Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 40 It’s ‘highly poisonous’!


In the Kamayan Gym, Genji, who was watching the report, spat out the hot milk with sugar in his mouth, and splashed it all over Mura's face.

Mulla stared with astonishment on his face, and then veins appeared on his forehead.

"Hahahaha—this kid."

But Genji opposite didn't seem to see it, and instead laughed.

Mulla caught a glimpse of what Yuanji was holding and couldn't help but said, "Reimbursement application form? Are you in charge of the finances now?"

"No, Pony is in charge."

After hearing this, Mu La took a long breath.

Before he stepped down as the Four Heavenly Kings, part of his job focus was on managing finances, because he was a more rigorous and serious person. At that time, Genji often quarreled with him over reimbursement matters.

If Genji was in charge of the finances of the Hoenn Alliance, Mulla would only feel that the future of the Hoenn Alliance was gloomy.

"The president won't let me touch these at all." Genji put down the form and took another sip of hot milk with sugar.

Mulla looked at him deeply.

"The president is right."

Who doesn’t know Genji’s nickname among the league’s senior leaders—the King of Reimbursement!

"What do you know?" Genji squinted.

"Aren't our investigators working hard? You have no idea what our investigators are 'witnessing' every day."

"Take the fire-breathing camel this time. It has become like this inexplicably. Isn't it pitiful? If we don't apply for more subsidies, it's unknown whether the fire-breathing camel will be able to continue living after it returns to the wild. "

Mulla was silent.

Of course he knew, how could he not know the character of Genji, whom he had worked with for decades?

Moreover, being an Alliance investigator is indeed one of the most difficult professions. Not only is he busy every day, but he also sees things that ordinary people cannot touch.

So when he was in charge of the alliance's finances, although every "reimbursement form" given by Genji was very exaggerated, he never actually withheld the reimbursed money and materials.

"Let's print 50 copies of this 'reimbursement form' first."

Genji handed the order to a subordinate wearing a sailor uniform next to him.

"I will fill it in according to this specification from now on."

"Yes, King Genji!"

This autumn outing that worried Jing He was finally over.

Although an accident like the fire-breathing camel happened, fortunately, the impact was not big. On the contrary, because of this incident, he got a "part-time job" and another way to make money.

After handing over the final sign-in form, Jing He and other teachers watched them leave one by one.

Some rode doodles and ran while making noise, some rode small fire horses and sparkled all the way, and some rode one-horned rhinos, which didn't seem to be much faster than walking.

Speaking of which, after Guis evolves into Gengar, it seems that he can also ride Alola's "Greedy Lapp" and carry Acerola flying.

As if feeling his "malice", Guisi screamed.

"Kou Jie, Kou Jie!"

What are you looking at? So unscrupulous?

"Ahem, no, I just thought of something funny."

After the students finished leaving, Jing He also took Guisi back home.

When they returned home, they found a large orange Pokémon sitting on the old flower bed at the top of the stairs, with its short hands on its head, looking bored.



Fast dragon!

It turned out to be Kuailong, the quasi-god elf from the Kanto region!

If it weren't for the fact that the community where Jing He was located was relatively old and remote, the mere appearance of Kuailong would have attracted many people to watch, right?

Kuailong obviously noticed Jing He and became more energetic as he fumbled around in the backpack he was carrying.

Finally, he pulled out a wrinkled photo, barely smoothed it out with his plump paws, and looked at Jing He and the photo.


It's him, that's right.

Kuailong stood up, trotted to Jing He, rummaged through his backpack again, and took out a package.

"Is it for me?" Jing He couldn't help but ask.


Kuailong nodded.

Jing He glanced at the information above and showed a look of surprise.

It turned out that what he applied for for reimbursement had already arrived.

I didn't expect it to be so fast.

While taking the package, he stuffed a few energy cubes into Kuailong to express his gratitude.

This made Kuailong, who had been waiting for a while, feel no resentment and happily threw the energy cube into his mouth.


He waved towards Jing He, flapped his wings, and left quickly.

"As expected of the King of the Alliance and the Dragon System, it takes Kuailong to deliver a package." Jing He sighed as he looked at Kuailong quickly disappearing from the horizon.

But Guisi was a little confused.

"Kou Jie"

How can it fly so fast with such small wings?


This question was really hard to answer, so Jing He changed the topic.

"Let's go and unpack the package!"

"Kou Jie!"

Sure enough, Guisi's attention was immediately diverted.

new phone! new phone! new phone!

He ran upstairs excitedly.

Even though it’s just a small package, it seems to use space technology. There are boxes of energy cubes, boxes of Moo Moo milk, as well as various tree fruits, medicinal materials, and elf balls.

They couldn't even fit on the table and were spread all over the floor.

"Kou Jie——Kou Jie——"

Guisi was rolling around on those energy cubes and moo milk, and was holding a brand new mobile phone.

Ghost: (▽)

Jing He also turned on his new phone and logged in to his alliance account.

First I read the paper.

The popularity of the paper he published has gradually declined, but it is still at the forefront.

Then he briefly looked through other people's papers.

Look for the current trend in the Pokémon research community, and write another article while the heat of his first paper is not yet fully subsided. Maybe the alliance will issue him a researcher certificate in two days, and then there will be no registration test. Trainer status.

While watching, he asked seemingly unintentionally:

"Guisi, you said you like training and fighting?"

"Kou Jie?"

Guisi, who was rolling on the ground, was stunned when he heard the words. He looked at Jing He strangely, but found that the mobile phone blocked his view and could not see Jing He's eyes.

In fact, Jing He had wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

Talk about it.

After conquering Guisi, he started training with Guisi.

On the one hand, it is due to the pressure of "stalkers".

On the other hand, it was also his subconscious understanding at the time, that Pokémon should be trained and fought.

But after spending so many days with Guisi, he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have asked Guisi for his opinion?

After experiencing the fire-breathing camel incident, Jing He realized that some Pokémon are actually very innocent, and they just enjoy the happiness of being with their family and friends.

Guisi held a bottle of Moo Moo Fresh Milk in his mouth and floated in front of Jing He. The mist turned into the shape of a hand and gently caressed his forehead.

"Kou Jie?"

No fever, uncle is here?

Jing He's expression darkened.

"Kou Jie Kou Jie——"

Guisi laughed and patted Jing He on the shoulder, looking up to the sky at a forty-five degree angle.

I am so gifted and talented, why should I stay at home and smoke gas every day? Taking a long-term view, our goal is——

Jing He didn't answer, but he understood what Guisi meant.

Take a breath.

"Okay, then according to the original plan, the training tasks will be doubled tomorrow!"

"Kou, Kou Jie?!"

Guisi looked shocked.

Why does it feel like it's been trapped and it actively gets in?

Jing He laughed out loud.

"Kou Jie!!"

Seeing him smiling so happily, Guisi was so angry that his teeth itched, his body instantly swelled, and he rushed towards Jing He.


One person and one Pokémon fell to the ground.

"Don't! Don't lick! It's 'poisonous', this time it's 'poisonous'"

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