Dante keeps his POSS as if there are cameras all around him.

This is a habit of his, or it can be said that he can’t help it.

The Galar region is relatively poor, and joined the alliance relatively late. In order to stimulate the economy of the Galar region, the official battles in the Galar region are all held in huge stadiums.

Whether it is a gym battle or a big game, it is like a show match.

Of course.

This is also related to the Galar region’s unique Dynamax.

After all, Dynamax can only be carried out in some specific places, and Dynamax also requires a huge stadium to bear it. Ordinary gyms are afraid that they will be directly broken by Dynamax.

But it is undeniable.

This form has indeed greatly stimulated and promoted the economy of the Galar region.

As the future champion of the Galar region, Dante will take it as his responsibility to "promote the Galar region to the world".

Coupled with the operation of the Marrokomon Group and the Galar Alliance, he has developed such a POSS that is similar to the opening of a show match.

Deeply loved by the people of the Galar region.

However, when Dandi was posing, Jinghe was also using the power of wave to try to communicate with Menghuan.

"Menghuan, let's discuss it."


Menghuan also used the power of wave.

"Help me fight that guy."

Although Menghuan is a fantasy Pokémon, theoretically it is not good at fighting.

But that is only in theory.

How can Menghuan, who has all Pokémon genes and has mastered all non-exclusive moves, not be able to fight?

It's just that the little guy doesn't like fighting very much.

As expected, after Jinghe spoke, Menghuan shook his head without hesitation.


But in fact, Jinghe also understood the little guy's thoughts, and smiled slightly:

"I will buy you two new toys later."


Menghuan's eyes lit up.

But he still pouted and shook his head again.

It stretched out its pink short hand and gestured to Jinghe.

The uncle looked quite pitiful, and it couldn't bear it, so.

At least four toys are needed!

Dandi probably didn't expect that the way he and Charizard devoured the food just now would be pitiful in Menghuan's eyes.


Jinghe agreed without hesitation.

The music box I bought for little Menghuan on the cruise last time hasn't been given to it yet, just buy three more.

"Miao~~ (^^●)"

Menghuan happily wagged its tail.

"But you'd better transform to avoid attracting some unnecessary attention." Jinghe reminded.

Menghuan still has many people with bad intentions who want to chase and even hunt.

Former Rocket Team, some Pokémon hunters, etc.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Dandi, but he doesn't quite believe in Roz, the leader of the Marrokomon Group.

As everyone knows, Dandi's growth is inseparable from Roz's help.


The little guy immediately made an "OK" gesture.

It's a deal.

Dandi on the other side was posing so hard that his body was almost stiff, and then he heard Jinghe say:


Dandi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next, it's time to witness the battle!"

After saying this, he retracted his action.

This made Jinghe have an idea in his heart.

Should we design one too?

Although it's embarrassing at first, it seems even more embarrassing when you think about it carefully.

Maybe because he has been with the Rocket trio for a long time, he doesn't seem to be so disgusted with such toe-picking actions and words.

The two looked at each other.

They smiled at the same time.

Duel! (crossed out)

The battle begins!

Dandy threw the Poké Ball first.

In the flashing red light, a bipedal Pokémon covered with olive green armor, huge scarlet teeth like a battle axe, sturdy limbs and a powerful tail appeared in front of Dandy.

Jaw Axe Pokémon, the dragon-type Double Axe War Dragon!

As a dragon-type Pokémon, Double Axe War Dragon's momentum is self-evident. Its scarlet eyes are focused and serious, and it is ready for the battle.

Charizard is the first Pokémon of Dantei and also the ace Pokémon.

But Charizard has been flying with Dantei over the sea for many days, and it is obviously in a very bad state and cannot fight.

Jinghe originally thought that Dantei would send out the three Pokémon of the Galar region, Flare Ace, Chameleon or Thunderbolt.

Unexpectedly, Dantei sent out Double Axe War Dragon.

This should be considered a Pokémon that Dantei captured relatively late.

It seems that this battle invitation is more for competition.

But it doesn’t matter.

Even if Dantei sends Dragonite.

Today’s Mew, blast!

“Then we.”


A slightly chubby Eevee jumped out from behind Jinghe.


Seeing Mew transform into a cute Eevee, Jinghe also shouted in a proper manner.


Genggui and his four little guys immediately turned into cheerleaders, encouraging tactics, and Eevee (Dream) fighting spirit +1.


Dandy did not underestimate the Pokémon sent by Jinghe because it looked cute.

Trainer, respecting the opponent is respecting yourself.

Moreover, as an experienced trainer, it has a keen intuition.

This Eevee will probably be difficult to deal with!

So Emperor Dan waved his hand and took the lead in attacking without hesitation.

"Dual-axe fighting dragon, wide-area destruction!"


The double-axe battle dragon struck the ground heavily with its tail, immediately shaking up large pieces of gravel, and then flicked its tail again, smashing all the gravel out.

Jing He smiled slightly.

"Ibrahimovic", who has 100 in all six dimensions and masters all moves, looks the same to everyone.

There was a shimmer of blue in his eyes.

Waveguide, in the heart!

"Dream, mist venue!"


"Eevee" called out, and immediately centered on it, a light pink mist spread out and instantly filled the beach.

[Mist field: All Pokémon on the ground in the field will not fall into abnormal conditions, and the damage of dragon-type moves is halved (fairy field, dragons are prohibited!)]


Looking at the misty field that took shape in an instant, Emperor Dan was stunned subconsciously.

I have some doubts about my own knowledge.

Can Ibrahimovic master the mist field?

It was not just the Dan Emperor who was a little distracted, but also the Ice Vulpix.

Jing He had a little bit of selfish motives in allowing Mian to fight, just to let Mian show off his moves so that Vulpix or other little guys could find the target of "stealing".


Ibrahimovic jumped lightly, stepping on the rocks hit by the double ax dragon, and easily dodged them.

"Double axe fighting dragon, slamming and charging, close combat!"

Alchemy Emperor is worthy of being Alchemy Emperor. After experiencing a brief period of shock, he immediately came back to his senses and once again made changes to the situation in front of him.

The "mist field" has been established, the power of dragon-type moves has been greatly reduced, and fighting-type moves have become the best choice.

"Magic shines!"


Eevee shouted loudly, and a rainbow-colored light suddenly spurted out from its body.

The dazzling magic light caused the Double Ax Battle Dragon to subconsciously close its eyes tightly, but the stinging and burning sensation brought by the light still made it roar.


So strong!

Is this Ibrahimovic?

Emperor Dan's eyes were filled with astonishment, but he soon changed to a very strong fighting spirit.

"That's it."

However, Jing He stopped the battle.

The double-axe fighting dragon has almost lost its fighting ability, and if it continues to fight, it will be a bit bullying.

Dream card Ibrahimovic, you deserve it.

Emperor Dan made a move, took a deep breath and said:

"We lost."

He took out the elf ball and put the Double Ax Battle Dragon back.

The strength gap between the two sides is a bit too big.

Although there is suppression in terms of move attributes, one move almost killed the Double Ax Battle Dragon. This strength is probably more powerful than the Four Heavenly Kings, right?

It turns out that Teacher Jing He is not only a master of tactics, but his tactical ability is based on such strong strength!

Emperor Dan was not discouraged.

Winning and losing were normal. He didn't even know how many times he had lost to his master, Ma Shide.

Therefore, even in the future, the "strongest champion" given to Dandi by the Galar Alliance will be based on the premise of "never losing in a formal official competition."


Ibrahimovic shouted happily and jumped onto Jing He's shoulder.

After getting the energy cube reward, I ran to play with Ice Vulpix and the others.

However, while playing, Vulpix seemed a little absent-minded, and from time to time he would ask Mew, who had transformed into Eevee, some questions.

Some questions about the two moves "Mist Field" and "Magic Shine".

Jing He patted Emperor Dan on the shoulder and said with a warm smile:

"The battle is not over yet. There is no winner or loser."

After hearing this, Emperor Dan was startled, his expression slightly complicated.

Is this the teacher's encouragement?

His eyes instantly became more determined, he nodded and said:

"I will definitely work harder and look forward to the day when I can fully compete with Teacher Jinghe next time!"

An invitation to an all-out battle?

Alchemy's Pokémon, even in the game, are all battle configurations!

Jing He coughed twice:

"I've only tamed four Pokémon."

These four little guys almost plucked out their own hair, and they didn’t even know what to do with six Jinghes.


Emperor Dan glanced at the Pokémon in Jing He's possession. Counting Eevee, weren't they five?

Noticing his gaze, Jing He smiled slightly and said frankly:

"Actually, that 'Eevee' is not my Pokémon, but my friend. I did not conquer it."

Not subdued?

Emperor Dan was stunned again.

How can unconquered Pokémon have such a tacit understanding?

Just now, he didn't even see how Jing He was directing, and Ibrahimovic used his moves just right.

He immediately reacted——

Teacher Jing He is afraid of damaging my confidence, right?

It's so gentle.

Judging from Emperor Dan's expression, Jing He knew that he was overthinking.

But Jing He didn't know how to explain it without revealing the dream.

No one believes the truth anymore?

never mind.

Anyway, we have already had a duel, so just avoid it when you encounter Dan Emperor in the future.

The most important thing is to try to fight Dandi as little as possible in the Galar region. He has a field BUFF bonus.

Big deal.

Let Daiwu come later.

If you want to challenge me, you must defeat my students first.

Yeah, it sounds very cool.


PS: It’s the end of the month, considering that I have updated 250,000 words this month, please give me some monthly votes!

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