Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 57 Superpower Girl, Nazi (ask for monthly votes at the beginning of the month!)

If it is in the game, Yongjira's evolution into Hudi is similar to Ghost Stone's evolution into Gengar, both of which require "communication evolution".

I think back then, before the "Contact Rope" item came out, the three stages of evolution of Pokémon like Ghoststone were a hurdle that some single-player players couldn't overcome.

But it's different in the Pokémon world.

Because in the final analysis, "communication exchange" is to simulate a special magnetic field in the wild to meet the conditions that stimulate special Pokémon to complete their evolution.

This is also the reason why you can see wild Pokémon such as Hudi, Gengar, and Rumble Rock in the wild.

To be honest, this kind of question should not be asked to a Pokémon psychologist like him. Although not many people may know it, it is indeed common sense.

But after thinking about it, Jing He still replied.

[Grain in the Scenery]: You can try to use the prop "Contact Rope" or perform "Communication Evolution".

The other party's reply speed was a little faster than expected.

[Super Girl]: If it works, why should I ask you?

Jing He: "??"

To be honest, this was the first time he had encountered someone with such a bad temper.

Sure enough, the birds are big enough to be found in any forest.

Jing He patted his cheek and pulled himself out of the "keyboard warrior" state.

He has feelings.

The person opposite has a bad temper, if you "confront" her.

If not, it will turn into a "doctor-patient dispute".

But what the other party said made him think.

Generally speaking, Pokémon such as Yongjira and Ghoststone, even if they have just evolved, can immediately complete three stages of evolution by using methods such as "Contact Rope" or "Communication Evolution".

From what the other party said, it was obvious that they had already tried, but did not get the desired results.

After all, this is the real world, and the settings in the game cannot be completely copied.

[Here in the Scenery]: Can you tell us about the status of Yongjira, or what it usually does?

[Super Girl]: What else can you do (White Eyes.jpg), it is nothing more than meditation, daze, meditation.

[Jingzhongzhihe]: What about the state of eating and sleeping?

[Super Girl]:? ? ? Psychic Pokémon need to sleep? Do you understand or not?

Jing He: "."

Taking a deep breath, Jing He forced a smile.

[He in the Scenery]: Then I think you might as well ask Yongjila what he means. Although it is a super-powered Pokémon, it is not a machine. It has its own ideas, its own schedule, and its own preferences. It cannot be blindly Just meditate.

【Grain in the Scenery】: Try to add some color to its life.

He wanted to continue talking, but found that the other party had gone offline!

"Kou Jie?"

As if noticing Jing He's state, Guisi floated over.


Jing He smiled and waved his hand.

"Kou Jie~~"

Guisi grinned and turned around to play with Hyouvulpix again.

‘The ‘superiority complex’ of a trainer of super-type Pokémon, right? ’

‘Let Mewtwo knock you all out! ’

Jing He had a "dangerous" look in his eyes and walked towards the toilet.

Washed my face.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

"My state has its ups and downs. It seems that conquering the Vulpix has indeed given me a lot of pressure."

This state is undesirable for a Pokémon psychologist and trainer.

Because it may not only affect you, but also Pokémon.

Fortunately he was aware.

Kanto region.

Golden City.

As the most prosperous city in the Kanto region, Golden City is the headquarters of Silver Company, the "behemoth" in the Pokémon world, and also has two powerful gyms.

In the deepest room of one of the superpower gyms, there were a large number of dolls piled up, some in human form, and more in the form of Pokémon.

A girl who was about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing red tights and with long straight hair, sat among the dolls.

She is the owner of this super-power gym, the super-power Pokémon trainer, Natsu!

And in front of her stood a Yongjira.

"Yongira, do you need to sleep?"

Nazi asked in a calm tone with one hand on her head.

But before Yongjila could speak, a faint blue light appeared in her eyes.

at the same time.

Yongjila's eyes were also filled with this blue light.

As Nazhi shook her head slightly, Yongjira also shook his head stiffly.

See it.

Nazi smiled and muttered:

"Really, why does a super-powered Pokémon need to sleep?"

When the blue halo in Nazi's eyes dissipated, Yongjira also returned to normal. There was a flash of struggle in its eyes, but it quickly returned to its original state.


Nazi tilted her head hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter if you try, right?"

Hear the words.

Yongjira was stunned.

He looked at Nazi with some surprise.

Adjust yourself.

When I walked out of the toilet, I saw that Guisi seemed to have become familiar with Hyouvulpix, chatting and laughing there.

But as he listened, Jing He felt something was wrong.

I saw Guisi pulling Little Vulpix to the floor-length mirror.

"Kou Jie~~"

Let me tell you, the most important thing for our old Jing family is "hypnosis".


Ice Vulpix didn't know why, but he nodded seriously with a serious look on his face.

Guisi nodded with satisfaction.

"Kou Jie, Kou Jie!"

Then, there is "transformation".


After pouring himself a glass of water, Jing He listened from the side.

There is nothing wrong with Ghost's first sentence. As a Pokémon psychologist, if Pokémon can master "hypnosis", it is better to learn more about it.

Moreover, Ice Vulpix not only mastered "hypnosis", judging from the intensity of its "supernatural power", its super power is actually not weak, and this is a direction that can be explored.

But what the hell is "transformation"?

Then I saw it.

The black mist on Guisi's body squirmed, and its appearance gradually changed.

"Kou Jie!"

Ghost Spey!


Little stars burst out in Ice Vulpix's eyes.

Guisi smiled smugly, and the black mist squirmed again, changing again in the expectant eyes of Hyouvulpix.

"Kou Jie!"

Ghost Ratina!


Jing He almost spit out the water.


But Ice Vulpix showed an even more adoring look.

Brother Guisi is so awesome!

But not to mention, since Guisi mastered the "substitute", his ability to change has indeed improved.


Guisi smiled from ear to ear.

It continues to play to its "elderly" strengths.

"Kou Jie~~"

After that, it was scary. It was a sneak attack from behind!

Jing He quickly put down the water glass, walked forward and picked up the soft and waxy Ice Vulpix.

"We should go to sleep."

If Guisi continues to "teach" him any more, Jing He feels that Bing Liuwei will be led astray.


Suddenly being held in his arms, Bing Liuwei's cheeks turned slightly red, and after whimpering lowly, his head shrank into his arms.

Jing He secretly put his hand into the fluffy fur on its head, and immediately showed a satisfied smile.

The previous pressure could not help but diminish a lot.

Sure enough, there is nothing more stress-relieving than playing with a cat, and that is playing with the Ice Vulpix.

Bingbing is soft.

"This feeling is worth it."


Ice Vulpix made a purring sound like a cat.

"Oh, oh wow!"

"Kou Jie?"

Seeing Hyouvulpix being taken away, Guisi, who was mid-sentence, was stunned.

Follow him quickly.

I haven't finished teaching yet.

"Whether the Vulpix wants to become stronger, whether it wants to train and fight, depends on its own wishes." Jing He's voice came.

Ghost nodded thoughtfully.

Makes sense.

Then stay for a while.

No, I just taught you this!

"Ghost, turn off the lights."


Guisi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Jing He didn't notice.

Then he happily floated towards the bed.

"Kou Jie——"

I'm coming——

But after turning off the lights, neither Jing He nor Guisi noticed.

In the floor-to-ceiling mirror where it and Ice Vulpix were previously, a scarlet eye with some doubts suddenly opened.

What about the fool who failed to log in?


PS: At the beginning of the month, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~~

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