Unova region.

The dark night sky is always accompanied by fog with a hint of coldness and weirdness, as if hiding some huge secret, and the rumbling lightning at this time is more like a messenger piercing the darkness, with a sacred goal and mission.

Suddenly, a beam of white light flashed in the sky, like a sharp sword blooming down.

At the end of the shining thunder, a flickering figure appeared vaguely, as if to dispel all the darkness, but as the lightning dissipated, it was replaced by more endless darkness, followed by silk-like rain and whistling cold wind, which woven an impenetrable giant net with the low night sky.

The dome of the castle cast a shadow, as sharp as a sword, reflecting on a boy.

He sat diagonally on the guardrail at the top of the castle, his emerald green hair under the peaked cap swaying in the wind, wearing an off-white short-sleeved shirt, and a magic cube hanging around his waist.

The whistling cold wind blew on his body, and the fine rain fell on his face. He pressed the brim of his hat, and his eyes, which were calm and lifeless, looked into the endless distance.


It seemed that it was because of the cold wind, or it might be because of the rain, the wind speed dog curled up beside him stood up, leaned towards him, and brought him a little warmth.

The boy's sight gradually focused, and he felt the worry of his friends around him. He showed a peaceful smile and gently stroked the wind speed dog's body.


The boy's response made the wind speed dog very happy. It leaned over and licked the boy's cheek, which brought the boy a warmer smile.

Holding the wind speed dog, the boy looked down and saw the mobile phone placed aside.

Even if you don't say it, I will do it.



The boy's green eyes were shining with a light like the stars in the night sky.

At this time.

"N, it's time to learn etiquette."

A low and heavy voice came from the castle.


The wind speed dog seemed to be able to sense N's inner resistance and whimpered softly.

But N just patted it gently, indicating that it was okay, but he himself did not notice that his eyes, which should have been as bright as the starry sky, dimmed again, like a pool of stagnant water.

"Here we come."

Fengyuan region, Kamahen Town.

Because the incident at Chimney Mountain last night was stopped in time, not many people knew about it. Although Du Juan notified the accompanying teachers of the academy, only a few people such as Du Fu knew about it.

So the autumn outing arrangement for the next day went on as usual.

With a large number of people, each class was divided into different areas of Chimney Mountain for outdoor exploration.

And the first-year class of the combat department is relatively the strongest class, so the area they were divided into is relatively the most "dangerous" place.

Of course, the so-called "exploration" is actually not very dangerous under the protection of the teacher, as if it was really just an autumn outing.

However, the original intention of the college was to let the students adapt to the wild environment first. The next few expeditions were the time to let these students adapt to the wild.

On the hillside of Chimney Mountain, the first-year class of the first-year combat department was resting.

Because there was no pressure, the students sat together in groups of three or four, talking and laughing, and seemed very comfortable.

Jinghe also sat on a stone, looking at Gastly in front of him helplessly.

"I said, it was really taken out by Miss Joy with an instrument. Things like the 'poisonous orb' will only cause secondary damage to the fire-breathing camel if they are not taken out with an instrument."

Jinghe also emphasized the word "real".

"Kou Jie?"

Gastly tilted his head and glanced at him, his face full of disbelief.

Then why did you throw away the gloves yesterday?

"Shouldn't the gloves that grabbed the 'poisonous orb' be thrown away?" Jinghe asked back.

Gastly hesitated.

"Kou Jie?"


"Then why don't you give it to me, and I'll return it to Daigo."

Looking at Jinghe's outstretched hand, he snorted.

No matter how it came, I've licked it, so it's mine!

Gastus stuck his head out, looking tough.

Seeing this, Jinghe smiled slightly.

Okay, I'll make you a "black mud" next time.

"Classmates, let's fight!"

At this time, a boy who looked a little second-year student stood up with a Poké Ball in his hand and proposed loudly.

Don't say it, someone really responded.

So, a "full swing" class battle began.

"Teacher Jinghe."

At the same time, the always belligerent Yasha actually came over.


Looking up, he saw that she was a little embarrassed, and finally gritted her teeth, quickly stuffed a thin-looking book into his hand, and then ran away quickly.

"This is what my grandfather asked me to give you, saying it's a thank-you gift."

"Kou Jie?"

Gastus leaned over his head.

"Wisp Experience"

This is also for me, right?

Thinking of this, Gastly stuck out his tongue.

"Stop!" Jing He called out in time, "This is a book, not food, and certainly not a 'poisonous orb'."

Fortunately, he pulled it away in time, so it was not "contaminated" by Gastly.

Gastly laughed a few times.

I just want to taste the saltiness. I just want to see if it's real.

Jing He rolled his eyes at him unhappily and opened the book to simply browse.

This kind of handwritten experience is different from the "Move Recorder". It contains the trainer and Pokémon's experience and understanding of a move. How much can be learned from it depends on the trainer and Pokémon's understanding.

Yasha's grandfather, Mura, is the former Fire Four Heavenly Kings of the Hoenn region. He should be ranked among the best in the cultivation of fire Pokémon in the entire Pokémon world.

"Willow-wisp" is also a fire-type move. Mura's understanding and cognition of this move must be much deeper than Jinghe and Gastly.

Open the first page of the book.

"Willow-wisp is also fire. Instead of calling it 'wild-wisp', it is better to call it 'ghost fire'."

". Nine-tail's tail hair, crystal lamp spirit's wick flame, and gala gala's bone powder."

Looking at these materials, Jinghe's forehead was covered with black lines.

According to the experience, if there are these materials, it can help Pokémon better master the move of "Willow-wisp".

But, as I watched, I felt that I was getting further and further away from the "right path".

Especially the last one.

The X-sac of the Flame Queen!

Is this really a serious experience?

Has the old man tried it?

But Gastly beside him looked at it with shining eyes, and looked eager to try.

Jinghe quickly turned the page.

Fortunately, the latter part gradually became normal, telling some skills and experiences of Pokémon using "wisp", which made him gain a lot.

After simply flipping through it, he had a new understanding of how to train Gastly to use "wisp".

'After this stage of training is over, maybe I can take Gastly to the league to register as a trainer. '

Jinghe thought to himself, and he looked up and heard.

"Armored Bird, wing attack!"

The armored bird in silver armor flew through the air, and its bright white wings swept over the opponent, knocking it away heavily.

I didn't expect Daigo to be eliminated.

But with his strength, it should be easy to win the first place even in the first grade of the battle department.

That’s it

Jing He narrowed his eyes.

“It’s a bit of a ‘waste’ to fight like this for the armored bird that has mastered these moves.”

Thanks to Shuwai Zizaixian and book friend 202102111534y for the reward!

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