Several demon kings looked at the centipede demon king with surprise: "Little brother, you seem to be in a hurry?"

Qin Feng nodded and explained the reason: "Qin Zhentian is my father.

The Golden Toad Demon King was surprised: "Hey, I didn't see that your kid still has such a big origin!"

"No, your kid has such a powerful old man, why do you still want to find a big black dog to worship the teacher?"

Qin Feng hesitated and told the truth, he and Qin Zhentian did not have a good relationship, it could be said that it was very bad.

The Golden Toad Demon King blinked and guessed, "Does that kid think your talent is too bad?"

Qin Feng hesitated, then nodded slightly.

"So it is."

Ye Xiaofan and the three demon kings showed abruptness in their eyes, and the golden little dragon made up for it.

"But I have to say that your kid's talent is indeed bad enough, and if this king is your old son, it is estimated that he will not necessarily recognize you."

Qin Feng silently turned his head, not wanting to deal with the other party.

Ye Xiaofan knocked on the door of the other party's head, and said angrily: "You are a big straight dragon, how can you say this kind of thing in person, how hurtful, you see that Xiao Qin is embarrassed."

Qin Feng opened his mouth, and the grievances in his eyes deepened.

Seeing that the atmosphere was awkward, the Centipede Demon King hurriedly stood up to play the circle.

"This little brother is quite filial, master, we might as well help him."

Ye Xiaofan glanced at the three demon kings and asked, "Which of you is willing to go out?" The

Golden Toad Demon King immediately jumped out: "Let King Ben come, he hasn't made a move for a long time, and it's time to let the world know the horror of King Ben again."

"The boss is mighty." The centipede demon king immediately patted the rainbow fart.

"You wait here, wait for King Ben to kill you a langlang Qiankun."

The Golden Toad Demon King is impassioned and a great general who is about to go on a campaign.

Just as it was about to say a few words, Ye Xiaofan kicked it out.

"Hurry, if you don't go to the people, it's gone."

The battle in the field has now shown a one-sided trend.

Except for Qin Zhentian, who could barely support, the rest were defeated by the black-robed people.

Winning or losing is only a matter of time.

The Golden Toad Demon King fell a toad and gnawed mud.

Got up and looked at Ye Xiaofan resentfully.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes widened, and the Golden Toad Demon King was frightened.

The Golden Toad Demon King hummed, turned to look at the battlefield, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Ready to vent the anger in his heart on the group of black-robed people.

Just as it was about to strike, a sharp roar suddenly came from afar.

"Little ones, kill this group of humans for me."

Everyone present looked for sounds, and saw countless demon beasts flying quickly towards the valley in all directions.

At the head are two behemoths.

A huge white snake and a golden eagle with a fierce aura.

"This breath, is it that miscellaneous bird from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?!"

The Centipede Demon King was taken aback: "When did this girl get involved with this guy in the white snake?"

Ye Xiaofan's mouth opened slightly, and his eyes were full of surprise: "Lying groove, what is the situation of this Nima?" "

Those who don't know the situation are Qin Feng and the three demon kings, as well as everyone in the live broadcast room.

It's an accident.

The two sides that were fighting also immediately stopped, looking at the countless demon beasts rushing towards them, and horror and dazedness flashed in their eyes.

What's going on?

Didn't the demon beast retreat defeated?

What is the situation of this Nima right now?

Why did you kill it again?

There was also a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

"I lean, what the hell is this? Why did the demon beast kill again?

"And where did that golden eagle come from, how does it feel even more terrifying than the White Snake Demon King?"


The people who reacted quickly in the field immediately knew that they were calculated by the demon beast.

"Damn, when did this herd of beasts become so insidious and cunning?"

At this moment, whether it was several chaebols hiding their figures, or the military people, they all had ugly faces.

So many of them were actually calculated by a group of demon beasts.

Qin Zhentian and the leaders of several major chaebols, their faces became extremely solemn at this moment.

They all felt a mortal threat from that golden eagle.

"This breath, is it!?"

Qin Zhentian was horrified in his heart, and vaguely guessed the strength of the golden eagle.

Just when everyone was shocked and stunned, the group of demons had already killed.

The next moment, the shemale battle began, and the battle was more intense than before.

"White Snake, you deal with those guys, let King Ben meet the number one master of this Western Base City."

The golden eagle ordered the White Snake Demon King, and then looked at Qin Zhentian with bloodthirsty eyes: "Let King Ben see, what is the taste of the blood of you, the number one powerhouse in Western Base City?" Qin

Zhentian's face was extremely solemn, and he used the few spiritual power left in his body, ready to meet the next big battle.

The next moment, the two sides moved almost at the same moment.

Before everyone could react, the two sides had already met.

With the collision of the two as the center, a circle of white qi swept around.

Bang bang ....

Then, the two sides engaged in a fierce confrontation, and energy waves continued to spread in the air.

The rest of the people also fought together, and the battle was very fierce.

In the base city of the capital, a group of high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom gathered together and watched the live broadcast with solemn faces.

They had already paid attention to the live broadcast, and after seeing the current situation, they all felt heavy in their hearts.

"Damn, it's actually the bastard of the Golden Eagle King."

A high-ranking official had a scowl on his face and stared at the golden eagle king in the video.

The rest of the people also had cold eyes, and at the same time there was worry in their eyes.

The Golden Eagle King is an extremely murderous demon king who has slaughtered humans in large numbers and dealt a devastating blow to humans in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

The high-level of the Dragon Kingdom has always wanted to get rid of it, but unfortunately, the other party's strength is terrifying, coupled with the extremely cunning, it has not been successful.

Everyone knows that this time Qin Zhentian is fierce.

Sure enough, in just dozens of rounds, Qin Zhentian fell into the downwind and was pressed and beaten by the Golden Eagle King.

The strength of the two is not at the same level, plus Qin Zhentian has been injured not lightly, how can he be the opponent of the Golden Eagle King?


Qin Feng's face was full of anxiety.

"Don't be afraid, with our group of righteous messengers, you Laozi will be fine."

Ye Xiaofan patted Qin Feng's shoulder and looked at the battle in the distance.

"Hey, I didn't want to make a move, but the world always needs me."

The two demon kings immediately jumped to his side and said in unison: "Master, give orders."

Ye Xiaofan nodded and said loudly: "Righteous Heavenly Group, go." The

words fell, and three figures suddenly shot out.

The fierce wind blew Qin Feng's robe hunting, and even the hood on his face was blown crooked, revealing a half dull face.

The centipede demon king's hundreds of feet kept rubbing on the ground, almost cutting out a building.

So embarrassing Yuki?

Good shame and wood?

Thinking that it might be like this in the future, its body couldn't stop trembling.

"Stop, you evil fellows, our righteous heavenly group is coming, and you will be judged by justice."


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