The snow fox's lair was in front of them, and several people did not rush to start, but waited for Cheng Min's information feedback.

Cheng Min carefully perceived.

"32 snow foxes, everyone be careful. "

That's not a lot for everyone, but it's not a lot.

Several people were about to force the snow fox out.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the snow ahead, and soon a palm-sized snow fox crawled out of the snow.

This snow fox is as white as snow, without a trace of miscellaneous hair, two black dripping eyes are bent, the furry tail is high upturned, the body is petite, cute, who looks at it wants to go up and hug it, caressing the smooth body of the little snow fox.

Little Snow Fox was looking at Lin Qiu and his group curiously at this time, his eyes were full of curiosity, and he was not afraid at all.

Cheng Minmin felt that he was about to be melted by the little snow fox.

"Hao Hao, do we really want to do something to them?" Qin

Hao Hao was also entangled at this time, how could she bear to attack such a beautiful species.

Lin Qiu looked at the cute little guy in front of him, and he also loved it very much.

And through the skills of the little guy's information also came back.

The snow fox is usually gentle and easy to tame, if you are not absolutely sure, do not hurt its people, otherwise you will be hunted and killed by the snow fox endlessly.

Lin Qiu told Qin Hao Hao and the others the information obtained, and Qin Hao Hao became entangled for a while.

The purpose of her coming to the Spirit Market with the squad was for the silver-level snow fox, because the silver-level snow fox had the opportunity to burst a spirit bead with a spiritual skill, a cold ice arrow.

The Ice Arrow is a rare powerful single attack skill in the Ice System.

Cold Ice Arrow is not an ordinary single attack skill, it is not like those simple fireball techniques and ice ball techniques of the elemental system, it can only play a harassing role, its attack distance is farther, and the power is powerful, but the spiritual power consumed is minimal.

If Qin Hao Hao had learned the Ice Arrow when he was fighting Yang Hu before, he would have every chance to kite Yang Hu, even if Yang Hu was three small levels higher than Qin Hao Hao.

The cold ice arrow was very attractive to Qin Hao Hao, but after seeing the snow fox, she really couldn't bear to start.

Lin Qiu beckoned to the little snow fox, and the little snow fox did not recognize it, and ran directly to Lin Qiu and rubbed Lin Qiu affectionately, and it could feel Lin Qiu's kindness to him.

Lin Qiu took out some meat from his storage pocket and put it in his hand, and Little Snow Fox also ate it unceremoniously.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Qin Hao Hao, and whether to continue or give up was between Qin Hao Hao's thoughts.

If Qin Hao Hao chooses to continue, everyone can only choose to help, even if they can't bear it, they won't be unpleasant with Qin Hao Hao for this.

If Qin Hao chose to give up, then everyone would definitely be happy, after all, they really felt a sin to do something to this creature in front of them.

Qin Hao Hao saw that everyone was looking at him, and finally shook his head.

"Forget it, if you kill innocents indiscriminately for the sake of a spiritual skill, what is the difference between that and those who attacked us before, I give up." Seeing

that Qin Hao chose to give up, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and it felt like a blasphemy against such a beautiful snow fox.

Lin Qiu was also very happy to see that Qin Hao Hao did not give up his bottom line in order to obtain spiritual skills.

If Qin Hao Hao made another choice, Lin Qiu felt that he would be very disappointed.

Since they made their decisions, several people were relaxed, looking at the little snow fox in front of them curiously, and Qin Hao Hao even walked over and gently stroked the little snow fox's fluff with her hand.

The little snow fox was also very face-giving, and under Qin Hao Hao's touch, his whole eyes bent with a smile.

And when several people were teasing the little snow fox, two snow foxes of about one meter came out of the snow, and when they saw several people, they couldn't help but show vigilance.

Especially when they saw the little snow fox in their hands, they thought that the little snow fox was caught by them, and they couldn't help but stare at several people fiercely, and the dragon teeth grinned and roared.

With their low roar, more and more snow foxes emerged from the snow and surrounded several people.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Lin Qiu knew that the snow fox must have misunderstood, and hurriedly put the little snow fox down.

"Little thing, go and explain to your family, we didn't mean to hurt you." The

little snow fox was very psychic, and hurriedly roared a few times at the group of snow foxes.

Seeing that the little snow fox was fine, the snow fox was also relieved, but he did not completely relax his vigilance, and he was still a little uneasy about several people.

This is not difficult for Lin Qiu, that bunch of life skills is not awakened in vain.

He took some food from his storage pocket and threw it to the snow fox, then used the taming skill on them.

And this obviously had an effect, and the snow fox slowly became friendly as she saw their gaze.

Even the two silver-level snow foxes let down their guard.

Seeing that the domestication effect was so good, Lin Qiu was also a little proud.

"Hao Hao, I'll help you fight for it in the end, if not, it can only mean that we are unlucky."

When Qin Hao heard that there was hope, he was afraid that Lin Qiu would attack them: "If it is to kill them, I would rather not."

Lin Qiu: "Don't worry, I won't hurt them."

Lin Qiu slowly walked in front of the two silver-level snow foxes and took out a spirit bead from his pocket.

"We came here to find the spirit bead, but seeing you we gave up our ideas, but if you have one, I hope you can give me one, of course I can exchange it with you." The

beard of the two silver snow foxes was relatively long, and he obviously understood what Lin Qiu meant, and he called out to Lin Qiu.

So if you want to give it to me, what do you need us to do?"

the long-bearded snow fox called again.

"Oh, do you mean you can give us one as long as we help you solve your natural enemies?"

the snow fox leader nodded.

Qin Hao Hao and the others were crazy.

In our opinion, it is just a simple beast roar!

Could it be that Lin Qiu is still a natural beast whisperer?


fact, these are all benefits brought by the 9527 skill, and if you want to domesticate the spirit beast, you must have a certain understanding of them.

Lin Qiu can only communicate with the spirit beast simply now, and if it is an in-depth communication, Lin Qiu will not be able to do anything.

In the catalog given by 9527, Lin Qiu seems to have seen the skill of spirit beast language, but this extraction method, who knows if he will draw it before he dies.

Now it's nice to have a simple exchange.

"Who is your natural enemy, dare to do something to such a cute person, we will definitely help you destroy it!"

the leader of the snow fox roared again.

Hearing the answer of the leader of the snow fox, Lin Qiu's whole person was dumbfounded.

"What, you said that your natural enemy is a silver-level snow bear that often attacks you?" Hearing

Lin Qiu's words, the rest of the people were also stunned, wasn't it the one we solved conveniently on the way when we came, right?

Don't ask why Lin Qiu helped Snow Bear collect the corpse.

Q: That's the ingredients.

Bear's paw is a rare delicacy.

In real life, it is illegal to want to eat that, and Lin Qiu would never dare to do it.

The words of the spirit beast are easy to say, no one will care, and it is also your own ability to get it.

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