Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 237 Ordinary Radish Seeds (Monthly Ticket Request!)

Two days later.

A gentle breeze blew over the sky of Kai Island. In the flying taxi, Jing He held a paper bag in his hand with a slightly strange expression.

The bear apprentice leaned on the window, tears in his eyes, biting his lips, and waved goodbye to the island below.

"Ku~! (;Д`)"

Goodbye, my novice village!

We will definitely succeed in the uprising!


Mashide, Miye and a group of martial arts apprentices could not suppress the joy and relief on their faces, and waved goodbye to them.

Finally sent them away!

Kai Island can finally be peaceful for a while!

The Poké Ball on Jing He's waist opened automatically, and the Giant Forge appeared in the car.


Seeing that it had no intention of attacking Steel Armor Crow, Jing He breathed a sigh of relief.

But the Giant Forge also looked reluctant.

"Chiu~~" (I'm really reluctant to leave.)

But almost all the Steel Crows on Armor Island have been plucked by it.

Yesterday, it saw a group of Steel Crows sneaking around to migrate late at night.

It was called back by it, otherwise it would cause an imbalance in the ecology of Armor Island, which would be bad.

As for how it was called back,

According to one of the Steel Crows at the scene:

"Ga! Ga! Ga!!"

The general meaning is

You don't know how scary that pink demon with a big hammer is.

It looks harmless, but it's so exciting when it plucks its hair!

Originally, this is nothing, as long as they fly high enough and don't focus on the hammer, it will be fine.

But who would have thought that the pink demon actually has a flying dragon! !

And, more importantly, the flying dragon does nothing else but use this big move, and never misses!

Who can stand this?

Jing He glanced at the Giant Forge and the Haxorus.

If they don't leave, the Steel Crows on the Armor Island will probably be extinct.

He also saw this scene by coincidence.

A group of Steel Crows with sparse feathers were jumping back and forth on the ground cautiously looking for food, and none of them dared to fly up.

As long as they fly up.

They will be killed in seconds if they show their heads!

As a last resort, Jinghe still took out a lot of energy cubes to compensate.

At least they have to maintain their normal life and nutritional intake.

Otherwise, how can they grow feathers in the future.

'I am still kind-hearted.' Jinghe couldn't help thinking in his heart.

The little Vulpix curled up in his arms twisted its body twice and called out softly twice.

"Ouwu~~" (It's so good without the sadness of separation~~)

It hates separation the most, but this time it seems to have a good sense.

Sadness of separation?

Jinghe pulled the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the Gengar sitting opposite him, who looked harmless and was eating poisonous mushrooms.

In fact, if it was just the Giant Forge, it would be okay.

At most, it was just the Steeljaw on Hoho Island.

Gengar was the nightmare of most Pokémon on the island at night, and the source of fear.

After exchanging the characteristics of the Giant Forge, it took the sleeping but still able to move freely and stronger apprentice bear into the woods at night.

God knows what they did.


In Gengar's words, that is - I am born to be a jungler!

To describe it in the words of the apprentice bear after waking up - thank nature for its overly generous "gift"!

In just a few days, it was almost equivalent to the "gift" that the apprentice bear had given on the island for more than half a year.

It is said.

One day, Mi Ye went to the island to pick mushrooms and wanted to make mushroom soup for everyone.

As a result, he walked four or five kilometers and didn't see a single mushroom!

That night, the food for the apprentices in the martial arts hall was steamed buns with pancakes.

There was not enough water to drink, so they had to fight before distributing it.

Noticing Jinghe's sight, Gengar ate the mushroom in one bite and showed a "harmless" smile.

"Geng Ga~~" (I like this place very much, too.)

Armor Island is so nice. The Pokémon on the island speak nicely and have their own abilities. They are all talented people. It really likes this place.

Jing He smiled bitterly: "Haha."

But speaking of it.

In order to send them off, Mashid and Miye also gave a thank-you gift (crossed out).

It was the paper bag of seeds in Jing He's hand.

At first, Jing He didn't understand why he was given a bag of seeds. He didn't run a farm.

I only heard Miye say:

"This is a bag of seeds that are a few years old. It's a pity that I can't grow them, but they are not small. They were passed down from the King of Galar in ancient times."

When Miye was the president of a trading company, he was lucky enough to purchase this batch of seeds, but he couldn't grow anything.

When Jing He got this bag of seeds, his first reaction was.

The seeds from the Galar region in ancient times, after so many years, can still grow things, right?

But until he opened the bag.

When he saw the seeds inside were full and crystal clear, and even emitted a faint glow, a question mark appeared on his head, just like Slowpoke.

Is this a seed from ancient times?

Fortunately, the [illustration] gave it a hint.

[Radish seeds: In land full of ice and snow, they will grow into ice radishes, and in land full of ghosts and death, they will grow into black radishes (you’re welcome)]

The moment Jinghe saw the words "Ice Radish" and "Black Radish", he thought of a Pokémon——

Cauliflower head (crossed out) Lei Guanwang!

King Lei Guan, the legendary king who once ruled the Galar region in ancient times, possesses extremely high wisdom and is said to be able to see everything in the past, present and future.

It controls the harvest and is known as the "King of Plenty".

King Lei Guan has two beloved horses, namely Snowstorm Horse and Ghost Horse. They like to eat ice radish and black radish the most.

But the problem is

Jing He shook the paper bag in his hand. There were still many seeds in it.

"Even if you give it to me, I can't grow it."

The conditions for growing this "radish seed" are too harsh.

Regarding King Lei Guan, Snowstorm Horse, and Ghost Horse, they have become little-known legends in the Galar region.

If it weren't for King Lei Guan's laziness, perhaps the Galar region would still be under its rule.

He thought about it.

"Actually, it can't be said that there is no chance at all."

Jing He glanced at Bing Liuwei in his arms and Geng Gui opposite him.

The reason why "radish seeds" are difficult to grow is that few people now know about its harsh conditions.

after all.

Who would plant seeds in the snow?

Let alone planting it in the cemetery.

In addition, these "radish seeds" were also obtained by Miye with great difficulty.

If she hadn't owned a trading company, ordinary people wouldn't have had much chance to come into contact with these seeds.


He asked Ice Vulpix to create a small patch of snow, and then asked Gengar to create a "pseudo cemetery" full of ghostly atmosphere. Is there a chance to grow these two kinds of radishes?

It’s not that I want to use these two kinds of carrots to fool Snowstorm Horse and Ghost Horse.

Even if a being like King Lei Guan wants to subdue these two horses, he has to use a special "rein" to do so.

In any case, Snowstorm and Ghosthorse are also legendary Pokémon that are powerful, rough, arrogant, and very bellicose.

It's not just a random person who can be conquered by using a carrot, or even establish a friendly relationship.

His thoughts are.

Since even Snowstorm Horse and Ghost Horse like to eat these two kinds of radishes, and the growing conditions are so harsh, they are definitely not ordinary radishes.

If it can be grown, it should be very nutritious to make "carrot glutinous rice cake" for Little Vulpix and Gengar.

"You can give it a try when you go back."

The backyard of the cafe was pretty empty anyway, and he had been thinking about planting some vegetables, trees, and fruits.

I just couldn’t figure out what to plant, so I put it on hold for now.

"Speaking of which, the Pokémon world is actually quite suitable for farms."

Many Pokémon crops, such as tree fruits, not only have little seasonal demand, but can also be harvested several times a year.

The only requirement.

It may be that the soil requirements are relatively high.

After arriving in Gongmen City in a flying taxi, Jing He did not stay too much in the Galar region.

Instead, he took a plane directly back to the Hoenn area.

On the one hand, I can’t wait to go back and plant the seeds.

On the other hand, there is a more important reason.

After seeing the super-giant steel-armored crow, I realized that the Galar particles in the Galar region are now unstable, or that the Infinitus is unstable.

Although I don’t know the specific reason.

But if a beam of Galar particles falls on your Pokémon, especially Gengar, you will be in big trouble!

God knows how much trouble this fat little purple guy could cause.

Moreover, in Jing He's opinion, with his luck, the probability of "just in case" can completely remove the two zeros after the decimal point.

Run away quickly.

To avoid causing trouble.

The only bad thing is that the Galar region is too far away from Hoenn, and the flight takes a long time.

"Finally home."

After a long flight, Jing He and the others finally returned to their familiar home.

Open the elf ball and release all the little guys.

The first thing after returning home is to let apprentice Xiong get familiar with the environment.

Compared with the Pokémon's strength, Jing He's ability to smoothly integrate into the big family is what Jing He values ​​more.

Even though Disciple Bear has already become one with Gengar and the others.

But that was on Armor Island, a place familiar to Disciple Xiong.

"After changing to a new home, it is inevitable that there will be some discomfort."

He was making coffee on the first floor, feeling a little unsure.

Second floor.


Is this our home base?


Geng Gui hugged Disciple Bear.

In the evening, I will take you to see the country we have conquered!

Vulpix, the Great Blacksmith, and Hackron all showed knowing smiles.


Disciple Xiong’s eyes shone.

Is this a gang? I love gangs!

It feels so safe!


The little guys began to recommend their own "toys" to the apprentice bear.

"Ooo~~" (You can climb these shelves as you like.)

"Cha~cha~" (You can also play with these iron beasts at will~~)

"Hooo~~" (You can take a bath in the bathtub~)

Gengar took out his sunglasses and put them on.

"哓GA~~" (Leave home, encounter an unknown wild Pokémon, tell me my name, Lord of Fear!)

Disciple Xiong was stunned for a moment.

He sniffed and nodded seriously.

"Kuku!" (The gang's sense of honor has been found!)

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