Lin Qiu didn't immediately put away the two spirit beads.

Instead, it is coiled in the hand like a plate of walnuts.

You're showing off nakedly.

The groundhog jumped directly from Qin Hao Hao's arms to Lin Qiu's shoulder.

It made a bird-like call at Lin Qiu.

Lin Qiu: (⊙⊙?).

Isn't it supposed to be ah~~~!?

Lin Qiu looked at the marmot and kept staring at the spirit bead in his hand.

"Why, do you want it?"

said with a tangled expression, and finally gritted his teeth and handed a spirit bead to the groundhog.

The groundhog took it, quickly stuffed it into his mouth, and burped satisfactorily after eating.

Then he stared at another spirit bead in Lin Qiu's hand.

Lin Qiu hurriedly guarded: "I said little guy, don't be insatiable!" The little guy

hurriedly shouted, gesturing with his hand to something.

Lin Qiu was stunned: "What, you said you can exchange things with me? Qin

Hao Hao: Σ(っ °Д °;) っ

張三 et al.: (— — ゙)

This is not scientific.

Can anyone tell us how these two guys communicated?

The groundhog saw that Lin Qiu didn't believe it, and also screamed a few times angrily.

Without waiting for Lin Qiu's reaction, he slammed directly at the grass, and quickly punched a hole and drilled in.

"Don't run, I still have something for you to help!" but

the groundhog was obviously far away, and he could still hear his voice.

Lin Qiu sighed deeply, it seems that his skills are still not skilled enough, so he defected.

Looking at Qin Hao Hao and the others who looked shocked, they were about to say something.

A groundhog suddenly appeared under his feet.

Affectionately rubbed Lin Qiu's trouser legs.

Then two spirit beads were spit out from his mouth.

Only then did Lin Qiu react, the groundhog did not defect, but went to get the spirit beads for himself.

He actually had something to exchange with himself!

It's all small money.

Quickly pick up the marmot, not caring that the marmot still has some dirt on it.

Holding it up is a fierce kiss.

The marmot also responded affectionately, and also spit out his tongue mischievously.

Lin Qiu: ∑ (°口°ノ)ノ

You are too much! Is this to kiss my tongue?

Pick up two spirit beads sent by the groundhog, one wind system and one fire system, but they have no skills.

But at this time, who wants those.

"Little one, do you still have this thing?"

the groundhog nodded frantically.

"Then go and bring them all, you bring them and I'll give you this bead." "

The marmot seemed excited.

Directly drilled back into the cave, obviously went to get the spirit beads for Lin Qiu.

Qin Hao Hao and several people felt that they were dreaming.

This is no longer a question of scientific unscience.

And Lin Qiu, you should be a person, even such a cute marmot you want to exploit.

Because of the marmot, several people were not in a hurry to set off, but wanted to see if the marmot would bring some surprises.

At this moment, Cheng Min's face suddenly changed drastically!

"Everyone be careful, I feel that a large number of spirit beasts are coming towards us from the ground, and there are extremely many of them. "

Several people's faces have changed drastically, right, today's luck won't be so bad, right?

Everyone looked at their feet warily.

Qin Hao Hao, Dian Lei, and Zhuang Cheng directly began to read the note on the spot.

This is a rhythm that is directly amplified.

A marmot's head was exposed.

Seeing everyone's guarded looks, I couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

Shouted a few times at the entrance of the cave.

Under the astonished gazes of several people, marmots came out of the hole.

There are hundreds of them.

Qin Hao swallowed her saliva: "Min'er, this is a lot of spirit beasts you are talking about?" Cheng Min

was also a little speechless: "Isn't it, this is hundreds of earth spirit beasts." Just

as he was about to say something, the next scene made everyone's jaws drop to the ground.

I saw under the command of the little one.

The group of groundhogs lined up and walked in front of Lin Qiu.

Then each one would spit out two or three spirit beads from its own mouth.

After spitting up, he ran behind the little one.

After a while, a small mountain of spirit beads appeared beside Lin Qiu.

Lin Qiu didn't even know what to say.

"Little one, these are all for me?"

the little one nodded crisply.

Lin Qiu looked at the cobra spirit bead in his hand, I have exchanged hundreds of them?

Hurriedly threw the spirit beads to the little guy, although he wanted to immediately pounce on the pile of spirit beads to take an inventory.

But what little conscience remained stopped him.

Some corn and fruit came out of the space pocket and handed it to the marmots.

The little guy grabbed a stick of corn with some curiosity and looked at Lin Qiu suspiciously.

Lin Qiu made a eating motion for the marmot.

The groundhog immediately understood and took a suspicious bite.


kind of fairy delicacy is this!

Hurry up and beckon your brothers to start enjoying it.

Little Guy:

It's worth it to exchange a bunch of useless spirit beads for such a deliciousness.

Seeing that the marmots were satisfied, Lin Qiu's only trace of conscience was also comforted.

Directly pounced on the pile of spirit beads.

Sort while counting and sorting there.

Qin Hao Hao and everyone also hurried over to help.

After the final counting, the harvest is full.

A total of 213 spirit beads.

There are 30 beasts, two of which have spiritual skills.

There are 61 wind systems, and three of them have spiritual skills.

There are 70 fire systems, four of which have spiritual skills.

There are 52 water systems, three of which have spiritual skills.

All of them are bronze level, the rare system is not one, and the soil system is also no.

The soil system is thought to be absorbed by the groundhog itself.

Throw the four spirit beads of the fire system to Zhuang Cheng and let him choose a spiritual technique by himself.

Zhuang Cheng did not shirk, selected a large fireball, and returned the others to Lin Qiu.

As for the others, they are not so lucky, and do not have the right skills for them.

At this time, Lin Qiu looked at these spirit beads as if he was looking at a pile of banknotes.

This happiness really came so suddenly.

After discussing with several people, Qin Hao Hao decided to give these spirit beads to Lin Qiu.

None of them were lords who lacked money, and they didn't take the bronze spirit beads too seriously.

However, they did not recommend that Lin Qiu sell it for money, but hoped that Lin Qiu could sell those with spiritual skills.

As for those who do not have spiritual skills, it is best to keep them to absorb the spiritual qi.

After all, Lin Qiu's current true level is still too low.

If you put it on ordinary people, you will definitely be a little overwhelmed.

Look who Lin Qiu is, he accepted everyone's kindness without blushing and his heart beating.

He also absorbed the aura of a spirit bead in front of everyone.

Then he broke through.

Finally from bronze three-star to bronze four-star.

Of course, this is not how significant the effect of the spirit bead is, the main thing is that his cultivation for nearly a month is about to break through.

And this spirit bead just made it all smoother.

Seeing the marmots eating happily.

Lin Qiu took out some more food for them.

Fortunately, Zhang San bought a lot at that time, otherwise it would really not be enough for this group of little guys to eat.

Lin Qiu also communicated with the little guy, wondering why they had so many spirit beads.

Listening to the little guy's meaning, it seems that it was all found in the spirit beast that died naturally.

In addition to what they can use, they are piled up, they are useless, and they take up space.

Giving it to Lin Qiu can also be regarded as garbage cleaning.

Lin Qiu: ^_^

The more garbage like this, the better!

After putting away the spirit beads, several people continued to hurry.

Lin Qiu did not let the marmots leave for the time being, but let them follow from the ground, and this group of marmots allowed Lin Qiu's plan to be better implemented.

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