Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 25 Sinnoh, Sirona

"Yes, my speed has improved and my physical strength is above average."

In the training hall, Jing He looked at the various data obtained by Guisi after training displayed on the instruments on the wall, and nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that it is not unreasonable for Pokémon to grow with energy cubes. When the supply of energy cubes is sufficient, Ghost's growth rate will also become faster accordingly."

In Jing He's sight, Guisi's condition was originally "good", but he could never find the problem. However, with the continuous supply of training and energy cubes, although its condition did not reach "excellent", it also recovered. To the point of "excellent".

This shows that there is indeed nothing wrong with Guisi. It may be that he cannot recover immediately because he has been sleeping for too long.

After reaching this conclusion, Jing He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kou Jie?"

Guisi, who had finished a round of basic training, floated next to Jing He and asked curiously.

How about it?


Jing He did not hide it, the training effect was indeed much better than expected, and probably because of the stimulation of food, Guisi's training seriousness had improved a lot compared to before.

"Kou Jie!"

After receiving the affirmation, Guisi laughed twice and seemed to be satisfied with his condition.

"Next is the move training, and we will continue the intensive training of 'hypnosis'."

Jing He took off his coat and walked to the center of the training ground with Guisi.

As a Pokémon psychologist, he dare not speak about other aspects, but when it comes to "hypnosis", he definitely has more say than Ghost.

In fact, they have been conducting this training for a few days, and the results are pretty good.

During the street fight last night, the man Daigo saw foaming at the mouth, trembling and unconscious, was the result of Guisi's "hypnosis".


The move "Hypnosis" used by Pokémon is to put the opponent into a deep sleep, so that the opponent can have more time to operate, or launch a fierce attack, or continue to superimpose debuffs on the opponent, or give oneself Apply buffs, replace Pokémon, and more.

But in Jing He's view, this kind of "hypnosis" is still too "monotonous".

Who said that "Hypnosis" must be a restricted skill that cannot cause damage to the opponent?

Psychological harm is also a kind of harm.

Other Pokémon use "Hypnosis" just to make the opponent fall asleep quickly, while Ghost's "Hypnosis" is to keep the opponent in a hypnotic state for as long as possible. Time is much longer for thinking than imagined, and the psychological trauma it can cause is much greater.

This can also add some psychological trauma, psychological fear and even some stress reactions.

Moreover, this is very consistent with Guisi's character trait of liking to scare people.

So Guisi studied very hard.

Although it didn't quite understand some of the professional terms Jing He said.

But it doesn't matter.

Jing He can teach "Hypnosis" step by step.

"Come on, use 'hypnosis' on me." Jing He relaxed his whole body and said to Guisi.

"Kou Jie~~"

Ghost did not hesitate. After many attempts, it had determined that its "hypnosis" could not cause any harm to Jing He. Even Jing He could immediately find that he was in a dream.

In fact, when it comes to hypnotizing Jing He, the one who needs to be careful is not Jing He, but the ghost itself.

After a few seconds.

Jing He opened his eyes with a thoughtful expression.

"There is progress, but not enough. Try mine again. Remember, fear of the unknown is fear. Once all fears become reality, there will always be someone who can adapt to it."

Fighting "Hypnosis" with your own Pokémon is probably the only one in the entire Pokémon world.

Sinnoh region, Zhensha Town.

Yamanashi Doctoral Research Institute.

An old man with a mustache, a serious face, gray hair with gel, wearing a neat shirt, a blue vest, and a tie, a meticulous-looking old man was observing several three bees in the yard, seemingly exploring Three bees evolve into a queen bee.

At this time, a beautiful figure hurriedly ran past him.

The dazzling golden hair is like the sunshine falling from the waterfall. A black windbreaker outlines the curves. The bright eyes and white teeth are dotted on that delicate face.

Next to her, there was a Pokémon that looked like a shark but walked upright on two legs, following closely.

"Sirona?" The old man shouted unexpectedly, seemingly noticing the person coming.

He rarely saw eagerness on Sirona's face. Usually Sirona was slow and leisurely, as if she had everything under control, a girl who could even choose an ice cream for an hour.

"Dr. Yamanashi."

The girl who was called stopped her steps and quickly bowed, "Sorry, doctor, I didn't notice you were there."

Dr. Yamanashi waved his hand and didn't care about it. He just asked curiously: "I remember, didn't you have a game today?"

"It's over." Sirona explained.


Dr. Yamanashi glanced down at his watch.

Eleven thirty-three.

The game started on time at eleven o'clock. Counting the half hour on the road and some odds and ends such as the time to leave and enter the field, the entire game lasted at most two minutes? One minute?


Dr. Yamanashi looked at the fanged land shark next to Sirona and shook his head secretly.

No, I'm afraid it's 1V3.

"What is this?"

Only then did Dr. Yamanashi notice that the Sharptooth Land Shark was also carrying a basket.

There are all crystal clear "extra fruits" inside.

"Is such that."

Sirona then briefly explained to Dr. Yamanashi how she consulted a Pokémon psychologist named "Jingzhong Zhihe" online in the morning for help in treating Uglyfish's low self-esteem.


Dr. Yamanashi looked surprised.

He is the Pokémon Doctor of the Sinnoh region, but he has never heard of the fact that Uglyfish can be cured of its low self-esteem?

If an ugly fish doesn't feel inferior, is it still an ugly fish?

So, out of curiosity, Dr. Yamanashi followed Sirona to a small pool in the backyard.

There are many Pokémon active in the crystal clear pool, including Bogaman, Bigtooth, Nudibranch, Mosquito, Marilu, and...

But in the corner of the pond, an ugly fish stayed there alone, looking a little dull.

Seemingly noticing Sirona's arrival, the ugly fish finally had a glimmer of light in its eyes.

But when it saw Dr. Yamanashi following Sirona, it quickly lowered its head.

This ugly fish was caught by Sirona when she was traveling for the first time as a child, and then became her own Pokémon. At that time, the fang shark was still just a round shark.

During this period, many people actually persuaded Sirona to give up cultivating ugly fish, but Sirona was very insistent.

For this reason, she has also repeatedly looked for ways to "treat" Chou Chou Fish's low self-esteem.

Unfortunately, Chou Chou Fish has almost no solution for her low self-esteem, and no one can help her.

So after getting the method from "Jingzhong Zhihe" this time, she couldn't wait to give it a try.

It was her opponent in this competition who suffered a serious blow.

"Don't be afraid."

With gentle eyes, Sirona slowly knelt down and took out a "leftover fruit".

"Try this."


With Sirona's comfort, the ugly fish finally came out of the water, spit out two bubbles, and took a small bite on the "leftover fruit".

A bitter taste instantly filled the mouth, and its body couldn't help but tremble.

"It may be a bit bitter, but you persist."

Seeing this, Sirona quickly comforted her softly, but before she finished speaking, her eyes lit up.

Because the ugly fish actually showed a satisfied look, even the timid one couldn't help but take another bite of the astringent "leftover fruit".


Sirona turned to Dr. Yamanashi questioningly.

Dr. Yamanashi, on the other hand, looked thoughtful.

Noticing Sirona's gaze, he said:

"For the time being, it is not certain whether the inferiority complex of the ugly fish can be 'cured'. But what is certain is that the ugly fish does not reject 'zero fruit', and even likes it very much. And it seems to have become more active?"

As an authority on Pokémon evolution, Dr. Yamanashi's words are quite rigorous.

But he was not less surprised.

Could it be said that "Left Fruit" also has the effect of curing Pokémon's low self-esteem?


He was a little unsure.

But when the Chou Chou fish eats the entire "leftover fruit", its activity is visible to the naked eye.

Such changes are already very good for Sirona.

At the same time, it also dispelled any worries and doubts in her mind before.

"By the way." Dr. Yamanashi suddenly said: "Sirona, what is the name of the person you are talking about?"

"'Grain in the Scenery'. A paper was published a few days ago and received comments from Dr. Omu." Sirona said.

Um, if some of the timelines don’t match up, don’t worry about it, just give Yi Dian some flexibility.

Chasing Modo Modo!

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