Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 171 Moving Matters (Monthly Ticket Request!)

"What a lovely group of students."

Jing He glanced over and looked at the students who had carefully listened to the entire boring Pokémon psychology class with their eyes open. Jing He showed a satisfied smile.

Compared with the big guys you meet outside, the students in the school are much easier to get along with.

"Really? Gengar?"


Gengar grinned.

As Jing He and Geng Gui walked out of the classroom, more than half of the students inside fell on the tables.


Daiwu, Dujuan and Yasha chased out.

"Dawu, did you see the message I sent you?"

"Saw it"

"So, do students from Yuhong University really want to come to our school for exchanges?" Yasha looked excited.

She had this expression during class just now.

Can't wait to have a battle.

Du Juan pursed her lips, not as optimistic as Yasha.

“Yuhong University is full of talented people.”

This is true.

Dr. Ohmu, Dr. Kongmu, Dr. Zhenghui, etc. all graduated from Yuhong University.

In addition, there are many famous top trainers who also came out of Yuhong University.

Jing He was very calm, glanced at Dawu who was also very calm, and couldn't help but smile.

With Dawu here, everyone who comes to Yuhong University is the same.

This was also the reason why Jing He didn't reject the principal.

Not only Yuhong University, but even if he goes out for exchanges, he is not worried.

If you are indecisive, please magnify me.

One is accurate.

"Dawu, I'll leave this matter to you. I still want to rent a house."

It’s also good to be a hands-off teacher.

"Okay, teacher."

Daigo nodded.

"By the way, teacher, do you want to rent a house?"

Looking at the confused Dawu, Jing He finally remembered that the biggest "landowner" in Kanaz City was the man in front of him!


"Teacher, what type of house do you want?" Daigo asked.


Before Jing He could say anything, Geng Gui started making gestures.

It spreads its hands exaggeratedly.

At this time, its short short hands are obviously not enough.

But fortunately the meaning is expressed very clearly.

Be big!

Jing He was not polite to his students. After all, he wanted to rent, and it was not for nothing.

Just briefly describe your needs.

"I'll make a call."

Daigo signaled a moment, picked up the phone and walked aside.


He came back.

He frowned and said:

"There are not many houses that meet your needs, just a few. Teacher, please take a look first and I will send them to your mobile phone."

Hearing this, Jing He picked up his phone and glanced at it.

Oh, not much indeed.

Only about a dozen places

Jing He was so numb.

Noticing his expression, Dawu said again:

"Actually, there are still several places under construction. How about I ask them to change the drawings and build one?"

Jing He quickly raised his hand.

"No, don't bother."

"Isn't there a suitable one? Teacher, can I help you ask?" Du Juan also said after seeing this.

Although the Dujuan family is not as good as the Dawu family, it is actually not bad, and they also have considerable assets in Kanaz City.

"What a pity." Yasha smacked her lips, "If I were in Cauldron Town, I could help."

Jing He: "."

He looked up to the sky.

What kind of students are these?

In order not to suffer further irritation, he immediately and decisively chose the one closest to the college.

"That's it, I'll go take a look first."

The house that Jing He was interested in was also not far from the school, but it was in two directions from before, and it was located next to a commercial street.

Although the flow of people is not large, and it is incomparable to the busiest commercial street in Kanaz City, it is better because it is close to the school.


Whether you are opening a coffee shop or a psychological clinic, it does not need to be particularly lively. Elegance and tranquility are the key.

Something more important.

This way you don't have to worry too much about disturbing the neighbors.

The house has two floors, with white walls. There is a small fence outside, with some trees planted and a few chairs placed. It seems that it should have been a store, but it is closed now.

The house faces the street at the front and has a small garden at the back.

The garden is not big, about forty to fifty square meters, and there are also some trees planted. The overall greening looks quite good.

The house, excluding the garden, occupies a large area of ​​nearly 300 square meters. It has a vertical structure, meaning that the first and second floors have the same area.

If you follow Jinghe's plan.

The first floor can be turned into a coffee shop.

If conditions permit, about one-third of the area can be set aside for a psychological consultation room, mainly for those who really need help, and can filter out many people who are simply looking for trouble.

As for the second floor.

It was originally a living area, with a layout of four bedrooms and two living rooms, as well as a balcony and kitchen.

The only drawback is probably that the balcony faces the sun.

"Gengar, what do you think?"

Jing He asked.

Gengar's eyes were filled with stars as he looked at the house in front of him.


Do we really want to live here?

Behind the garden was a small river, in which he saw many wild water Pokémon.

Moreover, living on the first floor makes it very convenient to move around.

Jing He thought for a moment, threw three elf balls, and summoned all the little guys.

Since it’s a move, it’s natural for everyone to make the decision together.

But it is obvious that

He thinks too much.

Because he is the most picky among the five of them.

Even he thinks it's okay, and Vulpix, Blacksmith, and Mini Dragon don't have any objections.

In fact, whether it is Little Vulpix, Gengar, Skillful Blacksmith, or Mini Dragon, they do not have high requirements for a place to live.

In their view, the important thing is not where to live, but who to live with.

Where there is Jinghe, it is their home.

"So this is it?"

Jing He asked.

The four little guys nodded at the same time.

Then there was nothing to hesitate. Jing He took out his hand and dialed Dawu's phone number.

"Teacher, have you chosen?"

"Just this one." Jing He said, "By the way, how much is the rent for this building?"

"Uh, teacher, you didn't say you wanted rent."

Jing He: "."

What do you call renting a house without paying rent?

"Dawu, one code equals one code."

"Okay, then teacher, please give me ten thousand, ten thousand a month."

"not enough."

This is not just a house, but also a shop.

Although the last store closed most likely because of insufficient foot traffic, it was still a store and not a store.

"Then twelve thousand?"


"Thirteen thousand, no more teachers."

"Fifteen thousand, that's it."

Five thousand for housing and ten thousand for shops.

about there.

Considering the prices in Kanaz City, it was definitely cheap, but since they were acquaintances, a little cheaper would be reasonable.


Daigo on the other side of the phone sighed.

"I'll arrange for the construction team to go there right now."

"Construction team?"

"According to your needs, teacher, I will help you with the decoration a little bit. Teacher, please don't refuse, otherwise it will be difficult for me to get through with my dad's side."

There is no one else who rents a house and comes with its own decoration.

hang up the phone.

Geng Gui gave Jing He a thumbs up.


You really got a good deal.


Soon the construction team of Devon Company arrived and quickly drew drawings according to Jinghe's needs.

Fortunately, the decoration of the original house was pretty good and quite new. There were not many places that needed to be changed. The leader of the construction team said that it could be done in one day at most.

After all, the construction team also has Pokémon and advanced equipment to help, and with the technology in the Pokémon world, there is no need to worry about safety issues.

Now what Jing He and the others have to do.

Just go home and rest for a night, and then prepare for the move the next day.


To open a coffee shop, Jing He also needs to buy a batch of coffee-making equipment and at least one employee.

Coffee equipment is not difficult.

As a coffee lover, Jing He had already chosen the coffee machine model and grinder he wanted.

The only trouble may be the staff.

after all.

His job is still a teacher, and he also needs to train Pokémon during this period, so he can't always look after the coffee shop.

But this is one of his hobbies, and he might be able to earn more income. He doesn't want to give up such a good opportunity.

"Forget it, just look for it slowly, you can always find it."

Although Dawu helped save a lot of money.

But moving is still a troublesome and expensive thing. It requires buying new furniture and decorating the store.

Previously, because the house was too small, some of the things Geng Gui and the others liked were rejected by Jing He because they couldn't fit them in. This time, there was nothing they could do.

Fortunately, he still has some money in his hand.

Gengar and the others don't need to prepare anything for the time being.

Gengar has "Dark Stone" fragments, "Strange Incense", and also has the moves "Share the Pain", "Characteristic Swap" and "Psychic Strength" to learn.

The previous "Venom Blast" has been mastered.

Qiao Blacksmith has just obtained the "Sword Dance" move learning machine and a complete set of supporting materials. "Characteristic Exchange" is also what it needs to learn.

It's just that the progress is slower than Gengar, but it shouldn't be a big problem.

I also got a "metal membrane" and the "power headband" I got before, which also needs to be adapted.

Mini dragon words.

It has two huge "dragon scales", a "dragon tooth" and the move "dragon wave", which is not lacking for the time being.

The only thing that needs to be added is probably Vulpix.

However, it also has an "ice stone (small)" to digest, and it can also learn to "share the pain".

It shouldn't be a problem if you add it later.

The biggest expense currently is energy cubes.

Fortunately, Jinghe can make the energy cube by himself, and it can be much cheaper if he only needs to purchase the raw materials.

If they miss this opportunity to move, Jing He doubts that they will have the opportunity to move again in the future.

The stronger the little guys are, the greater the expenses will be.

"While you still have some money, go to Home Furnishing City!"

After walking out of his new home, which was under construction, Jing He announced grandly:

"Go buy the furniture you like!"


Looking at the excited little guys, Jing He sighed secretly.

It was difficult for them before, so let them spend a lot of time this time!

But Jing He soon realized that he had overestimated them.

Mini Dragon chose a large bathtub, Skillful Blacksmith chose a set of fitness equipment, and Gengar chose a fifty-inch TV, the kind that can be projected on a mobile phone.

The one with the strangest demand is Vulpix.

He actually chose a whole set of cat climbing frames.

Foxes are obviously canines, okay!

In the end, Jinghe bought the most expensive things himself.

He bought a big bed, a set of soft and comfortable sofas, and a whole set of professional coffee equipment.

The total value of the coffee equipment alone exceeded 50,000!

This was when the owner of the electronics mall recognized him and gave him a discount.

But no matter what.

All matters, big and small, were finally prepared.

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