At the same time, he became more and more jealous of Ye Xiaofan's strength.

The strength of the other party seems to be stronger than they imagined.

Slime also sighed in his heart, but as a joker, he would not show it at all.

And also warmly greeted, said with a worried face: "Master, it's really good that you're okay, I just saw that you didn't come out for half a day, but I was worried to death."

Ye Xiaofan rolled his eyes, too lazy to take care of this trick, looked at the three-legged crow and said: "The hidden danger in the lake has been solved by me, which of you will move this lake back to me?" At

first, he only planned to dig up a few lotus flowers and plant them home.

But now I have changed my mind and plan to move the entire colorful lake back.

Several people were stunned, and said in their hearts that this kind of trivial thing, with Ye Xiaofan's strength, couldn't it be done easily?

Why let them come?

Is it for testing?

Thinking of this, several people opened their mouths one after another, saying that they could all do it.

Ye Xiaofan looked at Zao Wou-ki: "Then you come." Zao

Wou-ki immediately flew into the air, his hands pinched, and a tall and terrifying figure appeared behind him.

He stretched out his big hand, and the figure behind him also moved with it.

A huge palm fell, digging up the entire colorful lake and holding it up in the palm.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaofan was envious in his heart.

I don't know, when will he have this cool means?

Afterwards, the group left the place.

Soon after, they returned to the small compound.

Zao Wou-ki put away his magical powers and put the colorful lake in front of the small courtyard.

The scenery around the courtyard is already pleasant, but now with the blessing of the colorful lake, it looks even more beautiful.

It's like a paradise.

Back in the small courtyard, Uncle Wang and Zi Ling and the Red Snake Demon Emperor woke up leisurely.

After seeing the colorful lake in front of them, the two of them were all surprised.

Ye Xiaofan actually directly got the lake back.

It's a lot of money.

After being surprised, they looked embarrassed again.

The lake is only a few tens of meters away from the small courtyard, and the fragrance of flowers wafts in the air.

As soon as they smell these flowers, they want to sleep.

How will you live after this?

Listening to the story of the two people and one snake, Ye Xiaofan was also a little difficult.

Suddenly, he thought of colorful spiders.

These colorful water lilies are related to the fallen primeval star spider, and the other party has the inheritance of the former.

Maybe there will be some way to solve it.

He took the other party out of the dragon pattern black gold ding, and when he saw the colorful spider, the two snakes immediately glared.

"It's this ungrateful dog thing."

Uncle Wang was immediately furious, holding up his crutches to find the other party to settle the account.

But was stopped by Ye Xiaofan.

"Old Wang Tou, don't fight, don't fight, this guy is now his own person."

Uncle Wang looked puzzled.

"I'll tell you the reason when I'm free later."

At this moment, the colorful spider's body trembled, and then woke up leisurely.

After seeing Ye Xiaofan, a flash of fear flashed in its eyes, for fear that the other party would find it to settle the account.

Ye Xiaofan grinned: "Don't worry, little girl, I have already promised that big man, so follow me at ease in the future." The

colorful spider nodded and did not refuse.

In the inheritance, the Taikoo Star Spider clearly told it that Ye Xiaofan was not simple, let it follow the other party well in the future.

Ye Xiaofan asked if there was a way to resist the colorful water lilies.

The colorful spider nodded, and then passed it to several people for one step exercise.

As long as you practice the exercises, you will not be affected by the colorful water lilies.

Several people immediately practiced, and then found that it was really useful, so they turned around and entered the room to study the exercises.

Ye Xiaofan looked at the colorful spider and asked, "By the way, did that big man tell you what my true identity is?" The

colorful spider nodded first, then shook his head.

Ye Xiaofan looked suspicious: "What do you mean?" The

colorful spider explained: "That said, but I can't get the complete inheritance yet, I need to know later."

Ye Xiaofan was speechless for a while, and said in his heart that the big man was quite thoughtful.

"Okay, you can stay here to show me the nursing home in the future."

He ordered the colorful spider, and then looked at Ma Fei and said, "How many of you, do you know what rare treasure elixir spirit fruits and the like are around here?" Go and give me some whole back, plant it next to the yard, sometimes it is convenient to eat.

Several people immediately nodded, then turned and left.

Ye Xiaofan suddenly said in the back: "By the way, don't think about escaping, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind." Several

people's bodies trembled, and at the previous moment, they did have the idea of escaping in their hearts.

But after Ye Xiaofan's warning, that thought suddenly dissipated, and his back broke out in a cold sweat.

In the eyes of the four people, Ye Xiaofan saw the thoughts in their hearts, and only then did he warn.

After all, Ye Xiaofan's strength is terrifying, and it seems normal to have the small means to see through other people's minds.

"Senior, rest assured, it is our blessing to be able to follow you, how can we escape."

The four people turned around and said respectfully, with a trace of trepidation in their eyes, for fear that Ye Xiaofan would be angry.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand: "There is no best, go." The

four breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, and then turned and left the small courtyard.

I don't know what kind of reaction the four people would have if they knew that Ye Xiaofan would only have brute force and no other means?


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