"Brother, I broke through again."

In the evening, Ye Xiaoman rushed out of the house excitedly.

Ye Xiaofan looked curious: "What's up, what's up." Ye

Xiaoman's body was full of qi and blood, and eight blood-red giant elephants appeared behind him.

"I just broke through the power of the three elephants again."

The girl's face was full of excitement.

As soon as she finished eating, she felt that the power of qi and blood in her body was a little restless, and after entering the house to cultivate for a while, she broke through.

Ye Xiaofan's face showed pride: "Haha, it is worthy of being my Ye Xiaofan's sister, this talent is really unparalleled."

"Hey, that's."

The girl raised her chin with an arrogant look, and there was a hint of self-satisfaction in her watery eyes.

When she was training in Bashan before, she broke through the power of one elephant, but she didn't expect to break through the power of three elephants one after another after returning.

Thinking of this, a trace of suspicion flashed in the girl's eyes.

She had just eaten and broke through, could it be the chicken soup problem?

Thinking of that delicious chicken soup, Ye Xiaoman was even more suspicious in his heart.

Seeing the girl wrinkling her eyebrows, Ye Xiaofan stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter?"

Ye Xiaoman did not hide it and informed Ye Xiaofan of his own speculation.

Ye Xiaofan laughed loudly after hearing this: "You must have thought too much, how is this possible."

"If that's the case, why didn't I change when I ate it, and didn't the big black Ajin change anything after they ate it?"

He pointed to several pets in the yard.

"It seems to be, too."

Ye Xiaoman thought about it and felt reasonable, she had seen the big black dog and the old hen eat it with her own eyes before, and there was no reaction at all afterwards.


In a dimly lit hall, a cluster of fire suddenly lit up.

Then one after another illusory figures appeared in the dim hall.

They wore uniform black robes, covering their figures, unable to see their specific appearances, and a blood-red temple the size of a child's palm was embroidered on their chests.

In the end, a total of 9 people appeared.

Eight of them looked at the vacant place, and then looked at the black-robed man next to them, and the one at the head of the eight asked: "Protector Tang, I already know about what happened in Western Base City, you can tell me in detail." That

Tang Protector did not hide it, and quickly and in detail recounted the matter.

After hearing this, everyone's hearts shook, and one person said incredulously: "How can there be such a powerful demon beast in the Western Base City? And why do monsters help humans? The

rest of the people were curious, but no one would tell them the answer.

Protector Tang shook his head: "I don't know, but that dog is very powerful, if it weren't for my good escape, it is estimated that I would not be able to come back like Protector Chen."

There was a hint of palpitation in his voice, obviously full of jealousy of the big black dog.

Then, he apologized to the leader and said, "I'm sorry, Lord Hall, my subordinates have not been able to complete the task you have given.

The leader shook his head: "I don't blame you for this, there has been a huge change in Shushan this time, not only your side failed, but the guy of the Golden Eagle King was also slaughtered." Tang

Protector was taken aback when he heard this: "The Golden Eagle King is dead? Who did it? "

He has been running for his life since leaving Western Base City, and he has not seen what happened in the Shu Mountains from the Internet.

"A strange guy who suddenly appeared, I don't know who it is."

The leader's voice became solemn: "But according to the news from above, that person is very strong, very strong, and it is very likely that he has exceeded the inscription realm."

"What, beyond the inscription realm, how is this possible??"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, and they couldn't believe it.

"This is the news from above, whether it is true or not, I have no way of knowing, but it is certain that the other party is really strong."

The leader shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

Another person suddenly asked: "Hall Master, the plan to capture the Western Base City is a complete failure, what should we do next?"

The leader said slowly: "Let's put this matter aside for the time being, not long ago, there was news from above that the inheritance of the ancient Shushan Sword Sect is very likely to be in the two famous mountains of Emei and Qingcheng, so that we must get the inheritance to cope with the next great changes in heaven and earth." "


The next day, Ye Xiaoman went to school early in the morning.

Ye Xiaofan was bored at home, so he left the villa with the big black dog, ready to walk around the villa area, familiarize himself with the environment, and by the way, see if there are any supermarkets and vegetable markets around.

There are no cheap days to take advantage of, but it is really difficult.

In addition to raising small animals, Ye Xiaofan also has two major interests, one is to take advantage, and the other is to rob.

The reason why he likes to go to the supermarket to grab specials is precisely because he likes to take advantage.

There is a reason for this.

In the past, their family was very poor and could only buy one new set of clothes every year.

Unless it's a promotion on the street, my mother will buy them an extra set of new clothes.

Grocery shopping is also the same, only when supermarkets have special promotions, they can eat more meat and snacks.

At that time, he always wondered why his parents liked to take advantage of small advantages.

But then the aura was revived, the world collapsed, his parents died suddenly, and Ye Xiaofan was in charge, and he finally realized the bitterness of his parents.

I still remember that when he was an ordinary person, in order to raise his sister, Ye Xiaofan suffered a lot, and over time he also learned all of his mother's set, and liked to take advantage of all kinds of small advantages.

Later, as his strength continued to increase, his heart slowly became indifferent, but he could not change the habit of taking advantage.

He likes robbery because robbery can make him feel the excitement that is difficult to experience on weekdays.

Ye Xiaofan's first robbery was not long after the revival of his aura.

Society descends into chaos, and mutated animals attack towns.

Ye Xiaofan took his sister to flee to the big city, during which he ran out of food.

In order not to let his sister and himself starve to death, Ye Xiaofan started his robbery career.

He vividly remembers the unprecedented excitement of being hungry for days and then grabbing a bunch of food for the first time.

It's an obsessive feeling.

It's really cool.

Since then, Ye Xiaofan has fallen in love with the feeling of robbery.

Later, after becoming powerful, he also did a lot of robbing homes.

For example, the dragon blood fruit that Ye Xiaoman ate not long ago.

It was he who went up to Kunlun Mountain to find Bai Ze to rob.

And what happened in the Shu Mountains not long ago is the same.

Not long after Ye Xiaofan left, Su Dingxia brought his two sons to the outside of the villa.

A middle-aged man of about forty hesitated and said: "Father, the uncle said that he would not let us come, will we do this..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Dingxia: "Shut up, I see that the eldest brother is old and dizzy, so I will make that kind of decision, I want to see who lives in this No. 1 villa?"

Another middle-aged man in his 30s followed and said, "Father is right, big brother, you are just too cautious to be crushed by Su Wenlong." The

middle-aged man closed his mouth and didn't say anything more.

Then, the three pushed open the door of the villa and walked in.


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