Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 203 Jinghe's first unlimited battle! (4k words, monthly vote requested!)


Jing He showed a "Sure enough" expression.

He felt that when he came to Kuye City to find Ma Zhishi, this matter would be inevitable.


Having already obtained three badges, he looked away.

There are some things that he really can't hide from if he wants to.

Just fight.

Whether you can get the badge and how many badges you can collect are all up to chance.

If you really collect eight badges, it would be a good idea to participate in the alliance conference. Gengar and the others have not participated in the conference so far.

Jing He also knew something about Ma Zhishi.

He, Aju, and Nazhi are known as the three members of Team Rocket.

After the disintegration of Team Rocket, he actively participated in major events and provided a lot of help to Chihong and others.

It can be said.

After the disintegration of the Rockets, he should be the fastest one to clear his name.

Despite his rough appearance and strong temper, he looks like a reckless man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

But how many people who can become majors are really brainless?

His paper strength may be the weakest among the three members of the Rockets.

But it also shows from the side that his ability to become a third cadre is not just based on strength.

In fact, Ma Zhishi is a retired soldier who is informal, calm and has a bit of humor.

What he is really best at is life-and-death fights, blood-licking wild fights, and he has a record that puts Chihong in desperate situations.

During the decisive battle between Chihong and Sakaki, the pair of gloves with insulated gloves that stored electricity in the ball were actually taken from Ma Zhishi's body.

And his most talked-about thing is undoubtedly the act of commanding Thunder God, one of the three holy beasts, to charge the maglev train.

Let the dignified Lei Gong become a power bank, and he is probably the first one.

at the same time.

He is also the only person who has owned the Thunder Bird, one of the three sacred birds, and the Thunder God, one of the three sacred beasts.


Most of these are what Jing He knows about Ma Zhishi in the special episode. However, the portrayal of Ma Zhishi in the animation is relatively thin.

words now

Now that he knew it was unavoidable, Jing He no longer hesitated, smiled and nodded:

"That's what I mean, Master Ma Zhishi."


This actually surprised Ma Zhishi. After looking at Jing He up and down, he recognized him a little more.

He is quite handsome, and he is holding a cute ice vulpix. He has a pretty face, which makes him somewhat masculine.

Ma Zhishi, who crossed his arms, grinned and said:

"In that case, how about we have an unrestricted battle?"

Jing He was startled when he heard this.

Reacted immediately.

It's quite in line with Ma Zhishi's style.



Gengar next to Jing He scratched his head.

What is unlimited play?

It hasn't been heard of yet, nor has it been tried yet.

Seeing Geng Gui's appearance, Tony on the side thought that Jing He didn't know the meaning of fighting without distinction, so he kindly reminded:

"The so-called unrestricted battle is actually a relatively standardized wild battle mode. It was once popular in some conferences or gym battles, but it has become less popular recently."

He continued:

"And the rules are also very simple. Both players enter the field with their Pokémon and can rotate Pokémon at any time. The first to defeat any of the opponent's rotated Pokémon is the winner."

Jing He nodded and said:

"I know that except for the fact that Pokémon cannot attack the trainer directly, the trainer must bear all the changes in the field together with the Pokémon."

This model is indeed relatively rare now, but it is not impossible.

In the special chapter, Red, Little Blue, and Green actually used this model in the final alliance conference they participated in.


It's the same pattern when Red and Sakaki fight.

It is precisely because of this model that the travel faction and the academic faction in the alliance always have an absolute advantage in the "competition".

It was not until the conflicts gradually intensified that this model slowly faded out of sight.

But some veteran trainers are still quite enthusiastic about it.

Some old people even feel that the alliance has gradually lost sufficient control over various regions, which is why the unlimited battle rules are gradually withdrawing from the stage.

"If this rule had been used in Ash's era, maybe the Quartz Conference would have won the championship."


Gengar showed a look of realization.

It turns out that the old woman’s battle video it watched before was a battle without rules.

It said, why is the battle between Jinghe and it different from the one in the video?

"Since you know it well, Mr. Jinghe, I won't explain too much." Sausage Mouth Tony said.

"Let's start quickly!"

Ma Zhishi said.

He couldn't wait any longer.

How long has it been since you had an unlimited battle?

When they heard that someone was going to have an indiscriminate battle with Gym Leader Ma Zhishi, the intern trainers and staff in the gym gathered around him.

Even Biscuit, who had been sleeping before, faintly woke up.

Inside the huge dead leaf gym battle arena.

Ma Zhishi placed three elf balls in the center of the field.

Jing He also placed the elf balls containing Gengar, Ice Vulpix and Skillful Blacksmith on the other side.

According to the rules, these Poké Balls are locked to prevent Pokémon from firing the ball on their own.

The two slowly retreated.

After retreating to the edge of the field, Tony, as the referee, raised the flag in his hand.

The first step to unlimited battle.

The trainer needs to rush into the field and take out the Poke Ball to summon the Pokémon.

In this rule, the most common situation is to take the opportunity to destroy the switch on the opponent's Poké Ball, preventing the opponent from summoning the Pokémon immediately!

"Battle—" The flag in Tony's hand suddenly fell, "Start!"

In an instant, Ma Zhishi, whose muscles were tense all over his body, rushed to the center of the field almost immediately.

Although Jing He also ran over immediately, his speed was undoubtedly much slower than Ma Zhishi.

Seeing this, Ma Zhishi couldn't help but sneer.

A thin dog is a thin dog.


Ma Zhishi grabbed a Poké Ball.

Got it!

Although the rules state that Pokémon cannot directly attack the trainer, the aftermath can.

Even the aftermath of a Pokémon's moves is not something that an ordinary trainer's body can withstand.

While opening the elf ball, Ma Zhishi did not forget to throw out a dagger, trying to bounce Jing He's elf ball away.

"Come on, three-in-one magnet monster, discharge, covering the entire field!"


Before the three-in-one magnet monster in the red light had fully appeared, he noticed that Jing He had stopped.


There was a crisp sound.

The Poke Ball that was deflected by Ma Zhishi's dagger actually opened on its own!

Isn't it locked?


Isn't unlocking a common thing for Gengar?


Gengar threw the ball on his own, and seemed to be holding a huge "shadow ball" in his hands, with a hideous smile.

Tony on the sidelines glared.

It's not impossible to store energy in the ball, but how can you store such a large "shadow ball" without destroying the elf ball?

How did you do it?

Of course it’s all about accumulating power in your mouth!

Gengar has long been accustomed to eating "Shadow Balls".

Ma Zhishi's expression changed drastically and he shouted:

"Three-in-one Magnemite, attack Gengar!"

He immediately changed his strategy and dodged to one side.

boom! !

The golden thunder light collided with the huge energy ball as black as ink, and a violent roar suddenly burst out.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the three-in-one magnet monster's body seemed to be covered with dust, looking a little embarrassed.

Compared with releasing the move after releasing the ball, it is naturally not as powerful as the power accumulated in the ball.

Ma Zhishi immediately prepared to replace the Pokémon.



Gengar laughed evilly, stuck out his tongue, and rolled all the four remaining Poké Balls into his mouth!

Biscuit and the others opened their mouths wide and were stunned.

"This, this and this are also okay?!"

Ma Zhishi's expression at the moment was not much better than theirs.

Rao is experienced in unlimited battles, and this is the first time he has encountered this situation.

3V3 has become 1V3!

"Come back Gengar."

Jing He shouted immediately.

When Geng Gui rolled up the elf ball and flew towards Jing He, all the remaining elf balls fell into his hand.

No rules, right?

Then don't blame me for being unreasonable.

He threw a second Poké Ball.

"Come on, Vulpix!"

The howling wind and snow fell instantly, and the temperature in the entire venue dropped sharply.

Ma Zhishi gritted his teeth and commanded again:

"Three-in-one Magneto, Flash!"

At the same time, he took out a pair of sunglasses, put them on, and rushed towards Jing He quickly.

Now that the number of Pokémon was at a disadvantage, he had to change his strategy again.

Unrestricted Battle simply does not allow Pokémon to attack the trainer directly.

It doesn't mean that trainers can't attack trainers!

Ma Zhishi sneered.

Watch me beat you up!

The dazzling white light suddenly turned on, and Jing He had to close his eyes.

"Vulpix, blizzard!"

Jing He started to retreat while commanding.

This behavior was recognized by Biskuisi and others who were watching the battle.

In the face of emergencies, he remained calm and commanded.

Actively choose to avoid disadvantageous conditions.

They are all very correct choices, but...

The pimples on Ma Zhishi's body are not dead muscles.

A powerful and heavy punch hit Jing He's face with his eyes closed.

However, Ma Zhishi was soon surprised.


How did Jing He dodge with his eyes closed?

And although he looks thin, his reaction speed and body are not bad at all.

Little did I know.

At this moment, Jing He could "see" his movements more clearly than when he opened his eyes.

Not only Ma Zhishi's movements, but also the three-in-one Magnemite's movements, he could "see" clearly.

The power of waveguide!

As for why you can dodge.

What a joke, he can avoid Gengar's sneak attack, let alone Ma Zhishi's fist.

No matter how fast it is, can it be as fast as Gengar?


A howling "blizzard" suddenly swept across the entire place, causing frost to appear on the body of the three-in-one magnet monster.

Ma Zhishi also felt the biting cold.

His body shivered uncontrollably, and the sudden temperature change made him a little stiff.

Why is it so cold?


A fist suddenly hit his face.

boom! !

It's Jing He's fist!


Everyone on the sidelines took a breath.

In a close-quarters fight, Ma Zhishi was hit first? !

Isn't he cold?

This was the first thought that came to Ma Zhishi's mind after he was punched.

The second thought was

Damn! It hurts!

Jinghe's strength was much greater than he thought!

Fortunately, he dodged Jinghe's second punch.

But this also made him miss the opportunity to knock Jinghe down instantly.

So he could only command:

"Magnemite 3-in-1, Gyro Ball!"


Magnemite 3-in-1 spun at high speed, forcibly breaking the frost of Ice Vulpix, and then smashed towards Ice Vulpix.

It seems that I have to practice some fighting skills in the future. Jinghe sighed, and took the opportunity to distance himself from Ma Zhishi and took out the Poké Ball again.

"Come back Vulpix."

Replacing him was the Artificer!

Artificer was very experienced in dealing with Magnetism 3-in-1.

"Break the Tile!"

With the help of "Wave Power", his ingenious Pokémon replacement this time allowed Vulpix to avoid Magnetism 3-in-1's "Gyro Ball".

And it immediately created a perfect opportunity for the forger to attack.

At the same time, Ma Zhishi also responded.

"Magnemite 3-in-1, 100,000 volts!"

Since it is impossible to win by skill, let's fight head-on!

He wiped the warmth from his nose, and his eyes lit up.

I haven't been so excited for a long time!

This is a really interesting battle!

Not only did the Pokémon choose to attack directly, he also endured the coldness of his body and attacked Jinghe again.

Knocking down the trainer is also one of the ways to win!

It seems to be the only way for him to win at present.


When he was about to rush towards Jinghe, he stopped because he found that

Jinghe seemed to be rubbing his hands inexplicably, but it really gave off a faint blue halo.

I must be dazzled. Ma Zhishi thought.

Why do I seem to see the guy on the opposite side rubbing the "wave missile"? !

"Do you want to try it?" Jinghe suddenly asked with a smile.

Ma Zhishi: "."

Bang! !

On the other side.

Magnetron's "100,000 volts" hit the forger.

But the forger's hammer also hit Magnetron hard.


Magnetron flew out backwards, cracks appeared on his body, and.

Two magnets were attached to the hammer!

The effect is outstanding!

The blue light on Jinghe's hand gradually dissipated.

He smacked his lips and said, "Oh, it seems to have failed."

Ma Zhishi's eyes twitched.

Real failure or fake failure?

Jinghe's calm look made him think of a person.

A person who made him the most in awe of his life.

No, even that person was not so dirty in the unlimited battle.

Why is it still scary?

The whole venue was silent for a long time.

"3. Magneto has lost its ability to fight!" Tony swallowed his saliva and announced: "The winner is Jing He!!"

Bisquisi and others were also in disbelief.

Did Captain Ma Zhishi really lose?

Ma Zhishi, who was standing still, closed his eyes, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

He looked at Jing He and said seriously: "Congratulations, brother, you won."

Whether it was tactically or strategically, he lost.

Even his most proud melee, he didn't get the upper hand.

It's not unfair to lose.

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