On the luxurious hovercar, Zhang Baishan looked at Zhang Zhibei unwillingly: "Fifth Master, I am unwilling, I must let that slut die."

He gritted his teeth and his eyes filled with resentment.

As the core disciple of the Zhang family, he only bullied others since he was a child, where would it be his turn to bully him?

Zhang Zhibei frowned: "That little girl should be paid attention to by Qin Zhentian, I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

Zhang Baishan gritted his teeth and said, "Fifth Master, but I'm really unwilling."

Zhang Zhibei pondered for a long time and said: "In this way, let's not do it, because the last incident in Shushan, the military was already unhappy with us, and we can't let the military catch the handle for this little thing."

Zhang Baishan's eyes moved: "What does the fifth master mean?" Zhang

Zhibei said lightly: "Let's ask the people of Night Rose to make a move." "


After Qin Zhentian went back, he immediately reported the matter to Elder Jiang.

"Elder Jiang, this is the case, do you think this matter should be reported?" Jiang

Lao's face was solemn: "According to the various things in the ruins, that one should not want to be disturbed by too many people, so he will hide his identity, so this matter must be carefully considered."

Qin Zhentian nodded: "Indeed.

Elder Jiang pondered for a while and said, "In this way, I will go back first and tell the ancestors of our two families about this matter, see what they say?"

And the Qin family and the Jiang family are in the same camp.

Qin Zhentian nodded, and also felt that it was more reasonable to do so.

Then, he took out the dragon meat prepared in advance.

"Elder Jiang, this is the flesh and blood of that ancient demon, you take it back to Lao Zu, lest they don't believe it.

Jiang Lao's eyes lit up, and then he said suspiciously: "That senior only gave so little?"

Not even half a catty.

Qin Zhentian pretended to smile bitterly: "Elder Jiang, you also know the preciousness of this thing, can that senior give it to me, or for the sake of Xiao Feng's face, how dare I ask for it?"

Qin Zhentian's face changed slightly, knowing that the other party was suspicious.

Elder Jiang continued: "It's too noisy here, I'll live in your Qin family manor in the next few days."

Qin Zhentian's face collapsed, and he said helplessly: "Elder Jiang, I really can't hide anything from you."

Jiang Lao snorted coldly: "Honestly, how much did you give?" Qin

Zhentian did not dare to hide it anymore, and took out all the dragon meat.

Jiang Lao's eyes widened, and he almost burst into anger.

The dragon meat in front of him was fifty or sixty pounds.

As a result, Qin Zhentian actually took out less than half a catty.

This has to be a lot of cut-off.

"Qin boy, I heard that you slammed the door before, but the old man still didn't believe it, but now it seems that it is not false at all. Jiang

Lao's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Qin Zhentian smiled, somewhat embarrassed.


Soon after, the two came to the Qin Family Manor.

Xiao Qianjue also brought Xiao Luoli over.

The latter was curious: "Uncle, Dad said that you are going to have dinner today, what is delicious?"

Qin Zhentian smiled and said, "You'll know in a moment."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Qin Ruyu on the side: "Ruyu, that rebellion... Is Xiao Feng here?"

Qin Ruyu said helplessly, "He said that he wanted to cultivate and didn't want to waste time on meaningless things. When

Qin Zhentian heard this, his face immediately darkened.


You forcibly brought him to me, just say I had something to ask him."

Qin Ruyu nodded, turned and left, returning shortly after with Qin Feng.

"Cousin. Xiao Luoli greeted with a smile.

Qin Feng was a little curious: "Luoli, uncle, why are you here?" Xiao Luoli

explained: "Uncle said that Sister Ruyu will return to Kyoto in two days, and a family banquet will be held today, let's come and have a meal together."

Qin Feng nodded and casually found a place to sit.

At this moment, Qin Zhentian came out of the kitchen.

Qin Feng was a little surprised, the former would actually cook himself.

Qin Zhentian came to Qin Feng, and said without saltiness: "You are now capable, and you don't even come back from home, and you still want your sister to personally invite you."

Qin Feng said lightly: "Isn't this to hurry up and cultivate, lest your strength be too weak and lose the people of your Qin family."

Qin Zhentian instantly felt his blood pressure soar, but thinking of today's business, he took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his anger.

"You are now the most productive person in

my Qin family, how can you disgrace my Qin family?" Hearing the other party's yin and yang strange tone, Qin Feng frowned slightly: "What do you mean?" Qin

Zhentian sneered: "Don't pretend, I already know everything about you." You are really talented, you actually asked someone to embarrass your old son, and I really raised a big filial son.

Qin Feng was even more confused, and he didn't understand what the other party meant by this.

He really wanted to let the big black dog help teach Qin Zhentian a lesson, but in the end, he was taught a lesson by Ye Xiaofan and dismissed this thought.

Afterwards, I felt that it was wrong, so I never thought about it again.

"What do you mean?" his face was a little ugly, and he felt that the other party was deliberately looking for fault.

Qin Zhentian sneered again: "How, dare to do it?

Qin Feng looked inexplicable, and his eyes showed impatience: "If you came to me just to say this, then sorry, I still have something to do and leave first." After

he said that, he was ready to leave.

Qin Zhentian immediately shouted: "You give me a stop."

Qin Feng didn't pay attention, and Qin Ruyu hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

"Little brother, go back and sit. "

Get out of the way. Qin Feng insisted on leaving.

Seeing that things were going to be bad, Qin Xingyue quickly ran up and said what happened last time.

Qin Feng's eyes condensed slightly, and he instantly understood the key.

It is speculated that it may be the big black dog, and they secretly did it.

He didn't associate it with Ye Xiaofan at all.

He finally understood why Qin Zhentian was angry, it turned out that he was beaten because of him.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but want to laugh.

"This could be retribution.

He muttered in a low voice, but did not insist on leaving, turned and walked back.

Qin Zhentian's face sank: "What did you say?" Qin

Feng just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing his smile, Qin Zhentian felt the urge to beat people, but in the end, he reluctantly held back, and asked in a deep voice: "Tell me, to what extent are you related to that senior?" All

he knew so far was that Qin Feng knew Ye Xiaofan through Xiao Luoli, and the last time he went to the ruins with Ye Xiaofan.

The last time Shushan Qin Feng did not show up in advance, he did not know.

Worshiping the big black dog as a teacher, he didn't know even more.

Seeing that the other party already knew, Qin Feng didn't bother to hide it anymore, and said lightly: "The relationship is okay, I just worshiped his pet as a teacher."

Qin Zhentian's expression perked up, and he immediately asked, "Which pet?"

This point is very important, because there are strong and weak among those pets.

Qin Feng looked at Xiao Qianjue and said with a smile: "It's the big black dog that saved your uncle last time."

Xiao Qianjue's eyes widened, he never expected that his nephew, who had never been optimistic about it, would actually worship that kind of existence as a teacher.

He had heard Qin Zhentian say that the big black dog at this time was already an existence beyond the inscription realm.

He swallowed his spit with difficulty and asked again, "That... So what kind of strength are you now?"

Qin Feng's voice was flat: "General, it is just that the power of the six dragons has just been condensed, compared to 'someone's back then... It seems to be a little bit stronger.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.


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