The four-day public-funded trip came to an end.

Jinghe said goodbye to Sirona and took the Devin family's plane back to the Hoenn region.

And Sirona had to go to Unova again with Cattleya because the work of exploring the ruins was not yet completed.

Strictly speaking, the two of them sneaked out of the celebration of Orudran City this time.


They did a big thing this time, saving the world's original tree and placing a happy house for the legendary dream.

Back to the cafe in Hoenn.

The three members of Team Rocket, who had learned the news a long time ago, came to the door of the cafe to welcome them under the leadership of the temporary president, Goran.

"Fuck, cadre. Woo!"

Before Musashi could finish his words, he was pressed back by Kojiro and Meow Meow.

Then they shouted at Jinghe at the same time:

"Teacher Jinghe, President Genggui, welcome back, you have worked hard (meow)!"


Ranran, who was wearing overalls and a bear hat, raised his hand to salute and shouted.

Seeing the trio, Jinghe remembered that he seemed to have forgotten them.

Is the family okay?

He glanced at the cafe and house behind the trio from the corner of his eye.

When he saw that everything was still intact, he was slightly relieved.


Genggui didn't know when he put on sunglasses, with his hands behind his back, looking very stylish.

"Teacher Jinghe, according to your instructions, I have recently researched some desserts, take a look." Kojiro hurriedly began to take credit.

Musashi, who reacted, also hurriedly brought a cup of coffee, "Teacher Jinghe, have coffee!"

"And there is a bill meow! This is the revenue of the past few days meow!" Meow meow followed closely.

"Well, not bad." Jinghe nodded with satisfaction.

The trio immediately showed great joy.

They all began to fantasize.

Is it their turn to be temporary president?

"Deduct 500."

The trio: (╯ ̄Д ̄)╯╘═╛ (in fantasy)

The trio: (╥_╥) (What a disgusting feeling——)


As soon as Jinghe sat down, Sure enough, Weng came behind him and smiled and massaged his shoulders!


Jinghe smiled and said, "Sure enough, Weng is also very good and manages well."

"Suo, Suo~Nanshi!o(*////▽////*)q"

"Then the money for calling the wrong name will not be deducted."

"Long live Teacher Jinghe!"×3

Looking at the revenue bill brought by Meow Meow, Jinghe showed satisfaction.

Sure enough.

As long as the trio is not allowed to catch Pikachu, they are top talents in any field.

But if they are only allowed to run a coffee shop, it feels like a waste of talent.

What should they do?

Jinghe was a little unsure.


It always feels a little off when I don't hear "what a disgusting feeling".

Forget it.

Maybe I can think of how to arrange them in the future.

A week later.

The sun is warm and pleasant as winter approaches. It is undoubtedly a good day to dry the quilt.

After leaving for a few days, Jinghe felt that it was time to dry the quilt.

The quilt, which was often frozen by the ice Vulpix, really needed to be warmed up.

Jinghe didn't waste money on buying a dryer, so he and Gengar hung the quilt on the temporary clothes drying pole in the yard.

In the courtyard.

The originally green lawn turned slightly yellow, and the embellishment of a few orange flowers made it still lively.

"This is destined to be a difficult winter."

Jinghe sighed, while Gengar and he gently patted the quilt with a rattan paddle.

"Geng Ga!"

Geng Gui gave him a thumbs up.

It means it's okay.

Even if he turns into a ghost, he will still follow.

Jing He rolled his eyes unhappily.

"If there is no fire-type Pokémon to keep warm, it seems that we can only exercise?"

He really doesn't want to be the first trainer to be frozen to death by his own Pokémon.


The Artificer carried his hammer, whose weight could no longer be measured, and did one-handed push-ups in the yard.

Siba's fighting experience gave him a deeper understanding of how to exercise his muscles all over his body.

This made Jing He feel.

He may die by being frozen to death, kicked to death, or strangled.

Trainer is indeed a high-risk profession.

At the same time, he was secretly glad.

Fortunately, there were no steel-type bird Pokémon flying over his house.

Otherwise, with the current strength of the Artificer.

Whether it is Armorbird or Steeljaw, one by one, none of them will come back.

Why can't the Steel Crow taxi, which is popular in the Galar region, be deployed in the Padiya region?

The reason is simple, because there are many giant forgers living in the Padiya region.

"Chirp. Chirp."

2020, 2021, 2022

While doing it, the skillful forger counted by himself.

Its goal is to do 5,000 push-ups a day.

But the point is!

Every time it counts to almost 3,000, it doesn't know how to count down!

So it feels that it has never successfully done 5,000 times a day.

But in fact, according to Jinghe's incomplete statistics, it has to repeat it more than four to five times a day

The mini dragon rolled in the pool in the garden.

This is a newly dug pool.

After all, it can only swim in the bathtub in the house, which is indeed a bit restrictive.

It can be seen that it likes this pool quite a lot.

It is a bit unreasonable for a dignified quasi-god mini dragon to choke on water frequently.

But it is better than practicing "Dragon Dive" at home.

After all

Where do you think the pool in the yard came from?

The one that Jing He is most relieved of.

It is still Ice Vulpix.


She finally learned the use of "Aurora Curtain" from Xiao Menghuan, and she is practicing alone in a corner.

The reason why the snowfall did not affect the entire yard.

It is because it completely surrounded itself with a barrier made of "Aurora Curtain".



Layer by layer, Jing He couldn't count how many "Aurora Curtains" Ice Vulpix had set up for himself.

"Vulpix, where are you stacking the "Heart Steel"? Don't get stuck by yourself." Jing He couldn't help but remind him.


In response, it was the mouth of Ice Vulpix and its puzzled eyes.

Because it couldn't hear at all!

But it was obvious that Jinghe's worries were unnecessary.

After realizing that he had indeed stacked too many "Aurora Curtains", Ice Vulpix's tail glowed with a bright silver metallic glimmer, as if it was coated with a layer of metal.

Iron Tail!

Bang, bang——

Its six tails smashed on the "Aurora Curtain" together, and then smashed it layer by layer, looking for the weak points of its "Aurora Curtain".

Jinghe: "."

How can a Pokémon set up an "Aurora Curtain" and smash it by itself?

This is related to its new hobby.

It had just learned "Iron Tail" not long ago, and lost to Shirona's Eevee in the "Iron Tail" competition.

Jinghe's eyes twitched.

"I feel like none of my Pokémon are normal."

"Gang ga?"

Gengar's "pure" eyes blinked.

Where is the old man?

Jing He glanced at it, then turned to look outside the backyard door, where two rows of wild Pokémon stood neatly.

"Can they be dispersed?"


Gengar came to the door and waved outside.

"Geng ga~~"

After a rustling sound.

There was no trace of Pokémon like Rattata or Meowth.

Looking at Gengar who took out his sunglasses and put them on, and who really had the aura of a big boss, Jing He took a deep breath.

It really developed a "club"!

When did the road start to go astray?

Jing He made up his mind.

If I collect Pokémon next time, I must be careful and make sure it is a "steadfast" one.

Resource consumption is secondary.

"I really don't want to be invited to tea by Miss Junsha in the end."

"Miss Karuna, sorry to bother you."

Sitting in the rocking chair, Jing He called Karuna.

"How do you have time to call me?"

Kalunai's gentle laughter came from the phone.

"Because I wrote another script, I want you to help me take a look." Jinghe said with a smile.

"I have sent it to your phone."

"Okay."Kalunai agreed directly, "I just finished filming a scene, wait for me to take a look."

"Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Jinghe waited silently.

What he sent this time was definitely a low-cost double-role interactive comedy.

"Meow Boss and Pikachu"

Originally he was going to write "Meow Meow and Pikachu".

But considering that it was still unclear who was older between Meow Meow and Pikachu, and the cat boss was relatively cold and elegant, it was difficult to take on a funny role, so he finally changed to the Meow Boss who could walk upright on two feet.

As for the role of Pikachu, it was also replaced by a smaller Pikachu.

Forming a contrast between the strong and weak, fierce and cute with the Meow Boss.

"I really racked my brains to raise you."

Jinghe looked at the four little guys again.

Gengar is a big eater, and even Snorlax can't beat it.

Ice Vulpix's small "Ice Stone" has been eaten up. It is temporarily supported by Regiace's ice fragments, but it is estimated that it will not last long.

The high-quality "Ice Stone" required for its evolution has not been found yet.

Although I don't know whether the little guy wants to evolve, it is my responsibility as a trainer to prepare it.

The Artful Blacksmith. God knows how many precious metals it needs to satisfy.

As for Dratini.

Jinghe feels that it is not far from evolution.

After evolving into Haxorus, the resources required will undoubtedly increase exponentially, and as a "small move sea", learning moves will definitely cost a lot of money.

"Money, money, money."

In fact, ordinary trainers definitely don't need so many resources to train Pokémon.

But who are Jinghe's friends?

Sirona, Daigo, Adu, or at least Dujuan and Asha.

With a high vision, he really doesn't want to use ordinary materials for the little guys, and he will feel that he owes them.

Gengar quietly sneaked up behind Jinghe.

Seeing that he seemed to be thinking, he laughed strangely and licked him with his tongue.

However, Jinghe, who had awakened the "power of wave guidance", predicted and dodged in advance.

"Gengga! (ˇˇ)"

Gengga looked "desperate".

You have changed!

Unconvinced, it licked him again.

Jinghe sighed secretly and did not dodge again.

He was licked solidly.


Geng Gui immediately put his hands on his hips and laughed with satisfaction.

You can't do it either!

He glanced at it unhappily, took out the "Sakura Fruit" and ate it while pressing the answer button.

"Jinghe, a very good script!"

Kalunuo said with some excitement, and quickly added:

"I think I can't wait to see the cute daily life of Tom and Jerry."

"This will definitely be a more popular short play than "The Adventures of Bubble Squirrel"!"

"And the cost of funds will definitely be much smaller than the previous script."

Jinghe smiled and said:

"It's enough to bring some joy to people and Pokémon on ordinary days."

After a brief silence on the other end of the phone.

"Sorry, Jinghe, I'm superficial."


"You want to heal more little guys with injured hearts in this way, right?"

"After all, no matter how powerful you are, you can only heal one by one, but through the way of TV series, you can heal more people"

You are worthy of being a master of the mind.

There was a bit of admiration in Karunoi's voice.

Jinghe: "???"

No, can it be understood in this way?

However, with the recognition of professionals, he also has confidence.

Now we have to consider.

Is it to shoot with real Pokémon, or to ask cartoonists to draw and then make animation.

But since it is the Pokémon world, Jinghe is more inclined to the former.

The funds needed will be much higher.

Thank you for the reward from the leader of the silent thinking! The boss is confused, isn't it good to read books?

Thank you for the reward from the Dark Star Emperor and the summer listening to the cicadas!

Thank you for the reward from all my friends!

There are too many here, I can't write them all at once, I will open a separate chapter to thank them one by one!

Thank you all for your support!

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