The next morning.

"Kou Jie!!"

Jing He was awakened by Gastly's screams. When he opened his sleepy eyes, he saw it circling around the house like a headless fly.

"I'm not used to not being licked awake."

Jing He retracted his hand that was subconsciously wiping the "Sakura Fruit" on the head of the bed and asked:

"What's wrong? The learning machine is gone?"

"Kou Jie!" Gastly shouted.

The little fox is gone!


At this time, Jing He remembered that there was a Pokémon at home.

Looking at the foot of the bed, there was no trace of Vulpix.

"Don't worry, this is the sixth floor. It's impossible for it to jump down from the upstairs. The door is locked. It should still be at home."

Jing He hurriedly got out of bed and searched in the house with Gastly.

"Kou Jie!!"

It was also thanks to Gastly that he could pass through walls and go straight through some furniture.

Finally found Vulpix curled up in the corner under the closet.

It huddled against the wall, its tail covering its head, revealing only two crystal-like light blue eyes.

Seeing Jing He lying on the ground and Gastly grinning.


Vulpix showed its two small canine teeth and growled at them.

So fierce.


Garsis' eyes were full of waves.

So cute~~

Jing He felt a little heavy in his heart.

Vulpix's rejection of them was more serious than he had imagined.

This might be related to its experience.

After thinking about it, Jing He grabbed a handful of energy cubes, lay on the ground and handed them in.

Even if he was a Pokémon psychologist, if he wanted to comfort the heart of a wounded Pokémon, he had to at least be able to communicate and contact.

And if Vulpix didn't use any moves or abilities, he couldn't see Vulpix's illustrated book.

Smelling the scent of the energy cube, Vulpix blinked and looked at Jing He, with some doubts and a strong sense of vigilance in his eyes.

"Eat it." Jing He smiled.

"Don't worry about anything else. You are too weak now. You lost so much blood yesterday. Eat something to recover."


Garsis swallowed his saliva and followed Jing He to comfort him.

Eat it, eat it.

The energy cube is so delicious, isn't it easy to take it?

Ice Vulpix stared at the energy cube in Jing He's hand again.

Pah! !

Who knew that Ice Vulpix suddenly waved its claws and slapped Jing He's hand away.

The energy cubes were scattered all over the floor.


Jing He took a breath, and three scratches appeared on his hand, and blood slowly seeped out.

Apologetic and a little distressed flashed in Ice Vulpix's eyes, but it was quickly covered up.

Still a face of alertness.


Garsis saw the scattered energy cubes and rushed forward, carefully picked up each energy cube, and blew it with a little distress.

There was confusion in its eyes.

That doesn't make sense.

The energy cubes are so delicious.

Back then, Jinghe bribed it with a bucket of instant noodles.

Through the bottom of the cabinet, Ice Vulpix saw all of Gastly's movements.

Jinghe leaned against the cabinet and sat up.

He didn't pay much attention to the wound on his hand.

After all, he had long been accustomed to being licked by Gastly, so these were nothing.

"I remember"

He spoke slowly as if talking to himself.

"I know a friend who, like you, went to a strange area, a strange city, and a strange school alone. He didn't dare to have too much contact with others, and didn't dare to relax his studies at all."

"He likes Pokémon very much, but he doesn't dare to raise them because he has no time, no energy, and no money. He can only choose the Pokémon Psychology course because he thinks that Pokémon's hearts are much simpler than people's."

Others think the original owner is very powerful.

He applied for the Silver University with the highest theoretical score in the Hoenn region, and even finished his studies early in the academy and graduated early, making him only a few years older than Daigo and the others.

But I don't know how much things and time I have given up for such an achievement.

"Kouhei kouhei"

Garsis didn't know when it had floated back to his side, and his expression was a little complicated.

It was also the first time he heard Jinghe say this.

Listening to other people's stories, even if they are told in a plain way, you can always associate them with yourself.


Ice Vulpix's low voice came from under the cabinet.

Jinghe and Gastly looked at each other and smiled.

This time he didn't squat down, but took a plate, put the energy cube on it, and pushed it in carefully.

"Eat something, wait for you to recover, if you want to go home, I will take you back to Alola, if you want to stay."

The words were not finished.

Jinghe suddenly felt that the wound on his hand was licked by a cold little tongue.

Soft and cool.


We are back---

Before the door was opened, Gastly went through the door and drilled in, looking for the shadow of Ice Vulpix everywhere.

A snow-white figure disappeared in a flash.

"Looks like he's in better spirits."

Jing He opened the door and walked in with a bag of things.

After a day of comforting, Vulpix was less wary of him and Gastly. Considering its weak state, he took Gastly to the department store at night.

When he walked into the house, Gastly was already guarding the cabinet.

Obviously, Vulpix went in again.

Jing He sighed secretly.

Pokémon's hearts are indeed simple, but they are also intelligent beings and can think for themselves.

In a way, their hearts are fragile.

Strong enough to wait for countless years for a promise and endure everything silently.

When they are vulnerable and abandoned or deceived, huge wounds are left in their hearts that may never be repaired in their lifetime.

"Vulpix, I bought you a gift, do you like it?"

Jing He walked to the cabinet and took out three light blue bows from his pocket.


Bing Liuwei already dared to poke his head out from under the cabinet in front of Jing He and Guisi.

It looked at the three bows, its big eyes shining like stars.

"Can I put it on for you?"

Jing He asked with a smile.


Ice Vulpix retracted his head again.

"Kou Jie"

Guisi lowered his head in disappointment.

Jing He smiled and indicated that it was okay.

The next second.


The white figure jumped out from under the cabinet and rushed straight into his arms.

Bang! !

Immediately, people fell on their backs.

Bing Liuwei shrank in his arms, his head buried directly into the deepest part, his body trembling slightly.

It seems like a big decision has been made.

He also seemed worried and scared about his decision.

Feeling the state of Bing Liuwei, Jing He smiled gently and gently held it in his arms with both hands.

He didn't speak, he just stroked its back slowly.

After a while, Ice Vulpix gradually recovered.

"Here, let me put it on for you."

Three bows, one around the neck and two hanging under the ears.

"Okay! Take a look." Jing He brought a mirror.


Ice Vulpix, whose cheeks were red, slowly raised his head.

"Kou Jie!!"

The ghost screamed like a wolf howling.

"It's very suitable. It seems that I have good taste." Jing He couldn't help but admire it.

Ice Vulpix's cheeks turned redder and he lowered his head.

Then, as if he had made a decision, the little guy lay on Jing He's shoulder, stretched out his little tongue and gently licked his cheek.

"Kou Jie, Kou Jie!"

I also want! I also want!

The ghost laughed and hurriedly floated over, sticking out his scarlet tongue and licking Jing He's other cheek.


A thin layer of frost floated on one side, and gradually became numb on the other.

The corners of Jing He's mouth twitched.

Feeling good?

Originally, it seemed like it should be complete at this point.

But Guisi was so excited that he stuck out his tongue too long, and his saliva splashed on the bow of the Ice Vulpix.


A moment.

The feeling that Ice Vulpix gave Jing He and Guisi completely changed.

He saw a blue halo glowing in the eyes of Ice Vulpix.

The next moment.

"K-Kou Jie?! Σ(дlll)"

Bang! !

The ghost flew out and stuck firmly to the wall.

A drop of cold sweat slipped down.

Supernatural powers? !

Jing He also shrank his pupils.

He glanced at the ghost on the wall.

Then he looked down at the shy and overwhelmed Hyou Vulpix.

It seems...not aware of its capabilities?


PS: Thank you everyone for your monthly votes! In two days when the coding becomes smoother, I will give you the fourth update! Just in these few days.

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