Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 166 Sakaki: He knows Team Rocket better than I do (please give me a monthly ticket!)

Beat Sakaki?

It's the highlight of your life, right?

However, there is a saying that it is a bit "cheap" that the "Shadow Ball" can turn corners.

Otherwise, Gengar would have a chance to escape unscathed.

But it also shows from the side that Sakaki's true commanding ability can only be displayed in unrestricted battles.

think about it.

If the "shadow ball" that turned just now did not bounce towards Gengar but towards himself,

Jing He shook his head.

He is not so arrogant that he would be complacent after winning a match against Sakaki Fanghai.

"Is one 'vitality block fragment' enough? How about two more?" Jing He looked at Gengar and Bing Liuwei beside him and asked with a smile.

Gengar blinked.


So generous today?


Little Vulpix's eyes brightened slightly and he called softly.

Give me ten!

Jing He's eyes widened slightly.

How many bottles of your wound healing spray are enough? Do you want ten more?

But looking at the helpless Bing Liuwei, Jing He could only sigh.

"Forget it, I can buy it again anyway."

It would be bad if it leaves any sequelae for the two little guys.

Gengar's eyes flickered, his cunning look flashed away, and he immediately jumped up from the ground like a carp, and then ran towards Sakaki in a hurry.

He opened his mouth, reached out and took out a "Wenyou Fruit" from his dimensional pocket and handed it over.

Sakaki was slightly startled.

"For me?"

"Gah!" Geng Gui chuckled and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Misunderstand! It was purely a misunderstanding. It realized that this Nidoking was not the one that bullied Nidoqueen, so it attacked a little harder.

Nidoking: (PД`q.)·. '゜

Sakaki smiled unconsciously, patted the little fat man on the head and said:

"Then I'll thank you for King Nido."

Gengar put his hands on his hips.


Uncle, you're welcome!

Seeing this, Sakaki's smile became even bigger. After thinking about it for a moment, he took out about four or five black gravels of different sizes from his pocket.

"Then take this as a return gift."

Is this a fragment of the "Dark Stone"?

Geng Gui's eyes lit up and he was not polite. He immediately stuck out his tongue and rolled all the stones into his stomach, and then ran towards Jing He in a hurry.

Sakaki smiled and shook his head.

Looking at Geng Gui running back, Jing He's eyes twitched slightly and he held his forehead.

Long live!

His Gengar actually used a "Pomelo Fruit" to "trap" several of Sakaki's "Dark Stone" fragments.

The point is, Sakaki knew its little "calculations" but still gave in to them.

At this time.

Zhenniao, who had gone to the gym to get something, walked up to Jing He.

"Teacher Jinghe, this is the badge of Viridian Gym and the move learning machine."

As she spoke, she handed over a green badge representing the Viridian Gym.

As for the move learning machine, the move recorded in it is "Earthquake"!

However, among Jing He's Pokémon, there really isn't a single one that can be learned. You may have to wait until the Mini Dragon evolves into the Quick Dragon.

But the value of this move learning machine can be imagined.

"Earthquake" is not cheap, and it also comes with the experience of "Daichi no Sakaki".

If you just want to put that experience to use, the supporting materials required will probably cost a lot of money.

Painful and happy.

Take the thing.

The real bird has a complicated expression.

He looked at Jing He with admiration in his eyes.

He is worthy of being a person valued by the boss. Not only does he have extremely high attainments in Pokémon psychology, but his ability in Pokémon battles also impresses the real bird.

Jing He played with the "green badge" for a while and put it in his pocket.

This is carved from jade, and its value is not inferior to the "golden badge".


'Inexplicably, I collected two badges from the Kanto region, and they can be said to be the two most difficult ones to obtain.'

Another moment passed.

Sakaki stood up and collected Nidoking and the One-Horned Rhino.

He looked at Jing He and said:

"Teacher Jinghe, let's talk?"

Hearing this, Jing He's heart tightened slightly.

Understand that business is about to come.


Inside the Viridian Gym, there is a relatively secluded office.

After Shinori brought tea and snacks, he obediently withdrew, leaving only Jinghe and Sakaki.

Jing He glanced at Sakaki who was smiling and said nothing.

At the same time, he made up his mind that if Sakaki insisted on revealing his identity as "Team Rocket", he would just pretend to be dumbfounded.

Sakaki took a sip of tea and stuffed a cute Jigglypuff cookie into his mouth.

It’s time to say it or not.

It’s quite interesting that Team Rocket leader Sakaki eats Jigglypuff cookies.

"This is made from real birds. It tastes pretty good. Teacher Jinghe can try it." Sakaki said.

Jing He was not polite and grabbed a few pieces.

He ate one piece himself, threw a few pieces into the shadow, and stuffed another piece into the mouth of Hyouvulpix who was about to fall asleep in his arms.

"It does taste good." Jing He, who was chewing, also praised it.

They also learned how to make dishes and snacks under his guidance. Zhenniao and Nazi were really in the same world.

Get to the point.

"Teacher Jinghe, are you interested in staying at the Viridian Gym to help me?"

Sakaki took another sip of tea, swallowed the biscuits, asked, and continued:

"I usually have a lot of things to do, so you can start as the acting gym leader. If you get used to it, it wouldn't be a bad idea to transfer the gym to you, Teacher Jinghe, after a while."


Jing He couldn't help but take a breath.

What a grand gesture!

This is a gym!

Although running a gym requires a lot of money, the benefits from operating a gym are correspondingly more substantial.

Even if Joban City is not a particularly big city, this is definitely an enviable amount of income.

If it were somewhere else, Jing He might actually agree.

But the Joban Gym in Joban City.

At present, he really doesn't dare to accept it.

Jing He said with difficulty:

"Although it's tempting, I'm sorry Master Sakaki, I still prefer teaching and educating people."

Seeing that Jing He refused without much hesitation, Sakaki was also a little surprised.

From some of Jinghe's attitudes and words to him, Sakaki could feel that Jinghe probably didn't know his identity.

At the same time, Sakaki also knew that Jing He should be short of money.

Under such circumstances, you can still resist the temptation of a gym.

Even Sakaki had to stand in awe of Jing He and sighed:

"Teacher Jing He is truly tireless and admirable."

Jing He was ashamed and waved his hands repeatedly.

Who knows that his heart is bleeding?

After a brief silence, Sakaki changed the subject.

"Does Teacher Jing He know about Team Rocket?"


Jing He's hand holding the tea cup tightened involuntarily, but then relaxed quickly, and said slowly:

"Master Sakaki, you know, I am from Hoenn."

"But I remember, Teacher Jinghe, you studied at the 'Silver Academy', right?"

have to.

It seems there is no way to hide.

".But I have heard about Team Rocket."

"Oh? I wonder what kind of organization Teacher Jing He thinks Team Rocket is?" Sakaki asked with a smile.

Jing He sighed secretly, he gently rubbed the edge of the tea cup, pondered for a while, and said:

"An evil organization."

Sakaki's eyes were half-closed, but his smile remained unchanged.


“A very ambitious and very united organization.”

"How to say?"

Jing He took a slight breath.

"Although the Rockets often engage in acts of destruction and robbery, a closer look at the Rockets' deeds reveals that they actually have their own set of rules."

"And it is said that the Rockets have good benefits for members, and there are even bonuses."

Meow Meow has said that the Rockets not only have comprehensive social benefits, but also signing bonuses and team membership bonuses, as well as year-end bonuses, annual meetings, tea parties, encouragement meetings and other meetings.

It can be said that the system is close to a benchmarking alliance.

Some places even do better than the league.

Otherwise, why would so many people be so devoted to the Rockets?

It is undeniable that Sakaki's personality charm plays a big role.

But there are also many people who are motivated by profit.

"An organization that is united, has rules, and even provides welfare. In addition to doing some things that are difficult for ordinary people to accept, you can even see a little bit of the league in the Rockets!"

Jing He continued:

"The Rockets are competing against the league, so I say this organization is very ambitious."


The smile on Sakaki's face disappeared, and he looked at Jing He who was playing with the tea cup with his head down in surprise.

He didn't expect that.

Jing He can actually see Team Rocket so clearly!

"What do you think, Teacher Jinghe, is the future prospect of Team Rocket?" Sakaki asked again.


Jing He shook his head.

"There is no prospect."

Sakaki's voice gradually became colder, "Really?"

Having said this, Jing He had nothing to avoid anymore.

Anyway, he had reported it to the Joban Police Station before coming here. This fact will definitely not escape Sakaki's eyes, so if something happens to him here, Sakaki will most likely be exposed!

This is definitely not what Sakaki wants to see.


Jing He felt that Sakaki would not take action.

He still needs to help him comfort Chaomeng and find his son.

So Jing He pretended not to notice Sakaki's change and said:

"No matter how well Team Rocket follows the rules, its poaching crimes cannot be erased. Ultimately, it is an underground organization that cannot see the light. So how can it guarantee that there will never be a dazzling bright light that pierces everything?"

"Then the Rockets will never have a future." Sakaki said calmly.

Sakaki naturally understands what Jing He is talking about better.

No matter how strong the Rockets are, they can't challenge the alliance head-on. It's still such a huge alliance that occupies several regions.

"Not really." Jing He stuffed himself another biscuit.


Sakaki was stunned.

Is there a way to break the situation?

"Actually, the leader of Team Rocket can definitely consider bringing Team Rocket to the forefront."

Sakaki smiled.

He thought Jing He was too simplistic.

But Jing He continued:

"It is undeniable that without Team Rocket, at least the two major regions of Kanto and Johto will become more chaotic."

Sakaki nodded.

Without Team Rocket, other forces will inevitably emerge. There is no doubt about this.

"This is one of the reasons why the league has never been able to eradicate the Rockets."

After Sakaki disappeared, Team Rocket fell apart and went into separate camps, even releasing Arceus and the Three Dragons, which almost destroyed the entire world, which is evident from this.

"In that case, why doesn't Team Rocket simply put itself on the bright side? As a force in charge of the dark side of order, it can continue to be in charge and then abandon those disgusting parts, such as wanton poaching."

Sakaki was silent for a long time.

"Put it on the table?"

"The Rockets do not have no financial income through legal channels. Combined with some gray income, and then transformed into a large company, providing better benefits and salaries, and lower threshold, I think it will become what many people are passionate about and yearn for. Company."

But Sakaki said:

"This kind of income is actually not enough to maintain the original welfare of the Rockets."

Jing He shook his head, "No, that's enough."

"There are some things that the league can't do and has no channels to do, such as poaching and smuggling. Then it's up to the Rockets to do it. The benefits brought by destroying these will be enough to make up for the Rockets' losses, and it can also accumulate reputation. ”

Taking the mass line may not necessarily lead to the possibility of encircling the alliance from the bottom up.

"A black man eating a black man?"

"Don't put it so harshly. It's called dealing with evil people the way evil people do."

Jing He waved his hand.

“As long as the idea is right and the result is right, not many people actually care about the process.”

"A good example of 'dealing with evildoers the way evildoers do'."

Sakaki smiled.

"When it touches on core interests, I'm afraid there will be a lot of opposition within the Rockets."

Jing He shrugged, looked at Sakaki for the first time, and said seriously:

"Master Sakaki, there is an old saying in my hometown, which is 'If you don't break, you don't build.'"

"If you can't break it yourself, you can create someone to help break it."

"'Create' a person to help 'break'."

Sakaki repeated this sentence, his eyes shining slightly.

It's a good direction.

Eh? etc.

Jing He suddenly thought of it.

Could this person be Chi Ye?

The two fell into silence again.

After a while, Sakaki smiled and said:

"It's a bit far."

"I asked you to come here today, Teacher Jinghe. Actually, I want to ask you a favor."


Jing He roughly guessed what Sakaki wanted to ask for.

"Teacher Jing He, you also know that I have a child, but he disappeared, and I have been searching for him for so many years to no avail. So I thought, Teacher Jing He, you usually have contact with more students and children than me, maybe you can help me .find him."


"This is a request as a father." Sakaki said solemnly.

Jing He's expression also became serious and he nodded seriously.

"I cannot refuse a father's request to find his child. Even if the probability is low, I will do my best."

Sakaki looked at him deeply.

"No, you can."

Jing He was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"That's right. As a good and upright gym leader, your child will definitely find Gym Leader Sakaki, and he will definitely be very willing to get to know you."

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Sakaki vaguely heard the emphasis on the word "recognize" from Jinghe's words.

This made Sakaki consider something he had never considered before.


If Silver is found, will he be willing to meet his father who is the leader of Team Rocket?

Sakaki and Makori stood at the door of Viridian Gym, watching the cars driving away.


The real bird spoke slowly, "Teacher Jinghe, does he know about Team Rocket?"

Hearing this, Sakaki smiled.

"Real bird, sometimes it doesn't matter whether you know it or not."

The real bird didn't understand this.

"Jing He said something that I think makes sense: 'Sometimes, the bystander knows the best,' and our Rockets may need a 'bystander.'"

"Onlookers are clear," the real bird muttered quietly.

I don't know how serious it is.

The smile on Sakaki's face became even bigger.

"In fact, sometimes I feel that he may understand the Rockets better than me."



PS: This chapter is 4.2k! 1.50,000 words have been written today. Please give me some monthly votes. It’s not too much!

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