Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 17: An “Ordinary” Lesson

I thought that meeting Ah Quan was the only surprise today, but I didn't expect to be "slapped in the face" soon.

"Morning, Teacher Jinghe."

When he came out of the classroom, he saw Daigo, Dujuan and another red-haired girl waiting for him at the door with books in their arms.

"You guys?"

Seeing the two of them, Jinghe was a little surprised.

He remembered that neither Daigo nor Dujuan had signed up for the elective course "Pokemon Psychology", right?

"Teacher, we all feel that we don't know enough about our own Pokémon, so we filled in this elective course for you." Daigo explained with a smile.

Fill in?

Jinghe glanced at the two of them.

Is there an option of "filling in" in Kanaz Pokémon Academy?

He shook his head. He didn't understand the world of rich people. He turned his eyes to the red-haired girl with a beautiful face and a well-proportioned figure. "Who is this classmate?"

"Hello, Teacher Jinghe, my name is Yasha, from Fuyan Town."

Without waiting for Dujuan to introduce herself, Yasha stepped forward and introduced herself with a very sunny smile.

Fuyu Town. Yasa

Isn't this the future gym leader of Fuyu Gym?

The passionate red-haired girl

She is also a person of great status.

If Jinghe remembers correctly, the future gym leader of Fuyu Gym, Yasa, her grandfather, was one of the previous four kings of the Hoenn Alliance!


Jinghe smiled and nodded, but couldn't help but complain in his heart.

'A future league champion, the current young master of Devon Company. The daughter of the gym leader of the largest city in the Hoenn region, the next gym leader. The granddaughter of the former four kings, is also the next gym leader. Very good, it is really an 'ordinary' elective course.'

The few people did not stay at the door for too long. They simply said hello and walked into the classroom one after another.

The bell for class also rang at this moment.

Jinghe, standing on the podium, took the whole classroom into his sight.

Except for the three "accidents" of Daigo and the others, the course of "Pokemon Psychology" is generally quite "normal".

Even though this is a small classroom, there are still 40 to 50 seats. Even with Daigo and the other two, only half of the seats are occupied.

In addition, except for Daigo, Dujuan and Yasha, most of the other students sit at the back of the classroom, which makes the whole classroom cut out a "Mediterranean Sea" in the middle.

For most of the students present, "Pokemon Psychology" is just an unpopular elective course that is easier to get credits.

As long as you attend classes on time and don't leave early or skip classes, it is not too difficult to get credits with the blessing of "usual scores".

In fact, this is indeed the case with previous "Pokemon Psychology", because the college does not attach much importance to this course, and everything is decided by the teacher.

This is also one of the reasons why Jinghe chose to apply for Silver University even though he is from Hoenn.

After a simple greeting and a brief self-introduction, he picked up the book and started teaching the course step by step.

Although "Pokemon Psychology" is prefixed with the word "Pokemon", it is still psychology in essence.

And psychology, a course that requires a lot of theoretical knowledge to be memorized, is actually very boring. Not to mention the group of students sitting in the back who are ready to be lazy, even the three Daigos sitting in the front frowned after listening to part of it.

Especially Asha, as a "passionate girl", yawned at this moment, and there was no enthusiasm at all.

To be honest, these boring, tedious and even redundant theoretical knowledge once made Jinghe suffer a lot.

Memorizing all the above contents by rote can only be regarded as having the key to open the door of psychology, but if you don't understand the above contents thoroughly, it is equivalent to learning nothing.

However, as the first Pokémon Psychology class for freshmen, these freshmen are relatively restrained and did not lie on the table to sleep blatantly.

As for the students who were really sleepy and their eyelids began to fight, Jinghe chose to help them.


A tall and thin boy who was sitting in the corner of the classroom stood up suddenly.

His forehead was covered with cold sweat, his pupils were dilated, and he was breathing heavily, as if he had encountered something very frightening.

"Student, do you have any questions?"

Jing He was not surprised by the boy's reaction, but asked with a smile.

"No, no, yes, sorry teacher."

The boy seemed to realize that he was in the classroom, and hurriedly sat down and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

His reaction also surprised several students around him. After asking in a low voice, they learned that the boy almost fell asleep just now, but as soon as he closed his eyes, he had a very short but terrifying nightmare, and was directly awakened!

This situation did not only happen to this boy, but also to the other two boys.

So, this first Pokémon Psychology class went unexpectedly smoothly, and no one fell asleep.

For a psychology teacher, this is already a success!

When the bell rang, Jinghe closed the book with a snap, said "get out of class dismissed", and walked out of the classroom without looking back.

The main thing is to be on time.

Q\u0026A after class?


This is college, if you want to learn something, you have to exercise your subjective initiative.

Knowledge will not run into your head by itself.

This is naturally like amnesty for other students, but for Daigo and Dujuan, who are really interested, this is Pokémon psychology?

Yasha yawned long, squeezed out two tears from the corners of her eyes, and pouted:

"Dujuan, this is the great teacher you said, how come I feel that he is similar to other teachers? No, he is more "hypnotic" than other teachers, I am so sleepy."

Dujuan closed the notes she had taken for a class and pursed her lips, "You only see the surface."

Daigo deeply agrees with this.

"Didn't you notice? Although I am very sleepy, no one slept in this class"


Returning to the consultation room and closing the door, Jinghe yawned long.

It's not the students' fault. Even he, the teacher, couldn't help wanting to sleep when he was talking about those tedious theoretical knowledge.

He decided to make a cup of coffee.


Accompanied by the sound of Onix grinder "huffing and puffing", Gastly floated out from Jinghe's clothes with a smirk on his face.

Do you want to help you wake up?

Jinghe glanced at it and said disdainfully: "Use your 'hypnosis'? Are you sure you want to help me wake up?"


Garsly's face turned pale, thinking of the guy he saw in his dream when he first hypnotized Jinghe.

He shook his head repeatedly and smiled awkwardly to indicate that it was a joke.

Jinghe also shook his head and sighed in his heart.

It's only been a few days, and the energy cubes he bought not long ago are almost sold out, plus the gas bill at home.

It's over a thousand.

With his salary, it's already a bit stretched to train just one Gastly.

So he has been considering whether to open a psychological clinic outside the school.

It is normal for teachers in the academy to have side jobs. For example, Dr. Solance next door, although he is always dusty and sloppy, he actually has a company under his name!

However, in a place like Kanaz City, if you want to open a psychological clinic, not to mention whether there are customers, the price of renting a store alone makes Jinghe want to quit.

Knock knock --

A teacher from the Academic Affairs Office suddenly pushed the door in, put down a piece of paper and left without looking back.

"Teacher Jinghe, the teaching schedule for this semester."

"Knock Jie --"

Garse immediately delivered the paper to Jinghe.

He drank a sip of hot coffee, slightly cheered up, and glanced at the paper.

Ordinary arrangement.

Just about to put it aside, but took it back.


Autumn outing?

The target location is. Chimney Mountain Fuyan Town Hot Spring Trip?

Regardless of gender?

According to everyone's feedback, I may update more often after it's been recommended. The pace will remain the same, and I can only speed it up by updating more. This lousy author just wants more readers to follow me. What do you think?

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