A dilapidated house.

Jinghe invited a construction team from Yanmo City to repair it.

This construction team is very professional at first glance. It is not only equipped with various professional equipment, but also has Pokémon such as Haoli and Ironbone.

After asking, I learned that it was the construction team of Devon Company!

Jinghe couldn't help but sigh.

The infrastructure maniac Devon Company finally extended its claws to the territory of Silver Company.

After all, Silver Company does not engage in infrastructure.

However, this saved Jinghe a lot of money. He took out the work card of "Dewen Special Consultant" and the captain of the construction team gave him a minimum price.

As for.

The people from the Yulong family who came to inquire about the situation because of the noise, Jinghe evaded them with the excuse that Pokémon training failed.

It was after using this reason that the person from the Yulong family looked at him strangely.

It was not until the other party muttered "It's worthy of being Master Adu's friend" that Jinghe suddenly realized it.

No wonder the construction team looked so skilled. It turned out that A'du was the one who supported the whole team.

After entrusting the task of repairing the house, Jinghe took the four little guys to the street.

They were already quite familiar with the streets of Yanmo City.

After going to the street, they went straight to the food street.

Mini Dragon seemed to be curious about everything, and followed Jinghe to look left and right.

It should have been in the "Dragon Holy Land" for a long time and had not come out much.

But it finally made Jinghe realize what the real "European Qi Conservation" was.

It was just a short distance from Yulong's house to the street, and Mini Dragon experienced two pitfalls, and once almost fell into the sewer


The little guy seemed to have been accustomed to his "bad luck" for a long time, and did not think there was anything wrong, nor did he complain about his "innate bad luck body".

It was just that every time he encountered bad luck, he would always mutter to himself to cheer himself up-

The strong never rely on luck!

This made Jinghe more or less a little emotional.

It's not easy for the little guy to grow up to this size.

In fact, it's hard to imagine how many bad things it has experienced. So many seemingly small "misfortunes" accumulated together will definitely make a person very depressed.

But it is still very optimistic.

This spirit is more precious than its identity as a quasi-god Pokémon.

"New store opened, big discount! Don't miss it if you pass by."

Not long after walking to the food street, a voice came from afar.

"Kou Jie~~"

There is a new store!

Haunter pointed to a very busy place not far away and said.

Out of curiosity, they approached.

It seemed to be a stall selling ice cream.

A woman with long red hair and a waitress's uniform was seen greeting the guests coming and going enthusiastically.

Beside her, there was Meowth, holding a billboard in her hand, and she was also enthusiastic.

Under the woman's enthusiastic reception, many people were attracted.

Behind the stall was a hardworking young man with short blue hair.

Some customers who bought ice cream and left seemed to think it tasted good after taking a bite.

"This is..."

Jing He was stunned, and felt that these three seemed a little familiar.

However, before he could think about it, Haunter rushed up first.

"Kou Jie~~"

It raised five fingers with its claws.

"Five? Big customers! Big customers!"

The red-haired woman's eyes lit up, and she patted the stall and shouted.

At this time, the meow noticed the mini dragon following Jing He, and hurriedly trotted behind the stall.

Then the red-haired woman was pulled over.

The three guys hid behind the stall and whispered.

Then, the red-haired woman came over with a smile on her face.

"Are you together? Do you want to try the latest flavor of ice cream? You can taste it there~~"

As she said, she pointed to a small forest not far away.

A three-year-old child is not so easy to fool, right?

Jing He: "."

He just said why he felt a little familiar.

"You guys."

The words were not finished yet, but it seemed to trigger some keywords.

The three looked at each other.

The next second.

Jinghe covered his face.

Where did the BGM come from?

"Since you asked sincerely!"

"Then I will tell you mercifully!"

"To prevent the universe from being destroyed!"

"To protect the peace of the world!"

"To implement the evil of love and truth!"

"A cute and charming villain!"

"Musashi!" The woman took off her waitress uniform.

"Kojiro!" The man took out a rose from nowhere.

"We are the Rocket Team that travels through the galaxy, the white hole, and the white tomorrow is waiting for us!"

"That's it, meow!" The meow actually spoke human words.

Jinghe suddenly felt as if his toes could dig a hole in the ground.

He never thought that he would meet the famous Rocket Team trio in Yanmo City!

The three guys trembled slightly, and seemed to be particularly excited.

"Hey, Musashi, am I handsome?" Kojiro asked while biting the rose.

"How should I know?" Musashi rolled his eyes and maintained his posture, "But I think our opening remarks are really..."

"What a great feeling!!" ×3

Everyone around was staring at this scene in a daze.

"Do you still sell ice cream?" Jing He asked, covering his forehead.

"Sell! Sell, sell, sell!" Kojiro responded hurriedly.

Musashi angrily kicked Kojiro who broke the formation, glared at him and said:

"Why are you selling it? Didn't you see a mini dragon there? This is an extremely rare Pokémon. If you can get it back, give it to the boss."

The three of them had stars in their eyes at the same time.

"Promotion! Increase salary! Become a cadre!" ×3

‘Isn’t there a fruit god yet? Sure enough, it’s a little bit off-putting.’

This was the first thought that came to Jing He's mind.

As we all know, there are "four true gods" in the Pokémon world, namely the Skin God, the Duck God, the Fruit God and the Bear God.

Among them, the Rockets trio dominates the two gods.

Among them, God Guo has a glorious record of rebounding Giratina in the original work.

Without Guoshen, the Rockets trio can only be considered to have a 90% fit at best.

"Oh, I thought you guys were really Team Rocket, but it turned out to be an improv show."

Jing He said suddenly, putting on an "I see" expression.

"But let me remind you, Yanmo Police Station is at most a minute's drive from here. It's best for you to change your identity for this show."


The trio turned their heads stiffly and saw the Alliance Police Department logo in the distance.

I was sweating for a while.

"It turns out it's a show. This stall is really sincere."

"Let me tell you, no Rockets dare to reveal their identity so openly."

"This is Yanmo City, and the Yulong Family is in charge."

"But the ice cream here is really good. Do you still sell it?"


Because of Jing He's words, the people around him gradually came to their senses.


The trio, realizing the seriousness of the problem, all spoke out.

Then he changed clothes at a speed that ordinary people couldn't understand, and returned to his previous appearance.

"What a risk, we were almost discovered." Kojiro said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"I almost forgot about our mission this time. We can't expose our identity." Miao Miao also said.

"It's not like Meowth suddenly said that he saw a mini dragon, otherwise he wouldn't have been nearly exposed," Musashi complained.

"How can you blame me, nya? It's not Musashi."

After paying the money and getting five ice creams, Jing He took the little ones and left as if nothing had happened.

‘I didn’t hear’ is such a disgusting feeling! ’, the degree of fit dropped by another five percentage points’

He cursed in his heart.

"Thanks to that person, Meow." Meow looked at Jing He's retreating back.

"What a good man!" Kojiro said with emotion.

This sentence was unanimously recognized by Musashi and Meowth.

far away.

The real bird who witnessed the whole process covered his forehead.

I don’t even know the real owner in front of me. How did you memorize the information before?

The real bird let out a breath.

Fortunately, she didn't expect the trio to do anything.

Seeing Jing He and the little guys walking into a restaurant, she hurriedly followed him.

There weren't many people in the restaurant, so the real bird immediately found Jing He and his Pokémon.

"Ghost Stone, please be more restrained and don't go page after page."

"Hello, Teacher Jinghe, I'm Mr. Sakaki's assistant, sorry to bother you." Shinori walked up to Jinghe and the others with a smile.

Real bird?

Jing He was stunned for a moment, but quickly came to his senses.

do not know why.

Jing He, who had met Ah Ju and the Rocket trio in just half a day, didn't seem surprised to see the real bird again.


Does Team Rocket want to capture Yanmo City?

"Uh, hello." Looking at the standard watermelon head and round-rimmed glasses, Jing He said politely: "Then you are one of our own, you're welcome, sit down."

One of our own!

Zhenniao was overjoyed, and after saying thank you, he pulled out a chair and sat down, and said straight to the point:

"Teacher Jinghe, I am here to express my gratitude on behalf of Mr. Sakaki, and also send me the reimbursement for the last Nidoqueen treatment."

With that said, Makoto opened his clothes.

A check was withdrawn.

But whether by accident or on purpose, something slipped out.

Ding, ding ding ding——

The thing fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Jing He caught a glimpse of something like that out of the corner of his eye.

A fiery red "R" badge!

Jing He: "!!"

"Oops, something fell off." The real bird said "surprised".

Do you dare to be more exaggerated with your acting skills?

Jing He held down Ghost Stone, who was curious and was about to look sideways, and photographed the menu on its face.

As for the three little guys sitting on the other side, there is no need to worry because of the angle.

He already knew what the real bird was doing.


This girl Shintori is very bad, and she came to test her attitude towards Team Rocket on behalf of Sakaki!

When Zhenniao picked up the things and looked up at Jing He, he found that he was staring at the check with "pleasure" and then put it away.

Did Teacher Jinghe see it?

Don't you see it?

The real bird is a bit uncertain.

If you see it, you should be a little surprised, right?

But Jing He smiled slightly.

"Miss Makotori, do you want to have lunch together?"

The real bird who came back to his senses hurriedly said:

"I should be the one to invite you, Teacher Jinghe."

"Really? Then I'm not welcome."

Jing He gave Ghost Stone a look.

Haunter understood instantly, stuck out his tongue and grinned twice, and slapped the menu on the table "magnanimously".

"Kou Jie!!"

Please give me two copies of everything on this menu!

Since someone is treating, Haunter won't be polite.

The other three little ones who heard this immediately cast a grateful look at Manori.

This person is really nice.

Manori: "???"

No, I was just being polite, why did you take it seriously?

But the words have already been said, Manori can't embarrass Boss Sakaki, so he can only try to change the subject.

"To be honest with Mr. Jinghe, we actually knew each other a long time ago."

"Know each other a long time ago?" Jinghe was stunned.

"Yes, my name on the Internet is.'The Bird That Fell on the Ground'."

Jinghe looked up in astonishment.

This time, Jinghe was really surprised.

At the same time, he quickly thought that the strong Pokémon that Manori said on the Internet before, which was difficult to communicate with, was very likely. Sakaki!

Xiaoyin's stepmother literature? !

Lunch is over.

After wiping off the grease from the corners of his mouth and burping, Manori came to a secluded place.

He took out his cell phone and called Sakaki.

"Burp, um, boss, I met Teacher Jinghe. Well, he's a nice guy."

Except that he tasted a bit awesome.


Manori recalled the process of communicating with Jinghe. They talked about a lot of things, and it can be said that they talked happily, especially about the preparation of food.

As for Jinghe's attitude towards Team Rocket,

Whenever Manori wanted to mention something about Team Rocket, Jinghe would use the right topic to divert the topic.

Mainly, it was diverted to the preparation of food.


Did Teacher Jinghe see the badge?

She thought about it, and suddenly thought of the word that impressed her the most during this exchange, and said:

"Teacher Jinghe said that we are 'one of our own'."

If Jinghe were here, he would definitely ask: Are you studying journalism?

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