Lin Qiu also ignored Sima Yan.

This made Sima Yan's scaring golden sentence that he had finally thought of nowhere to be used for a while.

It's really uncomfortable, but I don't want to take the initiative to look for something.

After all, he is so handsome, he still has to maintain his demeanor.

Those in the second echelon have already started to run the last lap, and it should not be a big problem to see how they look.

The real concern is those in the third echelon.

They have only just reached lap eight now.

And one by one it feels like it's about to collapse.

Especially Zhang San, himself is a little obese, and at this time, beads of sweat can't stop flowing down.

If it had been left in the past, maybe Zhang San would have given up.

But looking at Cheng Min, who was still gritting his teeth and insisting beside him, he felt some strength.


San, who had spiritual support, felt that his steps were brisker, and he did not forget to help Cheng Min, who was a little shaky.

And all this fell in Lin Qiu's eyes.

Lin Qiu thought about it and learned what he learned.

The threesome will have my master, and the ancients will not deceive me.

Five minutes later, everyone ran and all persevered.

This made Qin Ming very happy, and the group of people in front of him were at least passable in terms of perseverance.

"Everyone rests for 10 minutes, and then there is other training! Hearing

Qin Ming's words, Zhang San's whole body lay on the ground.

I've just reached the end, so I'm about to start the following training.

There are many people who think the same as Zhang San, but this is not the time to argue about this, and it is better to lie down and recover your strength if you have that strength.

Although I was very thirsty, I felt that I really didn't have the strength to go over and get water.

Seeing the situation of several people, Lin Qiu, who had better preserved physical strength, was responsible for helping these people deliver water.

Zhang San and the others got the water and poured it violently, and only then did they feel that their hot throats were relieved.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

"Everyone gather!" Under

Qin Ming's roar, many people got up and lined up with difficulty, even if they were reluctant.

"Now that I have a certain understanding of everyone's situation, I now start the second training, 5 sets of push-ups for boys and 5 sets of 50 push-ups for girls.

Qin Ming was about to shout to start, but was interrupted by Wu Jin's voice.


do boys do 100, but we only do 50?

This little girl is somewhat interesting

! "Accurate

!" "Report!" Two coquettish voices sounded at the same time!

It was Qin Hao Hao and Ouyang Qian.

Seeing that each other also spoke, they couldn't help but make eye contact again, and the electric light rushed.


I also ask for 100 in each group!"

Qin Ming was also happy.

It's really strange to ask for something every year, and this year there are especially many.

"Yes, are there any girls who want to do 100 in each group?

Just kidding, not all of them are as masochistic as they are.

We can't finish a group of 50, okay?

All the people are not allowed to be lazy, count by themselves, count them out for me to hear!I will always pay attention to you, if you find who has done less, then congratulations on winning the lottery, and another group!" A group

of people can only start doing push-ups bitterly, counting while doing it, no one dares to be lazy, after all, no one knows if Qin Ming is really looking at himself.

Lin Qiu was the first to finish the first group, and at this time, it didn't matter what was low-key or not low-key.

Anyway, his strength seems to have been seen through by the instructor, even if he sees through only a drop in the bucket.

However, Lin Qiu's power was exhausting, and Sima Yan, who wanted to PK with Lin Qiu, was exhausted.

I've only done 30, and you'll do 100?

I suspect you're just counting again!

Is the instructor just scaring us?


counted softly, shouted 100 and stood up.

"Sima Yan added one penalty, the results of the first group were invalidated, and there were 6 sets left!" Sima Yan

: (╯▔皿▔)╯You

are really counting, you can only lie down again and start again.

But this time, I don't dare to steal and play tricks again.

And Sima Yan's actions also made many people lose their own care.

Let's do it honestly.

Qin Hao Hao and Ouyang Qian seemed to be competing again.

Sure enough, one mountain is difficult to accommodate two tigers, let alone two tigresses!

The first group ended, rested for a while, and then the second group.

It didn't take long for 5 sets to be completed.

Lin Qiu was the first to finish every time.

This made Qin Ming more and more interested in Lin Qiu's.

It is worth mentioning that Wu Jin, Qin Hao Hao and Ouyang Qian all completed the 500 target, which made the group of boys in the class feel like they were drugged by medicine.

No matter how painful it is, you must keep doing it.

What a girl can accomplish, how can a man admit defeat.

After doing it, most of the people collapsed on the lawn, which was so tired.

The 4,000-meter run made everyone's legs and feet wasted, and the 5 sets of push-ups and arms cost almost the same.

Qin Ming was satisfied with his training.

Looking at the time, it was already time for dinner.

"Okay, this is the end of the morning training, everyone has two hours to rest, we will continue in the afternoon. Hearing

Qin Ming's devil-like voice, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Oh, I seem to feel that you are a little unconvinced, or else, I will give you a chance, you can challenge me in the afternoon, I will suppress my cultivation to the same as you, as long as someone can defeat me, he can be exempted from this month's military training, and all the results of the military training are excellent, how can anyone want to challenge?" Although

he knew that Qin Ming was agitating the general, but it was the age of Fang Gang of Blood, and he could endure it.

"Instructor, are you sure you will suppress the cultivation to be the same as us?"

"I want to ask the instructor what rank are you now?"

The students all gasped, although Qin Ming was an instructor, he looked to be in his early twenties, and a golden third at this age was already rare.

Worthy of being a member of the Suzaku squad.

"Okay, instructor, we have accepted your invitation, and we will see you in the afternoon." "

Especially the militants such as Wu Jin and Qin Hao Hao have already begun to rub their hands.

Lin Qiu was also interested.

"Instructor, can I use weapons in the competition?"

Lin Qiu's question made Qin Mingleng pause, there are still people who want to use weapons.


!" Qin

Ming: (ꐦˆ ᴗ ˆ)

Although he is gold-level, he still can't carry bullets.

"Classmate Lin Qiu, it's not okay to use a gun in the competition, and where did you get the gun? I don't know that secretly storing arms in Huaxia is a felony



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