Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 8 Can't we be together?

"Police station?"

Half an hour later, in the consultation room, Dr. Solans looked worried and briefly recounted what had happened.

It turned out that Dr. Solans slept in the consulting room all night. When he woke up in the morning, he remembered that today was the day for new students to register, and he was also responsible for part of the work.

It's just that he barely slept in the past two days, and he hasn't changed his clothes in a few days, so he planned to go home and wash up while it was still early. After all, his residence was not far from the college.

No idea.

After returning home, he discovered that his home had been broken into!

The ground was full of mess.

So he immediately chose to call the police.

Then Miss Junsha took her to the Kanazi Alliance Police Station to assist in the investigation.

And because he was afraid that the sound of his mobile phone would disturb him while sleeping, he left his mobile phone in the office last night. He thought he would be back soon, but he didn't know.

This is why he disappeared for so long.

"What was lost?"

Jing He handed over a glass of water.

Dr. Solans took the water and said with a helpless smile: "That's the problem. I took a quick look and found that nothing valuable was lost, just some stones that are not very attractive to others."


Before he could react, Dawu reacted slightly and asked, "Are those stones?"


To be honest, some meteorites among those stones are indeed relatively rare, but in the eyes of most people, they are just useless stones.

How can any thief take risks just for a few stones?

But it was obvious that there was another person in this consulting room who also understood the value of those stones.

Daigo looked serious, and judging from his posture, he seemed to be preparing to help Dr. Solans find the lost stones.

For some reason, Jing He had an inexplicable feeling.

Could it be that the other party's real purpose was for the stone in his hand that originally had ghosts sleeping there?

It's not impossible.

But if that were the case, and the other party failed to find the stone in Dr. Solans's hands, wouldn't it be possible that it would be found in him?

Jing He suddenly thought that in the original work, Dr. Solans provoked Team Ocean and Team Lava just because he found a meteorite.

Could it be

Originally, he wanted to tell Dr. Solans that the stone hiding the ghost was in his hand, and could he exchange something for the stone.

But now, I'm afraid this matter will have to be pushed back.

At least, until he identified that group's target.

"It's good that everything is fine." Jing He said with relief.

"Thank you." Dr. Solans cast a grateful look at him.

I don't know if it was to let him have a good sleep yesterday, or to complete the freshman registration for him today, or for something else.

Jing He shook his head and said it didn't matter.

"Okay, I have to go to the Academic Affairs Office and tell you. I just saw a lot of missed calls on my phone." Dr. Sollans smiled bitterly and stood up.

"Let's get together." Jing He also stood up. Under the puzzled eyes of Dr. Solans and Dawu, he explained helplessly: "There is something wrong with the computer host. Let's see if we can apply for one first."

"I'll just go and use mine first. I don't use it usually anyway. The application won't be so fast. When the application is approved, you can just change it back." Dr. Sollans suggested.

After a brief hesitation, Jing He responded: "That's okay."

Dr. Solans left, and only the thoughtful Jing He and the solemn-looking Dawu were left in the consulting room.

After a while, Dawu suddenly reacted.

They were only halfway through talking about the metal monster.

He spoke after a little wording: "Teacher Jing He, metal is the fault of it."

Jing He also came to his senses, smiled slightly and said:

"Don't worry, the problem with the metal monster is not serious. You will be fine after some psychological counseling."

Hearing this, Dawu breathed a sigh of relief.

There was some self-blame in his heart.

If he hadn't been busy with the company's affairs during this period and neglected to care about the metal monster, maybe the metal monster wouldn't have such a problem.

Immediately, the question that had been bothering him and became more and more difficult to decide as he got older could not help but arise in his mind.

As the young owner of Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and as a descendant of the Zivuch family, he needs to shoulder the responsibility of the company and the family. I will not refuse this responsibility, and I cannot refuse it.

But equally, as a trainer, he is responsible not only for his Pokémon, but also for the ideals he truly loves and longs for.

He knew that a person's energy was limited. If Devin Company was just a small company, or if his goals as a trainer were not that big, maybe this wouldn't be a problem for his ability.



Suddenly Jing He's voice interrupted him.

Following the voice, I saw him placing the "doodled" folder on the table.

The metal monster is at a fork in the road.

"To treat metal monsters, we can divide them into two steps: psychological counseling and physiological intervention."

He used a pen to write "psychological counseling" and "physiological intervention" on the two forking roads. He looked up at Dawu and asked seemingly casually: "Which step are you going to take first?"

Hearing this, Daiwu asked almost subconsciously: "Can't we come together?"

Jing He smiled. He continued to use his pen to draw vertical lines in the middle of the two forked roads, turning the two forked roads into a wide road. He said with deep meaning:

"Yeah, can't we come together?"

Looking at the two roads that were widened and merged, Dawu's body shook slightly, and he looked at Jinghe stiffly.

He didn't know why, but he felt that Jing He's words seemed to have some ulterior meaning.

This feeling became even stronger when he met the meaningful gaze.

But Jing He had already put away the folder, leaned back in his chair, took a sip of coffee and said, "It's too late today, how about starting tomorrow?"

Dawu hesitated to speak, and finally smiled warmly, "Okay."

When Daigo left, he left another line of words at the end of the piece of paper.

Dzifuqi Daigo - an extreme perfectionist.

"Guisi, what kind of stone do you think this is?"

Returning to the deserted consultation room as before, Jing He took out the stone again.

Every time he looked at the stone now, he felt more and more that it had more to do with the thief in Dr. Sollance's house.

"Kou Jie"

Ghosts floated out of the ceiling.

Seeing that Jing He didn't pursue the matter of damaging the computer, Guisi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then it showed a blank expression.

It doesn't know either.

Maybe it once knew, but now it has long forgotten why it chose this stone to sleep in the first place.

"Is it a fossil?"

Jing He had to make a guess that seemed relatively reasonable.

If it were an ancient feather insect or a tentacle lily fossil, it would still be of considerable value.

"Kou Jie?"

Guisi floated to the stone and looked left and right, but couldn't see any clues.

"How about returning him to Dr. Solans?" Jing He looked at Guisi and asked tentatively.

If the stone was really the source of trouble, then returning it to its original owner would seem like a good option, albeit perhaps a bit irresponsible, but he would still try to serve as a reminder.

"Kou Jie! Kou Jie!"

After hearing this, Guisi shook his head, pointed at the stone in Yun He's hand, and then pointed at himself. While firmly denying it, he said that it was the real owner of the stone.

Jing He laughed dumbly, "Okay, okay, after all, it does belong to you."

"Kou Jie!"

The mist on Guisi's body turned into a palm and patted his shoulder, looking like a "teachable boy".

Jing He glanced at it angrily and paid no attention to it, focusing on the stone again.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it, but that group of people have already gotten what they want."

Do you believe it yourself?

This is the look Guisi gave him.

Jing He decided not to dwell too much on this issue because the initiative from beginning to end was not in his hands.

"Guisi, do you feel uncomfortable?"

He thought about when he saw Guisi's illustration book earlier, it showed that his condition was not at its best.

"Kou Jie?"

Guisi shook his head in confusion.



Seeing this, Jing He frowned.

The biggest problem for both Pokémon and humans is not being able to feel that they are uncomfortable when they are sick.

Although when he studied Pokémon psychology, it involved more or less knowledge of Pokémon medicine, but his knowledge was not a problem for ordinary minor problems. Look at this kind of potential hidden problem. It's a bit stretched.

What's more, ghost-type Pokémon like Ghost cannot be treated as ordinary Pokémon.

‘Want to visit the Elf Center? ’

But just thinking about the price of non-league registered trainers going to the elf center to treat elves gave him a headache.


Not only does it cost money for medical treatment, but cultivating ghosts also requires a lot of money.

The kind with no upper limit.

He sighed secretly.

Fortunately, he has a stable job. If he just trains ghosts, that should be enough.

"Then continue with what you were doing before."

In the morning, Guisi only demonstrated the beginning of his moves and was interrupted. He didn't have time to continue until now.

"Kou Jie——"

"Other techniques are easy to say, but when it comes to 'hypnosis', I still have some experience."

"My understanding of 'Wisp' is that concealment is higher than speed, and of course speed is also important."

"'Strange Light' can focus more on speed because it's harder to hide, but you can try combining 'Strange Light' with 'Wisp'."

Please read it, readers~~ It is really difficult for newcomers to write books, please read it~~

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