The battle between Shen Xing and Lin Chong had been going on for ten minutes.

Shen Xing still did not mean to lift the demonization.

Lin Chong felt that he was about to cry, remembering that the last time he woke up Shen Xing was only carried for eight minutes, why is it ten minutes now, Shen Xing is still so alive.

If this continues, I won't be able to hold on for the first time."

"Xiaoqiu, in two minutes, if she still remains demonized, you will go and move me to save the soldiers." "

I'm afraid of being laughed at, and then I really can't hold on."

Lin Qiu gestured at Lin Chong!

Soon two minutes passed, and Shen Xing was still in a demonized state.

Lin Qiu just wanted to move the rescuers, but Lin Qiu suddenly thought of something.

Shouted to the audience: "I know how to hatch the fire spirit bird correctly!" Shen

Xing, who heard this, paused his whole person, and his sharp claws stopped directly in the air.

The turquoise color of his eyes began to quickly dissipate and turn back to dark brown.

The runes on his body also began to slowly dissipate, the sharp nails were also retracted, and the most important thing was that Matt's hairstyle changed back to the chicken nest.

Lin Qiu saw Shen Xing's appearance clearly, although it was a little sloppy, he could still see that it was a beautiful woman, plus the dark blue glasses, there was an indescribable charm.

I've been studying for a long time, but the eggs of the fire spirit bird still can't hatch, and I can't figure out what the problem is?"

Shen Xing just regained her senses and directly asked this question that had bothered her for a long time.

Lin Chong was suddenly seen by Lin Qiuxiu, and he could still operate like this, if he knew that he could wake up Shen Xing in this way, how could he be used as a target so many times.

Hurriedly took out his own small book and recorded it furiously.

Shen Xing also noticed Lin Chong on the side at this time.

"Oh, squadron leader, are you here to wake me up again, I don't know what is the urgency

this time?" "I said Shen Xing, or you won't study it during this time, and when you get platinum, you can control your demonicization, I said that I can't bear it."

"I know that you are this temperament, didn't I bring you an expert in spirit beasts?" Shen

Xing's eyes lit up, and he began to search around.

Soon saw Lin Qiu on the side, but she didn't take it seriously and continued to search.

"Squadron Leader, don't joke with me, I'm afraid of it."

Lin Chong wiped the cold sweat on his head and pulled Lin Qiu, who was watching the play.

"This is the spirit beast expert I found for you.

Shen Xing glanced at Lin Qiu, and a trace of disdain appeared on his face.

Lin Qiu: (ꐦ°᷄ࡇ°᷅) Ha???

you can look down on

me! But you can't insult me!

If it weren't for the presence of the chief instructor, I would take off my pants to show you now!"

Fire spirit bird your parameters are not right, first of all, the temperature of the hatching is too low, the fire spirit bird as a fire spirit beast, itself has a high fire resistance, the fire spirit bird mother sometimes breathes fire when hatching eggs to speed up the hatching speed of the fire spirit bird, so the temperature should be adjusted to 500 degrees. "

Then the hatching of the fire spirit bird requires aura, so to put some spirit beads around the egg, the level is not required, the bronze level is good, the fire spirit bird will absorb the spiritual energy in the spirit bead on its own, and I don't know what you think, you even want to vacuum hatch, you are not afraid of the egg suffocation!" Shen Xing

didn't expect Lin Qiu to say the head, and couldn't help but be a little speechless.

"But we have observed the mother fire bird hatching the eggs, and seen them spit fire on the eggs, but we have never seen the mother bird put spirit beads around the eggs."

"Have you ever

been to the Spirit Market?" "Nonsense, I haven't been to the Spirit Market, how can I observe

?" "What is the biggest difference between the Spirit Market and reality?" Lin

Qiu's words were like a stick, which woke Shen Xing.

Shen Xing immediately understood that the more advanced the spiritual energy of the spirit ruin, the more abundant the spiritual power, in the spirit market, the bird egg will absorb the surrounding spiritual energy, but in reality there is not so rich spiritual energy.


about it, Shen Xing started to stay in place again.

Seeing that Shen Xing began to be in a daze again, Lin Qiu quickly retreated a hundred meters.

"Chief instructor, she won't enter that state again, right?" Lin

Chong was also a little unsure, who knew if this girl would play cards according to the routine.

Just in case, Lin Chong also slowly moved to Lin Qiu's position.

But fortunately, Shen Xing didn't think for too long, so he came back to his senses.

Looking at the two people a hundred meters away, they couldn't help but be a little speechless.

"Why are you so far away from

me?" Lin Qiu: "

Don't you count in your heart?" "

But I'm settled, as long as you don't touch me, it's fine, why do you run so far." Lin

Chong's face turned red, and he blamed Lin Qiu for making me forget this stubble.

Lin Qiu also reacted, yes, it's okay not to touch her, it's sloppy.

Do you have any misunderstanding about entering the ding?

"Little fellow, you come here, come with me to do the experiment, if you really hatch the fire spirit bird, I will admit that your hair grows!"

Grabbed Lin Chong.

"Chief instructor, don't pull me, I must educate her, don't pull me."

Lin Chong hurriedly let go of his hand and took two steps back very consciously.


There's a kind of love called letting go, giving up for love for a long time."

"You sing so badly!"

Shen Xingcai didn't care so much, and grabbed Lin Qiu.

"Go, I can't wait to know if your hair has grown!" Lin

Qiu: Si Tao Po, this is not the car to the kindergarten, I want to get off.

Shen Xing didn't care so much at all, and pulled Lin Qiu to experiment.

"Team Leader Shen, the eggs can hatch at any time, but there are more important things to deal with now!"

Your family was kidnapped? You call 110, it doesn't affect us to create life."

If I hadn't been able to beat you, I would have beaten you a long time ago, and I'm talking about rescuing the spirit beasts here."

"What's wrong with the spirit beasts here? Aren't they all living well?" "

Okay? Don't you find the problem? Many spirit beasts in you are equivalent to chronic suicide! He

took Shen Xing to the center of the base and looked at the staff who were still busy.

Lin Qiu made a horn gesture with his hand: "Everyone stop what they are doing and gather in the center of the base!" Several

people around looked at Lin Qiu suspiciously, and then continued their work.

Lin Qiu: (*゚ロ゚)!!

Feeling offended.

Shen Xing looked at Lin Qiu like a fool.

"Oh, it's really a little brat.

Shen Xing silently walked to the broadcasting room not far away.

Picked up the microphone: "Everyone pay attention! Everyone pay attention! If it is not necessary, all the rest of the staff immediately stop their work and gather in the center of the base!" She

was also very curious about what medicine was sold in Lin Qiu's gourd.

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