At this time, medical staff had already carried Li Nan down.

Several other rings have also divided the winners and losers.

The winners are all happy to make their way to the promotion zone.

But when they saw Lin Qiu who was already waiting there.

While eating popcorn while drinking Coke.

The joy in my heart disappeared in an instant.

I still have to fight hard to grab the promotion place with others, you see this master, he is still eating melons in a good way.

The second round did not show any strong dialogue.

Those bronze nine-star ones also all advanced.

Even Zhang San, an auxiliary department, defeated his opponent with his profound aura.

Lin Qiu's classmates were all lucky, and they didn't meet any formidable opponents, except for Li Nan, who actually advanced.

Li Nan: "

Please ignore me at this time, okay?

After the second round, there were only 513 people left.

Then the question arises, how to rectify the singular.

There is still someone who wants to take a turn.

The organizer was a little embarrassed, you said in case Lin Qiu was empty again.

"Dear audience friends, the top 500 of this test has appeared, because a total of 513 people have advanced, there will still be one person in the bye, in order to reflect the fairness of the competition, the way of this bye is decided by the audience at the scene.

"If you have any suggestions, feel free to put them up." For

a while, the audience also responded enthusiastically.

Some suggest using point troops.

Some suggest a lottery.

Some people even suggested that Zhong Xi throw the bouquet.

After half an hour of discussion, after some voting, it was decided to draw lots.

The rule is simple, 513 notes in one carton.

Five hundred and twelve X's, one O, drawn to the O's round.

In order to prevent cheating by staff, each note is thrown into the carton under the camera.

"Okay, I'm going to invite the contestants to the stage and draw lots.

"At the strong request of the audience, Lin Qiu was invited to be the first to draw lots on stage.

Lin Qiu felt that the world was full of malice towards him.

Slowly walk towards the cardboard box.

Reached out and stirred it casually inside.

Then pull out a random note.

Open slowly.

A big O was seen by the audience through the camera.

Contestants: Σ( ° △ °|||) _

Audience: (○ ́・д・)ノ


: (⊙ο⊙) Lin Qiu: ╮(╯▽╰)╭Now

I can prove my innocence.

I really didn't cheat;

it was just pure luck!

And the barrage on the Internet exploded.

The groove began to dominate the barrage.

"This is really a koi carp."

"Decided, I'm going to replace the phone screensaver with Lin Qiu's photo."

"Upstairs, together."

"Brother Xinqiu, every exam must pass!" "Brother Xinqiu,

the lottery must be won!" Of

course, these are not what Lin Qiu needs to pay attention to now.

At this time, Lin Qiu helplessly spread his hands in front of the camera, a chance of five hundred and eleven three.

The audience at the scene was like eating something they shouldn't.

One by one, they are uncomfortable to die.

I wanted to shout shady, but the drawing method was chosen by them.

Every note was also put in under their noses.

In the end, I could only accept this fact helplessly.

Then Lin Qiu was the first to sit in the promotion area again.

Lin Qiu stroked his hair.

My fucking charm with nowhere to put it.

"Dear viewers, here is the final round of today, and the system randomly selects the opponent.

"First of all, the system selects the first group of players. "


The game continues, but the enthusiasm on the scene is rarely reduced.

It was as if everyone had not yet recovered from Lin Qiu's round-to-air promotion.

As the number of rounds increases, the remaining players become stronger and stronger, and the fights naturally become more and more exciting.

But everyone just didn't applaud enthusiastically.

Soon the 257 players who made the cut were confirmed.

This time, many people Lin Qiu knew were eliminated.

Zhang Fei and Wang Dabiao were unfortunately eliminated in this round.

Liu Rui's luck was good, and the players he met were about the same level as him, but Liu Rui was slightly better in the end.

Zhang San was eliminated in this round.

Although Zhang San has a level of suppression for most players, his attack power is too low.

His opponent, on the other hand, is a bronze eight-star attacking player.

In this way, Zhang San's defeat is understandable.

However, no one dares to underestimate Zhang San, and it is already good that an auxiliary can hit here.

"Today's game ends here, and the next round will be vacated by one person as usual, and this place will need to be decided tomorrow.

"But after discussion in the judges' seat, it was decided to select this spot today."

"And this time it's up to everyone to decide how to take a turn." Instantly

, the audience, who were originally a little depressed, instantly became excited and began to discuss one by one.

What they discussed the most was how to make Lin Qiu no longer empty.

The method chosen in the end surprised Zhong Xi.

Because that's the method of the last round.

Two hundred and fifty-six X, one O.

It's just that Lin Qiu's order of appearances has changed, and Lin Qiu is the last to draw.

People watching on the network also exploded.

This is really full of malice towards Lin Qiu.

What a bad luck it takes to draw that O at the end.

"Lin Qiu, if I can still pump the wheel this time, I will drink water upside down. "

The weak explosion of drinking water upside down, if Lin Qiu can still take turns, I will eat Xiang upside down!" The comment of eating Xiang upside down

was instantly liked by 250,000.

"I suddenly thought that Lin Qiu was empty, and I wanted to watch the handstand and eat Xiang!"


“+10086。 At

the scene, the contestants have already begun to draw lots on the stage.

The first X, expected.

The second X, it's still early.


The 100th X, there is still a chance.

The 180th X, a little panicked! The

200th X, the inner panic.

230th X, lying groove! The mentality is going to collapse.

The 250th X, the mentality has collapsed.

The 255th X, the state of mind gradually calmed down.

At this time, there were only two notes left in the paper box, and it was Qin Hao Hao who came to the stage to draw lots.

Qin Hao Hao pulled out one very casually.

Open, no suspense or X.

"For this result, my heart did not wave.

"It's a coincidence, I'm too, if I was pumped by Qin Hao Hao to the void, I might be surprised." And

the barrage on the network was first brushed by 666.

Then start crazy @ the god who set up the flag.

"The one who wants to do the handstand? It's time to come out and make good on his promise."

"I'm going to watch the handstand and eat it." And

that brother is long gone.

And the few spectators at the scene are still not dead, they think that there is still a shady scene in this draw.

The one left in the carton must also be X.

Until Lin Qiu took out the note and opened it at will.

A big O deeply stimulated those people.

"What kind of

luck is this horse?" "It's really that the wall is not convinced to obey you, this luck is really against the sky."

"Did he use all the luck of the rest of his life today?"

Lin Qiu undoubtedly became the focus of the audience again.

He waved his hand at the audience, and the mean look attracted another wave of hatred.

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