Early the next morning, Lin Qiu and several people came to the playground early.

Dressed in camouflage uniform, he sits on the steps of the stands and watches his classmates from the dormitory or cafeteria from time to time.

Of course, the main thing is to look at female classmates.

Zhang Hongyang looked at the female classmates who kept passing by, and sighed leisurely: "It's a pity, I can't see the big white legs for a month, and they are all tightly packed."

Lin Qiu smiled disdainfully: "You know, so that you can see the essence of a person more, you see!" Zhang

Hongyang looked in the direction of Lin Qiu's finger, and saw Ouyang Qian walking with elegant steps.

The wide camouflage uniform on the upper body was fully supported by the majesty on Ouyang Qian's chest, making Lin Qiu wonder if the buttons of the camouflage uniform could really withstand the waves.

Because of military training, most of the girls only put on some sunscreen and the like, and Ouyang Qian's appearance at this time is still barbaric.

Lin Qiu withdrew his finger and said to Zhang Hongyang in a serious voice: "Did you see it? "

What else can Zhang Hongyang say? I can only call him an insider

! No wonder he is the eldest brother!

Ouyang Qian also saw Lin Qiu and several people, and actually waved at a few people.

Zhang Hongyang: "No, the goddess waved at me, and I felt like I was about to die."

Wang Yu: "Men can't say they can't!" Zhang

Hongyang: !!

looked at it for a while, and finally saw Qin Hao Hao and Cheng Min walking slowly.

Lin Qiu and Zhang San hurriedly put away their pig brothers.

He walked towards the two with a straight face.

Zhang San even grabbed Cheng Min's hand: "Minmin, I haven't seen you all night, I miss it very much, do you miss me." "

Lin Qiu: Σ_(꒪ཀ꒪"∠) Gag!"

I said that in the morning, it is forbidden to feed dog food!" "

Okay Brother Qiu, we will feed it at noon and evening."

"Did you misunderstand me?"

Zhang San quietly leaned into Lin Qiu's ear: "If you want not to eat dog food, soak Big Sister Hao Hao's head as soon as possible."

Lin Qiu showed a thoughtful expression: "It makes sense, I will work hard!" Zhang

San: "(ง •_•)ง dry class." Several

people quickly found their class, which was sitting on the lawn and chatting.

Lin Qiu looked at his cartoon table and found that it was not long before the assembly time.

But the figure of the instructor is indeed missing.

The students also had the same confusion, and they all looked around from time to time.

Two minutes before the meeting time, there was a sudden eagle cry in the air!

Everyone only felt that it was dark in front of them, and there was a cool breeze overhead.

The freshmen in the playground all looked at the dozens of giant eagles in the air with shocked expressions, and the smallest of the giant eagles was 5 meters. The largest one is 10 meters tall.

And on the body of each giant eagle, there is a figure in military uniform standing straight.

❤ ❤ Sure

enough, the man who was a soldier was the most handsome!

Only to hear the figure on the 10-meter giant eagle shout: "Everyone, land!" With

the sound, all the giant eagles waved their wings and slowly landed.

The soldiers on the giant eagle also jumped off the giant eagle in an orderly manner, and then quickly stood in a line.

The owner of the 10-meter giant eagle is obviously the commander-in-chief of this military training.

"All of them, stand upright, pause, and look to the right!" With

the command's order, all the instructors quickly carried out the order they heard.

After the team has assembled.

The commander-in-chief slowly turned his head and looked at the students who were looking at them with adoration.

At the same time, everyone was also looking at this group of instructors.

The commander-in-chief at the head looked like a battle-hardened warrior with a cross scar on his cheek, which looked very terrifying.

The two bars and two stars on his body mark his status as a lieutenant colonel.

And the other instructors were all captains.

The lieutenant colonel gave a military salute to all the freshmen.

"This military training has officially begun, I am Lin Chong, the commander-in-chief of this military training, to be honest, I am very unhappy with the group of students who asked us to train you.

Because I feel like it's a waste of our time, you're all flowers in a greenhouse who haven't seen the cruelty of the world.

"In my eyes, you are all rubbish!" Where

can this group of freshmen withstand this stimulation, who can go to the Demon Capital Spirit Martial Arts, which is not the proud son of heaven, although you are an instructor, but you can't insult us like this.

"Who do you think you are, why do you say that about us?" "

You're just a little older than us, if you're the same age, any of us can beat you!"

For a while, the crowd was angry, but Lin Chong was not angry, but looked at the freshmen who were still shouting in front of him with interest.

It's still a little bloody, and it's not smoothed out by the comfortable life of school.

"Shut up for me!" Lin Chong drank loudly, and also used spiritual power, and the platinum-level momentum overwhelmed the student.

For a while, the originally noisy playground became audible.

"Even if we don't want to teach you again, but since the order has been given from above, and the soldier has made it his duty to obey the order, we will do it."

"The group behind me is your instructor, they will train you like soldiers, now let me go back to my own team and wait for my instructor to review." Although

the students were still a little unconvinced, they returned to their respective classes, and they were lazily there.

And Lin Chong didn't stay here to watch, he believed that these people he brought were fully capable of subordinating this group of newcomers.

Lin Chong came to the third floor of the Mingde Building at this time and knocked on the door of Lu Zhen's office.

"Come in.

Lin Chong pushed the door in, and then respectfully closed the door slowly, only then gave Lu Zhen a military salute.

"Hello teacher, student Lin Chong has come to see you.

"It's Xiao Lin, I didn't expect that this time it was you who personally led the team."

"It wasn't mine, it was a squad leader under me, because I wanted to come to see the teacher, so I came by myself."

At this time, Lin Chong also noticed that there was a hole on the floor of Lu Zhen's office, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.


It's okay, a funny little guy, someone will come over in the afternoon to fix it."

"There are even little guys who dare to do it in front of the teacher, and they must get to know each other when they have the opportunity." "

Well, his name is Lin Qiu, and you are still the family, and he is also a freshman this time, don't underestimate him, by the way, the quality of this freshman is very good, and there are a few people I personally selected, give me a good practice."

"Yes, teacher, guaranteed to complete the task.

"Okay, in my case, don't be so rigid.

Lin Chong grinned, touching the wound on his cheek, looking a little hideous.

"After staying in the army for a long time, these are all conditioned reflexes, and it is not so easy to change.

Lu Zhen looked at the wound on Lin Chong's face, and he was also a little distressed.

"Xiao Lin, this wound on your face has been around for some years, why don't you let the treatment department help you recover?" "

Teacher, I swore that if the murderer is not brought to justice, I will not treat my face injury for a day, and I left it to remind myself at all times that I can't forget the pain at that time."

"It's been so many years, you still can't let go, I know I can't persuade you, I can only wish you to find him as soon as possible."

"Yes, I already have some clues about this matter, I believe that day is not far away."

"Well, if you need my help then, just come to me." "

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