Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 250: Insomnia Dream Eclipse (ask for monthly votes!)

Kanaz Pokémon Academy, Pokémon Counseling Room.

Jing He, who was drinking coffee, was browsing news on the Internet, especially news about poachers.

At the same time, he also continued to answer questions for some people seeking Pokémon psychological counseling online.

Nowadays, he cannot be said to be very authoritative when it comes to Pokémon's psychological issues, but he is quite famous.

Many of the more common problems have become easier to solve.

Bang bang bang——

The sudden sound made him look slightly sideways.

When he heard this sound, he didn't even have to think about it. It must have been caused by the giant blacksmith. Every day on the Armor Island, the steel armor crow feathers were smashed, and there was such a sound.

Follow the sound.


The Great Blacksmith was squatting in the corner, tinkering with his hammer.

You can see that under its hammer are several smooth, round and sharp blades.

But these sharp blades, made of unknown materials, had little ability to "resist" under its hammer, and were quickly bent and rounded.


Jing He was slightly startled.

Is that the blade that slashed the commander?

When did you get it?

Slowly coming back to reality.

Just then I remembered that among the two poachers in Yingxue City, there was a commander who was attacking


Gengar on the side was taking out the remaining blade from his mouth and handing it to the giant blacksmith.

"Cha Cha~"

The Great Blacksmith gently wiped his forehead, not forgetting to express his gratitude to Gengar.

You two have a really good relationship.


When Jing He didn't notice, Gengar exchanged the characteristics of the giant blacksmith, and then took away the commander's blade.

In my heart, I silently mourned for Commander Pi Zhan for three seconds.

Dong Dong——

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Then the other party pushed the door directly in.

"Teacher Jinghe."

Dawu came in with a smile on his face, "Congratulations, teacher, for winning the ice sculpture competition."


Disciple Xiong, who was lying on the single sofa and was about to fall asleep, suddenly jumped up from the sofa.

Come to life!

It lay in front of Dawu, braced its horse, punched twice vigorously, stared at Dawu closely, and shouted loudly:

"Ku! Ku~!"

Hey! I drive this way!

Daigo: "??"

A black line appeared on Jing He's forehead. He stood up and walked to the bear apprentice. He grabbed the thick mane on its back and lifted it aside.

Dawu stared blankly as Jing He easily lifted Disciple Xiong up with one hand.

It turns out that the rumors on the Internet are true, and Teacher Jing He is really a top fighter!

No wonder King Xiba invited Teacher Jinghe to fight


"This is my student." Jing He said angrily.

Hearing this, Disciple Xiong showed a look of surprise, and after landing, he cupped his fists and saluted Dawu.


I'm so rude!

Then he looked at Jing He, his eyes full of admiration.

My trainer is really full of talents all over the world!

With such a foundation, why worry about failing to achieve great things?

"Teacher, this is"

"I've heard too much about the Three Kingdoms." Jing He said casually.

Recently, not only Disciple Bear, but also all the little ones including Geng Gui, have been fascinated by the "Jing He Storytelling" session in the evening.

Jing He waved his hand, "Don't worry, this is the first time for apprentice Xiong to come to the consultation room."

Three Kingdoms?

Apprentice Bear?

Is it Teacher Jinghe’s new Pokémon?

Daigo nodded.

"By the way, Daigo, how is your Tentacle Lily?"

Hearing this, Daigo smiled again and said, "Thanks to Teacher You's help, it has gradually accepted the current environment and has begun training."

That's good.

It is not easy for the resurrected ancient Pokémon to adapt to the current environment.

"Want to drink coffee?" Jing He asked.


Only then did Dawu remember that he came to Jing He today, on the one hand to express congratulations on winning the championship, and on the other hand to ask for help.

But it wasn't him, but one of his friends.

Or more accurately, an old friend of his father's.

The "Parks" family are quite close friends with the Zivuch family.


"That's right."

Then Daigo explained briefly.

His friend has a Pokémon at home, and he hasn't slept day or night lately, which has caused a lot of things to happen at home.

After seeking help from many sources, I found Dawu.

Naturally, Dawu recommended Jing He immediately. When he learned that Jing He had returned from the Carlos area, he immediately came to find him.

"Pokémon, don't sleep."

Jing He gently rubbed his chin.

This is easy to handle.

After all, when it comes to hypnosis and sleep aid, whether it is him, Gengar or Vulpix, they are all professionals.

If that doesn't work, you can still go to the Great Blacksmith.

It can definitely give most Pokémon a good night's sleep, both physically and mentally.

But Jing He still asked: "What Pokémon is it?"

"Dream Dream Eclipse."

Jing He: "?"

Mengmeng is a half-asleep and half-awake Pokémon with superpower attributes. It looks like a tapir, but it is cuter and is pink and purple in color.

It is said.

Dream Eclipse and Hypnotic Tapir have the same ancestor, because they both look like tapirs, and they are both psychic Pokémon.

But Jing He said: Impossible, absolutely impossible!

As a half-asleep Pokémon, Dream Eclipse should theoretically be dozing off most of the time.

They can absorb the dreams of humans or Pokémon and use them as nutrients to convert into their own energy.

When they just wake up, they occasionally get angry. If you provoke them at this time, they will become extremely terrifying.

A nightmare is inevitable.

So once Dream Eclipse loses sleep or can't sleep, the consequences are still quite serious.

But let's be reasonable.

How can Dream Eclipse lose sleep?

Sitting in Daigo's car, driving to his friend's house, Jinghe silently recalled the information about Pokémon such as Dream Eclipse.

Daigo also briefly narrated and introduced the "Parks" family.

Mr. Bende of the Parks family worked hard with Daigo's father, Mr. Zifuchi Mujin, when he was young.

When President Zifuchi founded Devon Company, he provided a lot of help and was also one of the important shareholders of Devon Company.

However, Mr. Bende withdrew from the management of Devon Company ten years ago.

He lived with his family in a small farm on the outskirts of Kanaz City, leading a plain farming life.

Of course, the shares of Devon he held were enough for him and his descendants to live a carefree life.

There was no so-called intrigue or struggle for rights and interests, but everyone's pursuit was different.

Although Bende withdrew from the management of Devon Company, he still maintained a certain connection with Mr. Zfuchi and their Zfuchi family.

Jinghe was not envious.


Not at all.

"In fact, my father has always envied Uncle Bende's family. If possible, he would also like to live like that." Daigo sighed.

Bende can withdraw because he is not the helmsman of Devon.

But Mr. Zfuchi Mujin obviously can't.

What he represents is not just the Zfuchi family. I don't know how many people's expectations are on his shoulders.

This is also the reason why Daigo was entangled in the dilemma of choosing between trainers and management companies.

He knew what his father wanted.

But now he is no longer confused.

He wants everything, which has become his final choice.

He is the one who is rich and the first.

"In fact, I also yearn for this kind of life." Jing He said with a smile.

When he gets old, he will take his little ones to live in the mountains and lead a shameless and stress-free life.

The car drove out of the bustling streets and entered the suburbs.

The Parks family lives on a relatively remote mountain.

Not long after, the car came to a wooden house built in the woods, which was not too big.

There was no snow in Kanaz City, but the trees and shrubs here were still covered with a layer of snow.

This is also normal.

After all, the temperature in the city is relatively high.

The suburbs, especially the suburbs with relatively high terrain, have lower temperatures, and the first snow of winter will come earlier.

When they arrived.

A gray-haired old couple was already waiting at the gate of the fence, and there were several Pokémon beside them.

For example, the Double Axe War Dragon and the Flame Red Tumbler standing next to Mr. Bender.

Following the old woman, Mr. Bender's wife, Mrs. Shannon, Ariados, Electric Electric Bug, Orb-Spined Spider, and Farfetch'd

It can be seen.

They should live in harmony with Pokémon.

After a brief introduction, Jinghe, Mr. Bender and Mrs. Shannon knew each other.

The four of them and a group of Pokémon walked into the wooden house.

A lava worm quietly poked its head out of the fireplace and looked at them curiously.

The temperature of the lava worm made the whole house very warm.

"Geng ga?"

In Jinghe's shadow, Gengar poked his head out and greeted the lava worm.

The lava worm was so scared that it shrank back into the chimney.

Mr. Bender briefly told Jinghe about the situation of Mengmeng Eclipse, and both he and Mrs. Shannon showed worry in their eyes.

So Jinghe said directly:

"Where is Mengmeng Eclipse? Can I take a look first?"

"In the room upstairs, we are afraid that it will run out and affect other Pokémon, so we can only lock it in the room." Mrs. Shannon said.

"I'll take you to see it, Teacher Jinghe."

Mr. Bend said, walking up the wooden stairs, and also reminded:

"But, Teacher Jinghe, you still have to be careful. The child is in a bad mood because of insomnia, so..."

"It's okay." Jinghe smiled, "I'll pay attention."


Geng Gui came out of the shadows, patted his chest at Mr. Bend, and smiled.

With it, it will protect Jinghe.

Seeing Gengar, Mr. Bend was slightly stunned, and then smiled:

"It looks like a very reliable partner."


Geng Gui gave Bend a thumbs up.

You have a good eye!

"It's here."

They stopped in front of a wooden door and could vaguely hear the sound of something breaking inside.

"Geng Gui." Jing He stopped Geng Gui who was about to stick his head in without opening the door.

Took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

With a "squeak", the wooden door slowly opened.

And inside the room.

A Mengmeng Eclipse was floating in the air, and black smoke kept coming out from its head.

The black smoke kept changing its shape, and it even seemed that there was some picture flashing.

When Jinghe saw the outline of the black smoke, he was subconsciously stunned.

Why does it look familiar?

At the same time.

Mengmeng Eclipse, with red eyes, also noticed their arrival.

The black smoke became surging in an instant.


Geng Gui smiled grimly and waved at Mengmeng Eclipse.

Do you want to feel fear too?


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