"Brother, when did you come back?" Ye

Xiaoman was full of joy when he returned home and saw Ye Xiaofan.

"Just came back.

Ye Xiaofan explained: "Are you hungry?

Ye Xiaoman nodded repeatedly, and then his eyes were attracted by the boldness of the bear in the yard.

"Hey, brother, where did this national treasure come from?" the

girl boldly walked towards the bear with a curious face.

Ye Xiaofan had already thought of the wording and explained: "It was sent by the Su family, saying that it was used as our bodyguard."

Ye Xiaoman was even more surprised: "Bodyguard, is it still a demon beast?"

Xiong boldly got up and saluted Ye Xiaoman respectfully: "Hello master, my name is Xiong Bold, in the future, your safety will be handed over to Old Xiong."

Ye Xiaoman opened his red lips in surprise, he never expected that the panda in front of him was actually a demon king.

"Does the Su family attach so much importance to me?" she

was a little suspicious, did the Su family treat them too well?

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "That's for sure, after all, Xiao Man, your talent is amazing, and your future achievements will definitely not be small, and the Su family will naturally pay attention to it in every way."

Ye Xiaoman was a little fluttering with praise, and he didn't think much about it.

"That way, it seems to be true. The

corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth turned up slightly, and he turned around and went into the house to cook.

After dinner, Ye Xiaofan hid in his room and began to count the loot.

It's his favorite thing to do.

Every time at this time, he would feel inexplicable joy in his heart.

Although most of the opportunity this time was robbed by that Yin Yang Immortal Thief, he still got a lot.

Put away things like the treasure medicine spirit fruit first, these things don't need to be looked at carefully, anyway, they are all used for stew.

Then I checked the code of exercise, rummaged through a lot, and tried to cultivate, but it was useless, and finally put it into a storage ring.

Finally, he picked up the Lingbao and checked it one by one, in order to confirm the Lingbao information, he would drip blood to recognize the Lord in each piece.

If there is feedback, it is received in one storage ring, and if there is no response, it is placed in another storage ring.

Most of the spirit treasures are used for attacking and killing, and most of them are sword spirit treasures.

"It is worthy of the Shushan Sword Sect.

Ye Xiaofan secretly sighed.

When he saw the two mask-like spirit treasures, Ye Xiaofan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because this spiritual treasure is used for transformation, and it does not use spiritual power, just drop blood to recognize the Lord.

These are two faces, with various patterns on them, one predominantly red and the other predominantly gold.

He put a face on his face, and with the movement of his mind, his appearance suddenly changed.

Coming to the mirror, Ye Xiaofan saw that he had turned into a fat man in the mirror at this moment.

As her mind moved again, she became the appearance of a young girl again.

Then he changed his appearance several times in a row.

"Haha, good baby, good baby.

Ye Xiaofan was overjoyed in his heart, in order not to expose himself, he had to wear a hood to hide every time he went out, and the trouble died.

With this face, he will no longer need to wear a hood in the future.

"If only I could get the other five faces.

He took his face off and whispered.

According to the information feedback in Facebook, it is called Variety Face, there are 7 in total, if the seven sheets are combined into one, then it can be called a real Variety Face.

Because one can only change the appearance of the body.

But if the seven sheets are combined into one, they can be changed at will, comparable to the rumored seventy-two changes.

"Damn Yin and Yang Infinite Thief, you wait for me, one day Xiao Ye will find out you."

Ye Xiaofan thought secretly, he speculated that the other five faces must be in the hands of that Yin and Yang Immortal Thief.

One night without a word.

The next day, Ye Xiaoman ate breakfast and prepared to go to school.

But a group of people burst in from outside the villa.

At the head is an old man with gray hair.

Next to him, there was also a young man standing, who was Zhang Baishan who was preparing to rob Ye Xiaoman and their loot during the first actual combat training.

At this moment, Zhang Baishan, one sleeve was empty, and he actually lost an arm.

After seeing Ye Xiaoman, Zhang Baishan's eyes were extremely resentful.

Ye Xiaoman's brows also furrowed, and he said displeased: "Zhang Baishan, what are you doing here?" Zhang

Baishan gritted his teeth and said: "Little slut, you caused me to lose an arm, what do you say I came for?" Ye

Xiaoman's brows furrowed: "Your arm was obviously bitten off by a demon beast, what does it have to do with me

?" Zhang Baishan said angrily: "If I hadn't been injured by you, how could I have been bitten off by a demon beast?"

It turned out that in the actual combat assessment not long ago, Ye Xiaoman and Zhang Baishan met, and the other party was full of people, ready to rob Ye Xiaoman's victory.

But he was seriously injured by Ye Xiaoman.

Because before this, they didn't know that Ye Xiaoman's strength had become so much stronger, otherwise they wouldn't have been evil.

After Ye Xiaoman left, a group of people were attacked by demon beasts, suffering heavy casualties, and Zhang Baishan unfortunately lost an arm.

The Zhang family was extremely angry when they learned of this, and launched a relationship to investigate Ye Xiaoman, and rushed over as soon as they learned that she lived here.

Even though they knew that Ye Xiaoman was very valued by the Su family, they still did not intend to swallow this breath.

Zhang Baishan is the core disciple of the Zhang family, and after suffering such a great humiliation, how can the Zhang family swallow it?

A group of demon emperors looked over coldly, their eyes flashing with a cold light.

But they didn't start at the first time

, and they really wanted to see what this Zhang family wanted to do, because the few Zhang family members in front of them did not go to the ruins, so they did not know about Xiong Bold and the big black dog.

Ye Xiaoman's little face was a little ugly.

It is clear that the other party is looking for fault first, and at this moment, he is actually embarrassed to find the door.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Zhang Baishan smiled wickedly: "If you let me break one arm, then I will break both of your arms."

Ye Xiaoman was immediately furious: "You dare?" The

girl was not afraid, because there was a demon king in the courtyard.

Zhang Baishan sneered: "Hehe, then look at me or not?" After

he said this, a middle-aged man behind him strode out and forced towards Ye Xiaoman.

Ye Xiaoman said coldly: "You'd better not come over, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding me if something happens." The

middle-aged man sneered: "Little girl, you are just a little qi and blood realm, don't be too arrogant."

With that, he quickly rushed towards Ye Xiaoman.

A furry slap appeared and directly slapped the man out.

After the man landed, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the back of his head directly lost his breath.

The faces of everyone in the Zhang family changed, and they all looked at Xiong Bold, who made a move.

The old man at the head froze in his eyes, only then did he realize that the aura on Xiong Bold's body was thick, and it was obviously a powerful demon beast.

"Just a few of you scum dare to come here to make trouble, I really don't know how to write dead words. The

bear boldly spoke coldly, and a pair of panda's eyes were murderous.

"Demon King!?" everyone

in the Zhang family was taken aback.

After being shocked, the old man sneered, "It's ridiculous that Su Jiaran sent a demon king to protect your little girl.

At the same time, he had some doubts in his heart, when did the Su family tame a demon king?

At this moment, Ye Xiaofan heard the movement and walked out of the villa.

After seeing the scene outside, his face also became cold.

Zhang Baishan looked at the old man: "Fifth Master, you must avenge your grandson."

"Hehe, don't worry, the demon king can't threaten the old man." The

old man had a confident smile on his face, and did not put the panda in front of him who looked a little cute.

After all, in his opinion, the demon king who can be tamed by the Su family is at most a junior demon king, and it cannot be too strong.

Just as the old man was about to make a move, a voice came from outside the door.

"Is this the place?"

he couldn't help but turn his head, and when he saw the person coming, the old man's face changed drastically.

The faces of the rest of the family also changed.

The person who came was none other than Qin Zhentian and the three.

Ye Xiaoman's face was delighted: "Luo Li, why are you here?" Xiao Luoli

, who walked in, saw the situation in the courtyard, and couldn't help asking: "Xiao Man, what is the situation?"

Xiao Luoli was furious when she heard this, and looked at Zhang Baishan with unkind eyes: "The surname Zhang, you dare to be so arrogant, really think that no one can cure your Zhang family?" Qin

Zhentian's eyes looked around, and when he saw the big black dog and the bear bold, he no longer doubted in his heart.

Finally, he looked at the bald young man who was a little naturally dumb.

When I saw that familiar face, my heart couldn't help but tremble.

Finally understood why only two of the Su family went to the secret realm.

With this big guy here, what's the point of going to so many people

? Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something?

The rebel son of his own family seemed to be with each other at the beginning.

That said, it all works.

The person who sent Qin Ruyu soup not long ago was definitely Qin Feng.

In this way, the last time he was robbed in the Shu Mountain, and this time he was robbed, Qin Feng knew it.

But the other party just didn't tell him.

It is even possible to secretly watch his jokes.

Suddenly, he thought of the last time he was attacked by a mysterious man.

At this moment, it seems that it should also be related to Qin Feng.

In other words, his son found someone to beat him, the old son.

Thinking of this, Qin Zhentian's face was more wonderful and wonderful.

I just can't wait to go back and draw out his seven wolves immediately, so that the rebel son knows what Father Yan is?


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