Tuk, Tuk, Tuk.

The knocking door.

"Please come in."

Jing He was a little surprised when he heard the voice, but he still responded.

With a "click", a middle-aged man wearing a light brown archaeological suit and a pair of round-rimmed glasses who looked a little depressed opened the door and walked in.

"Dr. Solans."

When he saw the person coming, Jing He quickly called out the person's name from his memory.

Dr. Solans, whose full name is Solans Kaohsiung, is a doctor who studies meteorites and rocks. He is also the history instructor of Karnaz Pokémon University. His office is next to Jing He's Pokémon psychological consultation room.

Similar to Jing He, Dr. Solans's history class is also a course that few people take, and the meteorites and rocks he focuses on are even rarer topics than Pokémon psychology.

The difference is that Dr. Solans is a real doctor.

"Jing He." Dr. Solans forced a smile on his face, "Can you get me a cup of coffee?"

Looking at Dr. Solans who slowly walked to the table and pulled out a chair to sit down, especially the dark circles under his lenses, Jing He said with some surprise: "Don't you like drinking coffee?"

Although he said this, Jing He still got up and fiddled with the coffee machine.

"Stop talking." Dr. Solans shook his head feebly, "I haven't had a good night's sleep in the past two days."

Soon, Jing He deftly made a cup of coffee and placed it in front of him.

The mellow aroma spreads out.

"You can see it." Jing He pointed at the thick dark circles under his eyes.

Dr. Solans smiled bitterly, picked up the coffee, hesitated for a moment, and took a big sip.

next moment.

His entire face wrinkled into the shape of a scrap of newspaper.

"Hiss, it's so bitter." He put down the coffee cup and frowned, "I don't understand why you like to drink this stuff."

His brows soon relaxed, and he seemed to be a little more energetic.

"It's all about suffering, right?"

"But it does have some effect."

Jing He was speechless.

"You will definitely like it if you drink too much. You can apply for a coffee machine from the Academic Affairs Office."

Solans shook his head.

"Forget it, I'm not in the office most of the time, so don't waste public resources."

In response, Jing He just shrugged, changed the topic and asked:

"By the way. What new discoveries did you make this time? I didn't sleep for two days."

Speaking of his discovery, Dr. Solans suddenly became energetic, pushed up his glasses and said:

"I did find a good stone this time, which is of great research value. It was discovered by one of my students, but it's not because of this that I didn't sleep."

After briefly describing the stone found this time, Dr. Solans became sluggish again.

He scratched his hair, which had become like a bird's nest, and said distressedly:

"I don't know what's wrong. I've been having nightmares for the past two days since I came back. One nightmare after another. I can't sleep well at all."


Jing He was startled.

After looking Dr. Solans up and down, he said with a slightly serious expression: "You must have provoked something you shouldn't have provoked, right?"

"Something you shouldn't mess with?"

Dr. Sollance's face instantly turned pale, and he stammered: "You, are you talking about a ghost?"

A doctor like him who "digs" has indeed heard many legends about "digging out ghosts", but he has never encountered one.

In the world of Pokémon, "ghosts" are really not a rare existence.

Jing He smiled slightly and said, "Don't be nervous. It may just be that some situation made you anxious or uneasy while exploring, or you may have been frightened in some way, and your subconscious self-protection mechanism made some explanation for the fright." .”

He continued to reassure, "If there is a ghost, it can't just make you dream about 'it', right?"

With that said, he stood up and walked to a corner of the consulting room, where there was an extremely comfortable single sofa.

It's where he usually takes a nap.

He patted the back of the chair and said, "Would you like me to help you have a good rest?"

Dr. Solans looked hesitant, but he quickly patted his cheeks with both hands and drank the rest of the coffee in the cup. "It'll be later. I finally regained my energy. I have to hurry up and finish writing the lesson plan first." That’s it, school is about to start.”

After hearing this, Jing He naturally let him go and lay on the sofa minding his own business.

"Then you have to hurry up."

His lesson plan has been written long ago.

Because there aren’t many.

Dr. Solans patted his cheek again, thanked Jing He, and strode out of the consulting room.

Judging from his posture, it seems to be another classic case of "a pen, a person, a night, a miracle".

The patter of rain beat against the windows, leaving behind star-like water marks.


Jing He opened his sleepy eyes.

Only then did I realize that I had slept until dusk without realizing it, and the sky was already dark.

The originally bright afternoon has long turned into a gray mist, and the mist from the rain has cast a thin veil over the entire city, adding a bit of mystery.


Suddenly a low, hoarse and somewhat erratic voice came.

Hearing this feeble voice, Jing He subconsciously stirred, sat up suddenly, and shouted: "Who?!"

"It's me, Solans."

Only then could he clearly see the figure standing in the darkness.

Jing He exhaled, rubbing the goose bumps on his arms, and slowly stood up, saying unhappily: "Dr. Solans, you haven't finished get off work yet?"

Solans said helplessly: "I just finished my work, and I don't think I dare to sleep after get off work. Seeing that you haven't finished get off work yet, I thought of doing me a favor."

"Now?" Jing He looked out the window, "Not going home?"

"I'm used to it."

When Jing He got up, Solans lay down on the sofa.

Anyway, he is a bachelor, and in order to save time for research, he sometimes sleeps in school.


Jing He rubbed his dry eyes and yawned.

He pulled a chair over and sat aside.

And Dr. Solans seemed to have been prepared for a long time, with his hands on his chest and closed his eyes.

". Slowly, take a deep breath, hold your breath and exhale. Now, you are very relaxed, you are on the lawn, and the warm sunshine is shining." Jing He's gentle and peaceful voice is like a spring breeze blowing through the heart, and his magnetic voice makes people relax subconsciously.


With Solans's active cooperation, it is relatively easy for Jing He to give him simple hypnosis to help him sleep.

In fact, in the original owner's memory, it is not the first time that he has helped Solans sleep.

After a while.

The sound of even breathing came from Solans.

"Have a good rest."

Looking at Solans who was very quiet after falling into a deep sleep, Jing He got up and carefully closed the door.

Off work.

What he didn't know was that after he left, a reddish halo suddenly lit up on Solans' chest.

Then, strands of black silk threads swirled up.

Slowly condensed into a ball.

A pair of eyes emerged.

Looking at Solans lying on the sofa, displeasure appeared in his eyes.

It was soon replaced by curiosity.

He turned around and looked at the closed door, his curiosity growing stronger.

"Kou Jie?"

How could that person do that?

After a brief hesitation, it followed him through the door as easily as gas.

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