Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 230 Hey! I planted this tree! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

"Xiao Hehe, don't underestimate them."

Ma Shide seemed to have seen what Jing He meant and reminded him.

Jing He reacted after hearing this.


No matter what, this is the Pokémon that once belonged to Mast, the strongest champion in the Galar region!

"That's it."

Ma Shide's wife Mi Ye said with her eyes bent:

"No difference mode, how about two Pokémon from each side?"

"no problem."

Ma Shide put his hands into his pockets and nodded with a smile.

"I haven't sweated for a long time. It's just a good time to stretch my muscles today."

Jing He looked a little complicated.

Indifferent mode?

This is different from unlimited battles.

In unlimited battles, trainers need to enter the battle center to summon Pokémon. Although they have to bear the aftermath and impact of Pokémon's moves, Pokémon cannot directly attack the trainer itself.

But in the undifferentiated mode, it is almost equivalent to wild fighting.

Not only can trainers fight each other, Pokémon can also directly attack trainers!

The winner can be determined by the trainer losing the ability to continue fighting, or both Pokémon losing the ability to fight.

Although, the indiscriminate mode and unrestricted battle are not popular in the Galar region, and it can even be said that there is almost no such battle method.

But Ma Shide has traveled around the world, so it is not surprising that he has been exposed to the undifferentiated model.


Ma Shide is not only a former champion, but also the master of the fighting gym and the master of the humanoid female monster Ricaido!

It turns out that the key to this battle is here!

Won't you get killed if you fight him?

The only thing that made Jing He feel a little lucky was probably the two seemingly weak Pokémon summoned by Ma Shide.

However, from another perspective.

Perhaps only in this way can Ma Shide better understand Jing He's Pokémon situation, and even Jing He's own situation, and make some comments and training directions, right?

That being the case

Jing He's eyes narrowed.

"Oh ho ho - you're in very good shape, Xiao He He!"

Upon seeing this, Ma Shid couldn't help but praise him, and his expression became a little more serious.

at the same time.

Jing He shouted:

"Skillful Blacksmith, use the ice hammer!"

The skillful blacksmith who followed him tightened his grip on the hammer and swung it without hesitation, bringing up some frosty air.

The target is directly at Ma Shide.

Ma Shide did not panic at all when he saw this scene, and just commented again:

"What an amazing power, if this explosive power can be harnessed"

However, reviews are reviews, and his command has not been affected.

Ma Shide said calmly: "Child tits, brave birds attack fiercely!"

Brave Birds Attack?

Jing He was secretly speechless.

The chickadee is considered the "home bird" of the Galar region, and it is still in its original form. How could anyone let the chickadee learn to attack like a brave bird?


But the chickadee vibrated its wings suddenly, and a wisp of light blue flame-like coat appeared on its body. After briefly flapping its wings in the air, it headed towards the clever blacksmith to intercept it.

"Rock dog, sharp stone attack!" Ma Shide said again.

And this time, the target is also directed at trainer Jing He.

Because there is a precedent for the immature chickadee to master the fierce bird attack, Jing He is no exception to the rock dog mastering the sharp stone attack.


With a seemingly childish cry, the rock dog raised its front legs high and then dropped them heavily.

boom! !

Following a slight shaking on the ground, the pitons one after another pierced towards Jing He like a straight line.

The tip of the sharp piton shone with a sharp cold light.

At this moment, Jing He revealed his second Pokémon.


Jing He shouted again: "Shadow Ball!"

"叏Ga! (○`)○☆"

Geng Gui emerged directly from Jing He's shadow.

At this time, the importance of Pokémon like Gengar in wild fighting and undifferentiated modes is reflected.

Its speed was so fast that the dark shadow ball condensed instantly and hit the sharp rock pillars that were shot towards it.



Jing He, who was looking at the entire scene and grasping the overall situation, was slightly startled.

"This is."

The chickadees fell straight down without any intention of dodging. Each one was taller than the other, and each one was stronger than the other huge pitons.

"One hit flow and combo flow" he muttered.


Ma Shide glanced at Jing He in surprise.

"You discovered it so quickly?"

Bang! !

The skillful blacksmith who was the first to attack knocked the young tits away with a hammer.

However, the clever blacksmith also felt unusual power from the impact of the baby tits.

It's obviously such a small one, so even if it uses Brave Bird Attack, its power shouldn't reach this level.

But it didn't think much about it at this time.

After smashing the chicks away, they attacked Masteh.

"Rock Dog, keep pushing the sand."


The rock dog immediately gave up on controlling the sharp stone attack, and instead picked up the sand on the ground and swept it towards the skillful blacksmith.

"Gengar, hypnotism!"

Jing He on the other side also immediately changed his tactics.

Geng Gui flashed and appeared not far from Ma Shide, grinning evilly and waving his hands at Ma Shide.


Ma Shide closed his eyes, then rolled forward and ran towards Jing He's direction.


Gengar shouted in annoyance.

It's a pity that Jinghe doesn't let them use "Old Jing's hypnosis" in ordinary battles. Otherwise, how could Ma Shide avoid hypnosis by closing his eyes?

at the same time.

After being smashed away by the skillful blacksmith, the chickadee let out a long cry, then once again put on the coat of a brave bird and attacked Jinghe from a high place.

Faced with this situation, Jing He also did not panic. He quickly retreated and commanded:

"Gengar, another shadow ball attack. Skillful blacksmith, ice hammer, sharp stone attack!"


Geng Gui levitated with a sinister smile, raised his hands, and two dark balls quickly formed in his palms.

Throw one to Ma Shide and the other to Rock Dog.

The skillful blacksmith's hammer was once again covered with frost. It threw the hammer directly and hit Ma Shide. Then he jumped up and smashed his fist into the ground.

Boom! !

The piton rises from the ground and blocks between the chick tit and Jing He.

The shadow ball struck behind Ma Shide.

But saw him stop suddenly.

He paused, lowered his body, put one hand on the ground, and rolled sideways.

Bang! !

The shadow ball failed!


Jing He took a slight breath.

Is this the reaction speed and ability of top fighters?

Gengar puffed his mouth.

Guigui is angry!

Meanwhile, the Skillful Forger's hammer followed.

Ma Shide narrowed his eyes, aimed at the hammer handle, and actually reached out to grab it, trying to influence the trajectory of the hammer.



Under Jing He's gaze.

Ma Shide, who was holding the hammer, was carried away from the ground by the hammer and flew to the other side with a confused look on his face.

boom! boom!

Gengar threw the shadow ball again, taking away the young tit and rock dog.

As for Ma Shide

"Cough, cough. This hammer is a bit heavy."

Ma Shide, who was lying on the ground, was pinned down by the hammer and could not move the hammer away.

The outcome is decided!

"Qiao Blacksmith." Jing He shouted.


Hearing this, the skillful blacksmith walked towards Ma Shide, preparing to get his hammer back.


Before it retrieved the hammer, a white palm grasped the hammer, and it picked it up with some difficulty under the astonished eyes of Blacksmith Qiao and Jing He.

"It's such a heavy hammer." Mi Ye said with a smile.

Jing He: "."

This is the first human he has ever seen who successfully picked up the Skillful Blacksmith's hammer, Mi Ye!

There are rumors that Miye has to take care of powerful Pokémon every day, so her power is extremely terrifying.

But I really didn’t expect it to be so exaggerated.

Not only that, Miye, who was not a trainer originally, quickly awakened her dormant talents after marrying Ma Shide. According to some apprentices, her strength may have been as strong as Ma Shide.


The clever blacksmith tilted his head, took the hammer, and said thank you.

The hammer still doesn't seem heavy enough?

We need to collect more metals.

"What a wonderful battle."

Ma Shide patted the dust on his clothes and stood up, smiling: "Xiao Hehe, you won the former champion, how do you feel?"

Is this called winning?

Jing He secretly murmured that if his opponent hadn't been Ma Shide, if Ma Shide hadn't used the young tits and rock dogs, it would have been over long ago.

In the undifferentiated mode, the trainer's combat effectiveness also has a great impact on the battle situation.


A girl with a pink pompadour and purple eyeshadow was hiding at the door with a lollipop in her mouth. She witnessed the whole process with deep shock and a little admiration in her eyes.

Who is this person? He actually beat Master Ma

Ma Shide took back the chick tit and rock dog, and said again:

"Xiao Hehe, you passed the test."


How can it be repaired?

"Cunning and cunning" Master Ma!

He even used the no-difference mode to prevent himself from deliberately losing, otherwise he might be beaten to the point where his parents would not recognize him.

But after Jing He pursed his lips, he persisted and said:

"Master Ma, I have to rely on fate to conquer Pokémon. If there is no fate with me, no matter how good the Pokémon is, I will not do it."

"I won't let you down."

"Then I'll prepare lunch." Miye smiled and waved her hand.

Jing He followed Ma Shide's footsteps with a strange look on his face.

He had already made up his mind.

This time the Pokémon must be upright.

It seems a bit difficult.

But the most important thing must be satisfied

Gotta live well!

Otherwise it will not be collected!

My own purse can no longer bear the unbearable burden.

Under the leadership of Ma Shide, they came to a forest with dense vegetation.

Where are the Pokémon?

Jing He looked around.

"over there."

Ma Shide raised his hand and pointed to a patch of grass.

There was a Pokémon lying faintly there, seemingly sleeping?

The commotion of the battle just now was not small, but he was still sleeping?

Jing He took out the Pokédex.

For Pokémon that don’t show moves, the Pokédex is better than the [Pokédex].

【Didi! The Bear Apprentice is a Fist Pokémon. Although it is a legendary Pokémon with fighting attributes, the former champion of the Galar region, Mast, seems to have raised a large group of them, and its legendary attributes are open to question.]

[Bear Apprentice is a serious Pokémon with a righteous and fighting heart.]

It is really Bear Apprentice!

A righteous and fighting heart.

"Little guy, wake up." Masted went forward to wake up the sleeping Bear Apprentice.


Bear Apprentice rubbed his sleepy eyes, and when he saw Jinghe and Gengar and the Blacksmith beside him, he stood up with a grunt.

He immediately tightened the hair on the back of his head like a headdress, and took a fighting stance.

Its eyes were firm and serious, and it swung two fists with both hands, locking the Blacksmith carrying a hammer.

Look, what a righteous look Jinghe thought.


Hey! I planted this tree!

What does it mean?

Jinghe looked at Masted.

The old man did not change his face, and said in a serious tone: "Little guy told you not to destroy the tree."

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