Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 217 The awakened super ancient Pokémon! (Monthly vote requested!)

"Porygon 2 didn't realize it had evolved. Team Rocket might have realized it, but they haven't characterized this evolution or given it a name."

Looking at the downtime of Porygon 2, Jing He rubbed his chin and analyzed it.


Porygon can only evolve after it is loaded with the special prop "upgrade data".

The evolved Porygon 2 is endowed with AI functions, which can learn and grow on its own, and even gradually jump out of the established program and act alone, slowly becoming a Pokémon with real self-awareness.

Although Porygon is also a Pokémon, it can only be regarded as an instrument at most, similar to a computer, without too much self-emotion.

But from the current situation, Team Rocket has obviously not developed "upgrade data", so how did Porygon evolve?

"From its behavior, it seems that it has absorbed too much psychology and philosophy knowledge from Mewtwo?"

Jing He continued to talk to himself:

"Does that mean that if the content of my conversation with Mewtwo is digitized, there is a chance to make a prototype of 'upgrade data'?"

His eyes lit up slightly.

Team Rocket should pay us "copyright fees"!


Jing He's expression became strange.

"If I talk Porygon II out again, can I make a 'suspicious patch'?"

"Suspicious patch" is a special item that can make Porygon II evolve into Porygon B again.

"But it's useless."

Porygon is not a common and popular Pokémon. Even if it can really make "upgrade data" and "suspicious patches", how much money can it make?

After walking out of the special room, Mana came up to greet him.

"Jing, Jing He teacher, are you done?"

She almost witnessed the whole process of "treatment" through the monitoring in the room.

To be honest.

Let alone Porygon.

Even after listening to Jing He's seemingly irrelevant questions and quick answers, she was still a little dizzy.

"Almost done." Jing He waved his hand.

"If everything goes well, Porygon 2 should wake up in two days. If there are still symptoms, just call us."

Today, we have confirmed the status of Porygon 2 and its "symptoms". We can do it over the phone later. Don't run around anymore.

"Porygon 2?" Managi was stunned.

"By the way, where's Gengar?" Jinghe asked.

After he came out, he didn't see any traces of Gengar and the others. He had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Oh, it seemed to say it wanted to watch the gym battle just now," Managi said.

Not bad.

Jinghe sighed softly.

Walked out of the side door.

But he found that Gengar was neither running around nor doing anything that scared Jinghe. Instead, he stared blankly in one direction.

Seeing this, Jinghe was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

The palm was shaken in front of Gengar, and it slowly came back to its senses.

"Geng, gengga~~"

Genggar suddenly raised his hand and pointed in a direction.

I feel like something is calling me over there


Looking in the direction pointed by Gengar, there is a towering mountain.

Calling Gengar?

Jinghe frowned slightly.

This is not the first time Gengar has come to Tokiwa Gym, why didn't he have this feeling last time?


I want to go and take a look.

Seeing that it was full of excitement and seemed to be unable to hold back, Jinghe nodded.

"Then let's go and take a look."

Genggui said so.

It would be a bit unreasonable not to go and take a look.

"Matori, tell Gym Master Sakaki that I have something to do and I won't visit him this time."

After Jinghe said that to Matori, he took Gengar and ran in the direction it pointed.


Looking at Jinghe going away, Matori looked stunned.


A slender Haxorus flew through the air, and the white wings on both sides of its forehead became very large. Every time it flapped, it could fly a long distance.

On the back of Haxorus, Jing He gritted his teeth and held it tightly.

This was his first time trying to ride Haxorus.

But to be honest.

After this time, Jing He really didn't want to try again.

At least.

Without a special saddle, he didn't want to try.

Haxorus' body was too smooth. If it weren't for his good arm strength, he would have fallen off long ago.

In the animation "Sun and Moon", in the "Ultimate Defense Team" formed by the Ether Foundation, Xiaozhi, Gladion and others, Shui Lian, who ruined Fathead's reputation, rode Haxorus.

But a special saddle was pressed on Haxorus, so it could be ridden smoothly.

"Geng Ga~~"

Geng Gui floating next to him looked at Jing He's funny appearance and laughed heartlessly.

In return, Jing He rolled his eyes unhappily.

"If you keep laughing, I'll go visit Professor Oak tomorrow and stay in his institute for seven or eight days."

"Geng, gengga!Σ(дlll)"

Jing He sneered.

Can't cure you, a little fat purple-skinned guy?

He has found Gengar's new weakness.


Hackron groaned happily and fell towards a lake below.

"Slow down!" Jing He's face turned slightly pale.


A man with a yellow short-sleeved shirt, brown hair and a square face was picking up pebbles by the river, seemingly preparing to light a bonfire.

He noticed the falling Haxorus and Gengar, and showed a little surprise.

However, this lake in the mountains is very large. The man with short hair is on this side of the lake, while Jinghe and the others fell on the other side of the lake.

The man didn't think much about it.

After all, camping in the wild is quite common.

After falling, Jinghe staggered two steps and didn't pay attention to the situation on the other side of the lake.

He just felt that the feeling of stepping on the ground with his feet was so solid.

This is.

"As long as I stand on the earth, I won't lose."

It seems to have realized a little bit of the truth of Boss Sakaki's "The Secret of the Earth".

"Gengga! Gengga!"

After coming here, Gengar became more and more excited.

It looked at the ordinary rock wall on the side, as if something was hidden in it.

Without saying anything, he clenched his fist, surrounded by black light, and smashed it down.

Shadow Fist!

Jing He, who finally recovered a little, glanced at the surrounding environment and the direction where Gengar's fist was smashing, and his face changed slightly.


Boom! !

As soon as the voice came out, Gengar's fist had already smashed down.

An altar that looked quite simple and rustic appeared in front of Jing He and Gengar.

On the altar with messy gravel, there were several strange golden utensils with red spots.

In the middle of the altar, there was an ancient stone tablet and a special instrument composed of three black balls, two large and one small, which faintly emitted a black halo.

"Geng Ga!"

Looking at the black ball, Gengar's eyes lit up instantly, and he reached out to grab it.

But this time.

Jing He reacted.

"Wait a minute, Gengar!"

"Geng ga?"

Geng ga's half-stretched hand was suspended in the air, and he looked at Jing He in confusion.

But Jing He's expression at the moment was not very good.

He couldn't help but want to swear.

Damn it.

Just say that there is something nearby that can attract Gengar, and even spans most of the Viridian Forest.

Isn't this the altar in the animation "Original" that enshrines the ancient Pokémon, or more accurately, the ancient giant Gengar, the ancient giant Alakazam, and the ancient giant Jigglypuff? !

How did he provoke such a thing.

For a moment.

Jing He didn't know how to deal with it.



The black ball on the altar seemed to have sensed the existence of Gengar, and it actually shook and floated up.


Jing He remembered that in the animation, it was activated after the Rocket trio touched it.

How did it float up by itself?

Gengar and Haxorus were also puzzled when they saw this scene.

"Back off!"

Jing He shouted, and quickly backed off with the two little guys.

And the black ball slowly floated into the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang——

On the ground.

One after another, huge footprints appeared. If you look closely, you can find that the shape of the footprints is almost the same as Gengar's footprints, but they are many times larger.

"Geng, genga?"

Geng's eyes widened slightly.

It felt a familiar breath from the ball.


The black ball trembled again.

A dark mist surged out of the black ball, and the illusory outline gradually condensed into shape.

After a while, a huge Gengar appeared in Jing He and his team's sight!

The giant Gengar has almost the same outline and appearance as the ordinary Gengar, except that it is many times larger.

There are also light green lines engraved on its body, making it look even more weird.

"Gen! Ga--!"

With a dull but fascinating roar.

The giant Gengar raised his arms with a fierce smile, and a black cloud slowly emerged in the sky, covering the surroundings, as if it had suddenly stepped from day to night!

The Poké Ball on Jinghe's waist opened automatically.

Ice Vulpix and Artful Blacksmith appeared.

The little guys opened their mouths one by one.

Even Gengar opened his mouth, looking stunned.

Jinghe's eyes twitched.

"Gengar, your relative."

"Gen, gen gen."

Gengar swallowed his saliva.

My relative is so big.


When did he become my relative?

As the black cloud opened, the giant Gengar's body continued to expand.

"Gen, gen gen."

What, what should I do?

Gengar nudged Jinghe with his elbow and asked.

Hearing this, Jing He glanced at it unhappily.

What to do?

If he had known that the call Gengar felt was from the ancient giant Gengar, he would not have come here.


Speaking of which.

Since the giant Gengar has appeared, the giant Alakazam should also come out, right?

As long as the two big guys fight, he will try to wake up the giant Jigglypuff.

With the ability of the giant Jigglypuff, it should be able to make these two ancient giant Pokémon fall asleep again.

But when Jing He looked at the altar again.

He found that the "Golden Eye" and "Golden Spoon" on the altar did not move at all.

There was no sign of waking up due to the stimulation of the giant Gengar.


Jinghe and the others froze.

The giant Gengar's sight fell on them.

It showed a ferocious smile.

"Genggui, try to talk to it?" Jinghe said in a low voice.


Genggui looked at Jinghe with a "you serious" expression.

"Then why else do you say it called you over?"


Genggui nodded thoughtfully.

It makes sense.

Thinking of this.

Gengar's body slowly floated up, and he put his hands to his mouth like a trumpet, and shouted at the giant Gengar.


"Geng! Ga?"

"Geng\u0026*% # ¥ @"


Seeing the two big Gengars, one big and one small, communicating there, Jinghe and Ice Vulpix looked at each other.

Did they recognize each other?

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