One night without a word.

Early the next morning, several people got up early and washed up simply.

Then prepare to enter the spiritual ruin.

Of course, when there was no one, Lin Qiu still put everything back into his pocket.

Lin Qiu was also a little curious.

What was the situation in the Spirit Ruin, this was the first time he had entered the Spirit Ruin.

The Bronze Spirit Market Country does not interfere too much, but it is not arbitrarily accessible.

There will also be national personnel responsible for registration, and a part of the entrance fee will be charged.

In the morning, the entrance to the Spirit Market is not so lively, and most of the people have already entered the Spirit Market.

Qin Hao Hao and the others entered relatively late.

After paying the entrance fee, several people entered the Spirit Ruin.

After a few people entered, Yang Hu also led his squad into the Spirit Market.

Entering the Spirit Market was like entering another world, and even the aura was a little richer than the real world.

Several people took a breath greedily.

Lin Qiu looked at the world in front of him curiously.

The spirit market does not seem to be in the same dimension as its own world, and although spirit beasts can also enter the human world, for some reason, spirit beasts rarely go to the human world.

But human beings are not tired of entering the spiritual ruin.

This is also the reason why the state strictly controls the spiritual ruins above the gold.

Even so far, no spirit beast that is too strong has entered the human world.

Human beings have to guard against it, and they dare not prevent it.

If there are spirit beasts above the gold level appearing in major cities, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of disaster.

What is in front of you is only a bronze spirit ruin, but its area is not small.

In front of you is a green grassland.

Not far away was a lush forest, and as for what was behind the forest, Lin Qiu couldn't see it now, it was blocked by trees.

"Our goal is deep in the Spirit Ruin, a snowy field, two days away. Qin

Hao Hao's words surprised Lin Qiu, this spirit market is really not small, with their footsteps, they have to walk for two days.

Lin Qiu suddenly regretted a little, whether he should let Zhang San bring an off-road vehicle in, so that he could save a lot of distance.

But think about it, not to mention whether the sound of the car will attract the spirit beast, even if the spirit beast ignores it, it will not play the role of experience, alas, or come down-to-earth.

After entering the Spirit Ruin, Cheng Min began to activate his small radar of the sound system.

Cheng Min first glanced at the rear suspiciously, as if a team had been following us, but she didn't think much about it, maybe it just happened to be in the same direction.

At this time, Yang Hu and several people were staring at Lin Qiu from a distance.

"Boss, do you want to do it now?"

"What's the hurry! It's still on the grassland, the space is open, it's easy to show the horse's feet, and we'll do it when they enter the woods."

"The boss is wise. "

Qin Hao and the others have not yet sensed the approaching danger.

Qin Hao Hao was looking at a map in her hand, which was given to her by the family predecessor who had explored this spirit ruin.

There is a big red X in the center of the map, which is the destination of their trip.

Lin Qiu also came over at this time.


treasure map, this is just a map of the spiritual ruin, and the marked place is our destination." Hearing

that it was not a treasure map, Lin Qiu lost interest.

Along the way, I will occasionally encounter other explorers, all of whom look at each other warily, and then separate.

"Everyone be careful, there is movement in front, there should be spirit beasts, listening to the sound of about seven or eight of them. Hearing

Cheng Min's warning, several people became vigilant.

"Everyone be careful, I'll go and investigate. "

Shen Gui, as a scout in the team, of course he has to investigate at this time.

Lin Qiu was also curious, so he decided to go with Shen Gui to take a look.

This is only the periphery of the Spirit Ruin, there should not be any too powerful spirit beasts, and Qin Hao Hao did not stop it.

The two cautiously explored the road in front, walked about 800 meters, and finally saw a flock of sheep leisurely grazing in the grass ahead.

From time to time, there will be bleating.

This flock of sheep does not look much different from the sheep outside, but the horns on the head appear exceptionally strong.

Shen Gui breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be just a few sheep, which should not be dangerous.

Lin Qiu did not let his guard down like Shen Gui.

Instead, he pulled Shen Gui back slowly.

Shen Gui didn't know why Lin Qiu was like this, seeing Lin Qiu so careful, he didn't dare to ask more.

Seeing that the two had returned, Qin Hao Hao hurriedly asked.

"How, what kind of spirit beast, do you know?" Shen

Gui shook his head.

"I don't know, it's a flock of sheep, it doesn't seem to be dangerous.

Qin Hao Hao was also relieved to hear Shen Gui's words.

"But Brother Qiu seems to know something. Shen Gui looked at Lin Qiu's cautious look, thinking that he should have some understanding of this spirit beast.

"Don't relax, this is not an ordinary sheep, but a big-horned sheep, his temperament is not docile, he is a spirit beast with very strong attack.

Several people looked at Lin Qiu in surprise, but they didn't expect Lin Qiu to directly recognize what kind of spirit beast it was.

You must know that what you learn in high school is ordinary knowledge, and spiritual beastology is something that you only learn in college.

Qin Hao Hao also remembered the instructions of her family when she came, and indeed reminded her to be careful of a creature of a bighorned sheep.

To ask Lin Qiu why she knew the bighorn sheep, it was related to her awakened E-level life skills.

The moment he saw the bighorn sheep, Lin Qiu's mind had many introductions about the bighorn sheep.

For example

, the larger the horn of the bighorn sheep, the easier it is to gain favor from the opposite sex, from skill breeding.

Bighorn sheep prefer to eat grass roots over grass roots, from skillful rearing.

The bighorn sheep does not like to get close and will actively attack approaching creatures, but if you can caress its belly before attacking, it will become extremely docile and come from skill domestication.

The meat of bighorn lamb is very delicious, because of the aura in the body, it will have a unique taste, which comes from skilled cooking skills.

Lin Qiu, who got the feedback from the brain, froze, I go, who said that these life skills are useless, this encyclopedia of spirit beasts.

Qin Hao Hao was a little undecided for a while: "Do we want to do it?"

Dian Lei is a belligerent: "It actually came out for trial, you can't always escape, do it!" Lin

Qiu also nodded and smiled: "Well, I also think that this battle is just to cultivate the tacit understanding of the squad." Seeing

that everyone was a little eager to try, Qin Hao Hao waved his hand. Lead the crowd straight to the bighorn sheep.

When they were 50 meters away from the bighorn sheep, the group of bighorn sheep also found several people.

One by one, they cried out uneasily.

I saw that several people were still approaching, under the "bleating" sound of the leader of the bighorn sheep.

A group of bighorn sheep rushed directly towards several people.

Of course, the cultivation of this flock of sheep is in the bronze five or six stars, and only the leader has reached the bronze nine stars.

Although the strength is good, it is not enough in the eyes of Lin Qiu and several people.

Qin Hao Hao ice system skill control field, some sheep were slowed down, some were frozen.

Zhuang Cheng and Dian Lei were in a set of fire thunder, except for the leader of the bighorn sheep, they all knelt.

Instantly, a smell of meat came to the nose.

Lin Qiu smacked his tongue for a while.

"I said Zhuang Chengdian Lei you two losers, this set of skills, the bighorn sheep have been burned by you, what is the value of this? Can the fur still be sold? Can the meat still be eaten?

Without waiting for the two to reply, they rushed towards the leader with their golden rods.

The leader of the bighorn sheep saw that his wife and children were gone, how could he bear this anger.

Just saw Lin Qiu rushing towards him, and saw that his cultivation was not very high.


the leader of the bighorn sheep rushing towards him, Lin Qiu grinned and smashed a stick at the head of the leader of the bighorn sheep.

The bighorn sheep were very confident in their horns, and directly greeted the golden hoop rod with a

loud "bang".

The bighorn sheep bleated incredulously.

Just left this world.

Lin Qiu sneered, the physical fitness of the silver six-star you thought was a joke.

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