Lin Qiu and Shen Xing were sitting opposite the hotel at this time.

The two ordered a cup of milk tea and casually observed the situation in the hotel while drinking.

Lin Qiu opened his clairvoyance.

Soon he found out. On the third floor of the hotel, there were several rooms with curtains drawn, and in one of the rooms there were sniper scopes watching the situation all the time.

All this was seen by Lin Qiu, and suddenly the sniper scope swept towards them.

Lin Qiu hurriedly put his arm around Shen Xing.

"Don't move, the enemy is watching here. Shen

Xing: (* ????? ??*;) ~

Observe and observe, what are you holding me for.

Lin Qiu glanced at it and found that the sniper scope had looked elsewhere, so he let go of his hand.

To be honest, it feels pretty good.

"Apprentice, it can't be like this, you can't observe anything here, dare you follow me up to see the situation."

Shen Xing's eyes lit up: "What don't you dare to do, I have long wanted to go up." "

Heart is not as good as action, Lin Qiu's arm bent, and Shen Xing also consciously stretched out his hand.

At the same time, he did not forget to pinch Lin Qiu fiercely.

Lin Qiu was a little caught off guard, and couldn't help but shout.

It caused people around him to look away.

Lin Qiu glared at Shen Xing fiercely: "Little cute, can't wait? Let's go, let's go open the house!" Little cutie:

???(?????????)??? Have half a dime relationship with me?

Shen Xing was also slightly red.

The surrounding onlookers couldn't help but swallow.

"Alas, another flower is about to be destroyed!" Lin

Qiu took Shen Xing directly into the hotel, and when he entered the hotel, he could see the flash of light coming from the sniper scope on the 3rd floor.

Lin Qiu's complexion did not change in the slightest, and he swaggered to the front desk.

Slam your ID card on the table.

"Open a room for me

, I want the third floor, I like the number 3!" "Sir I'm sorry, the third floor has been completely wrapped down, no, you change the room, I feel that the number 6 is not bad."

"You are so vulgar, 6 is too vulgar, then get me a 4th floor, I want the fourth room on the 4th floor, this room has good feng shui."

"Okay sir, what about this lady's ID card, we need to register it."

Lin Qiu looked at Shen Xing, and Shen Xing gave Lin Qiu a roll of his eyes.

"How do I know that I still need an ID card to live in a hotel, so you can solve it yourself."

"Accommodating, it's too late to go back and get it, the little blue pill has already been eaten." Saying

that, he also slapped a hundred-dollar bill on the table.


, our hotel regulations..." "Snap!" "Another one

!" "Sir, we really..." "

Snap!" "Snap!" directly added to 500

!"Okay, sir, 4th floor 404, this is your room card, I wish you a happy life, our hotel sound insulation effect is famous for its good Oh!" Lin

Qiu looked at the waiter who changed so quickly, and couldn't help but secretly gritted his teeth! What

is the use of good sound insulation? Boy

, you wait, when I finish my business, I will call the police and let the police uncle punish you

! And I still have evidence!

took Shen Xing to the fourth floor by elevator, brushed open the door and entered 404.

As soon as he entered the door, Shen Xing asked Lin Qiu curiously: "What is the little blue pill

?" Lin Qiu was a little weak: "QQ sugar, blueberry flavor."

Shen Xing didn't ask, after closing the door.

Both were lying on the ground, but there was no sound downstairs.

Shen Xing was not in a hurry, directly took out a piece of equipment that Lin Qiu didn't know what it was, put it on the floor, and then handed Lin Qiu a headset.

Lin Qiu put on the headphones and sure enough could hear some sounds.

It's just that it doesn't seem to be the voice directly below, but the voice of 303.

Huh! That's a familiar number.

Lin Qiu moved the things on the ground in the direction of 303, and sure enough, the voice became a little clearer.

A woman's moan came from the earphones.

Lin Qiu: (?????_???)

It seems that I heard something that should not be heard, think about the words of the front desk clerk, the entire 3rd floor was wrapped by the Tikwei mercenary group.

It seems that the owner of this voice is likely to be Mimiko Matsushita.

Shen Xing's face turned a little red, and he couldn't help but take a sip.

Lin Qiu hurriedly put away his pig brother expression.

After all, as a teacher, you can't show too much Meng Lang.

"Ahem, good boys, we are just here to work, to better monitor them, not to let go of their every move, by no means intentionally eavesdropping. "

After 30 seconds, the man's heavy gasping sound came from the earphones, and then there was no movement.

In the blur, Lin Qiu seemed to hear someone cursing and cursing in a stick language.

Lin Qiu was also a little surprised, he always thought that it was Park Fudong who observed with a sniper scope in 304, it seemed that he had changed shifts, and the person who observed it was someone else.

After a while, there was finally the sound of water, presumably taking a shower.

After a while, the sound of the door of 304 downstairs opening and closing.

Then there were several people talking in the room, but Shen Xing couldn't understand a word.

Shen Xing: (>_<)

Shen Xing's whole person is stupid? What kind of stuff, she is proficient in eight Chinese words, and she doesn't know what these people are saying.

He was about to talk to Lin Qiu, but was stopped by Lin Qiu.

Shen Xing still wanted to speak, but Lin Qiu covered his mouth.

"Don't argue, I understand this!" Shen

Xing was a little incredulous, he didn't even know where the language was, how did you understand it.

I listened again, still a bunch of words she couldn't understand.

However, she could see that Lin Qiu's face became more and more solemn.

After a few minutes, there was no sound downstairs.

Shen Xing then asked in a low voice: "What did they say?" Lin

Qiu's face was a little solemn: "I heard a little confused, removing those nonsense that was not nutritious, I heard a few important points."

"First, they did not come to Huaxia on their own initiative this time, but were hired by others.

"Second, they are not here to take the initiative to cause trouble, but to prepare to pick up something, and their task is to transport that thing out of Huaxia."

"Thirdly, just in case, they prepared a large amount of explosives, and if they were not quickly solved, the consequences would be unimaginable." Hearing

Lin Qiu's words, Shen Xing's complexion also became solemn.

"I'm going to report to the captain, such a murderous mercenary group is not the main force, it seems that someone wants to make a big move in Huaxia, and you have to notify the squadron leader and be ready for battle at any time."

Lin Qiu also nodded, now this situation, must be reported well.

Shen Xing went out, while Lin Qiu stayed in the room to continue monitoring, hoping to hear any useful news.

The people of the Tikwei mercenary group are also cautious, everyone can speak Fulani, which is not a big language, but they can't imagine that there is a bug that is proficient in 6,000 languages here!

In other words, the effect of this little blue pill is not amazing, it is over so soon?

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