"Spiritual Technique - Winter has arrived!" The

first to release the skill was Qin Hao Hao, after all, as the only silver in the team, it must be released faster.

"Spiritual Technique-Lei Hai

!" "Spiritual Skill-Great Fireball!" "Spiritual Skill-Fear

Roar!" Qin

Hao Hao's four spiritual skills smashed into the ghost group.

The first winter that fell has arrived, freezing many ghost rays directly, and the speed of those that are not frozen is greatly reduced, and they have to avoid the ice falling from the sky from time to time.

Cheng Min's skills directly plunged many ghost rays into a state of fear, which made many ghost rays who had the opportunity to get out of the range of skills also lose the opportunity to escape.

Then the thunder and fire punishment fell, and in an instant, the ghost ray experienced the ice and fire thunder triple heaven.

With a set of skills, the ghost ray died at least hundreds.

There were also hundreds of ghost rays that did not dare to approach for a while.

But they were greedy by nature and did not choose to leave, especially when they looked at Qin Hao Hao and Cheng Min, their eyes were full of lewdness.

Lin Qiu was no longer bleeding from the wound under Zhang San's treatment at this time, and seeing that the ghost group temporarily stopped attacking, he hurriedly threw a bunch of spirit beads to everyone.

Everyone hurriedly absorbed the aura in the spirit bead, only hoping to recover more aura before the ghost ray reacted.


roared twice from a ghost with a face and ass, especially bells and whistles.

Obviously, this one is the leader of the ghost ray.

Under the order of the leader of the ghost ray, although a group of younger brothers were unwilling, they could only gather towards a few people.

Lin Qiu's faces changed.

Although the spirit beads can speed up the recovery of the aura.

But after all, it is just an ordinary bronze spirit bead.

The effect of restoring spiritual power is very limited.

At this time, except for Qin Hao Hao and Lin Qiu, the aura of the other few people recovered at most two percent.

That's not good news.

Seeing that the ghost ray was getting closer and closer to several people, several people also launched a ruthless attack.

"Those who step on horses, fight with them, kill one is enough, kill two and earn!" In

fact, with the strength of Qin Hao Hao and Lin Qiu, he was fully capable of escaping by himself at this time.

But neither of them is the kind of person who has little affection, and they really can't do anything about abandoning their teammates.

Cheng Min looked at the ghost ray that was getting closer and closer: "Oh, I don't want to die, I don't have a boyfriend yet!" Zhang San looked at Cheng Min

and gritted his teeth: "Min'er, in fact, I have liked you for a long time, be my girlfriend." Lin

Qiu: (٥≖_≖) Qin

Hao Hao: (* ̄ᅀ ̄*;) ~

The rest of the crowd: (*/ω\*)

Let's say if we went to the wrong set.

Cheng Min was also stunned by Zhang San's sudden confession.

A little shyly grabbed the corner of his clothes: "You are not my type." Zhang

San's face was like dead ash.

It's all this time, don't you even want to lie to me?"

But if we have the chance, we can look everywhere.

Zhang San: (๐˃᷄ꇴ˂᷅๐)

"I said daughter-in-law, can you talk without gasping for air, I just wanted to die."

Cheng Min: "Is there a difference, who else is your daughter-in-law?" Zhang

San smiled confidently: "Of course there is a difference, now is the real moment of life and death." After

saying that, his hands began to seal rapidly.

"Crying Yo Sai Trouble——— Nicholas Zhao Four!"

Zhang San, what's wrong with you? Although Cheng Min promised you to look everywhere, you can't be hysterical.

Before everyone could react, a man two meters tall and wearing a suit fell from the sky, with a cigar in his mouth, smoking and spitting out, very powerful as a gangster boss.

It was Zhang San's bodyguard who was responsible for driving everyone over.

"Young Master is not afraid! Zhao Silaiye!" everyone

: (((φ (◎ロ◎;) φ))

You are really called Zhao Si, Zhang San Zhao Si, how unpleasant this is called, can't you call Li Si?

And a group of ghosts also temporarily stopped their pace because of Zhao Si's appearance.

Zhang San glanced at Zhao Si.

"I said Zhao Si, you stole my father's cigars again, how many pots have I carried for you

!" "Young Master, don't care about these details!"

"Go and destroy this group of beasts, otherwise go back and tell me that Laozi cigars are yours."

"Okay, young master!" I

saw Zhao Si slowly begin to undress and take off his suit and trousers.

Qin Hao Hao and Cheng Min's eyes widened

! Lin Qiu: (beggar‸乛๐)

What are you doing!

Are you preparing to "fight" with

the ghost fish? Don't blame me for not reminding you, the ghost ray is strangely sexual, and there are many mothers in it.

Zhao Si didn't care about the eyes of the others at all, and said to everyone lightly: "Suits are very expensive."

Although Zhao Si took off his suit, there was no only pants left as everyone imagined, and there was a dress that stretched well at first glance.

"Beastization!" With

Zhao Si's burst of drink, Zhao Si's muscles became swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and some fur began to appear on his body.

The whole person turned into a gorilla three meters tall.

I don't know what material the clothes on my body are, but they haven't been broken.

However, Lin Qiu and the others did not care about this, because everyone was shocked by Zhao Si's breath at this time.

"Is this gold?"

Zhang San smiled shyly: "Go out and practice, always think of some perfect strategy, I hope everyone forgives ah, it is not a life and death crisis, Zhao Si can't make a move." "

How can everyone blame Zhang San, it's too late to thank you.

Cheng Min was even more excited, and directly mua at Zhang San's fat face.

Zhao Si looked at the surrounding ghosts and slapped his chest with two thick arms!

I also have to admire this group of ghosts, all like this, they didn't escape.

But this is exactly what Zhao wants.

Directly rushed towards the ghost rays, and with a wave of his hand, a group of ghost rays were shot out.

At this time, Zhao Si directly grabbed a ghost ray and directly tore this ghost ray in half with both hands.


the leader of the ghost ray was a little unable to stand it.


Woooo (Okay boss.) The

ghost ray very consciously dodged a path, and the leader of the ghost ray walked over slowly, and roared at Zhao Si.



You little silver, what are you pretending to be in front of me!

Directly pounce and grab one of the legs of the leader of the ghost fish.

Then he slammed it up and kept smashing it against the ground, just like the Hulk did to Loki.

When did the orangutans in this forest become so hanging?

Weren't we hanging before? We didn't

let them go until we sacrificed 10 female orangutans.


this idea was known by Zhao Si, it was estimated that all the ghosts in this spirit ruins would be wiped out.

Dare to rob the mother orangutan with Lao Tzu

! Bah

! Dare to treat me as a real orangutan!

Where can the leader of the ghost fish withstand the power of the golden Zhao Si, the brain pulp is smashed out.

The rest of the ghosts saw that something was wrong and fled one by one.

Zhao Si did not pursue, just stood in place domineeringly.

Beat your chest with your hands and raise your head to the sky.

"Roar!" There

were many strong people in the other people's homes, but Lin Qiu saw the golden powerhouse make a move for the first time.

I couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The golden powerhouse, terrifying as sud!

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